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star ringer (agent G) has compiled a nice submission form that'll help us parse the comments way more effectively! you can use it if you want or just comment below as usual:


dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres!




Neth Rusiki Azhti

The telegram chat has a new link guys! https://t.me/joinchat/-RooDwCW7f9kZTBk



Robert Smith

My guess is they work similar to the PNs? We aren't actually hitting them where they are? The way M and W reacted like they had 'seen this before' makes me feel like it is a similar process.


Another great update guys


I’m a flurry of emotions right now, all positive though! Excellent work! ^w^

Star Ringer

Hey folks! BC only put the link up for the public comment document, not the submission form- that can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSff5tlA2qjQImM5Bd09GFwIWi2fUwxCZHMU4qjo_4wpI9U4iQ/viewform

Ben Nikel

Critical error in oposs.exe. F5 is gonna evolve into a bloody hurricane.


Yes! Even if it was a moment it was nice to start crying to those memories of my hammy boo. Octavious Bunsen Redmire: Hey, Frankie has a pretty fun idea honey. You and I could mark each other, it be like giving each other wedding rings all over again. What do ya say Orson? Care to take my blood mark of love?


Holy crab apples this was good yo, fuckin gun blazing action let's go!


That statue fucking moved, I know it!!! Omniscient Bastard looking hot as always. great work Blazing cheeks!


Orson Broyle: You know I like the sound of that, and I do enjoy a good kinky 'carve strange symbols while bathed in blood' kind of evening, but darling, we should get moving. It seems we have guests approaching, and as much I adore bathing in blood, I'd prefer it to not be my own, at least, not in an approved way. *to the Candy Demons* We really should get moving to somewhere secure for when those crazed blasphemers show up and ruin our good time. I wouldn't want this hunk of a ham to get torched before we can give him a good glazing. *Walks over and gropes Frank openly, sending a puff of smoke at him with a grin* That reminds me that I have some friends in the basement who may have found some weapons and ways to defend us -- and they have a camera too. What do you all think about taking this orgy on the road to a place where we can really let loose?


So many things...so many amazing THINGS! Bravo BC! Brillaint job man!


I'm on the edge of my seat with this one!! Good job wappu!!


I am not sure what to make of this development.


Wow, another amazing update, I will never stop being impressed with how you can craft such a complex and <b>exciting</b> story, there is so much action going on! The cauterized fight is metal as fuck, so cool. And Allister's paw, that looks so <i>painful.</i> Also the platoon's newest recruits look so good!! I loved their old designs, but the new ones are fucking sexy. Jarhead Begosi and that goatee on Rickie &lt;3 Though I notice we weren't at the battle. Sheriff where are you taking us?...


Clearly he wants revenge against Allister. He'd be heading to the manimal store, if he knows where allister is


I would've loved to have seen the roar :c it's a pretty big kink of mine Maybe next update if it cuts back to me, heh


And so the forces that be turns the wheel of chance to hide what is to come and leave bits of facts to hard to recall. The feast oh the feast awaits its meat and all to give praise to he that sits at the front of the table. May all who gather know his name.


I am so happy me and CDR's Rocket and Groot moment got in. Oba is going full chaos gremlin and I am loving it. Though the uh outcome of that scene certainly is making me nervous now. I was kinda hoping an area attack would get around all the MAD Chip stuff but I guess not haha. I'm gonna have to put in some work to keep Oba alive long enough to bang in this comic it seems.


I'm coming Odin! I'll support you and help you out with whatever you need... regardless of what that may be (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


maybe your echolocation will be useful since you have a whale to bounce it off of


Same boat. I really don't want F5 to murder Jane.


Action: Drag on your stogey, wanting to give char a smokey snog take the handsome sexy black bear, breed him to your heart's content, you need this, to ease your stress to calm your mind, reach that release, What comes after doesn't matter, live for the now, but why, why do i feel sad, I'm crying? what the hell am i crying for? these agents are messing with my head they have to be! i can't stop thinking about that night in the alley that panda i knew him didn't i? what's happening to my memories? Intent: Feeling a twinge of fear amidst the explosive sexual release, a thought tries to surface in the back of the hamster mind, a feeling, a sensation of loss and need and confusion, suppress these thoughts and indulge in your carnal needs M.A.D. Reading Citizen - !@^&amp;&amp;@&amp;&amp;@ "k" -$%^ Summary: Ero will finish his session with char trying to keep his deteriorating emotional state hidden from the bear, confused and feeling more stimulated and excited for something or someone. a need is arising within.

Zen Furo

There's a lot of memory logging this update, from what I can see. Interesting, very interesting. And it looks like the perceived reality is showing to be less and less real, or becoming less and less accurate? Also, looks like RK's plan is backfiring on him with dangerous consequences. Love all the elements in this update. Looking forward to what happens next to each group here!


This was one hell of an update! 💚 That axe hit panel was metal as hell, you did an amazing job there!

Robert Smith

ACTION AGENT O – Gather all survivors for an escape, and ask the Hacker to free Agent T from mind control. DESCRIPTION – Seeing the warning flash on his screen, Agent O doesn’t hesitate to start getting things ready to move, grabbing up the laptop and getting J to do the same with his. MAD READING AGENT O – ‘This hacker has tried to help us at every step so far… Hells, if Frank is right, and it is his father, he is on our side. I can’t ignore this warning, no matter how irrational it sounds.’ IF O CAN REPLY TO THE HACKER – ‘Director… is that you? This is Agent O of the SNF, if it is you please respond… Listen, whoever you are, I’ll do what I can, but Agent T is currently under mind control. I can’t access MAD commands due to what I am working with, but if you can… please, free him. We can’t lose anyone else to this town.’ O VIA MAD CHIP BROADCAST TO EVERYONE IN MANIMAL STORE – ‘This is Agent O, I need everyone who is available to gather as many supplies as possible, and gather in the main room. No one gets left behind. If any employees know of a way out of here other than the front door, we need to pool this information. I will explain everything, just hurry. And someone tell Polaris this, I know I can’t contact him via chip.’ AGENT O TO FRANK - 'Sorry, I know this is a critical time for you, but we... might have to relocate quickly, and getting that signal down is going to be vital if so. When the elevator arrives at the bunker, try to use the Black Word to do a system reset. The technology should be intuitive.'


More action. Awesome. Hopefully they can save agent F5.


Action: Take the laptop and continue to inform Y as J begins to escape with the survivors. Dialogue: To O: “Oh corn nuts, Ham ham I’m taking the laptop with me, gotta keep Mr. Y informed!” To Y: “Sir a situation has come up here, so I’m starting to move, continue following my instruction till you reach a the church…and Sir, if at any time we loose communication, trust you instincts, you are strong, smart and I…I respect the hell out of you Sir, you may not have been the real Director but you are MY Director so, survive!!” Mad reading: “Oh shitake Mushroom, there is too much going on, I want to help them, help everyone… but I gotta focus, gotta keep this laptop safe, gotta grab a backpack or anything to keep the laptop safe and a weapon maybe? I won’t let more ppl fall to the cultist…gotta be ready to fight!


-Otto happily gets a tattoo drawn on him by Frank in preparation for the orgy (OC - I am fully aware this is Frank trying to deconvert Otto, and I want this)- 'If putting on a blood tattoo means you will let me have first swing at that ass, how can I say no?' Otto let's Frank draw a sigil on him, as he rubs his cock between Frank's asscheeks"


<b>Odhran Brastini </b> <b>Intent:</b> To show Odhran is a quick thinker and tries to come up with a potential solution. Believing that his sight can't be trusted, Odhran is relying on his instincts and his sense of hearing and smell to guide him in the fight to aide lord barker, potentially alerting O_B to the danger the gentleman's club find themselves in. <b>Action: </b>think of a strategy to rely on his other senses in the battle whilst he defends himself and the others, and throw his coat over the flaming cauterized for the true silhouette to be revealed for Lord Barker to attack --- <b>Odhran</b>:... Hm. It would seem that our own eyes can't be trusted in this fight. It's as if we are fighting an after image... <b>MAD reading:</b> These flames fight on pure instinct. Perhaps I should meet them at their level. O_B, I'm sure you are listening in just as much as The Chosen One is... Guide our hands as we protect you all. <i>Odhran closes his eyes and focuses on his other senses for a moment. The sounds of cauterized moving and sneering, the sound of the fire. The smell. He can faintly smell the cauterized's scent but it is being overpowered by the smell of fire, burnt fur and Obadiah's alcohol. Wait, why is the smell closer to him than what he can see? The sound of the machete swinging towards him. Could that be it? Odhran opens his eyes blocks the machete swipe with the axe with one hand as he throws his jacket at the flaming cauterized with the other. </i> <b>Odhran (to the cauterized capybara) </b>: You want my fire, don't you? You can feel it burn, can't you my sweet?


The Commander knew to expect some tricks from the cauterized but duping one’s perception of them wasn’t on his list. Despite that surprise, it wasn’t too much of a problem for him as he didn’t need to use his eyes to determine where someone’s location was. M.A.D. Reading: “These savages seem to be able to deceive our sense of sight, unfortunately for them I have other ways to see.” (USE ECHOLOCATION) The arrival of brother Odin was an unexpected but welcome surprise, the tank of a whale is just what we need. The Commander would communicate with him using sonar to give him an idea of the situation we are currently dealing with and the reason for us being here. Sonar: “Well met brother! My fellow squaddies and I have come to deal with the cauterized threat that currently plagues us and to extract a VIP from the premises. Defending this chariot of yours is also a top priority because I won’t allow any savage to destroy or damage something that you have created. These beasts are somehow able to fool our eyes into misconstruing their position, I believe echolocation may prove useful. With that in mind, stay on your guard brother, it would be unfortunate if something were to happen to you.” I would like to rush to Odin’s side but it seems unlikely with all the cauterized between us…


<b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : “Fuck me, yer a <i>heavy bastard</i> ain't ya?" The huge dingo grunted as he finished up inside his newly minted and freshly creamed enlistee, giving the dimwitted hippo a hard <b>slap</b> on the bottom to sent the orgasm-dazed grunt away, "Go on n' play with your brothers, maggot, I think they could all use a turn in yer doughy greenhorn ass, <i>ya fuckin' boot!</i>" The Sarge got to his feet, legs still a little shaky from cumming so hard, looking out the windows in vague confusion, <i>now where the fuck did the limo go??</i> The Sarge growled, did those stupid lords get lost??!... Or <i>maybe</i> they were just <i>big fucking cowards</i> and hid their pansy posh asses back at their mansion for a little orgy. They were probably sipping wine in front of a roaring fire right now, laughing it up while they expected you to do all the battling yourself, <i>fucking typical!</i> The big dingo lumbered up behind the fat kitty-cat in the front seat, the Sarge could sense Mr. Write was <i>extremely pent up</i>, like he probably hadn't had a <i>good fuck in years</i>, now why would that be the case?? Shame he couldn't be kindled, he'd probably make an eager little grunt, but it might still be worthwhile to butter him up? Give him some insight into the righteousness of your cause. "So, how <i>did</i> a good looking bloke like you end up 'round these parts? A big <b>strong</b> tiger, such a rare breed, top of the food chain, its a big honor for such a little town." The Sarge gently rested his arms on the Sheriffs, initially startling the tiger like he'd just shot a bolt of electricity through him, but appealing to his ego must worked, as he begrudgingly allowed the Sarge to massage his shoulders. "Relax, solder, you don't want to enter the heat of battle feeling ridged, this could be your last day alive, you've got to enjoy it." The Sarge's fingers began slowly trailing down the tigers shirt, sharp claws popping a few buttons with ease. The heavy stench of booze on Mr. Write's breath was obvious as he exhaled deeply, letting out a burp. "You've got such beautiful claws Sheriff, and such big fangs, but do you know the most important part of your body is? The Veracious Sun teaches us its not your heart, or that bloody grey matter in your skull, its this." The Sheriff gasps slightly as the Sarge gropes his tenting cock. The dingo unzips his trousers and begins stroking his hardening mast. "<b>Oi!</b> Pvt Opus get your <b>fat ass</b> over here and suck the good sheriff off!!"


In summary the Sarge notices the posh gang has gone missing, but doesn't realize the sheriff has driven them somewhere else. Sarge still feels a little horny, as always, so he decides to butter up the tight-ass Sheriff for fun, seducing the drunken tiger into accepting a blowjob from Ricky and maybe more...


Action: Agent U goes to a secluded spot in the bunker on the pretense of needing to use the restroom and discretely draws the dekindling rune on his body. He draws it in blood on his lower leg, a spot that is not wooly and is hidden from view by the hem of his trousers. MAD Reading: Ironic, my family “magic” failed to protect us but now I’m putting my faith in another symbolic rune. If we could analyze this magic, would it be meaningfully different from technology? And, either way, how different is a MAD chip from the mystics that controlled us with fake magic before the Alliance? Gah... this headache is making it hard to focus.


Hehe, I love this update so much, Cauterized R's body is just so attractive, wish I could cuddle with that kitty and snuggle into his beard and belly and make him feel better. Also Char is so hot, seeing how that hamster is dominating him is getting me flustered, look at that face of pure bliss, look at that fat chest!


Agent @#à[%%%%RRRRRRRR - For ages you struggle against the white bear's huge paws, but with little success, maybe its his incredible polar bear strength, or perhaps a part of you has given up... You don't understand why he's doing this, why hasn't he torn your throat open, one bite is all it would take, his problems would all be over... Your brain feels... weird... prickly... something is happening underneath the whirlwind of fear and confusion... what did they do to you?!... you gnash your teeth like a rabid animal, but for some reason it feels a lot less... natural... "Gotta escape... he's coming... unstoppable flame... unquenchable hunger... mast- no, he's going to kill everyone..." You don't know why you suddenly feel so weak? ...You're trembling, and your voice is unfamiliar, hoarse... and you're just so tired all of a sudden... it feels like you've run a marathon, your legs hurt and your chest is burning, every muscle in your body aches. You can see the fiery expression of determination in the polar bear's eyes soften, and his grip loosens, as if he knows you're weak, how does he know??... But you still you can't escape, you probably couldn't walk to the other side of the room right now... you slump forward into Allister's chest, totally exhausted, head cradled on his shoulders. You feel him wrap his arms around you, its so warm. "Ugh... I'm pathetic..." you whisper to yourself, you wish you had a cigarette.


🥺🥺🥺 I'm gonna miss my kitty...we never got to fuck

Blade G Shepherd

Action: - Open up more to Lyle regarding what happened to you and GL in the bunker. *P comes back in with Lyle, he has a noticeable beer gut and is eating a donut as he wanders in. He remembers originally being kindled into the Mafia alongside GL/Odhran in the bunker, before the Sarge got pissed off and faction switched him into the Platoon.* Mad Reading Agent P: - “So that’s why I ken this “Odhran” fellow instead of GL. It’s aw coming back tae me now. Me and GL got kindled together, then C, the dirty rotten bastard he is stole me from mah pal. He always was awfy crabbit. Fuck ma shirt is so tight around my belly, feels so warm and soft………just like GL’s hugs. *P opens up to Lyle regarding what happened to him and GL at the bunker, telling him he remembers being kindled twice instead of once.* To Lyle: Hey mate, I have this strange memory in mah head that I keep seeing. For some fucking reason, I ken GL’s kindled name, Odhran . Not only that but ah ken what he looks like tae. It’s all coming back to me now, I wasnae kindled once………but twice. It’s still vivid in ma heid. It’s like our strong friendship kept us together, made us get kindled into the same group. And that “Sarge” that wis chasing Adam and Jack, he used to be one of us tae. Mate went aff his fucking heid and turned me into his soldier. (Trying to post it again cause Patreon keeps deleting it for some reason.)


Don't worry, you'll be happy when the Sarge gets you back in the platoon, brother. Mindless n' horny like a good toy solder ought to be.


OB;AW – The chubby fennik fumes, a bubbling fountain of GAMER RAGE growing inside him. How dare these n00bs invade his personal lair!! How dare these unkindled PLEBS walk around like they were better than pets to be used and abused!! How DARE Beal bend over the ultimate dom top daddy, and not even give him the courtesy of a after fuck kiss!!!... O_B huffed on his vape pen before slamming his fists onto the desk, "That's it, screw you guys, I'm hungry!!" Without offering explanation the angry little fox stomped off out the room, fat butt wobbling behind him. As soon as he left the room the external seething gave way to his internal self-pitying, the fennik blinking away watery eyes and whimpering, he wished he had some ice cream. The feast was coming and he hadn't helped his friends, he hadn't converted any plebs or made any grand alliances, he wasn't strong (or even that smart he hated to admit), he'd be picked for sacrifice for sure. It wasn't fair!! O_B sniveled as he walked into the server room, for some reason he felt comforted by close to the machine.


Don't worry O_B, Odhran would give you all the kisses you want. You've helped him plenty 💚


Fitch slipped another item into his duffel bag as he narrowed his eyes at the rabbit next to him. He made a disgusted face, “Still pissed? Yes. You know I get tons of crap from every idiot in town for literally no reason other than existing. It’s really not cool of you to encourage that shit. … I guess I’m just more disappointed than anything,” he trailed off before shaking himself, “Wait, hold on, are you really trying to change the topic? Seriously?” he sighed as he shoved a roll of medical gauze into his bag… he was mostly going for stuff that could be used as weapons, but… medical supplies were always good too. “If it’s like embarrassing or some shit, I literally don’t care. You couldn’t possibly change my opinion of you,” he said, probably not reassuringly. He stopped, squinting at Neil, “... This isn’t some high school drama bullcrap, is it? I’m going to be fucking pissed if you’re bringing that shit into a literal apocalypse. Seriously, we’re all adults here, just fucking say what your deal is so I can actually help with your prob- huh?” he began, building up to a rant before he heard a thud from nearby. “... Okay, I’ll put a pin in this, but if you won’t tell me, I’m going to go ask everyone else what your problem is,” Fitch said with no small amount of annoyance as he hurried back to the main area of the store. He stopped in his tracks, seeing Jack on the floor. “Oh fuck, hey! Jack! Are you okay?! What the hell happened?” Though after he came around and said his piece with the added broadcast from over the MAD chip, which holy shit that was weird, he put on a serious expression. “Fuck. Okay. Here, I grabbed a bunch of crap I thought was useful,” he said before putting his duffel bag out for everyone to grab from, “Weapons, medical supplies, that sort of shit. Feel free to grab something to defend yourself with. I’m gonna go to tell those agents what’s up. We need at least that hamster guy or the opossum safe to work the laptop whatever.” He grabbed something to defend himself with before heading over to where he had seen Agent O set up his workspace. “Hey! Agent O, right? Apparently there’s a tunnel or some shit in the basement we can escape through. Jack’s Dad spilled the beans about it. You two all packed up? I can carry anything you need so we can get out of this shithole quicker.”


*Mad reading of Agent I* So far my tarot card readings have been all right.. R had one of weakness. Though he fought for a long time. His resistance was low. (Action) *Agent I moves to uncuff S from the radiator. Keeping his paws cuffed together behind his back.* (speach) "Alright.. based on that roar.. we need to go. I got S. You got R Allister?"

Neth Rusiki Azhti

ACTION: Leave the factory, unseen. Acquire vehicle if possible. Head to the hospital/bunker. DIALOGUE: ---- REASONING/INTENT: Since the cauterized are busy dealing with the platoon and the family, I believe it wouldn't be too hard to sneakily leave the place. I need to keep T and King safe, so if its not feasible to leave I guess I won't. My goal with heading to the bunker is to get T to become AW's chair. Legitimately that's what I've been aiming to do. Of course I want to grow my faction, find unattended NPCs and convince other PCs to join me, but I'll happily take what I can get.


Agent RF - Through the fear and the pain, the big roo has a vision in the dark, "Hedonis save me..."


Well.. if your not going to kill me.. I wouldn't mind being made into a cuaterized cumdump who traveled with the pack. But that's ooc. Pengu is just trying to save as many as he can.


Ontarou stands outside the bathroom door as Straight Man and Hayride use the restroom.


Action: Ponder Prep a weapon watch the Omni Bastard and see whats going on on his screens. Olympus Beal Noir Reading Seems this case was worth the time to get involved in the first place. What was once a simple planned feast to rival any of the Day of Thanks to Rulk with meat aplenty, headed by the once oh so close to the flames elephant, is now turned into a rowdy Free for all of our feral neighbors. The soon to be bedrail of Orlando too looms heavy on this event and im left to wonder why. What is his end game in all of this and why do the flames cause our writings to be coded or scribbles only we can read. Is there anything else in our lives the flames mess with. Olympus beal MAD READING Lastly where do I go with this next….


Action: Head up too tell the others about the entrance and listen too P about his thoughts on GL. Lyle looks concerned as he walks up with P. That draft... that was an entrance. Too where he wasn't sure but that was clearly an entrance too somewhere. It looked deep. Maybe an exit out of the building? Out of town? He didn't want too explore more just yet. Not without the others. Too whichever survivors they walk into "Hey so uh... there's like, a passage down there? Like a whole ass boltbunny cartoon secret exit. Behind the statue I mean. I don't really know if we wanna leave yet but y'know, it seems like, a big deal and stuff. We might wanna like... check it out. Like soon? To P: "So you were like,friends before all of this. All of you? Rulk... so this just makes ya like, a whole other person huh? That... that makes it a lot sadder too see those guys outside honestly.


Allowing fate to decide F5's actions in his unconscious mental state.

Bryan Whiteman

Agent V Actions: &gt; Attempt to contact One-Armed Butler through talk or text &gt; Observe the fight to relay details for hints on how to engage the cauterized &gt;Thoughts: Existential crisis, he saw the wounds and blood. Yet they aren't even hurt in the right places? Are they Real?? IS ANY OF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?


((Trying this out cause I'm jelly my friends are all here lmao)) A large individual, a burly cat, steps up slowly, peeking in towards the carnal display between the bear and the hamster within the confines of the control room; a... somewhat depressed look on his face. "Well now, that's... kind of insulting. I finally get back and these two are always telling me they're busy, constantly "hard at work" all the time. They're definitely hard at... something."


I binge read all of this over the course of three-four days, and I must say: I regret getting caught up. I've unfortunately powered through soo many of these pages, now I'm left feeling like I need more. F5, I feel your desire man. Also agent O is the cutest.