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alright, almost there! next update will probably be the last! hope you enjoyed the ride peeps X3

p.s. as always, i attached the original files in a rar archive to the post.




YES YES 👀💦💦💦

Jovik Darkson

I hope they can be converted to the good side.

Himbo Barret

Hopefully they Don't get shattered! Rite is to cute to die

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Dang. Yeah, whether or not Steven shatters gems is something that theoretically should only be decided while Steven is conscious and in control of his power.


Well this got dark At least we have naked Greg to somewhat lift our spirits


Where can I find the rest of this comic? Like from the beginning. Isn’t somewhere far back in Patreon?


Damn, the gems are all cracked!


((taking notes)) love the godly display of diamond abilities here!

Robert Smith

This is wat happens in war... I hope Greg can talk him down though. This isn't really Steven, and I don't think he could ever forgive himself

Rodney Talon

This one more depressed listless stoner than start of series ball of sunshine or future's ptsd undermined overachiever verging on breakdown/burnout All three have joi de vivre and want for better things. Ambition and worries. But this one ended up more listless without cgs albeit not as divorced from humanity as his gem half took over. Able to more...feel out failure Compare his break-makeup with Connie in Canon vs. Ronaldo shattersong To me less able in adventure/crisis more resilent to and able to share and recover Though seems in this au no "uncle andy" reconciliation or meeting of Greg's eerie parents Oddly more mature or less immature traits save one way. And needs more...resilience and testing. Especially without say Garnet to inspire, amethyst enable, or pearl instruct. But less complex, to not being strong enough. But more ignorant if gem stuff Hence Ronnie even for his faults being a good thing. Ditto peedee as "got there" so know better possible More peers and maturing but not blossoming or eager see such


Agreed I can’t find it either, same with ggg

Avagara (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 18:16:52 Can I make a little housekeeping comment: pages 4 & 5 are not tagged, I don't know if you can add tags to earlier posts ...
2022-12-05 02:35:22 Can I make a little housekeeping comment: pages 4 & 5 are not tagged, I don't know if you can add tags to earlier posts ...

Can I make a little housekeeping comment: pages 4 & 5 are not tagged, I don't know if you can add tags to earlier posts ...

Rodney Talon

His fa page https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/blazingcheecks/folder/239124/Steven-universe-shattersong-AU