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alright, first hh update after the break! sorry for it being a bit late and having a little less pages than usual, still re-accustoming myself to my work schedule lol XD 

as always, if you have any doubts , here's a link to meek's faq :





Librarian Star: (To Dominic) My Face Turning Orc. I know things may seem hopeless, but your friends may yet defy the Fates. If you don't mind my asking, I would like to know of these supposed Old Gods that the Current Rulers have forbidden. What do you know of them?

Robert Smith

Windchime Star- Oooh, sorry to interfere mid fight cutie, but I wonder if you have thought of Druid as a career? WATCH FOR THAT KICK! Oops, sorry... But as the big hunkalunk said, being able to use the power of the Heat for your advantage might be an incredible boon for you?


The Star of Lost Causes: "Hey, Gnoll loving stars, wouldn't these be the perfect subjects to be permanently turned into horny dumb gnolls?" I wanna try a constellation for gnollification of the bandits, if ya'll are up for that. My reasoning as for why this is in the realm of the lost causes: I really think the very insistent attempts to gnollify the main cast are a lost cause.


Blood Star: Dr. Cleric, I don't want to interrupt your feast, but I sense some duplicitousness on Enzo's part—after all of his resistance before, he seemed almost *too* eager to offer himself to you just now, no? Action: Attempt to detect and separate out any corruptive agent in the blood, which could be passed from Enzo to Dr. Cleric via the bite (i.e. attempt to protect Dr. Cleric from any blood-related shenanigans).


Discipline Star: Bandits, eh? Seems like they could both use a good sssssspanking! In fact, their boss can probably use one too!


Performers Star: Say strawberry otter, let's knock those bitches onto their asses huhuhu~ Get your dagger and grip it tight on that tail, do a handstand and I'm not sure where I saw this from but… STRAWBERRY SPINNING BLADE! ALRIGHT STARS LET IT RIP! LET'S FIGHT AND EPIC BATTLE, FACE OFF, AND SPIN THE METAL! NO TIME FOR DOUBT NOW, NO PLACE FOR BACKING DOWN! ACTION: *Help aid Cherry with defeating the bandits. Making Cherry grip his dagger in his tail. Then making him do a handstand and with the help of the Stars, spin and propel Cherry towards the Bandits and slicing them up with his knife like a beyblade.*


Harmony Star: Oh, Cherry! One of your gifts from the Stars could help you in this fight!! Try one of them out and see what they can do!!!


Nexus Star: (To Cleric and the stars) I'll be honest, I don't think killing him will solve anything. Let's make him into a bottom slut instead. He'll crave nothing but dicks and cum for the rest of his life. He'll thank us later, besides it a fate better than death. Oh before I forget, go suck your own dick Enzo or better yet, let's make it literal. *Create a portal ring to make Enzo suck his own dick.* Nexus Star: I love making bad guys fuck themselves.

Yoked Coder

I always get so pumped up seeing your game UIs. They always come out so cool. A HUGE reason I adore Fenris High so much and the level ups/combat screens. I cant wait to see more! Amazing update as always BC


Heart Star: (To Wolf) Cleric is falling down a dark path and has given into his cravings, sweet wolf. I understand your relationship with your father is... turbulent, but I believe Cleric needs you more than ever.


Dragon star: look like cherry going to need some help. Let make you imitating. *gift cherry dragon presence, everyone see him as a sexy buff dragon.*


Lodestone Star: "Attaboy, Wolf! This Helmet is just what we needed to test my hypothesis." "Now... don't be alarmed, you'll soon feel a sliiight tingle." (Drawing upon Vidora's magnetic fields, magnetized the abandoned Helmet which in turn cause the missing Armor Set's paired Job Crystal to arise from the ancient dunes as it gravitates towards Wolf's body. Marston, witnessing this kaleidoscopic spectacle of a magical girl transformation, notices eons of rust and neglect magically dissipate off the helmet. The recovered Job Crystal shining above the Canid like a diamond as the remaining armor pieces whirls around Wolf before manifesting on his body. Finally, of course, our Lupine Warrior strikes a dramatic pose.)


Performers Star: Sometimes all you need is a prop and a backstage hand to help a performer. Now Wolfy strike a pose for the spotlights and effects darlin' huhuhu~ ACTION: *Wolf gets a spotlight on himself from the discovery. As the armor manifests onto Wolf's body, colorful ribbons appear and surround parts of his body where the new shiny armor pieces will replace the ribbons. Shining like glitter upon him. As then multiple colorful spotlights shine on Wolf, the canid glistening from the spectacle he discovered upon the stage. After the magical spectacle, our canid strikes a pose right on cue! Faintly hearing applause for the stellar effects, this discovery and the show for his magical transformation.*


Good man goo man good man goo man we should love him and trust him and take him with us for the rest of the show


Loving Marston more with every update. Also, haha wow Doctor Cleric you sure are going for it. But will this make your mana deficiency better or worse?