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oof, apologies for being so late this time! no idea why this update took so long! nevertheless i hope you enjoy what me and meek came up with!

if you have any questions about how the comic works you can check meek's faq here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zFVp56skELmTs4euEkc65cZGaMGVg05xyq3McV8jWkc/edit



Star Ringer

WINTER STAR: *knocks back another vodka on the rocks at the full service bar in the Astroliminal, which I decided just now is where the Stars are when they're not doing shit, and slams the empty glass on the bar next to all the others* WINTER STAR: Fuck it. WINTER STAR: *conjures up a flash snowfall, the snap of which curls the leaves in the forest and the blades in the field, pebbles the skin and the spirit, and shocks the distracted mind back to physical sensation, where the flakes fling and alight upon winds imperceptible except where they brush the frozen droplets in dancing spirals that call up memories long-forgotten and glories of wintertimes long, long ago by connecting the barest hint of connection to cry 'here, here' to any who might notice, and sets it free to do what, where, and when it may upon the world or the worlds within worlds without... ...and orders another vodka on the rocks.*

Zen Furo

Occult Star: Break through this world... Back to your own... Back to Cherry... He's helping you all... Trying to shatter the minor god's hold... Have faith in him... and yourself... Action: Increase the party's willpower by reminding them of their actual reality.

Glitch the Iron

Iron Star: Old Wolf. Warrior. I grant you a will of Iron to bolster your heart.