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sorry , i meant to draw some stuff to warm myself up these days and i kind of got into, what was meant to be a quick thing became something that occupied both the days meant for benthic report! i'll resume the comic next time, apologies. But yeah , i kind of wanted to post some more lore stuff for hero's heart, and i decided to show you peeps the things that cherry studied and learned while under wolf's tutelage:

- in the gallery above you'll find all the classes he knows of, while below there's a picture showing the main races in the port zero area.

Do mind that these aren't all the races in vidora , just the ones cherry studied. We'll likely see more of them in the next stories

and here's a bit of info about them:




Endemic to: Settebello

Until recent years, Gnolls and Halflings waged petty war with each other for centuries over ownership of Settebello. 

As the Heat spread over Vidora, the two tribes were forced to accept a truce with their enemies and live together in settlements.

With the feud being of particular amusement to the Gods, notable officials meekly emphasize the temporary nature of the current peace,

but the genie's out of the bottle: Gnolls and Halflings have found they get along famously. 

Gnolls are divided into traditionalists and modernists. While all Gnolls value feeling good and having a good laugh, the brutist traditionalists

revere comedians and clowns as their spiritual figures, forsaking all else for merriment--including intelligence. They tend to propagate the image

of Gnolls as crude low-brow barbarians. The modernists are more worldly and highly sought for their artistry, textiles and crafts. They tend to

distance themselves from the usual Gnoll pastimes. Despite differences, the easygoing nature of the Gnoll ensures both halves are close-knit.



Endemic to: Central Vidora

Canids tend to be found in the territory between Port Zero and Twelvespice, the latter being their pseudo capital.

A collaborative species who'll work with any other tribe; this makes them extremely close to Humans, particularly.

While Humans spread themselves throughout Vidora, Canid populations built the central pillars of civilization.

These efforts have made many Canid families very wealthy, and though generally liked, some consider Canids primo bourgeoisie.

Canids take great pride in their history and lineage. Being part of an important family is key to acceptance in their society, 

with individuals unable to prove their bloodline being considered pariahs with much less rights than the rest.

This divides Canids into two groups--the wealthy purebreds and everyone else. Still, with the Heat spreading over Vidora, most

find themselves forced to mingle. Bloodlines and titles are slowly becoming less important compared to survival.



Endemic to: Hexvale

Satyrs are extremely rare these days, wiped out or disappeared shortly after the Heat began.

Their homeland, Hexvale, is scarcely populated and closed to outsiders; some believe the city is entirely abandoned.

Even before the Heat, Satyrs were considered curious and secretive, with folktales of other races warning of the horned tribe

leading uncautious individuals to untimely deaths.

What is known about satyrs is their enlongated lifespans. Satyrs naturally live for five hundred years, some for a thousand.

Aging seems to be dependent on the Satyr's whims and diet--particularly, the consumption of blood. The sharp fangs of Satyrs

easily puncture skin, and blood can sustain them instead of food. If the Satyr drinks from someone directly, they can be enthralled.

The few remaining Satyrs have distanced themselves from these concepts, as the Gods find it distasteful.



Endemic to: Global

Referred to by malicious persons as "the cockroach tribe," humans are everywhere and adaptable to any environment.

Despite the nomer, humans mix well with everyone and most don't mind their presence. They're hard-working and get along with their neighbors.

While it's not uncommon for races to crossbreed, Humans and Canids have a special relationship most tribes might be jealous of. Humans who mix with

other tribes inevitably give birth to peoples indistinguishable from the pure-blooded ones--an Orc and a Human make another Orc, and so on.

This, along with their history, gives Humans special privileges in canid society. Even the strictest nobles consider Humans acceptable partners for

continuing the bloodline; it's said that every Canid family has at least a dozen Humans in it somewhere.

The Heat has revealed a dark side to humankind, however. It's said that a select number are positioning themselves as superior to the others,

and see themselves as the natural rulers of Vidora--an assertion not challenged by the church or old royal family. These Humans have begun to use magics

to brainwash members of other tribes, and even other Humans, into eager slaves. Notably, the princess and prince of Vidora actively disavow this practice,

with the prince expressing such disgust that he's personally executed a number of these slavers: some of whom were members of his own family.



Endemic to: Firstwell

Oozes come in all kinds of compositions, colors, and shapes. They're the most recent tribe walking (slithering) around Vidora,

their origin tied directly to a protoplasmic explosion caused by tinkering with magic and forbidden artifacts. Some are edible,

some are poisonous, acidic, hot to the touch, or even alcoholic, but all are welcome in their society. Any dangerous qualities are

never a source of discrimination or alienation, as every Ooze works to find a home for their most noxious and terrifying brethren--

a sentiment not often shared by the other tribes who also have to live with them.

Still, Oozes are seen as a curiousity with versatility in many fields, and a knack for espionage. Their culture is new, but they've

developed at least one ritual: if Ooze breaches an individual's body, the two will form a connection. Mental first, but with enough

ooze, a physical one as well. This allows Oozes to quickly share or steal information. Unscrupulous ones will shove a gelatinous tentacle

in the ear to subdue unwilling hosts, but the process is usually more intimate--sharing a body with two minds and two souls. This

has made Oozes a quick ally of the Twofolds that empathize.



Endemic to: Adhan Aldunya

A sturdy tribe that resides beneath the sands of Adhan Aldunya, named for the first Dwarf to start digging. Their cities

develop vertically for miles, going so deep that some dwarves have never seen the light of the sun. Dwarves lack gender

roles and predominantly present as male, though they have different sexes. 

There's seven clans of Dwarves that fiercely compete with each other for the affection of their ruler, The Pharaoh. While most

races have taken Vidora's royals as their leaders, Dwarves serve their pharaoh dutifully. This and the dwarven efforts to maintain

their city's name continues to cause conflict with the church, but there's no war involving Dwarves they haven't won. They are a

proud, friendly people, and all with honor are welcome to become one of them.

Besides a love of drinking and serving the pharaoh, there is one more noted commonality to them: nice as they are, never question

their heritage. An Orc who's a Dwarf is a Dwarf, an Otterkin who's a Dwarf is a Dwarf, and so on. They will politely correct 

misunderstandings, but continued disregard of their dwarvenhood is the fastest way to earn an axe buried between the eyes.

Evocation Day is a unique celebration for this race--Dwarves are not allowed to do magic until their 16th birthday, at which point

they are considered adults. This leads to a lively celebration of clansmen and a very public showing of a Dwarf performing their 

first magical spell.



Endemic to: Zweikranze

Elves are attuned with magic, and their society is impermanent and volatile as magic is. They don't tend

to have buildings or tools that last long, and often choose to create temporary dwellings and utilities.

They remold reality with spells rather than build with brick or stone. As such, they are nomadic with little

written history. Elves are a community created by a lack of one, disperate and intelligent as one might imagine.

The Heat has forced a cultural shift in Elves, with wandering discouraged as the world's become so dangerous. The

more free-spirited rebel against this by becoming adventurers so they may keep going where they please, but 

many have learned to embrace the idea of homestead. Beyond this, Elves are extremely fond of wine, music, oration

and storytelling. Disregard appearences--elves can tell stories that make the bawdiest gnoll comedian seem G-rated.



Endemic to: Settebello

Halflings originate from Settebello Isle, contested by the ever-imposing Gnolls. They're cunning,

with small size and humor that allows them plenty advantage over the other tribes. They build their

settlements in the trees of their tropical continent, with a particular hedonistic streak. Good food,

good booze and even better sex are in abundance on Settebello, and whether their brothels are better

than the ones in Tristeria is hotly contested. 

Halflings are also renowned for their plantations of honeytrickle, a sweet-smelling herb they smoke in

oversized cigars. Halflings were the only race never chosen by the Gods to become part of The Cycle,

until an adventurer from Port Zero was enlisted. This became a point of great pride and pressure on

the young man--however, his group's disastrous failure makes him infamously hated by most other Halflings.



Endemic to: Nà Lamhan

Orcs are the most advanced tribe of Vidora, with sprawling metropolises of steel and cement.

They're responsible for most inventions and technology of Vidora. Almost all Orcs wear jewelry

tied to their family lineage, which is treated as a second surname in their society. Some born

in non-orcish cities have begun forgoing this tradition, while others find it too stylish to stop.

Despite all advancements, their government tends to be rather authoritarian. Orcs work as the iron

fist of Vidora's church and royals, with a police force that's uniquely brutal--however, religion

remains a sore topic to Orcs. Despite being enforcers of status quo, they aren't fond of the 

Major Gods, especially after their patron deity abandoned them to live on the moon. The Old Gods

are considered worse, and orcish officials happily comply to church's doctrines about imprisoning

and hunting those who dabble with them.

As individuals, many Orcs not in government work have begun to see these ways as undemocratic.

The Heat provides an opportunity for rebellious types to seek change, with the newest Mayor of

their capital elected for being loudly anti-militarist--until very recently, in a mysterious

reversal of their character.



Endemic to: Magna Murus

Goblins are small green humanoids that are symbiotic in nature. Their entire society depends on other tribes for survival.

Before the Heat, goblins lived with the Hobgoblins, working as advisors and sentinels for the lumbering brutes--big and powerful

as only Orcs and Gnolls can be. The Heat wiped out the entireity of the Hobgoblins, leaving Goblins alone and searching for new

kin to bond with. It's been a hard search as most other tribes find Goblins too servile or weak to use them, but lately, more

and more are finding ground with everyone. 

Goblins are not an inherently submissive race, but their species requires symbiosis societally and literally. Goblins cannot

breed with other Goblins, and somewhat opposite to Humans, mating a Goblin will always make another Goblin. This is why Goblins

were once referred to as "changelings," though that term has fallen out of favor. Many Goblins have found liberation with the Heat

spreading throughout Vidora, though whether that terrifies or thrills them depends on the person. Also, they eat insects, which

a lot of the other races find rather gross.

Goblins share their territory with the Saurians and Kobolds, as all were once subservient to the mighty Dragons.



Endemic to: Tristeria, Magna Murus

Kobolds are a crafty, hardy race said to be all that remains of the lost Dragon clan. Despite

their illustrious ancestry, Kobolds strive to be their own and work extremely hard to escape

their lost kin's shadow. They have the second-most technologically advanced society in Vidora,

but all their technology relies on magic instead of more common or natural sources of energy.

Their machines are unpredictable and dangerous; their pride stops them from treading the same

path as Orcs, and their technology has been growing increasingly stable, something that Orcish

society hasn't been very excited about.

While the Kobolds wish to be anything but Dragons, their Saurian cousins wish they would embrace

their bloodline. Saurians tend to fawn over Kobolds, ignoring their protests. It's not uncommon

for multiple Saurians to flock to one Kobold, which makes the smaller, often-nervous Kobolds a

bit uncomfortable. Lust for power is antithetical to Kobolds; they served Dragons alongside

their kin. But, with Kobolds being the last living link, they find themselves thrust into

roles of authority and sexuality that the Dragons once filled.



Endemic to: Shiku

A placid, contemplative race, originating from Shiku. They're the most long-lived tribe on Vidora, even moreso than the Satyrs. 

Their kind is incredibly patient and level-headed, and it's almost impossible to see a Lapicorn angry. This calm nature makes

them excellent teachers and caregivers, and most enjoy fulfilling these roles. However, this is a double-edged sword, as their

longevity means they often outlive those they grow attached to and care for, causing some to become inescapably melancholic.

Older Lapicorns rarely leave Shiku and mix with other tribes for this reason, as bonding only causes them more pain. They are

free of disease and heal injuries supernaturally quickly, including the Heat. Not immune, but quite resistent. This has led to

some Lapicorns establishing The Cult of Zenion, an illegal organization embracing The Heat and awaiting the rebirth of their God.

The Cult of Zenion has spread through Vidora's underbelly, intaking corruption with rituals of all things sexual and fetishistic. 

This minor cult's expansion is currently being blamed on The Ministry of Sin, and most Lapicorns find they must denounce it or

face scrutiny.

Lapicorns have a unique ability to detect emotions: making them careful negotiators, amazing lovers and depressed empaths.



Endemic to: Sentay

The Otterkins of Sentay are a tight coastal community that thrives near rivers and oceans. Despite hailing 

from the same region as Sentay, it's incredibly rare to encounter an Otterkin in the city proper. They are

peculiarly diffident of anyone that isn't their species and rarely interact with outsiders. More infamous

is their complete disdain of magic, to the point it's forbidden to the extreme in their society. Any Otterkin

caught performing magic is punished severely, often immediately expelled, left to fend for themselves in the

outside world. Apparently, some Otterkin's hatred of magic is so strong they develop anti-magic fur coats.

These individuals are usually elected as leaders or chosen by the Gods.

The Heat has forced Otterkin out of their burrows and into the light of day, leading to the once-xenophobic

race to swallow their pride and mingle in the cities. Notably, Otterkin mate for life and are fiercely loyal

partners and friends. Otterkin have been known to lay down their lives without hesitation to protect anyone

they see as kin--which, in recent years living among the other tribes, has started to include many members

of non-Otterkin races. Younger Otterkin growing up outside the burrows have embraced outsiders, causing a

massive cultural division between generations.



Endemic to: Twelvespice

Twofolds are twin-headed humanoids from the Twelvespice region. One of the oldest races in Vidora,

said to be natives of the planet in the same way the Gods are. Each Twofold is effectively two

people sharing one body, and their personalities are often diametrically opposed. Even if each head

is its own individual, the Twofold can commune mentally and experience any physical sensations as one.

As such, the interests of the two people often coincide. Twofolds are renown for being excellent

spellcasters, merchants, singers, and lovers, given their unique genitals.

Many things are a chaotic topic with such a union, not the least being gender. Twofolds share the

same sexual makeup, brain chemistry and upbringing, which means they are physically the same gender

and often have the same sexual orientation. That is not always the case, though. There are very

rare instances of Twofolds being two different genders in one body, or two different sexual

orientations. When this sort of extreme disagreement occurs, Twofold once had to learn to live

with it or be miserable--until now.

As the Specialists have spent decades researching the Heat, experimenting with how corruption effected

Twofolds led to the discovery of The Rite of One. Initially developed as a would-be cure to the Heat,

the magical process separates individuals into bodies of their own. While most Twofold can't imagine

life without their twin, this new ritual has greatly enhanced the lives of many who can now live as

their own persons. The church has begun investigating whether this is ritual is heretical.



Endemic to: Tristeria, Magna Murus

The Saurians are an intriguing species of reptilian men, lacking any females in their species.

Created by Dragons eons ago to serve them as high priests and slaves, they loved their roles

and their masters--until the Heat suddenly wiped out the last of the Dragons. Saurians, unlike

their cousins, have no draconian genetics--they are lizard-blooded, as Kobolds are dragon-blooded.

This has led to a curious scenario where many Saurians, left with a void in their society, began to

embrace Kobolds as the next best thing. Groups of Saurians will gather around Kobolds and serve them

intensely, eager to fulfill all of their wishes and sexual fantasies.

However, there's a division in the Saurian race--while many have fallen in line behind the Kobolds

as their new masters, others have looked to other tribes for servitude. This has led to a recent

influx of Saurian males serving anyone from Humans, Orcs, even Goblins. Many are finding the

change to be fulfilling, but there's rumors of a tiny group of Saurians becoming masters in their

own right. Whether they break the mold to become dominants, service Kobolds or find a new tribe to

worship, there's no judgment among Saurians. They're a surprisingly empathetic and communal race.

As one might expect, Saurians make for amazing butlers, worksmen and bodyguards. They will dedicate

their time to any task or hobby their masters want them to fulfill.




Endemic to: N/A

Witchkin are an extinct race of Vidora, wiped out long before the Heat. Their magical ability

was second to none, and their great leader once tried to usurp the Gods themselves. The king

of the Witchkin started a war that he lost, then sacrificing himself to save his people. This

atonement wasn't enough for the Gods, however, who then eradicated every Witchkin from Vidora.



Endemic to: N/A

Hobgoblins were once the brutish protectors of the Goblins, now wiped out by the Heat.

They were strong, powerful, long-lasting but ruthless. They caused a lot of problems for

the other tribes until their sudden extinction. Their loss is particularly felt by the

god of war, Mord, who they worshipped and he adored as his children. Mord was said to

weep inconsolably over their demise--leading to what is now called The Year of Rain.



Endemic to: N/A

Dragons were the mightiest race in Vidora, and their quick eradication from The Heat has

proven to be one of the biggest shake-ups in modern society. They ruled Kobolds, Goblins,

and Saurians, with swathes of territory in all the lands. Not only that, they were leaders,

politicians, and the most powerful warriors of all time. The city councils of today's Vidora

are replacing the Dragon kings who once ran each city, enforcing the will of Vidora's king.

Fighting a Dragon was considered a death sentence, until a Canid adventurer from Port Zero

defeated one single-handedly. This feat earned the Canid a title usually reserved only for Dragons:

Axelord. The defeated Dragon was so impressed he gifted the Axelord of Port Zero a portion of his

draconic hoard. The Axelord smelted some of it into golden armor as a point of pride, and gave the

rest to the people of Port Zero.

The Heat suddenly obliterating the Dragons is shocking with their reputation, but given their

numbers were always few, it might have been inevitable. However, it's rumored there's a few

Dragons left living with Phyxos on the moon, or hidden away by the ever-watchful Karm.


19 - ???

Endemic to: N/A

The's rumors of a secret race who's existence is denied by the church themselves. They live

in whispers, stories of squid-faced men with incredible telepathic abilities. Any that

might've existed have likely been hunted down by the church, but its said they disguise

themselves as members of other races for fear of persecution. If someone finds one, they

are to immediately report it to authorities, at which point it will be taken away and their

memory of the creature's existence will be wiped.



Endemic to: Tristeria, Firstwell, Zweikranze

Do not talk to Gnomes

alright that's everything for today! i'll catch you peeps next week with more stuff, hope you liked this thing i posted! til next time!

P.S. i attached a bigger resolution of the tribes pic in the post if you want to take a peek!




halflings only ever have been chosen by the Gods once? makes me wonder if there's a species that the Gods have favored with regularity, maybe even having been in EVERY cycle?

Blade G Shepherd

Yooo this lore dump was such a blast to read. I am heavily drawn to the Pirate and Leather Daddy jobs not gonna lie (Mainly cause I can't stop thinking of Kurt wearing leather as a dom daddy lol). Speaking of Kurt, he defeated a dragon all by himself?! Lets fucking go! I am so proud of my handsome boy! This makes me simp for him even more. :D

Robert Smith

Yeee I wonder- it would have to be one of Canid, Satyr, or Otterkin - maybe the latter given that it says that Otterkin who hate magic are often chosen? And Cherry was to be chosen for this cycle Also interesting that the Zero Four group seem to have been chosen from a variety of things the Gods hate- the first Halfling, a satyr who quite likely used to drink blood (based on his weird relationship with Lost Blood), an Otterkin who would have been forced out because of their Magic, and a Canid who we don't know yet but was potentially connected to Zenion. It feels like their cycle was almost *meant* to fail.


So true! Looking forward to see the jobs. Also druid or beastmaster cherry really seems more and more appropriate now with the lost blood control ^3^. And if the one that defeated the dragon was Kurt, WOOF...!! Now I want to support him even more ^3^...! Hmmm dragonheart Kurt, has a nice ring to it, no...? Maybe the golden armor of his can play some role to grant him some dragon powers/ transformations too ;3c...!!


Time to create my hero heart oc! *starts planing based on known jobs and species.*


Man, this a great post! So much lore, so cool arts! I love the FFTactics feel and the Tribes of Vidora panel is just great! Many thanks and congrats!


Yeah, this here is the good stuff. Just gonna devour all of this, roll around in it for a while. This is great.

Yoked Coder

This is an incredible amount of work, don't apologize for not doing another update for BR, lore/world building is an overwhelming task and this is so many personalized information and not just text blocks


pateintly waiting for a tall buff salary man to make me his wife

Rodney Talon

Ninja. Missed poll and doubted mattered. But best fit and performance of late