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They found her under the sea
She said she came from cell block three

The girl hit hot like a barracuda baby
She floated on air like a crest of wave
She was a primal institution
She was a danger to herself, yeah

new hero's heart post! hope you like it, peeps! if you have any doubts , here's a link to meek's faq : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utO7cgdImzrVKznw2SKe7KZ3bjkYPMv61VEw7dkbsEQ/edit

also here's a a lil survey with some questions on the story, you can find it here: 




A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

Impish Star: (to Kurt) Bing Bong, hey it's me, the Impish Star! This big greenie meanie is CLEARLY into you. Maybe if you smelled and acted like your brother there (yes that's him, dont ask) that'd throw off her senses. She doesn't look like she can't see so she must be going off sounds and smells... and tastes?

A Sad Fat Dragon with No Friends

Glad I got the chance to participate in this cyoa. MM was done before I even heard of it, and DA seemed a bit too hard to squeeze into the narrative. Now I feel like I can just yell into the void and see if it listens haha!


( close combat is what we were told by the Arbiters to AVOID with Mr. Curly x.x he's a close range mage - we must keep distance, separation is key. )


(Thank you for that clarification, honestly that slipped my noggin well hey at least I can do a good revise before anything at least, thank yah very much for the reminder for my noodle of a noggin bruh)


Performers Star: Now now strawberry otter, whatever he throws at you, keep light on your feet, who knows if you need to twirl and flip your way out of danger. Be aware of the stage and what's around now to aid you so, huhuhu~ ACTION: If an attack is made on our strawberry otter, he will use acrobatic nimbleness to get out of dangers way, using the walls possible to flip out of the way due to the area being more closed in. Performers Star: Bravo bravo, nice dodge with such grace but keep your footing! Now's not a time to slip on the center stage, don't need an accident for our other performers on stage with us or yourself.


(OOC: Hey y'all! I'm new here so I'll just be typing out my proposed star for this update. I'll just watch for now to see how this is actually played. The Ever-Shifting Star of the Realm of Change Ya'll are doing great xoxo)


Half-light Star: Remember the motions ingrained in your body's memory. Don't waste time with thinking, move as your instincts demand. Empty your mind. Enter the familiar trance your battles always end in.


Dragon star: SGT. Kurt, that was a nice throw. How about I give you extra muscle from a dragon. Give us some muscle flex and throw your axe right through her.


Focus Star: Cherry try to finish this fight quickly. There's no telling what else that "doctor" will have up their sleeves Action: give a boost to Cherry's reflexes

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Midnight Star: (to Cherry) Keep your head in the game! (action: give Cherry a boost to his perception, to help his reflexes and Focus (via a third eye??). make him have a battle sense similar to Wolf's or Kurt, temporarily).


Hollow Star: Whatever thoughts you have about mercy, forget it. I'm willing to bet lardass only left him partially corrupted so you'd waste precious time trying to "save" the golblin only for to die regardless. Finish this quickly before I'm forced to. In the meantime, how about I try and keep that talking lima bean from trying anything. Action: Disenchant/Delete Curly's wheelchair to distract him and free Dominic.


oh lmao I just assumed Dominic was still under the wheel there. either way Wheelchair-b-gone! It's what Vriska would've wanted


I don't have much to add, personally. I think I'm going to skip this update and focus on RL a bit. Though I do love where the story is going and interested to see more! I'll see you in future update(s), and thank you for all your hard work!

Rodney Talon

If we blind Curly’s senses, he as a whimsical sadistic hedonist having the ability to have varied pleasure taken from him should be… profoundly unnerved. The effect could be “simple” to do and maybe in theme for use by all of us through our nature. We don’t tend to strip things when just working with light or senses (important, we’re underground in a prison with monsters and ALREADY viewed with suspicion) Moreover clearing Cherry’s name, fingering Curly, and helping reveal stuff should help everyone ignore him (he likely will offer answers, a cure, or an accusation to Cherry, hence why got file and asked Margaret to leave them alone) We need to burn away the hope he's worth dealing with. Revealing his Caking the man who simply asked for his reward for succesful un-complicated service on his part shows he’s utterly treacherous and there is no point to trying to deal with him. Its possible (unlikely by far) Margaret will turn on Curly for us depending how much her loins drive her decisions and she is incensed with Curly’s actions so far. Plus we’ve had two many hour timeskips, aint his birthday still. Might not be so generous and she HAS promised to hurt Curly if he badmouths her again. Propositioning Dom in earshot of Curly is fine. It should add on the pressure. SURE he could likely dispel the spells. But being simple to do (and do and do and do) is the point. He dispels one effect, then comes another, dispels another, and so on. Keep people far away enough, he can't blindly get them. Then he hears he has competition on turning states evidence AND we show he refuses to play fair (or he is NEVER going to ‘pay up’ with regards to Taye) or at least we can do better than the warlock in terms of sincere effort if not the same level of promise/result. __**Checkmate**__

Rodney Talon

There may be a simple solution to our conflict with Curly. It may need a constellation based on projecting sound and light to three general targets. Two nearby In order of benefit and priority 1. Persistently scribe with light our stars’ icons on Curly’s eyes, tongue, ears, nose, and fingers through which his analogous senses experience our/a tachocline. He will hear, see, feel, taste, and smell only the sheering layer between a star’s radiative and convection layers at about ~5726.85 degrees Celsius. We then issue an ultimatum, "Submit to Cherry or keep only getting a total senses (or if possible actual light) jack of being in the inhospitable interior of a star." If he agrees the icons shift to his navel to be a stereotypical hentai slave brand/fertility tattoo/whatever. Use him as a fuel source or scribe all in him in a form our second projection target may use 2. **The council** is shown the scene of Curly making a cake of head broker (Grayson ? https://herosheart.thecomicseries.com/comics/171) as he confesses undid wards and wanted payment. This may get Sue in trouble but us out of it and the Council on point. If possible include Dom BUT may not be able as... 3. Dom should be offered "a vision of Taye's current state." Similar how we showed Wolf Curly and Cherry or Cherry Wolf and Dr. Cleric. Give a similar ultimatum "We'll help, but swear service to Cherry as his zombie" or something. We need to secure a flip of Dom. Someone reliable as a source. Looking back this Taye seems to be the final piece. If working for Curly gets no reward, or help show him Taye, he may believe we’re the better deal. Though likely Taye is worse than Grayson. So showing him should get him to really flip out. Okay. Pretty big effect but relatively one action. Projecting images or scribing waypoints with light and so on. Writing our mystical names/symbols to communicate/convey are rawest simplest expression of our power we constantly emit just by existing. The first action is just a projection of a celestial body/light, that should be in every star’s domain as once showed ourselves to Cherry. This would just be.. rawer and up close. And … star scale is absurd. As in makes Earth a brick. The light, not heat or radiation, alone would be so much as to tear electrons off or melt a light armored vehicle. https://lovethenightsky.com/what-is-the-sun-made-of/ What needed to pull off this miracle? Well Wind Chime seems to have the best track record with going far with words and details to others even not with the ring or spreading voices and sounds. Midnight Star has been successful with visions especially when sharing stuff we don’t technically know but are speculating to search for. Prismatic naturally covers light. Your power is critical. If we can show the face of a star the issue isn’t having enough wattage or lumens. Its likely having TOO MUCH and someone who can control light/color and shape in any form critical to everyone else's security. If wondering who is “Taye” Dom mentions them and compares to Cherry and contrasts with Margaret and Curly https://herosheart.thecomicseries.com/comics/161/ https://herosheart.thecomicseries.com/comics/316 Someone he’s willing to lean to good actions on but is sorry to for choosing to save Cherry. The source of Curly’s leverage over Dom? The guy in the picture on the council table is likely the head broker (Sue's boss) the only name given we don't have placed to a face yet associated with the Council is "Grayson." https://herosheart.thecomicseries.com/comics/171 A familiar face https://herosheart.thecomicseries.com/comics/234 We have to be careful. Cleric is called out as uniquely top tier in council ranking for flesh crafting. Curly with no incantation and barely focus or gesture cast a spell over 3 times higher than the highest we have seen Cleric cast (admittedly had a massive budgeting concern and was not at his best) https://herosheart.thecomicseries.com/comics/235 https://herosheart.thecomicseries.com/comics/236 Mainly trying to share the scenes of the man’s death and Curly shown how the lech lich rewards fair service AND he has judged Dom as unworthy of recompense. If can get this to folks, if Curly has any other moles or contacts in the council they will know who they should be loyal to now. If to Dom, should flip, if to others a clue just what up against and so when accuse have substance against the doctor or in our defense or authority/knowledge.

Rodney Talon

Never assume have nothing even if only "paying attention to what we don't see" but yes RL takes priority. Enjoy