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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!





They're finally back together ;w;


Glad they reunited great update


Awww getting a little shot of hope here with where things are going now.. but the game is not over yet!

João Lacerda

yay, they are back together


I'm SO over the moon with this update, thank you so much for this BC. Holy fucking shit, aaaaaaaa




There's a little spark of hope! Such a wonderful update <3


Gorgeous update as usual BC! can BB control his fire form? that's pretty cool if he can transform at will, Also Looks like i managed to scratch O >w>


All this payoff for everyone's little arcs and subplots has been sooo satisfying to see. Genuinely excellent work BC!


Reunited and it feels so gooooood~! ❤️❤️❤️ ;~; s-so beautiful! Just that last panel alone is 10/10 worthy!


Very wholesome update, so many big moments, Allister and Frank reunited at last Otello is such a <b>mad cunt</b>, love those aussie hunks, interesting how he changed to a faction he never saw, damn he's a big one. Hope the infected shadows just keep getting <i>bigger n bigger</i>. Branded Beast is bigger too, hmm. What does it mean? Is he infected somehow? An Agent M is back to his old self how nice, I've missed that renegade I'm so curious what happened to Jack's mother the ringmaster, feels like there has to be a reason she showed up and met with Sarge before, but they split up and she's vanished. Wonduh where da bawss is... seems like us maffiuh are the only sane shadows left


She's the current host of the Perfected Neighbor now since they both held the lease to the handsome aardvark.


Also i hope Q gets a big moment in the endgame, he deserves it &lt;3 &lt;3


At last the two that we started this trip with our together again. Will the united heroes give their forces the will and power to save the day or will other yet unseen players raise up to tip the scales against them? The dinner guest rush to have a place at the feast, so whatever you do, don't pass up what Blazingcheeks will next to place on our plates.


This update was very wholesome! I loved how U came in clutch with the headbutt bonk and the Allister and Frank reunion!

Blade G Shepherd

What an amazing and wholesome update BC &lt;3. So happy for Allistair and Frank's reunion and DD turning into Branded Beast again was just epic. Wonder how the mafia is doing, hope the Sarge isn't causing Odhran too much trouble hehe.

Shiny Skunk

i hope frank and allister kiiiiiiiiiiiiss 🥺🥺🥺


smh. This is adorable. I found myself slowly getting into your furry-based artwork, and eventually started to like it. Like the mysterious cigars from GGG, I slowly turned. Your art is the best! Thank you.


I want Allister and O together. Then I want Frank and L to end up together.


Violence is ✨always ✨ the answer 💚


Can we get a round of applause for Agent U 🥺 Not only is he adorable 24/7 but he's got a mean streak in him too~ I'm so proud of him! 💚 The real MVP of this update for me

Robert Smith

AAAAHHH FRANK AND ALLISTER ARE SO CUTE HUGGING THAT WAS SO CUTE &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 And the way that cultists are starting to all corrupt wrong... I'm intrigued. Is T that corruptive an influence on the Fire? Or is it going into what it would inevitably reach as burn out? I'm really fascinated by this development - it seems outside of the scope of Oldrich's plans at least serving the Chosen One- is it a sign of the degradation of Otis as a host?

Robert Smith

Also yes to the Rulk stuff which was EXTREMELY cool. And my suspicions on who the Operator are continue to crystallise as only one person who could care that much about Frank, and knows that much about Otis... Also not Son of an Aquarius addeffrffrg Allister continues to be a fucking nerd I love he

Robert Smith

Also also Oliviero's speech kinda confirms what I thought- the Fire is trying to copy the plan of the Cannibal King. The reborn in New bodies really hammers home that they are trying to leave to go to elsewhere in the universe for new life to be created. Also kinda suggests the feast might be uhh... a very literal self consumption of the cult.




😱 Did... I just get dumped?!?...


You're one of my pups too you know 👀 just make it out of this alive and I'll be back for you in an instant


Hahaha this is a really powerful and sweet update, but also mega sad I really feel for poor Q, R might have blue balls but he has a blue heart... I can't get over how adorably chubby and cute R was at the start of this update though, BC couldn't draw him making out more perfectly. And whoh, BB evolved?... I'm glad this version wasn't chasing R before... those arms could crush boulder, he's like a Dragon Ball character! RK and U also super good this update, I never realized how big U was before, and RK is so cute swinging that gun like a bat, but he's cute all the time Also Agent M back, that bodes well for the survivors! Wow Agent J is massive, I can't believe how big he got... is that gonna happen to all new converts 😍


I feel like T's situation is something similar to Branded Beast/Deep Dish. Where BB harbors the rebellious flame, T seems the hold what Odin refereed to a flame representing ruin. T is at least seems to be speeding up something that was supposed to happen to the chosen one ahead of schedule.

Robert Smith

Oh yeah I can see that- though it is weird that things are destabilising even where Agent T currently *isn't*. Perhaps enough of the cult have been brought under his sway that a kind of tipping point has been reached for the Fire, so it is starting to become decayed, so future kindlings are going to go wrong. Certainly, T and J are the most recent converts to the Fire...