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hope you like this next update peeps! if you have some doubts , here's a link to meek's faq : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utO7cgdImzrVKznw2SKe7KZ3bjkYPMv61VEw7dkbsEQ/edit




Cherry is so sexy, you know how to make some sexy chubs Blaze. I didn't know I could be turned on by webbed feet, I have a new aspect to my foot fetish now.


Heart Star: Words alone can often fall on deaf ears to the minds of the intoxicated, dear wolf. I will give you their attention. Feel your heart. Feel that beat. That pulse. Focus on it. Fill it with pride and ruin, then pump it through you. Their hearts will hang on your every word. (Action: Enchant Wolf to temporarily have a hypnotic/compelling voice/presence that allures people)


Discipline Star - Realm of Punishment, Tradition, and Adherence to Authority "HMMPH! Look at your no-good apprentice and his friend, not only out so late but treating you with such disrespect. What those two boys clearly need is a good spanking. A good HARD spanking!" (sorry if this isn't parsed correctly. First time doing this. Love the story so far!)


Focus star to wolf: Not a lot of time to explain. We’re the stars of fate and we reside in this ring. Very powerful and magical It’s a part of a prophecy surrounding you and Cherry The otter is a person of interest so you need to follow them And with our power you will not lose sight of your ward


Malevolent Star (Realm of darkness, evil and suffering) : They’re long gone and you tried to apologize, there might be some leftover godlings at home. Let’s go get high.


The Golden Star: Why hello Wolf, we meet at last. I am the Golden Star, and you are going to want to reconsider throwing us away. A vast and unpredictable hydra though we are, we can help you in ways you may not expect. The threads of fate are being twisted into something dire, and you and your apprentice have landed in the middle of that tapestry. Remember: should you ever find yourself wanting something MORE, more than what you have and more than what you need, something that your very soul yearns for, know that it can be yours, for a price.


The Faux Star(realm of emotion, Traits:lies,insecurity,imitation,mimicry,): Listen to the others if ya know what's best for ya mate. Trust us, and by us I mostly mean me, you really ought to hold onto that there trinket. Sides, youse and that apprentice of yours are involved in somethin' a bit bigger I'd wager. Not that it matters much when your gettin' called ah geezer in the middle of the night. So, why not fight fire with fire? The boy will be there in the morning after all. Take a load off, act young like your one eyed little friend! Who knows when you'll get another chance with having to train the lad and all. (Action:use magic to calm the wolf down, encourage him to act young like his friend for a night, take a load off and relax to prepare for his apology) (Trying to play up my star as letting someone copy the status, behavior, or traits of others temporarily, whether through just encouraging one to act similar or more blatant means, hope that's like, alright with the way things are goin')


Debtor’s Star, of the realm of obligations So this is the famous adventurer of yore we’ve heard about so much, lately fallen on hard times. You work so hard for so little—and your young ward brings unexpected expenses of his own. I can pull at the strings of the web, put my “thumb on the scale” as you might say, for your transactions. Just don’t forget, a debt is a burden that only gets heavier the longer you carry it. This tip is on the house: your broker is holding out on you and he knows it. You brought a head, and he saw two horns, two ears, two eyes, and a mouthful of teeth, each one proof of a kill. A hero would never resort to such fraudulent practices, but perhaps an unscrupulous broker would inflate your record in the register and pocket the difference. Quickly, return to his office and see if he isn’t doing that right now!

Rodney Talon

As a Star speaks of Cherry, his scent in the home fills Wolf’s nose, echoes of his words to us, his 'exam' in his apprentice's ears, until caught up... “Yes they are high on smoked godlings. As see in the envisioned recollection I share.. Hmm who was that brown, tall, bracered cloud clad male with you and the Doctor? Oh, we were able to manifest a large cherry there.`` Flashes images and sounds and sense to his mind subtly updating of what I and others speaking of. When mentioning Wolf himself, I share our view of the level up in the past update, “I saw you near the statue of your youth with him and two others, who were the Zero Four? Nevermind, Yes, that feeling you experienced near it, the one that helped push you to Dr. Cleric. That looked like a sudden gain of Strength, Willpower, Ruin, and Silliness… Mmm, we see and model differently in narrow frames or sequences. To us your understanding and development can be categorized in ways and when you gather enough, experience enough, a sudden gain blooms to add greater understanding and abilities. Have you felt it before?” “We are on a delay to understand and respond, sorry. But I would like to aid you in your chosen actions. You’ve already mastered channeling rage and wrath into strength at the cost of your mind. Allow me to enact a different but similar channel. Your sorrow, glumness, despair, fear, anxiety, what's been weighing on you that made you bark at your friend? Let's draw on all of it, all the little aches and exasperation and detritus tainting and stagnating your thoughts and direct it to your senses. If we do this right, we should just draw from your generous flesh reserves, losing as much in fat to help energize and stabilize your vigor and nerves to sharpen and deepen your perspective and perception. It should only cost in the abundance of your fat as you would sweat water over the same time- as if at march through the hottest muggiest marsh in your life. Composting the spiritual sludge and supplementing with your physical largess should prevent a crash of vigor and energy or flesh tears. And sharper senses should make acting on the world easier. You will run hot, though, but not feverish. I think.


(Hope I'm not too late) EarthHearth Star (Realm of Nature/Harvest/Healing and comfort): Ah! My enduring Wolf, I have awaited thee. The boy needs guidance, needs comfort from your harsh tones. Perhaps you may show him such comfort? Making well with one another is required before good news, therefore go now with this gift of speed in your step and swell of power in your manhood~