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Howdy! Happy November, hope yall had a pleasant Halloween and thank you for enjoying yesterday's Halloween comic! We entering Mariah Carey season very quickly haha, best be prepared for that.

So as mentioned in a few previous posts, this month will be a bit different due to a variety of various workflow reasons, the short of it being that I'm taking a bit of a catchup/rest month! There's currently a lot on my plate right about now that I've been meaning to finish while also needing to balance out my day job/art job/health/personal life ratio, which I feel could always be better than just chronic work work work, work work work, haha.

What this immediately means is that I won't be doing a monthly TG sequence, buuuuuuut that's not to say I won't be doing content, nor stuff without interaction! Here's a list of things on my itinerary for this month, in terms of catchup:

  • Continue doing weekly pages of FRIENDS ON ANOTHER SIDE!
  • Finish the colored sketch promised from last month!
  • Finish page 5 and 6 of the Creator Crownie comics (completing this term by the end of November!)
  • Finish the "Just Your Luck" catgirl TG animation!

Which.... yeah, that's a lot right now, haha. Not only that, here's also a bunch of other personal endeavors I've wanted to be able to do on my own time, that have also been pretty overdue:

  • Doing fake "promo posters" for comic series I wanna do at some point: "RunGunBun" (zany 90's anime-inspired scifi), "Pray For Them" (black comedy isekai parody), Thank You For Listening (TG/music slice of life), "Untitled Cyberpunk Magical Girl Project" (it's what it says lol), and "His Name=Her Name" (mundane coming-of-age MTF/FTM story).
  • Doing some character art for my IRL DND party friends (I've promised it for a few months now, I really wanna get to it before Christmas lol)
  • Just some general more OC art. Oh yes I remember when I last drew my OCs, haha. They need some love! And I wanna design more new characters!
  • Oh yeah also some fanart too, that would be really fun.

aaaaand while I'm at it, some extra things that are on my mind: I wanna do more collabs in the coming year -- I've been approached by a few artists who really want to do some kind of crossover project with me, and I've seriously struggled to be able to make time for them amidst all my many other obligations and other personal plans despite me also really really wanting to do them.

I would very likely need to end up doing some major shifts to how I handle my scheduled obligations to do so, which is what I plan on figuring out this month, especially thanks to this current term of Creator Crownie comics coming to a close (that unintended alliteration, lol). That is a private discussion I will need to discuss soon, so add that on my plate aha -- expect news about how I'll be handling future Creator Crownie comics sometime before the end of the year, because I think as yall can assess: it's a lot right now, haha

But ok, so what about participation this month?

Alright so, I want to say right off the bat, thank you for continuing to support and follow me during all this recent personal miasma I've been working through, and I greatly appreciate the early assurance of my intent to do this "rest" month. I apologize for skipping out on the monthly poll, but good news is that I still plan on being able to do some sketches in between my other pursuits for this month!

To make things a little more special: for this month, I'm allowing all patrons of $5 and up to participate in suggesting ideas for character art/small pinup pieces they'd like to see from me :D I have a particular hankering for doing some general non-TG fanart and mostly fun standalone character design stuff, but if you have a TG idea of your own that you think I can shove into a one-panel sketch, I would not complain! Will be sure to pursue the most popular suggestions! I don't have a sure number on how many I'd be able to do this month, but I don't have a hard cap of 4, so I'm imagining there's gonna be a lotta possibilities being tossed around. Will have a post for it up later today after work!




Make sure you organize your time well so you don't experience any burnout! As for a suggestion for fanart, I'm a big Doctor Who fan. There's a character named Romana II who always wears incredible outfits and dresses, I'd love to see you do fanart of her!


After you reorganize your schedule, don't be afraid to make changes to it in the future. Getting daily stuff to work for you is a long process and it's nothing to be ashamed of if it takes more time than you expected or if you meet some issues on the way