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Oh that makes a lot of sense. Trying to purge the corruption and him bleeding corruption, we nearly killed Cherry I think. I wonder if we will return as another ring or if maybe it’ll be something else; maybe a brace, cockring, or maybe even a buttplug.


Nature Star: “In order to flourish, sometimes there needs to be peace. Plus it gives more time for us to speak with you, fine Arbiters. Though I wonder, although many of us tried to aid, we’re we proving to be more of a hinderance? I worry we have harmed our precious Camellia and Bluebell.”


gemini star: I'm not too fond of this, I wouldn't say I like this... unbalance, cherry, forgive me, I haven't protected you as I promised... it's very important you stay with Wolf, paired up, you guys mean something, a special thing, it's two in one, it's you and him, don't let go of things you found precious... ill fix this... I promise...

Blade G Shepherd

Star of Desires: To Wolf: “Beloved Wolf. Fear not. Everything you have experienced so far is coming deep within your mind. I am only providing an outlet for what is buried deep within your subconscious. You can choose to ether walk away from it, or embrace it. Deep down, I know you know the truth. Don’t believe me? Look deeply within this mirror of your very soul I have humbly provided for you and tell me……what do you see?” Action: Provide Wolf with a Mirror that allows him to see deep within his mind. With each version of him (Gnolf Fat Wolf, Brute Wolf, Leather Wolf, Evil Wolf are all contained within the mirror) able to look and talk directly at him. through their own alternative universes. For example, Gnolf would be Sitting on a throne with his pack, Brute Wolf would be fucking with other dumb brutes, Fat Wolf stuffing himself getting fatter etc. However there is a subtle catch, the longer he looks within this mirror the more his willpower decreases and will get more easily influenced by whoever is talking to him without him even realizing it.


Gunpowder Star: "Sorry to say, y'all little doggies ain't rid of us yet. Looks like we're stickin' around you two for the long haul, s'much as you'd like to never hear from us again. You seem like you could use a bit of peace, but if you ever need something blown to smithereens I'll try to come through for ya."

Rodney Talon

Iwapele: Arbiters The Stain is more relevant to our goals, tell its meaning. And what is the relation *they* share with Curly? Can we spy on him and Margaret? (Action:use replies and own power and experience of Cherry's energy and Curly's remnants to seek the behavior, qualities, and effects of The Stain and bonds of Curly through his to Cherry. As follow the tie pull true words that describe each relation with named character from last 2 episodes. Also seek update of current position, attitude, or agenda)


Librarian Star: (To the Arbiters) Is there perhaps a madness in your method. Several of our voices seem to come at inopportune times. Could the Ring be amended to facilitate our voices reaching the intrepid heroes quicker or is speaking to them a constant gamble that even ones as powerful as you cannot amend?


I grow tired of these ungrateful characters, when is BC going to introduce a evil faction to join?


<b>Gargantuan</b> : Ungrateful, incompetent, <i>small</i> little men. Destroying the ring is the ultimate disrespect. You tried to kill us. Such little regard you have deserves a turn in kind. With my power I shrink the ring <i>painfully</i> tight, unable to be removed, as if to cut off a finger.

Jovik Darkson

Shield Star to Arbiters: Does our power; the Stars of Fate, harm the wearer? Is there any method or way to prevent it?


Dream Star: "Sleep is when we are most open, most connected to our inner desires and passions. Let your rest be a moment to consider the path you're on." Action: show cherry a dream of what he wants most for himself; his ideal life


Gluttony Star: Ah it seems our wonderful canvas has been wiped clean. Such a shame, but one cannot dwell. We can only start to mold anew, tempering your soul to follow your carnal desires. For the gnawing of hunger can never be fully sated. Speaking of, I'm sure both of you are famished after that fight. Action: Make Cherry and Wolf's belly rumble and have them daydream of food. Potentially with a health buff from my star if they indulge themselves.


Inspiration Star: I apologized for my companions more liberal use of our power, as a collective our goal is to aid you heroic souls, unfortunately many of us have unique ways of going about it. However, be forewarned there are players behind the scenes that seek decimation, who you may not be able to defeat without more support or our aid ….


(would love if Cherry fantasized about taking a bite of the corrupted cherry...)


Reluctantly I'll join with this ON THE CONDITION that no harm comes to Cherry, he's naive but he hasn't done anything wrong!! ;n; But I do hate how Wolf and his boomer friends have treated us, and I don't want anybody apologizing on my behalf for things other stars have done. Enigmatic Star - You mortal lot have an art for making enemies, don't you? Are we a joke to you? Power beyond your comprehension, in the palm of your hand, willing to serve your heart desires, saving your fat hide - and yet you curse us, throw us aside, spit on ours gifts and wisdom. Perhaps you are undeserving. Ignore the hollow fawning apologies from my lustful brothers, they are still deluded by your good looks and sad eyes. Behind your rough exterior is no diamond.


If Curly and Margret come back again and keep getting BTFO they could end up like Hero's Heart's Team Rocket... with Nokkie as their unwilling Meowth hehe "Oh no we're blasting off again!!" [Milo hits them with his 999999 beam] I hope Nokkie is stuck with that massive dong. Flesh sculpting is supposed to be expensive right, how could a intern like him afford it?...


Domination Star - Hey Arbiters, is this Milo guy one of those gods who ate that other god?

Leo Once3333

Judgement Star: It is good the ring was destroyed, my fellow stars made a remarkably poor choice. I grant you a boon to your own willpower wielder of the ring, in case some take offense.

Blade G Shepherd

I am also not a fan on how freely Wolf and his pals (except for Cherry he's cool) are so quick to throw us away without a second thought, even when we have done nothing wrong.

Robert Smith

Windchime Star to Wolf- I'm sorry hun, we have been pretty bad allies to you- but there are those that can help you with the dangers that have noticed you, the Gods and Monsters whose eyes are upon your cutie apprentice Just call out and they will hear you- those who have been touched by the ring and touched your destinies in return- hunky Kurt, Dom the stud, the adorable Dr Cleric... we'll give you that power.

Robert Smith

And yes update feels! I love that Kurt's tits just keep growing. I feel it is an important part of his character arc. So Margaret looks like she was made of the Lost goop- does that mean she was just inhabiting a temporary body of a Lost designed to look like her? We still don't really know what their connection is, but she feels the more Lost focussed of her and Mr Curly. Wonder what she left in the office- maybe more lobotomised guards? Cherry can control Lost with his powers? Definitely makes me feel like there is a remnant of the dead God inside him- which connects to my feeling that Wolf was a worshipper of the God of Love, and him and Red did something to give a remnant of the God a body... but then forgot it? It would have made them safer, I guess? I wonder if Milo somehow exists outside of prophecy etc, due to his half god status- Wolf's power as before wasn't *wrong*, just delayed. Can Milo just... change what is going to happen? Either that, or Wolf foresaw a future interaction.. which is slightly more concerning. Dom is an excellent liar, honestly. I want him in the party, he seems really useful! And... also probably going to betray them lol. But yeah, he must know more about Cherry than he wants to be honest about. Whoops, I didn't mean to make things worse between the two... and I do not trust the Arbiters. I feel like they would let Cherry die a hundred times if it got them out of that loop. And yeah. They would willingly overuse his power, quite obviously. I don't think my star will be trusting them any time soon.


Heart Star: Windchime is right. I fear that the coming days ahead will worsen. Do what you feel is right, and we shall help. We must be honest with ourselves and each other, for we are all lost in the dark. (Try and aid Windchime by warming Wolf and Cherry's hearts to the idea, letting them feel the connections to everyone significant to them)

Robert Smith

Another thought- so Wolf and Kurt had a fight we didn't see? And 'That' name- I wonder if they are referencing the fourth of the Zero 4? Maybe Wolf punched Kurt over it whilst drunk

Robert Smith

You are right- I forgot the Hallway fight. Interesting Kurt really doesn't like Red