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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


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and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!





Steve wins, Fatality. Damn talk about brutal XD


Oh WOW. This update. Holy shit! Incredible job as always. Thank you, so much. <3


Holy shit that ending and all the big things that are going down. Agent S! HOLY SHIT! Please let Allister and O have that date

Neth Rusiki Azhti



Oh HOLY shit holy shit this was so good....finally got to meet my kitty, hope we get to do more soon <3 <3 i wonder if he's hungry, he must be starving...


Steve caught a body in this update o3o; Guess Wright ain’t gonna be in Dusk Acres 2 XD Also Osten and Olivander thooough~ Excellent update! ^^


WHOA! That...was INTENSE! Great stuff man!


Shit just got real, RIP Wright and Sarge. I'll miss your himbo dingo booty.🤧

Good Boy Leroy

If I could post the fuckin,,, horse on the beach image here I would cause MAN this slaps


Damn!~That ending! Good riddance though >!>


Well, guess Fitch won't be interrogating Wright anytime soon... ah well, he can search the body at least!


I am loving how this is cumming together. Agent S got his turn and I was getting tired of the Sheriff Wright. Great art and story!


Ah, finally


Is it wrong, that i wanted to see the gory details of agent S tearing into wright? Guessing from everyone’s reactions. S didn’t make it a quick death.


All who are here, weep not for the passing of Wright. For he died as he would had loved to live. By the Claw!!. He got to know how it felt to be prey and the painful way it is to die that way. Wright's passing only show us all the more that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Let his death be a lesson to us all, no matter who you are predator or prey we all taste the same in the Flame!


I honestly.. just hope agent I can survive. Even if he is the last one and just submits by sucking cock. I want him to survive and make sure the others make it.

Blade G Shepherd

Holy fuck this was so good. I loved seeing DD and R getting reunited together, that just tugged at my heart strings <3.

Vince Xanders

I just want to see what Sven would turn into if corrupted. His milk jugs need to be shown more

Rodney Talon

I know tiger beats lion. Bear beats tiger? Oh well sparing him was for best. And figured what's up, mostly


Incredible ending, Agent S's character arc paying off superbly. Hope that Fitch isn't too badly damaged by that attack, this was his best update too.


Some people have to be sacrifice for everyone else to live. I love it and hate it at the same time haha. Good work B.C.

Robert Smith

Dang just... dang. O gets to trip every death flag on the way down XD Good, he got to defend those he loves to the end. Very interesting stuff about the Fire becoming dead, I guess this is why there are so many weird half PNs - when the person creating the shadow is becoming overwhelmed, that shadow naturally shrinks leaving less and less 'person' and more and more Fire... I think we are about to see a lot less cultists all of a sudden.

Vince Xanders

Oh yeah, still I slightly wanna see him get some more action then as regular Sven

Robert Smith

Also the Operator's pause... I wonder if she is encountering a threat at the door as well...


I also noticed that DD got all the memories that were transmitted out...so he should have a complete understanding of everything Q and R have gone through, I'd love to see him discuss that with them and have them all get closer


Wright got what he deserved for calling Neil a repulsive bucktoothed fool >:T


I really hope O survives. He's my favorite one. Also, Mistake on panel 42. He rips his shirt off in panel 41, but it's back on in panel 42. I understand mistakes can happen though :)


*slight concern R isn't seen at the truck scene* I'm still rooting for my boys survival... and given his state fighting a bunch of PN army thugs wouldn't go so well Also holy fuck S is scary


If only I wasn't tied to that god forsaken radiator when you took an ear from me...