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since i don't have much to do for z&a this week i thought this could be fun- what do you want me to draw? let me know in the comments!



hmmm, what about someone summoning Gordov from AnotherEidos and Arslan from Housamo from their phone for some sexy times


Maybe someone getting turned into the guy in the Boss tier badge?


I'd love to see some post tf concepts for the DA fellows that didn't get tfed! Or some of your other ocs mixed into the DA world.

Piper Malone

Remember the Clothes Make the Man comic starring Pops Otter how about an update on where the otter guys are now a few years later or showing dear old Pops Otter up to his tricks with them?

Piper Malone

Alternate idea since Halloween is almost here the classic of Costume becomes the person. Some college age furs/humans got some costumes and now it is turning them into rough and tumble bikers/toughguys/brutes


Some of the DA cast having a fun day at the Kuaraty beach!!!


oooh maybe some scrawny, an meek down on his luck fellah tryin out a new Cigar, that turns him into a big ol horny toon Skunk thug/ brute of sorts, complte with a nice lil Bowler hat, lookin ready to take whatever comes at him!

Piper Malone

Oh that's a fun idea. he gets squashed and stretched into being a big skunk toon who is very confident and happy to deal with any problem that comes his way by shifting his hat and grinning. Massive tail twitching behind him of course.


I'd love to see Y done up as a mafia member! Or anyone who didn't end up as one, really


Im thinking like another collage of the Animal Cigars because those are hot as


Would love to see some Elden Ring characters done in your style. Blaidd or Radahn would be great!

Yoked Coder

I would really enjoy seeing ya draw more of your sona, maybe just a peek of them working on patreon content, in the artist studio kinda thing


Roadhog turning Reinhardt into a horny masked biker


How about Agent Rand being hypnotized by Allister's tits