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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!





Damn what an update

João Lacerda

well, at least Orlando got what was coming to him

Dorenrab Sildano

Looks like the neighborhood has grown significantly. -Such a charming neighborhood, really, why don't you join?-


Oh...oh man this was so perfect, thank you so much BC..IM LEGITIMATELY in tears, gosh....


What an absolutely perfect update, wouldn’t you agree, neighbors?


Excellent update! ALSO NOOOOO, THE CAUTERIZED!! Also with this, the platoon faction has been cleared, either having been PN’d, switching to Mafia, or dead (rip Porkchop, a real one). Also the kindled squad ‘bout to cause trouble! Owo/) Hype! 10/10 update. (also ngl, DD and R kissing was hot)

Neth Rusiki Azhti

BC you're insane with doing so many redesigns, goddamn! everyone's changing colors all the time of course... TF is the hottest, so im not complaining :eyes:


The flame feels so good, so sweet i just wanna share the love with all my brothers wappu


Oh wow! There's some sweetness in this as things are ramping up. Looks like everyone is heading to the Manor. Exciting!




good thing Hyenas are nocturnal RK might be able to aim in the dark


I love this update SO MUCH <3 Its perfect in every way, I can't praise BC enough for his genius hahahaha. RF's interaction with Allister is BRILLIANT, I never imagined you could keep him so in character (what a selfish dickbag hahaha) and also bring up the challenge Allister has with his outlook. (...hehehe they remind me so much of ex boyfriends digging at each other, I love this headcanon) Also highlights; Agent SK, I am so glad we got to see where he went! S and R's confrontation was so satisfying! Agent J's beefy shadow form! And mafia faction gaining control! Also cool to see the markings on clothes works... they just need to strap them to their heads better hahahaha


Also BC drew RF so handsome, that smugass grin I love it so much


For Some Reason I couldn't get the channels. :0


It appears as though the pieces are purrfectly falling into place.


Now at long last the wisdom of The Flame becomes clearer and clearer. All that it has sowed has reached its peaks and might of The Flame will bring down this world of woe . At long last bring the peace all have longed for from the start of time.


What a glorious update!~ Orlando somewhat getting what he deserves, about time someone shut his ass up. S' "confrontation" with R was pure gold. Poor kitty tried to play the moral high ground just to get silenced 😏 I know deep down he wants to S, obviously. Also RK really do be double caked up like damnnnn


It seems that Frank and Allister might just be close to meeting again in-person, once/if they’re able to deal with the danger approaching each of them 👀 I’m really happy to see that the urge to party is spreading through the kindled like wildfire – I was wondering if (/hoping that) Orlando would succumb to it. I don’t think I mentioned back when we saw Branded Beast with it before, but I really love the look of the half-mask/partial PN-conversion designs that’ve been showing up in recent updates. Speaking-of, I was also wondering for a while if, when the characters got to or near the mansion, we’d see— well basically exactly what’s there in the final panel; a really eerie sight.


Everyone has perfect butts lol


Oh HELL YEAH this update!! Great to see what's happened to a lot of characters in this one. Also BC, great callback to the alleyway kiss. A very nice touch.


Side note: with the Sarge and CDR both faction swapping...the army decimated..might be time Ouranos got a rank upgrade from Private hm?

Blade G Shepherd

What an awesome update. I am simping over Kindled J right now 😳. Also I love C Ricky and Damian joining the mafia ❤️. So happy for DD getting his chance with R, it was so adorable. Looks like Ouranos is the last platoon member left now.


So happy seeing the ninja guin doing his training well. Looking for the little details and then striking. It's a good thing the sprinklers are going so agent I can attack through the ranks.


This was a very fun update! So many cool dynamic poses and the expressions have been brilliant! I can feel how the groups are all starting to congregate to the mansion, it a good creeping tension! Seeing the slow transformations of Ricky, Damien and Sarge honestly made me giddy with excitement. Seeing Odhran getting to use his silver tongue was so lovely, I really appreciate how you've written him!. That and Odhran's response to the call had me burst out with laughter. I'm definitely curious to see how things develop 💚


This is coming together great!

Robert Smith

I am really intrigued by what is going on with the infected T's group- something about the smoke being bewitching is really interesting. It's like they are fast tracking to destruction, but this doesn't appear to be the Fire's will as stated by Odin... Is T some kind of self destructive aberration of the Fire's nature, without Otis' full control (certainly the Cauterised self immolate- the results of which we have just seen - when not fully controlled, perhaps the same can happen with neighbours)? Or is it a result of further APEX meddling? Even the possibility T's long term infection left something weird in his mental and physical state which passed onto the fire? There is a mystery there that is making my brain ITCH. Amazing update BC, the final battle lines are being drawn- and so many cool moments! Loved J and I and SK and the list goes on <3

Robert Smith

Oh I just noted Orlando’s line that the Chosen One isn't lasting much longer- this does feel like the bacchanal before complete destruction as the Fire burns itself out. Of course, it needs to be stopped though, or APEX swings in and takes everything to continue THEIR plans

Robert Smith

I really want to know what the Chosen One's game is as well- so close to the end and his moves remain defensive, or aggression at the weirdest opponents whilst ignoring other threats. How aware is he that the Fire is basically acting as a parasite- and is that his plans? Also also... I love Allister so much... his discussions on his beliefs... wish O could cuddle him. Am glad F5 is there to help


shits going to hell fast! But there's still hope!


Thought I was the big boss, turned out I was just a goon all along... Backbreaker this was your chance to be in charge, the last platoon... oh well, you and your hubby are cute The thing that hurts the most is not getting my hamham back, wanted to clap those cheeks one last time