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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!





Oh wow what a hell of an update


damn nice seeing RD get some good in it with the story, use the stoner vibe for the good of the story

Lee Evergreen

A lot to process but a killer update!


O.o; That was wiiiiiild! Now I’m wondering who 1925-7914 is?? Edit: MYSTERY SOLVED! XD Thanks to da Drop Bear!


hooo, this is fantastic! you have such a way with building up tension


Agent RD (smoking a joint raising eyebrow, putting jack in a headlock) RD: gotta say, loving this strain, you grow it yourself. RD( puffing it out) RD:also thanks for the ride, we got a lot of shit to do, and trust me, dont be getting in our way... RD(Brandishing buck knife): now this brings back memories....


Well, this certainly put the steaks on the line. I seriously enjoyed this update. It provided some much needed backstory and provided information about what led up to it. Now, to be a good skunk and help


Does anybody know how to get tanuki blood out of white wool?


Holy shit! Everything makes sense now! This update was worth waiting for!


Uhhhh WOW!! Hope you had a great break BC, what a strong way to return to Dusk Acres, I never expected... I never knew I NEEDED such a big flashback to the start of all this. Fucking adore the scene of all the scientists going nuts, such big Resident Evil vibes. And know we know so much more about Otis' motivation and what exactly happened between T &amp; X... So, let me get this straight, Agent R found out T was APEX, told Otis, Otis told Agent X to deal with T, not knowing that X was also APEX, and might just have also been given an objective to eliminate the other APEX? Wild. And fucking hell the art is on point, everything is so well drawn, fucking love how DIRTY Agent S looks when he's glaring at Otis hahaha, not a happy bear. And Agent Z? Interesting. Its sad that wolf woman is probably the one the mafia gang killed and ate. Also <i><b>Agent C</b></i>, forgot what a cute boy he is, hehehehe.


Thank ya much for this post! SO much learned to!~ I do hope this will encourage peeps to try to help move the story forward some! X3


INCREDIBLE update, but as usual im choosing to just swoon over Agent R because god that kitty is so good..


Just want to say, this has been a hell of ride so far. It's been truly something special to watch.


BC HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME GO 😳😳😳 SO HARD???? 🤣 but omg J and Y where so cute, I can’t omguh thank uuuu! BUT ALSO amazing update as always!! Hope the break went well!


On the second read through I can confidently say that uhhhh Agent Z’s neck and scruff is giving me ~feelings~


A window to the past has open up at last. Giving us a peek into the wonders and terrors yet to come. The forces at play grab their players and the mysteries of it all is still just out of our knowing reaches. May the gods that be keep fools away from their secrets and the madness of their games. May the dark being play fair with is all.



Blade G Shepherd

Wow, what an amazing update. Seeing Agent C unkindled is just making me swoon for him. I fucking adored Agent P complaining about X and their cologne, that was just pure gold, all the while GL looking adorable. Loved it.


I'm happy to be getting it on with agent R in the past. I wonder if we were a thing or if I was the agency open secret. The one to go to for stress release.


Glad to see agent H helping someone.

Robert Smith

I suspect it was that he knew about X being a traitor, not T - based on R's flashbacks when he was running to the pub on Day 2. I get the feeling no one knew T was a traitor. I think Otis planned to deal with X by taking him with him? From what X was saying, it looks like APEX ordered each Agent to clean up the other? I'm guessing the survivor was the one they would promote, and gives them blackmail material on them as they killed their partner.

Robert Smith

So the APEX contact... my guess is that this is the same person as the operator (due to the fact they set this up so that Otis couldn't tell who they were by his personal scent abilities, and the fact the Operator seemed to know Otis), and the person who sent in DD, and now set up Otis... how many sides is she playing? I really want to know what they wanted to get out of this - presumably the plan to stop Otis, but it feels like they ALSO told Otis about the mansion, which makes me feel they were playing both angles of the equation. Of course, things clearly went wrong, but still dang. A lot to think about, thanks BC!

Robert Smith

Oh that is interesting as well- there must be another server in the Mansion- the scientists going crazy even at the Hospital indicates that Otis infected the Laboratory server, which he was synced to, and presumably the scientists. So we only got infected when the server we were synced to got compromised. Wonder if it is possible to resync to a different server and prevent further corruption? Also, it seems to confirm the idea that Otis is, on some level, cauterised- as it looks like the scientists that were connected to the network he was synced to straight up cauterised rather than kindled.

Robert Smith

Also also - Otis is becoming the Cannibal King right? The specimen feels too much like the star that fell to earth in the prophecy of Rulk for it not to be- and connects to the desire to put it back in the sky, which seems to be a cult goal, and the fact Otis is building his own Crimson Halls. Also explains why he wants Allister there as a backup- I wonder if he knew that, whatever he wanted to do with the specimen, could only be done by a 'candidate' for the Cannibal King. Thus, if he failed, he needed another in his place. If I am right, and Otis' candidacy is a result of the Red Ritual, that means Frank could be a potential candidate as well.


Welp... if R finds out about this you are going to be dog meat. How dare you steal the Director away from his favorite agent, watch your back J...


I was so shocked by this update hahahaha, it is incredibly sexy, love the look on your agent's face, and how thicc he is &lt;3


This update is pretty incredible, so much new information... but I still feel very lost on the big mysteries hahaha Agent R looking so cute and plump this update, did he always have such a tubby belly? 🥰 It is still so crazy to me that a random thing about "traitors" BC turned into a real thing, BC your talent is insane. Though I'm not sure what to do this update, I guess what I posted last time is still valid?


Though.. does this update make agent R and I a thing? Or just stress relief buddies?


R's stomach looked big since he's thrusting deep into Agent I.


The concept of chubby Agent R is really good tho, hm~? He'd get even chubbier if I had anything to say about it.. also yeah the comments from last time are still valid!!


making it an orgy with your nosy fat penguin ass ..stupid sexy penguin




While Agent I being R's boyfriend is a really fucking cute idea, I am not so sure it aligns with the characterization I've given R regarding his unrequited love for the Director... I think maybe R is just a smooth talker and knows your penguin will bend over to help out his favorite cat in need... This clearly isn't their first rodeo hehehe &lt;3


Damn, that was intense! It's really cool to think of all the possibilities for the future after this update! Brilliant stuff BC!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-17 01:58:57 Alright BC, I'll be frank - I used to follow Dusk Acres during the 300 or so first pages, and it's *incredible* how much work you put into this comic just to pour out more and more pages every week. But as someone who's not taking part of the tale - I lost track so fucking long ago. Nowadays it's just me browsing the comic for a few mere seconds and fishing for some "eye candy" here and there. It feels nearly impossible to follow this tale unless you're a part of it, but it might just be me, idk. Regardless - I hope that there'll be more projects like this in the future, and in case there are - that you'd consider taking in some new people as well. (I'd be honored to be included too, of course.) Lots of love and appreciation to you and the great community &lt;3
2022-01-15 15:34:30 Alright BC, I'll be frank - I used to follow Dusk Acres during the 300 or so first pages, and it's *incredible* how much work you put into this comic just to pour out more and more pages every week. But as someone who's not taking part of the tale - I lost track so fucking long ago. Nowadays it's just me browsing the comic for a few mere seconds and fishing for some "eye candy" here and there. It feels nearly impossible to follow this tale unless you're a part of it, but it might just be me, idk. Regardless - I hope that there'll be more projects like this in the future, and in case there are - that you'd consider taking in some new people as well. (I'd be honored to be included too, of course.) Lots of love and appreciation to you and the great community <3

Alright BC, I'll be frank - I used to follow Dusk Acres during the 300 or so first pages, and it's *incredible* how much work you put into this comic just to pour out more and more pages every week. But as someone who's not taking part of the tale - I lost track so fucking long ago. Nowadays it's just me browsing the comic for a few mere seconds and fishing for some "eye candy" here and there. It feels nearly impossible to follow this tale unless you're a part of it, but it might just be me, idk. Regardless - I hope that there'll be more projects like this in the future, and in case there are - that you'd consider taking in some new people as well. (I'd be honored to be included too, of course.) Lots of love and appreciation to you and the great community <3