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ACK! sorry for beign so late, i had connection problems! anyways, hope you like this next update peeps! if you have some doubts , here's a link to meek's faq : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utO7cgdImzrVKznw2SKe7KZ3bjkYPMv61VEw7dkbsEQ/edit




Compass Star: Thy heroes' heart yearns in need, for thy efforts to succeed. Brute strength, though, is not your call, tho thy lackest not the gall. Beseech ye to thy quicker ends, to find a way to protect your friends. Small of size but moves so quick, become the ever-slicing wind, not a brick. Permit me then to point the way, to find thy own path to save the day. ((Compass Star will offer a direction, general or no, to a way for Cherry to become more stealthy, either an object or trainer that is best suited to his stealthier skills, so that he can better come into his own, instead of copying his mentors))


Also since nobody else will CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FUCKING HOT MILO IS?????¿??¿


Half-Light Star: You were reckless, Cherry. You threw yourself into danger with complete disregard for self-preservation. I know there was a voice in your head telling you that it was a bad idea. That voice is experience. It would be wise to listen to it. Even so, you are a survivor. You are strong. You will not die just yet.


Discipline Star: We know your heart, Wolf. All your instincts are telling you to hug the lad, while just as many are saying to spank him for making you worry. But in this case, the time for discipline must come after a time of healing...


I'm really happy my comment got into the story. So cool.


Oh, the story has been pretty good! I wanna give a shot, too! The Oval Star: “Ringbearer, you and your young otter apprentice must both be famished after the fighting. Please, nourish yourselves on these fresh eggs.” Action: The ring’s eye flickers twice and conjures up a basket of fresh eggs of various colors.


Great update! Still don't have much to add, but fuck yeah Cherry you should feel proud of yourself you didn't win but you fought good.


Damn, that was some update...! I do hope Dr.Cleric is ok... I swear, Dominic will be in big trouble from many stars, if something bad happens next... and I don't mean it as a threat, but I do believe many stars will "discipline" him one way or another after that 😅...


We'll make him strong yet :3 don't forget to vote in the level ups!


Trickster star: It seems like our main threat has been dispatched but be vigilant heros, danger may yet creep round the corner. Cherry's wounds are quite dire and needs medical aid as soon as possible. As for that thing...a messenger of the gods was it? I'd be wary around him.


Heroism Star: "Congrats! We beat our first boss monster! I for one am proud of your achievements, despite some of our brethren being rather... Disruptive. Oh! And please, don't hesitate to ask if you have questions for us." I'm excited to see what happens after as per usual, our heroes have been through a lot though so I hope they get a well deserved break if they can~. Great work Cheeks!~