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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!





Holy shit this update


well then


So very, very good, and plot!


What a wonderful and strange update, I see the circus has come to town... why am I suddenly reminded of Junji Ito? X3 Hazard a guess, but I think that would be Jack's mother turning up right? And by extension the pet would be the lover she ran off with. If only that blue flame wasn't there, what is that planning... does Sarge got to play action hero and save Jack's mom before something shoots out and converts? Odhran come quick darling we need your help sooner than you think <3 Also oof, not sure what is happening with Lord Barker but it is a damn shame Sarge n' him never got to consummate our alliance Pvt Bricksmasher is back, that big hairy brute is just as beautiful as I remember him. God, what an amazing smile he's got, you do be making the platoon PROUD son And Agent O talking about rescuing C is so sweet. Going to make it extra satisfying when Sarge smothers him with his body, just knock him out with his musk and crush his head between big sweaty thighs... or well if Agent O succeeds Agent C will be very grateful... before plugging his mouth with dingo cock hehe. And finally why do I get the impression Allister discovering the triangle now was BC realizing all of us patrons are too himbo to ever figure the triangle out x3


Welp... time for more mind fucks! AKA history lesson/lore!!! YAY! :3 Also im glad to see my question from the discord get in!~ XD


Don't forget about me, darling. I could be of help too




Figured I might comment early in case R might want to reply. I REALLY want to get some resolution with my story with R tonight if possible. DD barges his way towards Allister (Q with him, glaring). "Excuse me, SNF Agent Allister, was it? From what I've heard...you're heading up this little family in here? At least everyone tells me that. These runes here, they turned me back. I was the leader of the Cauterized, there might be...others that were like me?" A look over at R. The matching claw marks on his face...DD recognizes him, a tear rolls down his face. "He was one of them. I have to help, my pups are my family. I love them as deeply as love my fiancee, Q, here."


I was looking forward to R seeing the real BB... just don't crush the new truck with your butt


Seeing your red face as you worship that massive ass just made me so happy for some reason hahaha


RD (Gritting his teeth): THEY GOT THAT CROC!? anyone else opposed to getting fires started? RD(angerly tearing up): if anything happens to him i will maul everyone of those bastards!!!


This update was...so gooooood! Y's kindled look, Mr. Gra-oops! I mean Mr. Odall Banner accepting his fate also you knocked the design out of the park BC! Holy moly! XD). I got a hamham! A new ringmaster appears! We're about to get a memory recall! YAAAAAAAS!

Blade G Shepherd

Oh my goodness this update was awesome. Love Ouranos blocking the door while looking menacing like the brute he is. You knocked it out of the park BC ❤️😊


im not gonna lie, im crushing super hard over agent r...i want my kitty so badly


Agent R - "You... I... how??!..." Tears were welling up in your eyes as you saw the unmistakable visage of the former Branded Beast appear in the store dock... his handsome sharp tooth face shocked you to your core, filling you with such a rush of conflicting emotions you almost thought you might collapse. You NEVER imagined you'd ever see him... like this... free from the fire. There was still upset and fear in your mind, this guy was one of them, one of the leaders of this crazy town cult, he had almost sucked your soul dry, you had personally felt the fraying edges of your mind burn away as he embraced you... but the logical side of you knew that that wasn't his fault, this guy didn't choose his position, in many ways... he almost kind of saved you when you were going feral, only after you spoke with him... kissed him... you had the strength of mind to seek out your partners, even if through the lens of psychotic revenge. With a little hesitancy, you brush your paw up over Deep Dish's cheek, caressing his warm slightly tinged fur. This man was troubled, he'd been through a lot in the last few months. "We should talk... in private..." you had been planning to take Agent I's advice and leave through the tunnels, you'd alert the media, the military, someone to help... but it didn't feel like you'd ever get this chance again, you had to talk to this guy, get some closure. You got into the back of the truck to have a talk... --- Fifteen minutes later one of the agents opens the truck door, casting a harsh light over the cat n' koala, both wide eyed, half naked and on top of each other, clearly caught in a passionate bout of lovemaking. You hadn't expected to end up in this situation, but the dropbear was just so... impulsive... and you couldn't help remember your desire... The other agent rolls their eye and piles into the van, fair enough, two people fucking was not the most surprising event they'd seen that day. You cough, hastily buttoning up your shirt, "Uh... I better get to the tunnel, I -" "There's no time! The mall is being overrun but the shadows, we've got to leave!" Fuck!

Robert Smith

My two Otis theories continues with the fact that Otis set up Allister to save him! I am glad to see that- I knew there was something up

Robert Smith

AGENT O - ACTION - Try to convince Allister and Agent S to help him save the converted civilian - but if this fails go on his own.   DESCRIPTION - O doesn't trust S, but he needs him. The sounds of sex are getting louder, which can only mean one thing - he will have more to deal with. One on one, or two on one, O is confident in his training. More than that... He needs allies, or there will be a storm of kindled bearing down on the civilians and agents. He either needs S and Allister to both come with him, or neither so he can give them some time to evacuate.   DIALOGUE - To Allister and Agent S - 'S, I don't have any more time to fight. Just one kindled individual can spiral out of control, and we need to get out of here. All of us. Help me, and you get your gun. Final offer. And Allister, please come with me and help save them. But, if both of you can't... Get R to the loading bay. If I'm not back within the half hour, leave without me.'   To Agent R - 'Thank you for saying what needed to be said. I'll meet you at the loading bay soon – get J, I, and the laptops there.'   NOTE – In any fight, O’s priority will be keeping Allister safe, and forcing him to run if necessary – both objectives with the gun if needed. He has figured that Otis sent Allister here for a reason, and won’t risk losing the one way to complete their objective.

Robert Smith

Also I like how Allister's hair goes from droopy to ANIME CONFIDENCE. It is very cute and I love he


So many things!! Nice update BC! Awesome work!


The day is short and the night is long. The heat of the Flame start to draw all to its warmth. Th Wild Ones delight in their chaos, as the many faces of order plunder each others resources. And all the while the illuminating light keeps all the players deep in its dark heart. Have a Happy Holidays and Winter Solstice.

Bryan Whiteman

Agent V -- Damage control! Keep Orlando calm, delegate! We must maintain order!


<b>Odhran Brastini</b> <b>Intention: </b>To arrive at the rendevous point before continue our way to the store to help out the kindled there and to turn to hospital blaze to the kindled's advantage to zonk any survivors that look at it. <b>Summary: </b>Odhran informs people in the factory about the hospital fire, instructs Obadiah to infect it as they pass and arrive at the diner for folks to get into the limo. <b>Odhran (On the phone to Orrin/One Armed Butler, looking out the window of the limo)</b> : ...I see. I'll keep an eye out for him. While I have you, please inform the distraught doctor under your care that his office and place of work is currently burning to the ground. It appears the Candy Demons were unable to handle their share of the cauterized. <b>Odhran (to Obadiah):</b> Daylight is waning. Infect the blaze, Oba. Let that fire be a beacon to those still in the dark to our ways. <i>The limo eventually comes to a stop outside of the destroyed diner in front of the kindled. Oliver waddles out and opens the door.</i> <b>Odhran: </b>Welcome gentlemen. Please, take a seat. --- This was a really cool update! And thats one hell of a cliffhanger &lt;3


ACTION: Move to and open the shutters, staying on high-alert for interference or ambush from any unkindled along the way. Try to not get distracted and use any force necessary to accomplish the task. INTENT: Osten does not have a reliable method of kindling on hand, so opening the shutters is number one priority; he will either ignore or, if necessary, force his way through any distractions that happen to cross his path.


*agent I had been heling moved R around and looking after him apon seeing BB he stepped between them and tried to be protective.* "look.. no blind trust.. but if you two are going off to so something privately. I'm spying.. I'm keeping an eye on you both. You R to make sure you heal up.. and you Big guy.. so you don't try and hurt him." *and if the submissive I gets dragged into the fun. So be it. They are two doms and he is a sub.*

Neth Rusiki Azhti

ACTION: Arrive in town. Take Orazio with me. T, Y and Omar can follow if they choose. Contact Bastard letting him know I'm heading to his location. Get informed by him that he's leaving the Hospital and heading to the destroyed Diner. Rendezvous with Odhran's crew and with Bastard in front of the Diner. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTENTIONS: Idk if there's enough time for me to get to the diner, but I want to at least make it as far as I can towards there. If I arrive in town and I can't meet up with Odhran and Bastard and the rest of the guys, I'll stay weary of the Cauterized, trying not to wander around too much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REASONING: I've been gunning to go to the hospital, since I want to get to AW and have him help me. My character of course knows nothing about any of what's going on, so I'm aiming to wander into town and then not know what to do once I see the hospital is burnt down/on fire. I'm aiming to join the other kindled at some point, either sooner when I arrive in town or later when I'm hiding from the Cauterized. Obviously I wanna stay away from Orlando. My MAIN goal atm is to get someone to have cool sex with. Not just any form of it, I wanna keep Oxxford's vibe if possible. Oliver would be the guy I'm gunning to do that with. I want him to suck my tits and other things. I've been kindled for so long and have done basically nothing sexual. On purpose obviously, since I intended for Oxxford to be different. However, it'll somewhat feel like a waste if I don't get to do anything of that nature.


Also gunna add a comment for the memory flash back. ID likely coming in with just his shoulderbag not really interacting. at most see him doing a tarot reading in the background.


If Orrin wants to delegate then the Commander will help him delegate, in the best way he knows how. "It's always one problem after another isn't it? Having Senior Wolf go AWOL is just what we needed." *sigh* MAD Reading: I wanted to continue showing my appreciation to Elder Odin, but I suppose duty calls... Orlando is/will probably be shaken after seeing Barker turn and being told that the hospital is on fire. Thus the Commander has made it his responsibility to keep his head on straight. Of course the Commander will do that by knocking some sense into him. "Oi! Doc! *Smack* I don't need you going AWOL on us too. Keep it together or so help me rulk, I will consume your flame right here, right now! Don't think I haven't noticed how much you've been acting like a scared little chickling and I'm already tired of it. I didn't peg you for a coward nor did I come to rescue one, so you better compose yourself." If Orlando lashed out at Orrin for whatever reason then he will finish with this. "Oh and don't you dare speak to Orrin like that or we *will* have a problem, is that clear?" Quite frankly, the Commander doesn't care in the slightest who Orlando is or his position. If the Commander notices a weak link then he will correct it, it's as simple as that. Passive action: Simp for Odin-sama and swoon Orrin :3 TL;DR: Help Orrin keep things calm


"You got it Boss!" Obadiah yelled as he pulled himself out the side of the car window, flaming Molotov in his hand. He lobs it at the raging fire with a loud "FIRE IN THE HOLE" followed by maniacal cackling. "Hoowee I haven't had fun like this in too damn long. Boy am I ready to fuck with this meathead with a Napoleon Complex the Commanders talked so much about. " Also I think it would be fun to see Jack (Obadiah prekindled) around town if the agents are out in the open. Maybe scowling at them or telling them to fuck off if they try to talk to him. I think he's one of the few characters that hasn't been shown how he looked before kindling (obviously this is only if it fits into the scene I don't want to force it in)


Action: With how bad the situation is J will focus on grabbing the laptops and running to protect his allies Description: Because of how dire the situation is, J will grab both laptops head to the loading bay, grabbing any ally he can so they can all leave with Rf, Jane and the others. He will focus on getting the laptops and his allies to safety above all else and will avoid conflict but if he must fight If he will focus on stopping them without killing or harming them too much. Dialogue: If J encounters kindled P “oh biscuits, YOU’RE KINDLED AGAIN?? COME ON MAN, I EVEN SWALLOWED YOUR CUM, CAN YOU NOT BE EVIL FOR A SECOND??” (plot twist, this is why J is buff now? XD) If J gets the laptops to his allies “Guys, guys, here are the laptops! We can use the maps and kindled trackers to find a way out right? Ham ham (O) taught me how to use it, so it’s super easy to do, plus we can communicate with Frank!” Special super ultra good boy dialogue: “I sense, a disturbance in the good boy force, it’s as if we have lost a mighty lion daddy and gotten something, new, something…..HOT…. THE DIRECTOR MUST BE SAVED AT ALL COSTS” (THIS IS A JOKE)


(my post assumes it takes place when we're already driving away to the Mansion) Agent RF - "Hm, fewer of you here than I expected..." The big roo looked around the truck, only really taking notice of his remaining companions just now after being lost in thought recalling his glorious meeting with "Hedonis" (but Agent RF wasn't exactly surprised the incompetent nitwits and yokel boobs would get themselves infected). No matter, the most important asset was still around, Allister might be a naive prudish nitwit, but he was the only other person RF half-trusted to comprehend magic. (And you couldn't WAIT to gloat about your encounter with Hedonis with him) Agent RF scooted up next to his former boyfriend, who gave him a weary look as a malicious grin spread over RF's handsome mug, "Listen! All of you! I have wondrous news to share... during my near, ugh, death experience - at the hands of a certain vermin that will remain unnamed - I experienced a v-vision of divinity!" RF paused, as if expected a hushed gasp of impress from the crowed, the big roo grunted at the awkward silence before continuing with his epic tale. "Yes, that's right my dear friends, your humble colleague has just proven the existence of the supernatural and transcendental - of course, is it really a surprise out of anyone making this discovery it would be me, the most learned and magically adept out of anyone in the SNF - ahem, that is to say, I met him, the lord of endless pleasures and prince of carnal delight, HEDONIS, appeared to me and saved me!" Once again, a pause for a awestruck "Ooooh" or some kind of applause was met with stony silence. "...It was incredible, you wouldn't COMPREHEND the sights I saw when he took me, not to his endless garden of delight, but to the Crimson Halls! Can you believe it?! Never once in the arcane texts has he ever... He was so g-glorious, I was almost blinded by his radiance, I tell you, you would WEEP if your eyes gazed upon his magnificence, just imagine the most handsome, desirable, perfect man you've ever seen, the size of a mountain adorn with tasteful gold... and the most thrilling voice... oh that voice..." RF couldn't help notice the incredulous disbelieving looks on his fellow passengers' faces, the swine, he'd get to the point. "Mmhmm, anyway he told me things, important things! About the nature of the runes and the Fire... its growing, the Fire, he said its getting hotter and more powerful by the second, and soon, if we don't stop it the Fire will consume us all, no ancient ritual or technological contraction will keep us safe. And the runes, now this is very important, he said to me they don't work on the unkindled. Hear that melon head? Nothing in Ravenly's book about that! It means your protection runes won't stop you from being touched by the fire, they merely activate when you convert. We need to use these runes to have a chance of beating these heretical cultists, we can't just limit ourselves to the protection sign anymore - but we probably won't get a chance to apply them once we've converted into beastly cannibal idiots, so everyone, look at Allister's book and study the runes, we should strongly think of applying some runes now, if we think they might help." RF studied Allister's face, scrutinizing the polar bear's expression, oh yeah, he was jealous. Extra // RF turned to the big brutish looking koala, (the roo was surprised they got that big, he always thought they were meant to be short and chubby), RF hadn't seen him before, he assumed he was one of the survivors found in the mall, "You, lesser marsupial, where did you get that chest... branding?"


Oof, if the time limit for submissions hasn't changed for Christmas I think I've run out of time to come up with something good. <b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher </b> : The Sarge growled as he saw the strange flame engulf the van, what kind of trick was this? Did the engine catch on fire? Did the sheriff stash a consecrated molotov in the van he didn't know about? It was unknown, and Sarge hated anything unknown. Best thing to do? Ignore it. Walk away. Wrapping an unsolicited arm around Oleg's shoulder, ignoring the threatening growls of his pet, he ushered his <i>ridiculously</i> dressed brother away from the... burning van. "Listen here bozo, me and my boys have been trying to get inside this department store for hours now, but its shut tighter than than the Fort of Bazagon, if you can do some kind of clown trick to get us inside maybe you and I could strike up a bargain, split the profits, I'm sure a ringmaster like you wants more performers. I've got a boomstick they can suck on, we can make em convert to our factions, or I'll blow their heads off, you hear me solider?" The Sarge wasn't sure how much he was bullshitting about using deadly force to convince his fellow brothers to join the army, but he didn't want to go away from this mission empty handed.


"Being part of a polytheistic nomadic civilization that operates independent from the Alliance makes us lesser...how exactly?" "Although, the musculature of a kangaroo like yourself makes for a convincing argument. Reminds me of the port town koalas from Weissburg I grew up with. They were sailors that got real big. I was the biggest of them, so when I moved inland I was treated like a bear. Like a drop bear, if you've heard the urban legends." "...as for this? I'd like to believe it's what made me stand out as a Cauterized, before my Fire was put out by this blood rune. I was known as the Branded Beast, if that means anything. And how I got it..." [INSERT INFO FROM BC HERE]