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There's a lot on my mind atm and wanna run em by you for thoughts. Without really getting deep into specifics, I've been kinda stressed out about a lot of things lately, mostly personal anxieties regarding my work and other obligations.

I've been getting work done, but also not as much as I would want, and I feel like I might be pushing myself way too hard. UNHOLY BLISS (especially part 3) took way longer to do than I would've hoped, and the animation job was crammed in way too tight in between a buncha occasions where I needed to step away to do things for my nearby family members, including plans for next week.

Now my monthly TG sequence (the robot girl costume store one!) is underway as are my first frames of the $25 sequence takers, so expect that in the next few days! But as for UNHOLY BLISS.... I may need to rethink it a bit. As much as I really want to do this animation, I feel like right now is actually not a good time to force myself into it in between a lot of other things of big concern. An insult to injury kinda came late last night as hours after I posted Part 2 on Twitter, it ended up being flagged for "sensitive content", which I think kinda kneecapped the response.

So right now, short of it is I need to put UNHOLY BLISS on hiatus. I know a lot of people REALLY wanna see it finished, myself included, but unfortunately it's starting to become a really big burden and I need to ease off the big projects -- I just got finished with SCHOOL SPIRIT and wanna move onto smaller stuff or shorter-term commissions (if you follow my Twitter, you know I have a ton of ideas for it lol). It was ultimately kind of a personal project for me anyway (partly motivated by my need for car repair money aha) but due to my current personal situation as well as the low activity turnout, I feel like trying to pursue it at this time is gonna do longterm damage, and I really wanna return to mental stability soon.

I just need a bit of a personal cleanse. After getting through these other Patron-backed commissions in the next week (as well as the poll for July's TG sequence), expect me to draw some lower-maintenance TG content and also OC work for the next while. Depending on how it goes, I may end up FINALLY doing one-off commission work again, though as time has already jinxed me in the past, I'm not sure how I'll follow through on that haha.

Deepest apologies, I just need some breathing room, hopefully I'll be up and running and better than ever once I can mentally recharge myself. Thank you :D


Taboo Gem

Take your time Cosmo! You’ve been working hard and I’m glad to see you take a break!


if you need to take time away from anything you should, your health is more important then getting any artstuff done or released Soon .


All good we can wait. What matters is your health and any family stuff you have to take care off.


Take as much time as you need ^^ family and personal life should always come first

Chiaki Hirai

You do you. Sometimes you can't work as much as you think you can, and that's normal because, really, you're doing more as you get better and you should be taking more time and working in the rest you need!