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alright time for another update for zap & andy! this week i've been still working on the initial areas of the level, and focused on finishing the second stage of corruption for harry and the third one.

so i finishing adding details to the luxury suite room and added some small animations to make it feel more alive

also made the outside of the entrance of the hotel. Not particularly exciting, but it needed doing! 

after that i focused on our hellnaut friend. It's generally not really advidsable to eat food from hell, it goes straight to your gut. But it sure is addicting-

the third stage for harry involves him partaking in the hotel finest vintage, and in general getting piss off drunk. The bunny valets make their appearance in this stage , pouring endless wine in his cup (still have to animate that part, the anim in general is still a WIP), and they'll remain at his side as he continues to gain sins.

aand that's p much it regarding the work i did this week on the project. Still doing little details and adjustments for this first area as we decide how to set up the level properly, so apologies for the lack of variety (and the update being so late!) in any case i hope you liked it! more to come!




I love this world you've built, and i know its odd to say this but i'd love to live in this hell~

Neth Rusiki Azhti

im growing more and more excited about the next update like, these concepts are so hot! and the execution is even better!!!