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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!




João Lacerda

well it seems like the odds of the good guy winning are increasing, thank you


Love this outfit for frank. Ghostbusters but make it slutty




Exceptional update, as always! This leads into so many questions about how the MAD chips operate, if they operate independently or if there's a back-up server somewhere and the resulting server jolt cause the temporary black-out. Also, there's so much utterly delicious CAKE in this. I'm not normally a butt man but there's a fairly sizeable amount here. It's like a buffet of booty. Bodacious Bouncy Buttocks! Delightfully Dense Derrieres! Terrificly Tanky Tuckus! The story is ramping up, though! Thank you so much for all your hard work, BC. You rock.


what a fucking update holy cow, thanks again BC this was lovely


My life is complete, I saw Butterbrickle, I saw Mr. Gray getting spitroasted, I saw RK and E making out. 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Y E S ! !


I'm thinking about Allister's speech about how people have to fit into society, how carnivores are persecuted, forced to undergo therapy, or surgery, or whatever to mold their bodies into what they're not... and then there's DD right there, a drop bear who defies all of that. live on his own terms. both Q and DD sorta directly defying that..

Neth Rusiki Azhti

You know what they say: work hard, play harder! I'm gonna be sooooo fucked up when i wake up/finish my trip.

Bryan Whiteman

Oh. no. OH heck no, I did NOT get left behind again just to get strong armed into this mess. Get your shit together Orlando, we're fucking leaving. *boxer stance*


I'm surprised at how powerful Ouro Boros has gotten but I love the new kindled versions he's giving everyone!

Dorenrab Sildano

The scent of rot and smoke spreads... Ouro Boros' corrupted fire is wild and untamed! Seeing Odion turned already definitely makes things look grim for Orlando, don't see him lasting long after this.


Ayyyy glad to see kindled Damien and Ricky got out of the manimal store and not converted to neighbors <3


Damn, if only Fitch didn't have the queen herself to contend with, then he could follow his self destructive impulses freely.


loving allisters development


Wonderful stuff


This absolutely BLEW expectations!! It was a joy to read man! Brilliant stuff BC!!


No no no, nooooo, not Lyle don't go!! We need his big fat cat tummy for moral support (and we didn't get to see him fuck!!) Also great time for Allister to get on board with cannibalism... While its good the morality of forcing carnivores to not eat meat is being explored, I really hope that some of the points RF raised earlier about the impracticality of meat eating in this type of society are acknowledged too. Allister thinks its wrong, well what's he going to do about it? Herbivores aren't going to consent to being eaten, their neighbors murdered in their sleep just because some guy is hungry. Agent S justifies his meat eating because he only kills the "bad guys", but there are simply not enough bad guys to feed everyone. Carnivores going back to eating meat would lead to war, and no matter how strong bears and lions are, they aren't bulletproof. This comic has paid a lot of attention to the suffering of carnivores being denied meat, but its kind of lacking on empathy for prey... who you know, die when they are eaten. Most of all its good Dusk Acres can still make you think and is more than just action and porn, even coming up to the climax haha.


You make some good points here, but on the lower half, I'll have to disagree. While yes it has brought a lot of light to the suffering of carnivores, it has not disregarded "prey" in the way you make it out to be. You would be right in that, people aren't just gonna suddenly accept or allow themselves to be killed for the sake of meat, but who said that had to be the case? Taking S' blurred morality out of the equation, there are, and most likely will be people willing to give themselves or at least some part of themselves to aid the carnivores and their needs, Q being a good example of that. It's never been stated that people have to die/be murdered for things to be fair so I think you're jumping the gun on that one. Not to mention that the carnivores suffer from just more than "not being able to eat meat". They're considered " unwell " for even the thought, forced to go through traumatic medical practices, even being discriminated against for merely existing for some. It's not as black and white as you may see it.


I dunno, perhaps its just inevitable in a comic about a cannibal cult, but I would say the vast majority of focus on prey being eaten in this comic are of people seemingly happy to be eaten or victims of righteous justice (courtesy of a large black bear hehehe). There hasn't been much shown or talked about that meat is people, sapient animals with hopes and dreams who, we must presume, are dying in pain and fear to fuel their killer. Agent Q seems like a really rare type of person, realistically speaking the vast majority of people are not going to be willing to permanently disable themselves for someone else (and... while I in no way doubt BB/Qs relationship, it should be noted that it doesn't appear Q has actually followed through with sacrificing any major part of his body yet.) How many meals can a guy like Q give to someone before they die? How many meals does a carnivore need in their lifetime? There is just never going to be enough. And the social ramification if carnivores began eating meat again seem inevitable, the prey who are willing to be eaten live with the carnivores, and presumably mostly get eaten - and the prey who are unwilling to be eaten or live in fear join together for protection and violently segregate from carnivores and their sympathizers. Then you have two issues - hateful herbivore societies who demonize meat eaters and exclude them - carnivore societies that can only exist by either raiding herbivores, or keeping some as breeding cattle which is its own set of horrors in this universe hahaha It'll be interesting to see whatever happens with Allister and this plot point, what is he going to do... somehow I get the strong feeling magic and a bargain with the gods might happen to resolve this.


You and your magic XD Back on to the serious note though, I can see what you're saying and why but you've gone to the immediate extreme negative, while yes it's a possibility, but no solution is perfect. It's about which is the best, regardless of what there may be some conflict. Species like Q for example have a renewable source they could use, which is their Antler velvet. You could use unfertilized eggs, people like Sven could provide milk (in whichever way they like XD) Hell, even people that have died of natural causes, say in a hospital could be used (the families would probably have to consent to that, but it's still another possibility) and in a world where they can install mind controlling chips in people, synthesis meat probably isn't far from a possibility. Violence isnt needed from either side


Re- Q: the key part of this statement is he hasn't given a part of himself "yet". It hasn't been told in the comic but he was about to give himself to DD as a one-time gift before he disappeared. But you're right in that can only be a one time thing, or two, at most.

Shiny Skunk

breathe in, brothers, indeed 👀👀👀👀👀

Blade G Shepherd

Wow, what an amazing update BC. Seeing Mr Grey get spitroasted was pure 🔥. I’m excited that Sarge, Ricky and Damien managed to escape, I’m sure Odhran will take good care of them hehe. Was an absolute blast to read ❤️.

Robert Smith

Oh well that is super interesting- I wonder what plans the operator has for Agent U? Seems like she has an endgame planned out, I wonder what that is... If it is the Cannibal King plan Otis is operating, maybe she needs a Rulk? Looks like she is getting busier on her end too... So Oubouros has some kind of scent related power? Must be connected to the weird 'smell' of the Fire - it isn't a power possessed by Orlando, so unlikely to be to do with the APEX chips- Otis sending in another curve ball? Or a consequence of him spreading himself too thin- it is creating abnormalities in the kindled and their powers, with more of the traits of the Fire? His duplicates feel like a new breed of PN clone more than a faction, certainly. His perfect dream coming apart at the seams. Also, Allister... that was such a good speech... And Frank! That was such a good plan! So glad to see the boys kicking arse once more <3 Well done B! And good to see the team in the store are still fighting!

Robert Smith

Moreover talk of Odin being 'the first' makes me really think that he was already in Dusk Acres- possibly working on the rocket as part of an APEX project. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a plan to fire a server into space.




And so like a cancer growing larger and larger, popping up here and there in the body, the forces of the flame are changed from form to form. The players keep being moved closer to what will be for many their end. Will there be an end to hope or one to the dark? Let us all enjoy what is should to be a total eclipse of the heart, mind and soul.


Agent E n RK kissing is cute 😍 lol, its crazy how big BC drew DD this update, such a huge tum Also nooo not Jane 🥺 I was really getting into the drama going on with the civilians, I hope this isn't the end of them, I need resolution...

CherryDad (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-11 13:05:43 I'm glad you enjoy him <3 that belly could get even bigger with a cutie like you helping out~
2022-02-11 02:11:39 I'm glad you enjoy him <3 that belly could get even bigger with a cutie like you helping out~

I'm glad you enjoy him <3 that belly could get even bigger with a cutie like you helping out~