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hope you like this next update peeps! if you have some doubts , here's a link to meek's faq : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utO7cgdImzrVKznw2SKe7KZ3bjkYPMv61VEw7dkbsEQ/edit



Asher Heart

Inconceivable Star: “Demons! DEMONS! Oh joy, manifestations of man’s fear and sin themselves! Ready yourself good hero, if you want to protect young Cherry, then iron your loins and rush in! Don’t be scared, I will feast on your fear- in exchange for your bravery and rash decisions, I will strengthen your will and make your feet a bit more swift.” (+will +speed in battle)


The Mad Star: "NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A PARTY! Here, canine friend, let's have some fun, shall we?" When Wolf finds Cherry or whenever Wolf needs help escaping a situation, create a colorful slide that will get him and his friends to safety.

Asher Heart

Submissive Star Realms: Submission, Compliance, Yielding, and Consent “Mmmmmm such a big strong needy warrior wolf, but… even big warriors love taking orders and handing off their lead sometimes. I especially know you do Wolf, and I know you like it a lot… th-there’s the doctor!! You think he might have any m-magic cigars on him?? You should ask him for some assistance, just to take the edge off before a fight…” Perk: (Temporary - Perception but + Willpower and 3x Pacified Effects when under the consensual influence or “control” of another from the preferred sex.)


Heart Star : A green winged butterfly... Your city or your apprentice, it would seem we don't have time to save both. Save the few or the many...? A heavy burden for a hero to decide, one that I'm sure you know all too well. Perhaps there is another way. This time we can save them all. A powerful spell indeed, though I worry for the consequences. Do you wish it? (if Wolf accepts) Our hearts are torn, so let us spread out. Take the wisdom of Solomon, and be split in two. Reunite before the sun burns bright. (cast a spell onto Wolf that duplicates him/creates a clone/something to this kind of effect. Perhaps the copy is green coloured to show the difference, both Wolfs can act independently of each other)


hmm with the destruction of the tower i realize what domain we need, the charisma star, charm the monsters so they wont fight you, nobody will be able to stand up against a horde on their own, plus it might come in handy in the future for getting other things you want!

Lee Evergreen

I've already got that covered with my Sweet star. My Realm of Sweetness covers sweet emotions.


oh i was thinking more like, convincing others to do what you want? a combination of mild hypno with sex appeal, ive been struggling to think of a domain tbh so i might choose something else if its too similar!

Crimson Claw

Promise Star: You can make a deal with us. Gain our power, and good onto it longer. More focused, more controlled. For a price. A promise


Impressive work I hope the next update goes on a website where I can read it. Just like the other 2 comics.


Gambling Star: ahhh poor poor apprentice of fate, but don't fret so soon Mr. Wolf he may have but a chance of survival, if you get there in time that is. Who knows he may be fine. I can bet you some gold on it. Nothing is more interesting than risking it all with death involved.


Far-sighted star (Realm of the mind/self): Ah how the situation has changed. However, there no need to panic oh poor fate-stricken wolf. Use your head and ponder on where your current goal lies. Let me aid you in this endeavor. (My intent is to bestow the wolf with a slight acceleration in his thinking and an increase in his perception so he may find cherry.)


Arcane Star: He needs you! Hero for a moment only we return to you the strength of your past, your younger self restored. Use this wisely we can't maintain this transformation for long.