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hoo boy, i kind of dreaded this moment, but this part of the story had to be told, since it's kind of the premise of the AU. So nothing too sexy for this week, but shenanigans are for sure afoot! still hope you enjoy these two new pages!

p.s. as always, i attached the original files in a rar archive to the post. enjoy!




Ah, this pain. I love it

Robert Smith

OH NOOOO this is REALLY GOOD but AHHHHH the feelings. That Sapphire line... heartbreaking

Yuval Ronen

honestly love it so much, i'm a sucker for lore and that was so good



Rodney Talon

Look no one was sure what past end up. And as speculations go... Greg a war refugee was one theory that was nice. Didn't pan out and like what did get. but honestly happier when folks free go in own direction as have canon story and... anyways Seems the male transitioning already happened. Hmm Pearl's dead mmhmmm yeah. Nice render of rose. And the fire effects. You are so good overall not fear no porn right this second. We love the characters, your art, and your take on them. Oooh the mysterious doctor who helped with the transitionings to organic/male forms.. ooh. Thank you

Robert Smith

I dunno if you read Immortal X Men but it felt very Destiny, and I loved that