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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


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and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!





Damnnn great update


Oh god <3


Very, very nice. Though my poor pants are gone. I may as well discard them and go naked ~ Oh no ~ Seriously interesting twist.


Whoa huge update! So that's where Omar got to, interesting to see he's being used as a PN but doesn't look like he's burnt up... Agent S trying to corrupt Allister with lies and sob story, that's so evil even I am offended And Hedonis sure has a sweet VOICE


Me and Mr. Gray are gonna throw hands. Also, I love this update, people got extinguished, we FINALLY got Omar again! Also is that a certain beagle I see? :O Noice! 11/10!


Wonderful update! I never expected Jack's dad was evil!... And the mysterious APEX agent, I wonder what "a fate worse than death" means in this context... and Agent RF getting pinned by his shadow and his god... 😍 huff... huff... Shame R couldn't ask Allister about the statue or apologize for his paw... I never know if I should make a new action or will the old action carry on to the next update?


Uh oh, we've been having too much fun with our Puppets and our favorite Puppet Master has returned for reasons unknown.

Star Ringer

HEY FOLKS! Looks like the links got garbled in translation for this update's google form and the public doc. If you click on it, it'll take you to the last update's form! Here's the correct links: Comment Form for WEDNESDAY 8 PM (12-07) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIlctqioEUgd7ofO9ARr98izQpR6zPjgy1U-k6U73_jffW4A/viewform Public Comment Doc for WEDNESDAY 8 PM (12-07) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CKIJjUiTnW77sRrsqGdshxq1mF-lmrRu2tNOWSe1vk0/


My boy almost got burnt into a BBQ fennik!! Thank you so much for all your hard work BC, like always, this update is incredible and I have no idea how you put in so much beautiful and soulful (and sexy) work into each update. The new APEX agent is so hot... Also Evan Martin noooooooo

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Well, when I thought things couldn't get any worse for me, I got proven wrong! Wow, I am FUCKED. And as per usual, I have no fucking idea as to what i can or should do. But uhmm... HELLO, VOICE :eyes: I see you're doing well! Thank you for doing a furry world next, this is pretty awesome!




I wonder how R would react seeing an extinguished BB..


Agent K falls to his knees as his memories of the past return to him. Agent K: By the Rulk... it's... it's all coming back to me. Where we are, this town. I can remember the Manimal Store, even the old playground! I... I was born and raised here. The memories... they keep coming back and... oh god... I remember him. My Hammy-Boo... I left him alone all these years. I-I didn't mean to but I... oh Rulk WHY...? He sobs as tears streak his face and looks back to agent D Agent K: Agent D I... I'm sorry for how I acted. I mean you and I... I sort of remember how close we were but... I-I hope you're not upset with me or anything.


As we turn another page the drama thickens for our players across the board. Fortunes raise and fall like an attack by a predictor on it's prey. Some will feast others will go unfulfilled till the puppet master makes it's last move.


Lol "I saw God" holy shit that is funny!


<b> Odhran Brastrini </b> <b>Intent:</b> Show that Odhran's actions are conflicting with GL, unintentionally keep Orlando on edge about his whole predicament with The Gentleman's Club, and to try and get in contact with Sarge. In a meta level, also have a few questions answered for the players, haha. <b> Summary: </b> Odhran steps out of the love pile and makes a phone call to find out what happened to Sarge and the sheriff. --- <b>Action</b> <i>A large section of the factory floor looks to have been converted into an abattoir, with plastic sheets stained with blood. In a display akin to a decadent renaissance painting, the aftermath of the gentleman's clubs blood orgy and meat prep. For the majority of people involved, they look utterly blissed out. A rattled blood covered Orlando is trapped under Oberon who appears to be lazily riding him. Oliver appears to be giving Odion a moob job. The remains of the cauterized lay around everyone , neatly organised and prepared for the upcoming feast. Odhran strokes the blood soaked chins and cheeks of Oberon and Oliver lovingly as Obadiah lays sprawled over Odhran's lap. Odhran's eyes are a shining constant red with tears rolling down his stoic face. </i> <b>Odhran (to Obadiah, Oberon and Oliver) : </b>"As promised my sweets, every member of this family has worked and fought so beautifully tonight. You've never shined brighter. As tempting as it is to stuff you all with the entire product we made right here, we mustn't let our fellow kin go hungry tonight." -- <b>Odhran, (response to Obadiah): </b>" Hmm? You care far to much for a black heart like mine, my dear. Thank you, my precious Oba." <b>Mad Reading:</b>" Tears that I don't recall shedding... Nor are they of joy. What is this compunctious feeling within me? It's like I am lost in a dream... ... Push them aside, there are more important things to worry about. First, let's locate the restless sargent. It's not like him to abandon us so. Especially after our arrangement. I may need to track him down if he's in trouble..." --- <i>Odhran stands to his feet, pulling himself out of the pile after Obadiah wipes his tears away. He pulls out his phone and begins calling the Sargent,as he does so, leans down and pulls out Orlando's pocket watch from Orlando's coat. </i> <b>Odhran (to Orlando whilst waiting for the call to go through) :</b>" My good doctor, do you not enjoy partaking in one of our most sacred rituals? You aren't straying from His light now, are you? Perhaps your troubled mind could do with a little session from your pocket watch. Your thoughts filled with eternal bliss is certainly medicine for the soul. The feast is drawing near, our contributions now prepared. Where are we to set the table? Is it the church, once more?" --- Side note: I asked permission from all the players involved in this set up aftermath scenario and they all agreed! Sorry if I rambled too much in my action post :x This was a lovely update!

Robert Smith

Agent O ACTION - Continue co-ordination now we know that the tunnel is a bust, trying to get more information to get us out. INTENT - Agent O pounds the side of the laptop, having listened in to Lyle and Neil. Of course they can't use the tunnels for anything but escaping town. He should have guessed nothing would be this easy. Too many things to pay attention to- at least the cauterised is being dekindled, one less pressure. Co-ordination is the only option. CONVERSATION - To Frank- I was listening in on your conversation- i don't want to trust that person blindly, but our interests align- we need the signal down. We have someone here who doesn't have a chip in their head- we just need to get him to your location. Can you get someone to use the corrupted computers to figure out the routes the cultists are using to get around? Maybe we can use one of them. To AGENT B - I'm glad you're back. I need you to be my back up plan. Can you work on something that can remotely transport the Black Word into the server room? I believe in your tech skills To FITCH - Hello, sorry to talk to you like this- Q and G seem... busy... so I need your help. Can you get Polaris to me? I can't talk to him directly, and I have a plan. To ALLISTER AND AGENT S - Sorry to interrupt- I need you two moving. Sheriff Wright has arrived, and is blocking our only means of getting out of here, since the tunnel leaves town... I don't want him attacking you two because of your history, but maybe we can bargain. He can't want the town to be falling apart like this, and without a chip he might be our best chance to distract that PN thing. ADDITION - O will help with curing kindling if O's attention is drawn to kindled Jack


RD (now back to normal as the rest takes out a photo of him and Agent H at a nude beach smiling together): i dont know how this all happened, but i hope to the 7 rings colliding, i can find this croc of love safe and sound... RD(pricking his finger with his teeth and taking the blood drawing on his hand and arm in runic scripture): anyone else wanna be more prepared in case those rump roasted assholes come back!? RD (pointing at everyones naked bodies, stern and serious): and lets find some scrubs, we look like a bunch of hedonists here, and i only do that with one man here!!! and if hes hurt in any way, i will not hold back...


Brilliant update BC! It was awesome to read!


Agent RF - The big roo was panting heavily, the divine experience rushing he'd just gone through rushing his mind so vividly, the sights, the smells... Agent RF gulped, the hint of an exquisitely salty sensation lingering on his lips, he could even taste it! But most of all he remembered that name. That distinct rune. It was etched in his mind and vision like a spot after staring too long at the sun. He'd never known Hedonis to be called by such a name... but the roo had never met a god before, so who was he to disagree. Despite his trauma, RF was positively trembling with excitement (he HAD to tell Allister about this!! (the goodie goodie was going to be SO JEALOUS)) instinctively he moved to get up but winced as a lightning strike of pain rushed through him! "Urrk... what in the?..." The roo looked down at his bandage covered body, memories of the vicious, unprompted, totally undeserved attack F5 committed against his body flooding back. "That gormless fucking mongrel..." RF quietly muttered to himself, seething, the dawning realization of just how bad F5 attacked him sinking in. It was a sharp stinging pain, but only when he moved. Despite his wounds RF felt oddly strong and healthy, more energized than he had been in years! (No doubt his god's blessing...) If it wasn't for the shooting pain he'd probably stomp right over to F5 right now and stomp on his face! He deserved revenge against that dollar store rat. But at the same time as he fumed over F5, RF quickly realized how Jane and Chandler must have helped saved him. (Of course, the big roo knew, only Hedonis could have truly saved him, but the wellspring of gratitude he felt towards them for their efforts was real so he decided not to mention THAT...) "...Excuse me... ahem uh, I-I really can't thank you enough" the big roo spoke, noticing that Jane was looking at him like he was delusional for mentioning he'd met god. Poor naive non-believers wouldn't understand. Jane helped RF to his feet, keeping the roo steady while explaining what had happened and how everyone needed to evacuate. She looked over at the frozen statue of a possum that was her cousin, clearly distressed about what to do with him. RF smirked, getting a wicked idea, telling Chandler how he found a cupboard full of tons of industrial duct tape in the supply closet, if they wanted to stop him from hurting himself, or anyone else, he should wrap him up, tight. Bind his arms and legs and that big stupid mouth.

Robert Smith

I realise I didn't do my usual speculations lol- these will be updated as and when I get time to read the update. I DO wanna say that that APEX operator has very familiar ears... I am glad it looks like she has some protection in the form of the dog Agent, if they find out she is screwing up their experiment...

Bryan Whiteman

Agent V Action: &gt;Realize that Barker has gone on without him again &gt;Accept that CDR probably didn't like him that much after all &gt;Demand Barker explain what's going on what has Orlando &gt;Check on One-armed Butler's condition


(I'd like to keep most of my last post the same, prioritizing comforting Allister and thanking him properly for saving me) Agent R - Despite feeling weak, you were determined to be helpful, to do something little to repay everyone for saving you... to help your family... Agent J, I and P had quickly collected enough supplies to fill a large shopping trolley, with enough food to feed everyone in the group for a few days, along with medicine, tools and a few "useful materials" to potentially make weapons with, like battery packs and harsh chemical cleaners. Your job as overseer was to help figure out an easy way to carry all this stuff when the group left the mall... and just as importantly come up with an escape plan at the same time. In the last hour you'd been brought up to speed on everything you'd missed during your nightmare as... it was better not to think about it... What mattered is you knew about the runes, what happened at the diner, about the crazy army cultists lurking outside, and everything your fellow agents knew about what APEX really was. Luckily you had plan, or at least a hunch, you suspected a big retail store like Manimal would have a loading zone to accept deliveries and remove garbage. And checking out the backrooms your suspicions were confirmed in the form of an industrial style exit at the back... but that wasn't the important part, what you'd hoped to find parked inside it was, your golden ticket out of this place, a big old delivery truck. It was huge and probably slow as fuck, but it could easily carry all the supplies and most, if not all of the survivors. If needed, a few might have to sprint to their own cars, but this was no doubt the best plan they had. You just needed the keys from one of the staff and everyone could leave. You needed to leave soon, find the Direc... Agent Y, he needed your help. Walking around the desolate retail store was creepy, the RV crashing into the wall had knocked tons of stock off the shelves, and it was eerily quiet, you turn a corner and suddenly stumble into Allister, he looks so tired and defeated. You still haven't had a chance to thank him properly for saving you... to apologize for... well, what you did when you were HIM... "Allister... I... uh, how is your hand doing?... I can't thank you enough for stopping me from becoming a murderer." You fumble awkwardly, unsure of what to say, he's looking... so sad you think... his eyes are watering and his lip is trembling. Without thinking you lunge in forward for a hug, comforting the poor polar bear. "Shh... shh... don't worry, we're going to make this all better... we're going to find him..." You tell Allister about the plan to leave in the delivery truck, and how it was important to get the keys so everyone could leave immediately.


VOICE if you can hear us: in this comfy dream of beasts who reigns as king? And by the night time feasts, will we all be under their wing?


Action: Help any injured or hurt survivors while assisting where posible with mark placement and evacuation. Description: J will make sure survivors are doing okay, since he was with P, I and R he will make sure they are marked and okay before helping anyone else. Once he is done with that he can assist the others from moving or carrying injured survivors to helping treat wounds. If J encounters any kindled he will try his best to defend his allies. if P is feeling down then J will ask P how he is holding up? and provide some emotional support if needed (J did swallow a bucket full of his cum, it’s the least he can do xD) If J encounters O he will try to secure “ham ham” and the laptops to keep them all safe. Optional action: after sensing with his good boy senses that Y has been attacked J gains the strength and speed of a thousand good boys, allowing to reach Y safely and suplex Mr sexy rhino for hurting the best of boys.


It is the Commander's duty to help Elder Odin-sama in whatever way possible. With that in mind he is definitely curious about what Odin-sama is doing here, it's not everyday you meet a blue whale this far from home. The mention of this 'chariot' is intriguing and I would like to find out more about it. "Elder, if I may ask, what is it you are doing here? I heard you mention a chariot, does your presence here have to do with that? And if so, is there anyway that I might be of assistance to you?" The Commander would proceed to help Odin-sama walk as he would consider it his honor to be his crutch. If the Commander sees Orrin then he will take note of his reserved behavior for later. It's very adorable how he thinks I've forgotten him, I have to let him know otherwise.

Blade G Shepherd

Action –Flirt with Agent O in a cocky manner while helping him manage the situation Mad Reading: “Mah waistline is gonnae fucking hate me fer this, but it feels so guid. Besides, A bit of gut never hurt anybody. Jist means am eatin well, like my pal GL. Ah promise…..I will find ye my precious marshmallow. After all, we are family, aren’t we? To Agent O: “Hehe……hey cutie, you look like you could use a haun wae that. Especially after that rumble outside. I’m sure yah don’t mind a strong lad like mysel tae help ya oot. Might even let ya suck mah willy if yer thirsty.” “Ye like what you see, don’t you pal? Don’t think I didnae see ya staring at mah fucking arse earlier. Admit it, Ye like a bit of beefcake don’t ya handsome?” Description: Stuffing himself with a donut, P flirts with O with a cocky grin on his face. His belly in front of O’s face while he sports a boner in his pants. Seeing the flustered look from O He sits down next to him, unzipping his pants letting his dick come out. P begins stroking his cock while teasing Agent O in the process. (I do admit, This one was heavily inspired by Unkindled C when I was rereading lol)


SVEN: Adam! Hold off Jack for as long as you can! I'm gonna go get some help! Sven heads over to Agent O and proceeds to ask for help, learning about where the rune items are in the process and grabs them and heads back to Adam and Jack. SVEN: Mr. O? I really need your help...Jack turned into one of those cultist dudes and Mr. Gray is being really suspicious...Is there a way to get them back to normal like Mr. Allister did for me?

Neth Rusiki Azhti

ACTION: Talk to and convince Omar that I'm helping the cult with preparations for the feast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIALOGUE: *internally: What is this brute doing here?! Isn't he working directly under the Chosen One? I just got caught smuggling the prisoners out! I...I need them for myself! How else am I supposed to prepare the feast? If I tell him about it maybe I can convince him to help me.* To Omar: Ugh, FINALLY someone arrived. Hello brother. The feast is fast approaching and I'm all the way out here in the woods! This will not do! I intend on being on the forefront of making sure the feast goes perfectly. Many of my investmnets were put into tonight's festivities, and it'd be a shame to see them be wasted. Mr.Orazio and I just saw some of our brothers aquire a large amount of flesh to be given to His will, a great boon! We shall all gorge ourselves on the ambrosia The Fire has shown us!! You will understand if I intended to bring these offerings to the local of the event. Unfortunately I had to bring one of them into our fold, rather than have him run away... One of them already did, and this other one is about to come to his senses. My attempts at being proactive were... misscalculated. But it seems you found the stray cat! How fortuatous! Where we're headed we will of course find more offerings to replace my now assistant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTENTIONS: To not get killed, knocked out, eaten, beaten up by Omar. (When the time comes, work on preparations for the feast with my faction, however small it is.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REASONING: I mean its up to Dede (most likely) if he's convinced or not. I DID plan on working on the feast when the time came, but of course I have no idea what the "offerings" are for, and therefore don't think they're too important. We can definitely always find more. We will, in fact.


Fitch stared at the Sheriff climbing out of the van for a moment, things feeling like they slowed as his mind worked rapidly. He… should go back inside, especially with that massive koala on the roof, what if the rune didn’t work? He basically threatened all of their lives. He walked over toward the gleam of sun reflecting of metal, where it had been dropped. And that… whatever the fuck that was that got smashed by the van. There was no way that killed him if getting shot in the head didn’t do it. It’d be a stupid idea to hang outside any longer than he had to. The metal of the gun was warm in his hands, most likely from Agent G having held onto it until just a moment before. There was a buzz in his ears, a request for assistance without voice, words without voice. That was Agent O, he was the organizer guy, he should really listen to the person behind the screen that could see everything. If Polaris was important, he should get him to safety. The gun clicked as he aimed it down at the tiger below. His hands were trembling. Strangely it took him a second to realize the anger he’d been so carefully keeping hold of, venting it by bits and pieces when it was safe, was overflowing, boiling to a fever pitch in his very core, his fangs were grit in hate and fury as he spat words at the Sheriff below. “Hey! Asshole! You’ve got 10 seconds! What the fuck did you do with my dad?” Then after a second… he shook the gun as if get the tiger’s attention. “One! And don’t bullshit me! I know you had something to do with it, you fucking Wrights couldn’t handle Mom ‘tainting’ your bloodline with another species. So where the fuck is he?!” Then after another second… “Two!”


<b> Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : The very first thing the Sarge did after the crash was check on his pups, and the Sheriff. Keeping his platoon safe and strong was the dingo's <i>number one priority</i>, he had a fatherly duty towards his men. Thankfully his boys seemed alright, they were a little battered and bruised, but nothing they wouldn't shake off with a little encouragement. Opus had a big cut on his brow, you nuzzled in close with the private and lick off the blood. A sweet intimate moment before war. But how to proceed? The ramming tactic had failed, and the building was on a defensive lockdown. The Sarge would pray. Prayer always worked. The Sarge closed his eyes, quietly muttering a request for help and guidance from the Chosen One and your beloved Veracious Sun. Give us a sign, show us a way to break their fortress and convert them to the light. Suddenly the Sarge's phone rang, the dingo <i>growled</i> instinctively at being interrupted, but in the dim light of the toppled van there was almost a holy glow to it. Maybe this was fate? <i>Maybe the Chosen One was calling him personally?!</i> Oakley snorted when he picked up the phone and was greeted with Odhran's sickly sweet honeyed voice. He wanted to know where you had gone - apparently he'd just finished slaughtering some cauterized, without you?!! The Sarge had <i>trouble</i> believing that was true... the braggart probably just killed a little old granny or some wheelchair bound kid with his arms tied behind his back... no way they'd be able to pull all a real fight without you! Regardless, you told him of your situation, how the Sheriff had tracked down the escaped fugitives, how you were pinned down by enemy fire, at the gates of the enemies fortress with no way inside. You... could probably use some backup right about now.


Adam (to Sven, as he leaves): I’ll be… fine—just be careful! Mr. Gray jabbed me with something before he ran off. M.A.D. Reading: My head… it feels like… this morning… Action: Continue attempting to restrain Olivander while Sven goes to get help, too wrapped up in it all to fully comprehend what is happening until it’s too late. Intent: Shame, panic, hunger and anger at Mr. Gray for doing this (and stabbing him) have left Adam very disoriented and distracted. Being kindled doesn’t help, nor does the holy man’s member brushing against his thigh – potentially leaving him vulnerable for Olivander to take back his lighter and speed the transformation along. Adam(?): C’mon—please—just—LISTEN! Stop fighting me—I’m just trying to help! I can’t just let—I need… I need… Osten Bales: –I need a fucking smoke.


OB;AW - O_B felt a little dizzy, whenever he thought about that beautiful fire his head hurt a little and his dick got harder, twitching and dripping pre. The gamer fox was sweating up a storm, leaning on Bao for support as they returned to the bathroom to greet their new brothers. The fennik was feeling a mix of emotions. Mostly extreme inexplicable arousal, and gratefulness to his beefy well-dressed savior. The fennik was gritting his teeth, eyeing Ontarou's huge juicy white shaft... the gamemaster was supposed to be a dom daddy, not a damn bottom!!... but he couldn't help drool a little Luckily he was interrupted by a surprise text message with a photo attachment from SSAOB before he did anything rash. The duo paused in the hallway, a look of concern shared between them, somehow a bunch of your brothers had just been... plebisized by some stupid drawing, take control of YOUR lair! "They can do that?!! T-those cheaters!!" A drastic new plan had to be thought up on the spot... O_B would use his laptop to hack into the network and warn his brothers about the unkindled plebs, meanwhile Bao would act as his bodyguard while they escaped the bunker through the diner tunnel. They could meet up at Mr. King's mansion turned secret agent base. Of course, as payment for his protection, O_B agreed to give the panda a little handjob as they walked.


This puts me in a difficult position, if Sarge sees you holding the shotgun and one of his pups got hurt, he's going to be furious and think it was you


If our recruits get injured on your watch then I'll have that dingo ass of yours on a silver platter, Sarge.




Festus slowly regains consciousness only to awaken with his wrists and ankles bound tightly, once white fur now stained with crimson along with a lingering taste of blood still fresh in his toothy maw. Jane, Chandler and RF argues from the other side of the room not paying any attention to F5 as he stealthily use his tail to slowly free his bound limbs from the strips of polyethylene bindings. A sharp stabbing sensation began to intensify in the opossum's head which F5 loudly warns the trio of the incoming danger through his taped mouth.

Zen Furo

While preparations for the feast are under way, the butler decides to pick up the main course for the evening. "I'll proceed to get our esteemed guests for the Feast. I'm sure Master Bureau would tire of keeping watch over our guests." He leaves the group, possibly with Orrin in tow if he so wishes. Upon returning to the prison area, the butler's expression shows mild annoyance, masking righteous fury upon discovering that Oxxford has snuck away with the prisoners in tow. "By the Laughing God's trickery. They're all gone. This blasphemous act must be reported post-haste." If Orrin is with him, he will ask him to inform the others while he tries to track down the traitorous businessman. "We must inform the others. Call Master Barker. Tell him that our unkindled guests have been lured away by that rat Oxxford. I'll see if I can chase after them." Otherwise, he'll send a message to Orrin before proceeding to track down Oxxford. "The unkindled are gone. Oxxford stole them. Trying to recapture the guests."


SVEN: Adam! Hold off Jack for as long as you can! I'm gonna go get help! -Goes over to Agent O to get help- SVEN: Mr. O? My friend Jack got turned into a cultist and Adam seems like he's about to go through the same process. Is there a way I'll be able to help them? -putting my hand on O's shoulder- SVEN: I could really use your help. -Sven comes back, seeing Adam now changed, arms full of the items Agent Q wrote the Extinguishing rune on- SVEN: Lyle! Neil! We gotta get these two tied up, or something!


(( Great Update! Also, I know new spots aren’t currently available, but I’m gonna keep trying in the hopes that there are at some point!)) A large figure would flounder his way into view, arms folded behind his slouched back as he looked around in his rose-tinted glasses. After a moment, he’d turn to the closest individual with a friendly smile. “Well, looks like you’ve got a bit of a problem going on here. Luckily for you, I fancy myself to be a bit of a problem solver. Though, I do need to… to ask… (where is it…?)” The figure would pause for a moment, fiddling around his pockets, looking for… “Oh! There it is.” He’d reach into his inner coat pocket, pulling free a piece of paper and revealing a photograph. “…Have you seen the two individuals in this photo? I’m trying to find them.”

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-29 20:24:55 Well… this was certainly unexpected! &lt;://D Mainly wanting to drop in and give my kudos since this comic is no small feat, even to someone who’s just reading like me. I can only hope that it continues to be a fun ride for you guys while also fun for BC to make! And ah… addressing the beagle in the room, genuinely exciting to see my fan-agent be in as a cameo, haha! I’ll be keeping an eye on him and his mysterious companion(?) and crossing my fingers everything will go alright, even if I’m peeking through my hands if things get a lil violent! Thank you again!
2021-11-29 20:21:17 Well… this was certainly unexpected! <://D Mainly wanting to drop in and give my kudos since this comic is no small feat, even to someone who’s just reading like me. I can only hope that it continues to be a fun ride for you guys while also fun for BC to make! And ah… addressing the beagle in the room, genuinely exciting to see my fan-agent be in as a cameo, haha! I’ll be keeping an eye on him and his mysterious companion(?) and crossing my fingers everything will go alright, even if I’m peeking through my hands if things get a lil violent! Thank you again!

Well… this was certainly unexpected! <://D Mainly wanting to drop in and give my kudos since this comic is no small feat, even to someone who’s just reading like me. I can only hope that it continues to be a fun ride for you guys while also fun for BC to make! And ah… addressing the beagle in the room, genuinely exciting to see my fan-agent be in as a cameo, haha! I’ll be keeping an eye on him and his mysterious companion(?) and crossing my fingers everything will go alright, even if I’m peeking through my hands if things get a lil violent! Thank you again!


ahh glad to see you in there! we have a discord if you want to drop in and chat with folks uwu