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Aye, so a bit's happening within the last few days, just gonna quickly run this down because I got scheduled to come back to work soon (I'm feeling a lot better now, hope it goes well haha), I'll see if I can write down a better announcement when I can sit down again:

  • Due to the amount of unfortunate mishaps last month, I wasn't really able to get my "break" works and other incomplete projects done yet, so this month I gotta devote it to that as well.
  • No monthly poll again (sorry) but there will be sketch suggestions again! Looking to return back to doing polls in the new year!
  • I've already discussed it with Creator Crownies but announcing it publicly, but the Creator Crownie tier is going up in price. Don't worry, everything else will remain the same!
  • I requested an extra month to prepare for the next term of Creator Crownie comics so no starting frames this month either, but that's why I'll be doing the more sketches as I mentioned above!
  • These latest Creator Crownie comics will be released daily for the next coming few days in alphabetical order by patron, just letting yall know that so I don't weirdly end up burying announcement/status posts in between em ahaa
  • I plan on releasing pages 1.15 and 1.16 of FRIENDS ON ANOTHER SIDE in one week to make up for this week's missing page, sorry about that!
  • Urgent project I'm trying to finish after that is the catgirl TG animation. all hands on deck!!!!!!!

thank you so very much for the patience and understanding, sorry for all the delays and stuff, the second half of November got really rough for me and I'm doing my best to return things to a normal, healthy equilibrium. Let's goooooo


Anata Suru

Oops, and I had just noticed that a slot opened for Creator Crownie XD Been waiting all year for that!


Happy you're getting back to health!