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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!





Wow I'm impressed, it's no small feat to have all of these characters and pieces of what can only be described as a giant chaotic puzzle collectively end up fitting well together for an exciting conclusion! Yeah, my character never showed up, but I'm not sour about it. 600+ patrons, it's impossible to include everyone. BC you did a great job! Thanks for making a great story, it's been fun! =3


Almost a good end but now it time to run. Glad that char made it out okay.

Robert Smith

AAHHHH THIS IS... A LOT TO PROCESS. AAAHHHHH! I am... very happy for O. :) I'd usually do a long series of deduction froth here but I will just say it is really cute that Allister is showing the fact he has grown to accept he has sexual urges- and that Frank has dealt with his self-hate that made him counteract it with a need to be the centre of sexual attention. I am so happy for them And finally, I would just like to say that Frank and Allister, and their story, matters. No matter what the Laughing God might say otherwise. Thank you for it BC.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Im calling Allister out! He's not a true MS fan, otherwise he woulda recognized the VOICE and it's nonsense speak. He even has the red smile, LIKE COME ON


Gosh there is some wonderful and beautiful imagery in this update, thank you so much for letting us be a part in this story. I loved the parallel of Q and DD hugging followed by GL and P hugging. A very heart tugging contrast, that's something you've been weaving imagery and themes wonderfully throughout this entire comic. The world may be cruel and full of suffering, but that's what make our connections, our moments of joy matter all the more. And its for us to make the world a less crueller place, even if we only do it little by little. We get to decide what matters. That's how I tried to play GL at least. A character who like Otis, had his whole life and family ruined, but unlike Otis, he tries to break the chain of violence and hate with kindness and love. It's why his kindled form as Odhran very much was his nightmare and dream. Odhran was continuing that cycle of hatred and suffering by being the very mafia that ruined GL's life, but even within that, GL's love and kindness made Odhran a very loving and passionate figure that made the mafia a very well knit family. Foxes by their nature, are omnivores. They prefer to eat meat and eggs, but they can adapt. This is well documented with how foxes adapted to survive in urban environments. In this case, I hope GL acts as a good bridge between these two worlds. I know it's joked about, but I'm glad to see the SNF's emotional support fox is back, and I hope he continues to make positive influences in the world. Redeeming someone can take a lot of work, and I'm sure GL knows that most of all.


Maybe the BEINGS were omitted in the DA show.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

On one hand it makes sense that the VOICE would try and hide his existence from another universe (especially if you think he probably started/made the show or helped make it in some capacity) But on the other hand you just KNOW the guy (you who is reading this too) has a huge sense of showmanship and a theatrical flare and is giggling to himself over the reference to his place of origin (?)


I just gonna leave this here. You just have to let frank and the ex-big biker boss now be a thing too, especially after the seeing alister now ;3!

Blade G Shepherd

This is such an emotional update its beautiful. Thank you so much BC for allowing us to be apart of this amazing story. I am so happy that P and GL got to reunite together and Q and DD's emotional moment just pulled at my heartstrings. I know P would be very happy to be with his best friend GL again and I hope that friendship continues to flourish and grow between them.


Now that the games of the gods is over, the games of morals take over.


The voice of many makes it's return


man when i made my edit on that animated panel thinking of dead rising i swear i did not predict the series going from 3-day mode to Overtime lmao


You know what I think I like most about this story is how it avoids cliches. In any other generic horror story Agent O would have been killed off after his confession to Allister, and Otis would never get to survive to reunite with Frank or Allister. Dusk Acres does it differently and its refreshing.


It really was, I'm glad to have spent so much of it writing with you -- if even indirectly most the time.