Some necessary project rescheduling (Patreon)
Good morning! Gonna give a brief rundown of what's been happening the last few days for me: this month's projects have been more or less locked in, namely with my monthly sketches and upcoming Halloween comic, as well as continuation on Friends on Another Side and the Creator Crownie comics!
As for the upcoming "Just Your Luck" catgirl animation (yaaaay proper title!), there's a few setbacks going on, and for that, I have a confession to make: a few nights ago, the animation file I was working on got corrupted, right as I was like 80% complete. Now, good news is that most of the actual character frames/background assets and stuff survived because I kept them as separate files (my animation process is very particular, check my BTS post of my last animation for details!), but this meant the actual animation part was lost, as were some of my VFX.
After failing to salvage the file, I was cramming to work the last few days trying to make up for lost time remaking the animation part from scratch, and hopefully no one would have to notice anything went wrong, but I ended up enduring myself some particularly stressful worknights, combined with some other inconveniences (including construction happening outside my place creating noise and setting off my allergies bad). I'm starting to realize my health is gonna get into another bad spot again that's going to really disrupt the quality of not just this animation, but all my other projects this month, so I'm going to need to do some necessary rescheduling before I really mess up my deadlines even further.
Fortunately, it should be pretty uncomplicated: I'm just going to get to my current monthly obligations out there, and then get to focusing back on the animation again once it's over -- I already slotted in November to be slightly more of a "buffer" month to let myself breathe as I transition onto a gentler work cycle (as well as the new Creator Crownie cycle), so I'm expecting "Just Your Luck" to come out early on in November.
I apologize deeply for this circumstance and hope yall understand the tough decision I needed to make for this. I'm greatly excited for this animation and thank you very very much for your collective support to make it happen, it will just require a little bit more time to keep things up to the quality yall expect. It really means the best!