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short version: I've been sleeping in the car the last few days and it's weirdly made me feel better haha

longer version: I went to my doctor a few days ago regarding some because my sleep schedule has been really stunted lately because of a bunch of reasons, ESPECIALLY the construction that happens right next to me in the early morning, which is not only loud, but it kicks up dust and sets off my allergies even with all my windows closed. so I've been waking up feeling increasingly fatigued, stuffy, and with chronic chest pain for the last few weeks

was consulting with my doctor on if the chest pain especially was the result of me undersleeping or something of the allergies, and she posited that it was both, and they could feed into each other really badly. I had to find a new way to both get more sleep and avoid allergens, and because I can't take my meds before I wake up at 6:30 in the morning... yeah I've been sleeping in my car.

and genuinely? I'm starting to feel better, haha. I'm actually kind of disappointed at how comfortable it is, but I'm getting more of the rest I need and my heart feels significantly less like ass.

So the issue for right now is that I've had to adjust my workflow again, and it's going to need to be adjusted for as long as THIS FUCKING CONSTRUCTION WORK will take place. apologies for the delays as I've been trying to figure this out, I do plan on doing catchup as my health gets better on track.

What I'm tentatively thinking of for November is that I'm going to be doing a sort of "rest" month where I'm not going to be doing a typical monthly TG project; rather, I'm just going to be doing a personal catch-up on some things I've been meaning to get onto for a while, including finishing the catgirl TG animation, re-establishing my proper content buffer for "Friends on Another Side", as well as some personal obligations I've been meaning to get through like character sketches I've wanted to draw for months now but have been too busy to do.

I still do want to include some degree of project participation though, so for November, something I've been thinking is just a general "open suggestion box" for some (likely non-TG) fanart you'd like to see me do. I've been really wanting to draw fanart again for a long time, I think I'll leave a post where you can leave suggestions of characters you'd like to see in my style, and I'll see how much I can get done while I recuperate with everything :D

Also, as this last term of Creator Crownie comics are coming to a close, I'm thinking about what I can do to make the next term more manageable so I'm less likely to be racked by missed deadlines, I will be consulting those involved first before I make any big announcements.

Thank you for your understanding, the next page of "Friends on Another Side" (it's gonna be a big one!!!!!) and the Halloween comic will be out soon!!!!! Your patience and support will be duly rewarded, looking forward to getting back to work under more sane circumstances :D



As someone with asthma and massive allergies, I can feel the wheeze through he screen. Whether it be car or fridge, it's always the oddest things that end up safer. Do whatever you need to stay safe, that matters the most.


Seconded! I don't have asthma but it sucks you have to put up with construction work like that. Stay strong 💖🏳️‍⚧️