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and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!




Shiny Skunk

Dang, get it, Allister.

Robert Smith

FRANK YOU CAN SAVE ALLISTER I BELIEVE IN YOU I BELIEVE IN YOU SO MUCH. YOU CAN DO IT. Holy shit this was intense- a lot of theories confirmed, I should have realised that the Shining Ones were an APEX delusion, that seems so obvious now. I am glad Frank was right and Otis was the hacker- and that explains why the hacks could only happen at one time of the day, that was when the two met. This fake Otis... I still refuse to believe that this is anything but the Fire having consumed Otis Bellows. Hugo confirns it, in my mind. It's a monster now... I just want Allister to be OK and saved from it. It is clear the illusion is starting to break, at least, the marks have appeared on Allister's skin, I'll double check the runes when I get another second. Hugo!!! I knew there was good in you. Good cat. Like... he reflects so many of the themes of Dusk Acres. The goal to be the person you want to be, in the face of such horror that you can barely cope. The aim to be a Good Person, even if you don't think you are. His sacrifice was so touching. Cassandra Bellows... she has tried to save Otis so many times... I wonder if she realised how much Otis loves her.

Robert Smith

OK- my best reads on the runes are 'FIRE PRISON', 'FIRE HEAL', and 'FIRE LIFE/ DEATH' - though that one is missing the 'dot', so I don't know if it would work. A broad spectrum attempt to heal/ kill/ imprison a God. My question is, are they what is suppressing the athame right now? FIRE can be read as God after all... but at the least they might be protecting Allister a little, because he isn't possessed by the Fire yet, he can still recognise Frank...

Robert Smith

Finally the smoke... I guess it is a corruption of the Fire, its inevitable self destruction. It feels like this is the way the Fire always goes, self consumption of its host and the world, because it is searching for a contradiction. A perfect host with no 'flaws'... but it feeds on those flaws to power itself. The 'sadness' in J certainly points that way- the idea there is something inherently in the Fire that just wants to be comforted, to belong, but it can't. It just burns and breaks the stuff it tries to touch. God know I am feeling for the specimen sfrggtgh.

Robert Smith

I do wanna quickly talk about the Fire because... that comfort line feels very telling. It has been trying to fill a void, to do what it thought its host wanted... whilst still destroying them. No wonder the cauterisation process is so painful- it must hurt to be rejected by someone it feels it is giving a perfect life to. The problem is... it isn't perfect. Otis was always chasing a delusion, from the moment he decided he wanted to be like his dad, like Cassandra said. This eldritch thing just... it doesn't understand love, I don't think. It exists in sex, and passion, and hate... but it doesn't understand emotion. It sees the outside, but not the inner feelings. No wonder it is so sad, insulating itself in sex and drugs. No wonder it is willing to burn itself out in an orgy of destruction.

Robert Smith

OK fuck more thoughts I am so sorry but... Frank's temptation, the world the anomaly wanted him to see. It was all being degraded, being fucked by unknown figures. He... really hates himself doesn't he? He really doesn't think he is worth more than that and... I want to hug him so bad. He doesn't deserve to think that no one could ever want him for anything other than a quick fuck, and he wants to lose himself in that. Frank... he is such a good boar as well...


I have a new found appreciation for Frank. My original view on him was warped somewhat by misguided and feeble opinions. He too, like Allister, has a pure heart... Well as pure as it can be, given what he's had to deal with. I genuinely feel bad for him and I wish nothing but the best for him in the end


Ok just realised something. What if the anothermeeoone agent is also a program like Hugo is….? Like they say he was killed by Orlando at the beginning so I hat if something happen and it gave birth to him I wonder 🤔

Rodney Talon

Argh i misread, or cynically jumped the gun on "otis" last update His father wasn't necessarily selling his people out. He was oart, victim, of a protection racket while being cucked by one of his extorters, two dirty cops wolf/husky and bulldog. Hence otis's zealotry against cannibals and attempt to be perfect father wanted to be. But he was very gay and self castigating...which okay mommy 'was a slut' daddy was a wimp Issues so many issues

Robert Smith

So we know he has appeared as the hacker at every 5pm update- some kind of fake Otis has appeared throughout the end of the time at the Pub with Frank, and at the Manimal Factory on Monday at 8pm. The weird Otis also appeared at midnight on Tuesday at the server- and his influence has been growing stronger in the past few updates, like his presence in the smoke OH and I completely forgot the one time we saw this Otis before, at like 2am on Tuesday?

Blade G Shepherd

Aww Agent O is so adorable, the poor ham ham needs a hug 😭. I also adore Odhran’s close up, it was so sweet. I think this is the first time we have seen him lose his cool.


BEAT HIS ASS! (figurtively)


get that fookin sex that is actually deserved rather than having your dad larp as an unemotional old dude on grindr


The Fire (sentient AI program maybe magical?) definitely going to a new vessel in Allister, via the multiple orgasms feeding the change. The other chosen one would’ve been getting somebody as close to Otis as possible - which would’ve been Frank. Thus the two chosen ones and why Otis says that he’s already made his choice while feeding Allister multiple orgasms. Probably because the father is being used up Intellectually, emotionally and Physically so the sentient AI needs a new host for new avenues as mentioned above. Otis helped picked these two because of he has a real fondness or love for Allister and the love for his son. And who knows maybe the father felt these two could be the biggest chance for his freedom and salvation. As stated above I agree that the ruins are a trap to ensnare the sentient AI program and free Otis. Did anybody else noticed that the silhouette fucking Frank’s other form in the mouth looks like maybe a pig as well? Daddy issues maybe? It might end up being a three-way with Frank and Allister freeing Otis through love. The AI program being stopped because it can’t handle real emotion. (A thought). Fire of destruction and lust passion turned into the purity of bonding within light and love. And I can’t believe nobody’s mentioned the wonderful way Frank temptation fantasy was a scene out of beauty and the beast’s Be my guest! “Try the grey ass, it’s delicious!” Fantastic hot idea and art!! Even has the multiple eruptionIng champagne during orgasm! I must say that was pure genius as is the whole story arc! The last thing I want to point out is I absolutely adore all the comments and the story arcs that everybody wants to put in! It’s been a joy to read this and experience it with everybody. I love this book and I hope you publish it after this.


Oooooo, I like the surreal imagery in this one. The sort of dream-like scene with Frank and Hugo and what it looked like before was certainly intriguing. This is getting interesting for sure