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oof! sorry for the delay, this page kind of kicked my ass XD anyways, no matter how angry ruby is a single ruby is no match for a 3 way fusion, and the fight ends as quickly as it started. But is ruby really out of the count? is greg even able to take that ginormous fusion dick without splitting in two? only time will tell!

p.s. as always, i attached the original files in a rar archive to the post.




Hot damn that gonna break him in half

Robert Smith

Oh this is a VERY fun combat scene... and that tit job~

Rodney Talon

Pyrite's addiction drives eyeball and red pearl more than their bias against mankind. Hmm. And he's upgraded the cigar power re-enchanting greg with a whistle (blow of smoke) Who knows how his clone power works now. In addition to being alone ruby has a fraction of the experience. 1st being frozen and then catatonically fused with eyeball. So not a lot of innovative and growth experiences


The word "conversation" is a bit loaded when it comes to SU historically - typically when Garnet discusses fusion. The use of the word at the end has me imagining that Cinnabar wants to attempt fusion (but is unaware of the inability to with an organic being). It also leads me to think this might be building towards Steg later in the arc? It's a way to save Greg, defeat the villain, and give the villain new information all at once.


Very, very, very hot


I wonder what the fusion would be named if Greg, Steven, and Ronaldo became a fusion?


Theoretically, Cinnabar could fuse with an organic if Steven acted as bridge. Though, I'm surprised they haven't done this in the series yet

Rodney Talon

The Series? If shattersong, this steven primarily fused with organics, Ronaldo and then Mr. SMILEY Until Amethyst/purple popped up no gem fusion. And did a tri fusion purple, ron, and steven but was high and unstable. Noy ideal or standard services


The television show, and I'm talking about the gems not being able to fuse with organic life. Steven's always been able to. Steven is the medium for fusion with humans after all. But JUST Cinnabar and Greg? No way...

Rodney Talon

He has been experimenting, also presumably these au gems learned to substantiate full flesh and not just light pseudo-bods Some stuff like face island fish, sea creatures and moss not explained. It might be possible but also something to consider is ala the lighthouse gem or lapis and her mirror might be integrated or placed with a lifeform causing them to hijack and mutate or manipulate it