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luckily they fixed my connection kinda fast, so i guess i'll post what i worked on yesterday today-

so, yesterday i completed the last two animations of the sahuagin warrior, one of him landing

and one of him chanting and hardening his body for upcoming attacks

since he's done it was time to move on to another enemy. This one is a guest character for the programmer's game, and if you have a keen eye you might recognize him, altho imho his colors are kind of different due to the limited palette used for the project. Let me know if you can tell who he is! 

as a bonus i figured i'd show you the sketches for his moveset that is gonna be completed in the next weeks 

not sure if we'll keep the defense animation as it's maybe too silyl, but i had fun animating it XD !

anyways this is p much all i did yesterday, didn't really work on it today as i'm taking care of the requests. apologies for the delay! 



Cute Wolfman!


Man, this guest character looks great! Excited to see his butt attack animation! XD On a side note, imho I don't think the defense animation is silly (it's so cute), but I guess it would make more sense if he licks himself for healing (as dogs do) instead of scratching himself. But I guess that scratching animation would be great if was an animation for when he is distracted (as if just before battle begins).


the fish guy is dreamy! i love him


It’s Caleb from Lustful Desires !!


goated BC animation moment

Zen Furo

Oh gosh all these animations are cute~!

Zen Furo

I can definitely imagine him scratching his ears like that XD But yes, it's the boy!