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wish i could've done more but this was surprisingly challenging! it'll take some time before i can churn out five of these a week , so apologies XD anyways, here's the ones i chose


i kind of went around the petexpj thing a bit, apologies. I kind of wanted to see pj and max going at it (altho pj's father's influence is still permeates the air apparently)


it was high time i drew dusk acres' version of the monster smash crew. Well in this case just pepi and roro, but you get the idea... speaking of high times...


...a segway into the past, when things were much simpler for the young civilians of dusk acres:

anyways, that's it for this week, hope you enjoyed the pics! more to come ,probably!

p.s. : attached the original files to the post



BC, the images seem to save as a WEBP Image and not PNG nor JPEG The DA related comic pages are size 820x615 instead of the usual 1600x1200


Oh hell yes, love getting a mishmash of monster smash and our young dusk acres crew. I'm loving the variety in our circle jerk aesthetic including the front hole!

Rodney Talon

Ah whoah i am schooled. Most i don't see acknowledge her. Then again rarely see pj straight


awww thats cute


aaaaaa Hoodie Fitch is so angsty! I love him!

Zen Furo

That Pepi and Roro pic looks so hot <3 That last one is pretty wholesome in a way. They all look so chill and cute there. Love a lot of the details in that~


No worries blaze. It is a request event, so do you man ;3! nice results either way if you ask me X3. Although not gonna lie big guy, you dont have to go full details on the request. Like you can always just got simple linelart, or rough sketches too, if you like that is. You keep going above and beyond man, and for that, i for one, really thank you for your hard work, big guy ^w^!




Thank you BC!

Rodney Talon

Thanks for your sharing picture dl