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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!





I have forgotten to leave a comment here for the last couple of updates but god I am enjoying every moment of Obadiah recently. Especially this update when it's made clear just how small he is to the rest of the Family haha. Damn my dude was putting in a workout clapping those cheeks I don't know how he didn't pass out. Amazing update as always BC and I am so excited to see where things go from here!

Blade G Shepherd

Fuck yes! Loved those last few panels . Seems like that's what Orlando was trying to do to Frank have him as the new vessel but got caught, very interesting. And holy shit the mafia is looking absolutely stunning this update. Mafia Sarge is just huge, an absolute brute with a fat gut where the only thing in that empty head of his is protecting da bawss. Thoroughly enjoy Odhran being calm and collected while maintaining a threatening presence. Seems as though Ouranos and the civi crew are on there way to. I wonder if Ouranos and Odhran will reunite with each other and as the army doggo joins his true family. Awesome work BC you have truly outdone yourself <3.


Oh those last panels are recognizable :eyes:


Hmmmm, ok at this point I see about 3 scenarios to come. Either Alister’s protection will kick in once more, and have a little happier ending, or he will ascend by devouring Otis after taking his place, or they will manage to stop it all but the “fire beast” might end up becoming a part of Alister all together… so will see X3c..?!?


Not gonna lie though I do want now to draw alister and frank turned into big pig strippers from anothermeekone’s corruption 😏


I think it's clear that RF and Allister have something planned, judging from what we saw from them this update. My thought is, it's possible Allister got RF to write another ruin, or ruins on his hands, and covered them back up with the bandages


👀 This update makes me feel things

Robert Smith


Robert Smith

RF has the 'athame'. If Allister uses this... perhaps he can end the Fire once and for all. This is my only hope rn

Robert Smith

There are so many of my theories that are confirmed but my head can't stop screaming that I want Allister to be safe...

Robert Smith

Post immediate emotional reaction ha- glad to see the Operator is Mrs Bellows, it all makes a lot more sense confirmed. Also that Frank and Allister are the successors- it really explains a lot of the early moves on the game board by Otis and Orlando. I am sure there is more I want to analyse, but right now I think I will just say that I love what you are doing with all these characters BC. Every update is a punch in the feels. Agent O, J, G, and I - get to the mansion quick!!!!

Robert Smith

I just realised that if Allister replaced Otis... all the PNs would become chubby Polar Bears... we need to stop this or O will die of a nose bleed


Finally read the update ;-; oh my god oh my god oh my god... (I hope our little caravan of people can help soon or something I don't wanna loose our snowball ;-;... or at least, I wanna get fucked by Allister before I die)

Robert Smith

Ah also also also! That ARTO- sounds a lot like the name that the Cannibal King was to be known as when he left earth. I guess the chariot is a big database back up of all of the kindled? Based on the ideas, and theory, of the myth- what will U's sheep clan being involved in it, and presumably the original spread of the myth of Rulk


Oh I don't know if my heart can take it going into the end game, this is all so exciting and terrifying ;-; I can't believe Agent R has made it this far, I feel so lucky. BC I want you to know I appreciate you so much, you've changed my life. R is being such a angry cat this update, he's so sick of this shit, and with his own experience having his personality almost erased he feels for the people of this town... how is he going to react to Allister?... was trying to stop this all pointless?... please don't get yourself killed kitty Agent J is so cute, I can't believe we never got a chance to properly interact. And Allister is so intimidating in his red suit, poor poor Frank, he's going to be traumatized by this for life.


🐨💖💖💖 I'm rooting for you, the interactions we've had were a big impact on my life too admittedly 🥹🥹💖💖💖 Also I'm not sure if you saw but the revelations of Frank's mom had me realizing some things about BB if you scroll up 👀