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so... it's been a long time coming, but i think we'll be heading towards the conclusion of the story. The project has grown a bit too ambitious and with too many moving parts for me to safely manage as i usually did, so to help things go smoothly and to keep the narrative from degenerating, i'll stop taking commands from now on.

I apologize for all the people who still had plans in motion and wanted to explore more of their character, and i assure you i won't just drop your characters off, and will continue writing them as they behaved during the story, consulting with you if i feel like i'm going off track with them.

it's been a while i felt that the story kind of escaped my control and i'm not really making anyone happy with it. People who are in the story fight for space in it and the people who aren't in it are left alienated and confused. 

so in conclusion , I'll try to streamline the narrative a bit and head towards a satisfying ending . I hope you'll still be on board with it  and looking forward to start something new togehter soon enough , when this project is over.

thanks again for your patronage peeps <3 . Let's keep improving together- 



I can understand that and I hope everyone can to. Good luck with bringing the story to a close, it been great so far.


I can fully understand, I can honestly say that as a player it was getting difficult managing multiple threads of plot into my own actions. I trust you to do some good stuff and take things into a meaningful direction. Also a hopefully slutty one 👀


Even if I'm a bit sad to see it go its still super understandable given how big things got. Really hyped to see where you take it and still feel honored to have been able to both be a part of it and gotten to help qith it at all.


As a non-player I understand your decision on the matter, but as always you do an awesome job with what you do BC, and I'm down with whatever comes of the story and on, stay chillin dude! 😎


I can completely understand where you are coming from, thank you for letting us support you! You've honestly been doing amazing with such a big project, I know how hard it must of been to decide what happens and honestly, I'm looking forward to how you tie it all together. You are a brilliant writer and you have a great handle of how people's characters work. Thank you for letting us know and for letting us interact

Bryan Whiteman

its only natural, i am honestly i expected you to do this much sooner i am looking forward to seeing how it will end


Glad you’re wrapping up! I distanced myself for a while from commenting because my ideas wouldn’t really stick or have any bearing or impact. I just have been watching in the sidelines the whole time, but I hope the process can feel good to you too! It’s an honor to see everything happen from beginning to end and hopefully we can all feel good seeing the story arrive to your conclusion. You’ve grown a lot as an artist and hopefully you have fun with future projects including Zapp and Andy. ❤️


Hey man, do what you think is best! I'll be honest and say I have been finding it to be a bit confusing to follow for a while, so I hope you're able to get it back to a place where you're personally satisfied with it! I'll keep rooting for you and reading/cheering you on regardless ;0

João Lacerda

I just hope it has a happy ending


I'm still onboard 100% dude, I hope you can come to a conclusion that you're happy with!

Robert Smith

That makes a lot of sense- I just look forward to seeing the conclusion to everything! I can tell you know the characters well from the flashback, so I think it will go well.


Thank you again for a wild ride, BC! I have faith for the final stages of the story resting in your capable hands


It's an extremely difficult situation. Looking forward to the conclusion.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Good luck, thanks for the work as a whole. Hopefully you'll be able to reopen audience participation in some form during the epilogue. I definitely enjoyed the ending semi-Q&amp;A for the voices in the last project.


Echoing the sentiments of everyone here, there's been loads of ups and downs but this has been an amazing experience overall. Thank you so much for this, its been a wild wild ride and I'm thankful for the opportunity to participate. Excited for the conclusion! You're an amazing artist and writer BC, you've demonstrated remarkable abilities throughout this project and the ending will no doubt showcase that. Wouldn't have it any other way than letting you tell the story you want to tell.


Thanks for creating the comic BC. It's been a great and wild ride into madness =3 Might I suggest any complainers out there to remember that there's always fanfiction for those who aren't "happy". Make yourselves happy and write whatever you like, it's win-win. x3


Thank You. While I am not in the story I completely understand and agree. We have faith in you!


Kinda acting like the broken record over here XD We understand your feelings and reasoning for doing this BC, you've been brilliant with everyone wanting to be part of this amazing project. Whatever you decide, I am sure we will all support you. Maybe one day you'll decide to do this sort of story again in the future, I know that I can't wait to see what stories and project you have in mind for all of us. Take care man. Have a lovely day!


Do not apologize man. If anything we should be the ones to apologize, for all the chaos that has been while creating this comic, especially ever since you went the extra miles after changing the initial rules you had for the story for us. You went above and beyond to make sure to satisfy everyone. Thank you for all your hard work so far, and again will be looking forward for whatever comes next. And the only thing i want to note here, is what Wolfstar said. All those that have problems, or issues with the idea, they can always sit down and write, and draw their own fanfictions, too. That is indeed a win-win, for all of you too.


About time! i look forward to seeing how you progress things wappu! At least now i dont have worry about filling out that response form and worrying if my comment is even gonna show up, its out of my hands and im just along for the ride like i like to be ~


Its a tinge sad but you are a master storyteller so I know I can look forward to something really great with however you go with this. I am just honored to have gotten to impact the story in such a fun way, I will always remember this and hold it in my heart dearly.


Sarge was definitely a memorable figure! A tinge sad we never got to go at it roughly 👀


Late replying but Im happy to hear! I look forward to the fate of our people int he comic as well as where the story is headed!! :3 Im Glad i was able to be a part of this series and help move the story how i could.


I loved how the last story progressed, and I have no doubt you will bring it to a satisfying end