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apologies for the late post! my sleepy ass took a nap and woke up an hour later than normal! anyways this update introduces the upgrade of the ring the arbiters of fate granted to it quite a bit ago at this point, STARCALLING.

the concept for this is basically a summon that manifests the personification of one of the stars on vidora for a powerful attack. Think of the summons in the final fantasy series.

the concept for this is basically a summon that manifests the personification of one of the stars on vidora for a powerful attack. Think of the summons in the final fantasy series.

if you want to partecipate in a starcall me and meek need a couple things:

1- an image or description of the personification of your star, write it down the comments along with the action the personification will do. the personification doesn't need to be strictly a person, so you can get creative with it. Just remember i'll have to draw it, so be merciful on the details lol XD

2- what kind of attack they will perform once summoned. You can write it in the comments just like any other action. Remember that magic in this setting is not permanent, and the ring's power is still limited. You'll likely won't be able to explode the world, cure the heat and things like that, so be reasonable!

aside from that there are some other rules to this.

-only the characters in the comic can call upon the stars, and there'll be a cooldown on how often it can occur

-the star will perform a single attack, magic or feat and then disappear back into the ring

-ultimately we'll decide how things pan out, so please be civil in case of changes and edits.

alright, that's it then, hope you like the update! catch you later peeps!

EDIT: adjusted the rules a bit, under meek's suggestion.




“Ugh. will you *please* stop yelling?” A slender, transparent arm reaches through the pseudo-minotaur and wraps its bony fingers around his snout. “you're too loud. it's *annoying*” As the figure says that, the minotaur seems to age and wither rapidly, its muscles growing too weak and atrophied to restrain Wolf any longer, before it mummifies in an instant, revealing the avatar of the Hollow Star before Wolf's eyes. It looks almost ghostly. A translucent silhouette visible less due to any physical presence and more by the fact that anything on the other side of it's spectral form seems to lose all light and color. Its head looks like a black hole; a spherical void surrounded by dull green light at its event horizon. The Hollow Star lazily strolls past the now enfeebled minotaur and lazily his hands through the monsters bullying Dominic, leaving them in a similar state as their compatriot. (and aging Dom's pants and underwear into nothing as a treat) Finally, it turns to face the party, raises his hand, and snaps his bony fingers. A sharp, clear lack of sound echoes through the hallway, and the two heroes are covered in a field of emptiness that renders the effects of both the core and Not-Cherry's auras. “There. One Deus Ex Machina, free of charge. Now never ask me for anything ever again.” The Hollow Star turns to a portal that manifests behind him. “OH, and if anyone asks: I didn't help you pecause I'm invested in this story or anything, I just wanted to cockblock the other stars, got it?” (this is probably a bit overdone, but the gist is debuff the shit out of the enemies and dispell the effects of the Dungeon/Diet Cherry)


(Going to attempt to make a constellation with Midnight Star) Focus Star: "Of course we must protect their minds against the influence of the Dungeon's magics." Focus Star shifts their focus back to being adventurers beating a dungeon to find Cherry's body.


Gosh I wouldn't even know what star to make that hasn't been chosen... Alchemist star? 🤣 Mr curly star? 😈 Possession star? A star that changes the character into another character! Hehehe muahahaha. Gosh that'd be a trip 🤪 Idk whatever gets chosen I hope it's epic aha

Jovik Darkson

If I'm not mistaken, you choose the star and domain. Is there a new update for new joiner? how about Sun Star? wait that feel like Star Star since Sun is just bigger star. 😝.


Okay, let’s give it a shot! The Oval Star: (To Wolf) “Poor furry warrior! The Lost’s juices is slowly corrupting you. Fret not, hero! I will lend my power and purify your body!” The Oval Star - StarCall The Radiant Egg of Purification Ability - The Oval Star plants its essence into a host and then incubates inside them. It absorbs the corruption and gives off a warm glow, giving the host a buff of their choice. After absorbing enough corruption, the egg is expelled from the host(via anal oviposition) and can be safely eaten by anyone, restoring their health. StarCall Manifestation description: ivory shell with transparent celestial wings and a bright, yellowish orange center that radiants like the sun


Tranquility Star: Let the corruption within you transform into new life, old hero. I will grant you the repose needed to endure this trial you must needs face that will save you from your imminent fate. Focus on pooling all the corruption within your body into your womb. Let the egg that is expelled from Wolf be partially cracked and slightly pulsing with life.

Asher Heart

Submission Star Star Callen Action: *A red glint shines from the ring, and in front of the wolf, a large plume of pinkish red fire rises out the ground- revealing the form of a large corpulent red pig-like being covered in pink leather straps and black long unruly hair, covering his back and eyes and wearing a pink leather crown.* “Ooooh what deliciously disgusting sex beast of a coach you are! But this master needs to get back to his protégé so… cower and break under my heel!” *As one round red eye ominously shines behind the star’s bangs, the star then holds up a peace sign and a pink red flame emits from his finger tips. Suddenly a large chubby-looking spectral foot summons in the air and falls, crushing the Lost Coach under its heal. The slamming foot creates a shockwave, sending an enemy that doesn’t pass an Agility Check flying backwards, and the creature underfoot must make a Willpower Check. If they pass, they just take the damage and can free themselves, but on a fail- they are zonked by the foot’s scent, becoming incapacitated and preoccupied with the astral projection of the star’s chubby wide sweaty foot.* If not chosen: “OOOOOOH YESSS! MY BRACE-FACED BUBBLE BUTT ORC!!! I’m living for this teasing- but now is not the time! The Wolf Master needs your help so let’s even the playing field!” Action: *Dom gets the condition “Powerhouse Poindexter”- his fat body turns into a musclegut and he gains both massive increases in both Intelligence (enhancing his magic) and his physical prowess, which has a slight chance to intimidate weaker Lost and enemies.

Asher Heart

https://x.com/bigolebiscuits/status/1681764138010259458?s=46 https://x.com/bigolebiscuits/status/1672035947817385985?s=46


Great update. Things are finally coming together in a way I understand what is going on lol... Red being Cherry's father just never occurred to me because they're like identical bro. Is he a clone father or something, dude. As for.... STARCALLING... this seems like a really cool and fun, and highly coveted, way to do a cameo. But Mr. Blazingcheeks, sir, if I may... I would strongly petition that you don't just select the post with the most hearts for this like all the other commands. Since its not just a cameo, its a story changing time to shine and limited, with a cooldown, clearly not everyone is going to get a chance to get their moment in the comic... I mean I'm biased... I don't even submit commands most updates these days because my work scheduled makes it hard to read the comic when updates drop, and if you don't make your post in the first couple of hours there isn't much point because you'll never get enough hearts to get your command included even if you make the greatest most horny fan-servicing prompt ever. But for something like Starcalling why not compile a list of patrons interested in participation with their form power/idea and then choose one by roulette wheel or RNG? This would also address the issue that sometimes the most popular horny prompt isn't necessarily the best or most interesting direction storywise. And that less popular patrons deserve a chance to be included too.

Macky Finn

Alright, going to give introducing a new star a shot! Chekhov’s Star: influence over resourceful ingenuity and contrived luck like the greatest of storytellers. “I know you aren’t yet acquainted with myself and may believe me late, but I assure you, my speciality is being right on time! In a show of good faith, here, my friends, a boon that will surely guarantee your success!” I would then like the star to highlight or reveal an item or tool that seems innocuous or even useless, but is actually revealed to be vital in the near future (Chekhov’s gun style).