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heyo pups, this week i worked on a couple minor animations for using items, plus some CGS for the free time events ( wich are lil intermissions where you can hang out with your friends and increase your affinity with them, danganronpa style)

first the animations. Some items you scrounge around the school will be usable in fights , and not only as reagents for your spells.

i animated a sack of flour being thrown at the enemy..

and a splash of water. Might make enemies more susceptible to electrical attacks and i bet stinky sam would HATE it. 

also worked on the animated background for the werewolf transformation. I initially went for a color cycle style animation, but i thought that was too harsh on the eyes so i went for something a tad more subtle (altho it ended up not really being very subtle, i guess lol)

and last but not least the cgs for hanging out with the others on day 1 

here's the one for dave in the bathroom..

...jeff in his room

matt after recovers from his hangover later in the day

ryan in the library

and george in the cafeteria sketching something

aand that's all for this week! more to come! catch you next week pups! awooo! 



Robert Smith

Gah George is so cute with that expression <3


I really cannot wait for this. Will be buying day one once it’s finished

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-30 13:45:15 Okay this raises more questions what kind of game this is going to be. Not that I'm against what I'm hearing. Well now I'm not sure whether I'd want to level out relationships like I do with Danga and Persona or pick a fav.
2022-01-30 00:23:34 Okay this raises more questions what kind of game this is going to be. Not that I'm against what I'm hearing. Well now I'm not sure whether I'd want to level out relationships like I do with Danga and Persona or pick a fav. I mean I was expecting something more like old school Adventure RPGs like Waxworks.

Okay this raises more questions what kind of game this is going to be. Not that I'm against what I'm hearing. Well now I'm not sure whether I'd want to level out relationships like I do with Danga and Persona or pick a fav. I mean I was expecting something more like old school Adventure RPGs like Waxworks.