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 hope you like this next update peeps! if you have some doubts , here's a link to meek's faq : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utO7cgdImzrVKznw2SKe7KZ3bjkYPMv61VEw7dkbsEQ/edit



Lee Evergreen

Sweet Star: Oh our pitiful sweet child. He admires you so much sweetie, but you can't even give him the courtesy of seeing him as his own man. His own person. We saw his bitter sweet memories of your first encounter.~ We heard your inner desires. Your expectations are beginning to turn his feelings for you sour. If you can't be a true friend and mentor his respect for you might just turn rotten.


Focus Star: Wolf, use the Transmog WPN spell again. With my power, you’ll craft a blade that can cut through anything. Even the monster’s chains Now hurry up and get to Cherry!


Dragon star: can't let cherry have all the fun. Let make you grow and have the beating heart and strength of a dragon. Maybe a little fun if you mange to survive.

jaquane patterson

The Wyrd Star(A star of both wackiness and fate): eh heheh Ha! Oh lighten up oh bottomless wolf, all is far from lost. Maybe some COCKS will lighten thy mood? HA! Action: Summons an angry horde of male Geese, Turkeys and Roosters between the wolf boys and the linked horde.


Polar Star: though I may seem Cold, and do not make contact much, I wish to bless you. I will again help freeze, make brittle the chains that bind, and shatter their hold.


Ooc: how many of you notice how I make polar speak? Read my post and see. How a wise one tends to speak. Just did it again.


Fortuitous star (Realm of influence: good luck, fortune, unpredictability) Fortuitous Star: Wolf, you and your brother must help your apprentice in battle, embrue yourself with my luck to scout anything that will help pierce this chained being Action: Have Wolf find an object of your choice that has the potential to pierce the creature's eye but the object will be imbued with the power of strength and lust to "pierce" the enemy to test his resolve with his feelings of Cherry


Gateway Star: "Do not struggle Dear Cherry. Close thy eyes and hold your breath, please picture the chains that bind and tighten around you simply flow through you." Action: Sharing with Cherry a bit of power, giving him the power to portal things through him. (Similar to Kitty from X-Men)

Rodney Talon

"Hello wolf it is I who names myself now The Iwapẹlẹ star, weighing and guiding to cultivate and seize inspiration and creative energy and awareness to change your self and the world through comprehension anx practice of spirit and body anx energy." "I apologize for our performances disturbing you we've only recently connected through ring and with only glimpses of your circumstances and our influence and what can give so should direct." "I am used to being able to throw vast weight around. But I recognize my error. The best way for us to be of service is to allow us to guide you as you see fit. I offer my understanding of and experience of the circumstances as I have witnessed, my actions and those of fellows taken, and what hints about wider setting informed on. As can see unfamiliar with this... corrupting affliction your brother called The Heat, the membership you call the Council, and more. But we peer to parts of past and present." "I open myself up to you so as you have questions and thoughts you can recall them as if I were doing so for myself. Finally I asked the same of you. So that I can understand all you've thought and felt since you've entered the town from your last slaying and what feel and how think. Thank you for following that vision to save Cherry. " (OOC: open information of what witnessed, even metaknowledge as vision such as from the preview sheets on annual deadline albeit marked uncertain or contradictions, to Wolf in way it comes to his mind as if recalling or thinking something witnessed or seen but knowingits origin.. My own thoughts or intentions open but not volunteered. He is getting "recordings" as if already read or heard or seen but recalling them without thoughts unless wish to know them, then in own origin and voice. ditto feelings, and any non-empirical information is understood as unsubstantiated speculation. I am acting as filter and clean up of events and communications of stars for him to parse us. Also doing same **to** wolf carefully differentiating source of voice, direction of action, application to effect, and origin of feelings, thoughts, and form. Analyzing to read where he is/was and is now parsing where Heat/corruption and other effects take place. This isclear if he "asks" and he will know doing so to understand him and the effects on him. Think like applying barium liquid/paste for a CT or advanced scan to paint and see the parts and make them out. This is open even to wolf, if asks. Recording on psychometric level begins now and kept to share to any ally of or next Ring bearer. Also allow beneficial informing of surrounding view but never override his present vision.)

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Heh. I see Jr7LuckyCoruki - The Performer's star near the top wants to start a constellation. They boosted Wolf's acrobatic skills, so I'll add in some bending so that any chasing chains may be bound up and entwined with other chains. Anyone else who wants to help build that constellation, please scroll up to that comment :D


This is why I support you! Great update: sexy caring fun action adventure story magic sexy … wait, I said sexy …