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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude and eli the crow made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!


and let's not forget about the lore document curated by aquilanian pup, with a lot of info about the world of dusk acres! 





Damn great update bc


Awesome update. The size diff is crazy, I love it!


What an update! Wowee Zowee! <3


Holy smokes! YES! Amazing stuff man!

Robert Smith

Those pictures!!! I guess being exposed to the Fire and kindled extremely limits your ability to communicate non-verbally? So the only way to express is through pictures? If I was taking a guess- the main picture is expressing Otis as Chosen One, with *something else* in him - ie the two heads. Could it be Mrs Bellows? And the Red Ritual didn't fail? The long haired side looks a bit like it is with a chip, or parasite, the other side with the more Otis figure has the Pig masks, expressing his dichotomy? The picture behind that- can't tell as well, but is it a SUN being contained? Then there is someone bowing, and maybe a chip? Is this expressing how APEX are using the MAD chips to control people, channeling the SUN? Damn my brain is tingling


Holy shit what happened was insane. Now for my response. M.A.D READING OCTAVIUS BUNSEN REDMIR: I dunno why. But Orson and all these handsome hunks reminds me of that hamster I met earlier. He had a nice thicc rump and and a tight hole to play with. But why is it that when I think of him... I see these strange images. Of him with another panda... was that his boyfriend maybe? Why does seeing that... make me so sad? *Octavius wipes a tear from his eye and notices that he's been crying* Octavius Bunsen Redmire: W-Why am I... crying for?

Robert Smith

No the person bowing is the word 'True' next to Sun... so perhaps it is to do with the uncontained Fire of the cult vs one controlled by the figures in red?


This update, was literally fire! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Excellent work! ^w^

Himbo Barret



always soo much to take in!! X3 i look forward to it what comes next!


This was quite the update! <3



Neth Rusiki Azhti

The telegram chat has a new link guys! https://t.me/joinchat/-RooDwCW7f9kZTBk


I wonder if Bravo is any relation to Neil?


Holy fuck this update is wild. Outstanding BC, one of the best updates ever! <3


M.A.D READING ORSON BROYLE: Such a sweet handsome lug, but it's not safe up here, not without supplies. Perhaps we should do a proper evacuation. Right! The Plan (tm) ORSON BROYLE [wiping tear from Octavius' cheek]: There, there, sweetcakes. It'll be okay. I'm here for you, and once we get to some place safe, we can do that thing we did on night nine of our honeymoon. You know, the one after we consummated our love to the Sun? Here. Let's get everyone together. There's some friends in the basement I'd like you to meet, and they seem to have a lot together. We can find a room down there for some privacy, I'm sure.


Ontarou Bao (Foreign Affair) gives out the guns recovered from the bunker while the others talk. Foreign Affair and Big Croc get the automatic rifles they walked in with. RK gets a shotgun, Omniscient Bastard gets an submachine gun, U gets a revolver, and Blue Noir gets a magnum.


Another great update BC! Also yay Damien and Ricky <3


*freeze frame* Yup, that's me, I bet you're wondering how I got in this position... Hahaha oh man this update is amazing, Agent T eating ass, F5 going feral, and that fucking whale!! You're in inspiration to us all BC.


The big whale really surprise me. Great work BC.


I got kick out of the telegram


Feeling my lost ember's flame flickering about, I do what I must to draw him out. I hold the flame of the scythe to my chest, the Fire pumping the blood through my veins. I let off a bellowing roar, a mating call. R's Fire should hopefully respond to the call. INTENT: Call out to R's Flame, try and trigger his instinct into responding to my call to lure him outside. After our kiss it should be fairly responsive.


Thought I'd comment publicly so R and the survivors could respond


AGENT I ACTION- disarm R and get S out of the room, before trying to calm R down. DESCRIPTION- Using his ninja reflexes, Agent I throws the first thing he has on hand at R, his phone, to knock the screwdriver out of the cauterised's hand. As O causes a distraction, Agent I instantly reacts, running in to open S' handcuffs- either with the dropped sharpened screwdriver to break the locks, or the keys (if he has them). Then he turns to the disorientated Agent R, to try and calm him down. DIALOGUE - "just like my first reading.. reverse strength. You are vulnerable to corruption, led by urges, lack self-discipline, and can't even fight for the true R to be free. The director is alive. And under threat from Orlando. Orlando is the one who betrayed you r.."

Robert Smith

AGENT O ACTION - Cause a distraction in the room with S to give Agent I cover. DESCRIPTION - Having told Frank how to get down to the bunker, a vitals warning flashes on the screen from S' chip, which causes O to see the scene from the side room. Suddenly, 0's training kicks in, from urban war zones. DIALOGUE - SK, throw me the gun, now. Trust me. O grabs a fire extinguisher, running to the back room, and smacking the fire alarm outside it to set off the sprinklers- shooting the devices in the room if needed. Then, he throws in the fire extinguisher, and shoots that, the rapid expulsion of gas giving Agent I cover to rescue S NOTE - If things look to be going south, O is not afraid to throw something electric into the water to electrocute R and stun him.


And so as the old forces fight against one another, a new force forms and will take all of their places. As it should be, so it shall be.


Sooner or later.. King will be mine kindled or not


The Commander equipped with a gremlin on his shoulders comes out of the vehicle with a single goal in mind. The completion of the mission at hand. With that in mind, he would not tolerate the loss of anyone and would work to keep everyone safe. Backing up those in need of it. Armed with a handgun in his right hand and a combat knife in his left, the ambidextrous orca would handle any threat sent his way. Using echolocation when appropriate would also help the group to find hidden cauterized. Commander: “Alright squaddies stay lively out here, we’re dealing with savages and there’s no telling what kind of tricks they may try to pull. I don’t need anyone trying to play the hero and getting themselves killed.” *He says while looking in the Sarges direction* The Commander then turns his attention to the gator perched on his shoulders. Commander: “I’m not entirely sure why I agreed to this, but no matter. You better not fall off, gremlin.” The Commander was particularly keen on keeping the gorilla safe as he had grown a soft spot for him. A feeling that felt somewhat familiar, as if it was his true calling to protect, as if it was instilled into him. No matter though, the Commander pushed those intrusive thoughts out of his head for the time being. If the Commander comes across the other whale fighting the cauterized then he will assist him, he is a brother after all.


<b> The Gentlemen's Club Group Intentions (Posted for convenience)</b> <i>The cauterized get distracted as they suddenly feel themselves engulfed in fire. Turning around to see a limo speeding towards them with no signs of stopping, with Obadiah hanging out of the sunroof throwing another molotov cocktail in the cauterized direction. The limo plows through a few of the surprised cauterized and comes to a stop. Everyone inside the limo steps out with their weapons from Sheriff Wright ready, fighting cauterized as they make their way to the factory to save their brothers, even if some are more deserving to be saved than others.</i> --- <b>Odhran Brastini</b> <b>Odhran to Oliver as he steps out:</b> You are a true beast behind that wheel, Mr. Buckby. I’ll have to thank you more intimately later. See to it that you survive, my heart can only take so much sadness in this world. <i>Odhran walks over to the nearest downed cauterized and chops into their exposed throats with the axe he gained from Sheriff Wright. His gaze was as cold and serious as ever, his eyes flashing red as something deep within him recoiled. A memory long forgotten perhaps, no matter.</i> <b>Odhran:</b> A bit well done for my tastes, but these selfish ignoble flames shall provide plenty for the feast tonight. Let us act quickly. Once we are done saving our brothers, load the bodies for preparation. <b>Odhran M.A.D Reading:</b> Tonight’s feast with The Chosen One will have empty chairs at the table… I am failing my promise. He’s counting on me, even when the sergeant stole him from me, I watched over him. Please wait a little longer for me, it seems that I will have to journey through hell before seeing you again. --- <b>Intent:</b> Odhran is trying to be calm and efficient in guiding the party in their "hunt" successfully with no casualties on their end. Odhran will also be looking out for any signs of a potential leader of this cauterized group to potentially subdue and gain information from.


Lord Barker carefully steps out of the limo, maneuvering between the smouldering bodies of the fallen cauterized. In one hand he holds a pistol, occasionally firing at any advancing or still moving cauterized, and in the other he holds his cane, as ever. He has a predatory glint in his eye, but seems only half interested in the Hunt. His true goal, Dr Barry and his entourage, lies deeper inside the factory, in the forge. He uses his ears and nose to track down his quarry, ideally arriving to save them from harm before it’s too late. If forced into close combat, Barker will reveal that his cane conceals a rapier, which he wields with honed skill and merciless intent, striking vitals and going for the kill at every turn

Yoked Coder

Agent Y being an absolute super agent hunk, whats not to love about em. And a little bit jealous of not being able tot ake a cite out of Agent S, as a fellow bear would have been a treat hehe.


The side door of the limo slams open as the Commander barrels out to join the fray. Sitting on his shoulders with a very noticeable bulge showing through his slacks, Obadiah rode atop him with a large bag at his side full of booze bottles. He lights up a molotov and chucks it into the crowd, maniacally laughing as he watches the Cauterized set alight. Obadiah: “ALRIGHT YA CRAZY ASS TROGLODYTES, LETS SEE HOW Y’ALL LIKE THE TASTE OF MY FIRE. WHO WANTS TO BE FLAMBEED FIRST?” Obadiah always makes sure to keep an eye on the Boss though. Should Odhran get into real danger he will immediately barge in to come protect him. Tearing through everything in front of him in a blood rage to save his Boss.


What a wild gamble you playing Frank, but whatever the result of it, seems like a win win situation!


Fitch let out a long sigh as he put his phone away after showing it to Agent… O? He felt a little… lost? He felt like he should be doing something, looking at the screens himself for his dad, helping barricade the store up more, but… everything seemed already covered. He perked a bit as the polar bear agent stalked off toward the back rooms where they had tied up that supremacist asshole. Fuck, these people did not learn, did they? He made to follow the guy so he wouldn’t do something stupid, but flinched as someone tapped his shoulder, causing him to whirl around. He relaxed slightly at seeing it was Neil… though girded himself for some sort of his usual drama. But… the rabbit was looking a little… forlorn? Fitch didn’t think he’d ever seen Neil like that. So when he asked to go somewhere more private, Fitch just nodded and followed along. “… You want me to do what?” Fitch asked, making an incredulous face at the rabbit, “I mean, I’m perfectly fine with punching the fuck out of you because you probably deserve it, but what the shit,” he continued, his last line a flat statement rather than a question. Though the lines of his face softened with concern. “… Are you… okay? Usually you throw out some dumb line then try to be a slippery asshole so I can’t pay you back for it.” He waited for Neil to speak, his arms crossed with a skeptical expression, only getting more skeptical as time went on. “… So… you want me to punch you to give you some kind of reality check? That’s fucking dumb, but whatever, I’ve been wanting to punch you for trying to plastic wrap my car for a while now so sure. Where do you wanna get hit? I’m not gonna hold much back so you probably shouldn’t say face.” Fitch tilted his way this way and that, rolled shoulders, then cracked his knuckles… And once Neil gave a target, he swung, giving him a taste of his right hook. Fitch snorted, “Alright, feeling better? Or do you need another? Or you can just say what the fuck is bothering you and I can try talking you through it like an actual functional adult.

Blade G Shepherd

Agent P: Action - Remember what happened to you at the bunker while stuffing yourself with donuts. * Gorging himself on donuts in the basement with tears streaming down his face, P remembers Odhran carrying him into the nearby elevator bridal style and laying him down inside. But before Odhran could follow, members of The Platoon barge into the elevator as the doors close. * Mad Reading Agent P: “Man, I wish Odhran was here. We both would have gotten out, if that dafty C wasnae in the bloody way….as usual! Wait....Odhran? That was GL wasn’t it!? But, then, why dae I ken Odhran’s name, let alone how he looks? Shit……did he make it out of there?! Is he even still alive?! Maybe…..another donut will help sooth my sorrows , that’s what mah pal GL would do. Please ……stay strong mate.” *As P continues to stuff himself, he begins to sob as he grieves, only composing himself when he notices Lyle coming in . * To Lyle: “Urrp! You alright mate? Feeling like shite aswell? Here, I brought another box with me, feel free tae help yersel."

Lee Evergreen

*Oliver is strutting down the hospital halls down to where the elevator is. Clearly ecstatic about what went down in the office, his tail lovingly wrapped around Frank* Oliver: "You know Honey-buns, I can't tell you how much this means to me. I've had feelings for you since we met at that police station and you were the only cop that treated me with a lick of respect. And I know how sex can be for you unkindled. *Oliver kisses Frank's cheek* Oliver: "I know my boys were just poking fun at me, but they're right, I'd do anything for you. I might just be in love, sweetums."

Lee Evergreen

Intention: Oliver has a corrupted flashback with Frank of their first meeting, and he confesses his feelings for him.


AGENT J ACTION – Plots Agent Y an escape routes into the tunnels – avoiding the Platoon that are swarming them (based on C’s comment last week). If knowledge about R becomes more known, he tries to get information to calm the cauterised cat down DIALOGUE – TO AGENT Y – ‘Sorry for the wait sir! I think I’ve found you a route, it looks like it leads to the Alliance Church? You’ll have to be careful though sir, it looks like some of the cultists are using it – but hopefully their minds will be on other things? I’ll tell you when to hide, so just uhhh… listen to my commands?’ (Agent J blushes at the idea of giving Y commands) NOTE – If the R situation becomes wider knowledge – MAD READING AGENT J – Oh… Oh no! Not R, how could he have become… we were so close, we even watched Y change in the gym that ti… FOCUS. We need to bring him back, like I did with O, and maybe the only person that can do that is… AGENT J TO AGENT Y – Director! No time to explain, please, just think. What is one thing that you remember about Agent R, that no one but you would know? Th… the more compromising the better! J then snaps a blurry picture of Y on his phone, and goes to calm down R.


Rand, a black costal wolf with a green mowhawk, enters the room with his coworker Beck, having secured the store from any uninvited guest. He changed his outfit to his street clothes of a leather jacket over a skull muscle shirt and dark jeans. He currently is wearing stolen sunglasses from a display, the tad still attached. He carries a sledgehammer for added protection. After informing Char of where he and Beck have been, he sits down as he gets a status report from Char, being sure to keep his guard up for any surprises.(Given that Beck and I are working together on our character I am fine on the dialogue he used for me in his submission.)


Beck Mayes, grey wolf with very long scruffy hair and round, bright yellow rimmed glasses, enters the room with this green mowhawked coworker Rand. "Where the hell have you two been?! It's been chaos since those agents got here!" Char shouted concerned but still annoyed. "We heard. Screams like theirs are hard to miss", spoke Beck. "Divide and Conquer. We split up to make sure all the entry points within the building were sealed." Rand said stoically. Beck and Rand then sat down in the room. Rand the normal way slightly leaning forward, while Beck decided to sit on a nearby deck, legs crossed. While Rand usually came across as the stoic type, Beck was somewhat of an unknown, usually keeping the same facial expression, with only truly strong emotions affecting his expression. Taking a deep breath, he asked his next question. "Okay Mr Char, obviously, and bluntly, we have...no fucking clue what's going on, I get it if you don't either. But I'm guessing you've at least talked to these new guys, right?" "Y-yes, I have. Why?" "Give us the deets big bear."

Neth Rusiki Azhti

ACTION: After much deliberation, Oxxford decides to burn down the factory as a distraction for the Cauterized, while his party makes their escape. Gather a bunch of kindling and flammable objects to start a huge fire, and then use my lighter to make the fire a RED fire. Ask Orazio for assistance. Exit the factory ASAP. ------------------------------------------ DIALOGUE: MAD READING: *Damnit, those savages shouldn't be here yet! I need to keep my employees safe, as their boss I'm responsible for my assistant and my "guest". There's only one thing that'll stop those fire-obsessed junkies. We'll honor their remains at the feast.* to Orazio: Assistant, help me gather as much wood and fire fuel as you can find. I'm not sure what's gotten into them, but our fire-obsessed brethren are out to get us, we must make haste. *as I'm lighting the flame, I then sparking it with the special red fire* to Orazio: We've wasted enough of our time in this worthless waste of land. I'll make a more lucrative business out of the ashes of this decrepit place. Let us reconvene with our other kindled brothers. *I'll proceed to run away from the factory, through a pre-planned escape route* ------------------------------------------ INTENTIONS/REASONING: In character, Oxxford is really sick of this factory. Its kind of like trying to sell the worst hunk of junk you've ever seen as a passable vehicle. Causing a fire is a pretty standard distraction in most cases, and he's also kinda doing it out of spite for all the time he's spent there already. I don't really INTEND on burning down the whole factory, I just wanna escape safely by causing a distraction they shouldn't resist going for. AS FAR AS I KNOW, the Cauterized really, REALLY like the fire, so much so that its irresistible to them, if they don't have anything holding them back. Since BB isn't there, I'm assuming they'll be very enthralled by the fire, and my actions are based mostly off of that knowledge. I'm not sure Oxxford knows about how addicted the Cauterized are to the fire, though I'm sure he's aware of them (since he's seen multiple). I'm also aware that a couple different factions are coming to rescue Orlando and such, so this should definitely buy them enough time to come fight the Cauterized. I'm not sure what sort of impact burning down the factory would have, but it would definitely be interesting!


Agent @#à[% - The world... spinning... for a brief moment its as if time has slowed to a crawl around you... your senses, overloaded with incoherent information... blood taken, but not savored... no... NO!... They're ruining everything!! The jabbering bird pains your ears with his constant talking... you should be hearing the sweet song of your teddy bear's screams right now, yet he's fouling the air with putrid lies... there's one thing he mentions that really gets under your skin, stirring flashes of memory... how FUCKING dare he claim the bear was offering you a proper deal... you were trapped... alone... surrounded by killers... love of your life dead, DEAD, you know he's DEAD despite the lies... forced on your knees at your weakest by a man you thought was a friend... traitor... killed everyone... Oh no... you feel it... fuck fuck FUCK, not now!!... there are no windows in this room but it doesn't matter you can see it... an inferno... a sweet intoxicating inferno approaches... oh fuck... and he's calling your name. Your teeth clench, and your toes curl involuntarily... part of you is rejoicing, your real master is coming back to take you in his warm embrace... the other half of you is horrified, he's come to reap your soul... You're surrounded... the black bear is struggling under you, growling in defiance, the white bear looms over you, the bird and the dog are positioning themselves around you, outside the door is even more ready to attack no doubt... and a flaming behemoth approaches to stop you and make you his own... your revenge cannot be denied! You've got only one choice... you'll kill them ALL!!! Starting with the bear!! Time speeds up again as your arm sharply plunges downwards, stabbing Agent S in the shoulder with the screwdriver...


Agent RF - The big roo chuckled darkly as he watched his disheveled colleague debase himself so obscenely. To see this once oh-so moralistic little prick under his thrall; panting, drooling, jacking off in mindless bliss like a good little slut - it filled the demon worshiper's heart with pure joy. Agent RF was having such a good time; it was degenerate, lusty, and even a little bit dangerous - RF hadn't gotten to experience something this debaucherous since university. Too bad the testing had to come to an end. RF estimated he had learned about all he could from his little experiments with the opossum, and the other agents were surely wondering where they'd gone off to by now, it was lucky they hadn't stumbled in on them already! (Plus, there was that whole annoying "cannibal cult" business that could rear its ugly head at any moment) Still, the tests had been very fruitful. It wasn't exactly the results he hoped for, given the possum's ~strange reaction~ it told RF it probably wasn't a good idea to apply any runes to one's self (just yet). But on the plus side at least F5's head hadn't exploded or body turned to dust, magic could be funny like that, that's why its important to test it on others first. Now the plan was easy, simply a matter of waiting until F5 fell asleep, then RF would draw the proper healing rune on F5's belly, before wiping away the other corrupt runes. F5 would quickly wake up feeling just fine and, if he remembered anything odd, you could just blame it on a bad dream. Nobody would be any the wiser keheheheh!! But what to do until he falls asleep?... the possum was so ~suggestible~, he'd probably do anything for a drop of blood. A devious thought crossed RF's mind. "Uh uh uh, maybe you've had enough, my greedy little pet" RF said, moving his arm away with a smirk, watching as F5's eyes followed the glimmering red blood. "Oh you want more, hmm? Well... perhaps I could trade you for it, don't worry, I only want one tiny little thing, its basically nothing... just sell your soul, forever and eternal, to our dark lord Hedonis the Prince" RF paused to check for any signs of recognition in the dopey opossum before continuing, "may you become fat as a reveler at his party without end, bathed in his orgasmic delight until the stars run out of light, slave to his dark desires..." In RF's mind he was honestly doing the possum a favor, to serve the dark lords after death was the greatest honor a lowly peon like F5 could hope for. Though admittedly it wasn't an entirely magnanimous offer - the prestige and power RF could get from facilitating this occult sale made the roo positively drool. Thoughts of demonhood were premature but..... RF extended his arm again, still dripping with delicious red blood, "Go on, just one sip and the deal is struck"


Also holy fuck that whale! I want... no... I NEED to see Orlando sucking on his dick



Himbo Barret

Barret a Chubby Wolf with Dark Blue Fur and Hair Covering his Eyes Had Made his way into the Bunker under the Hospital, The intern at the hospital was Helping Whatever Patients and Staff was left settle in this Bunker, But he desperately wanted to leave to go check on The situation outside and See if anyone or anything was Coming. (Gonna try to Help frank &amp; The candy demons just in case anything happens as they arrive at the Hospital/ Bunker)


I would be very happy to see Agent W totally obliterated by big whale daddy's pipe too &lt;3


THAT WOULD HONESTLY BE SO FUCKING HOT AND IT WOULD BE MY HONOR TO TAKE WHALE-KUNS PIPE. Specifically as Agent W though, the Commander is a different story...


<b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : It had already been an uncomfortably tight squeeze in the limousine on the way to the church, <i>shoulder to shoulder, belly to belly</i>, everybody sweating like a hot-box. It would have been <i>impossible</i> to fit nearly another half-dozen heavyset men into such a small cabin, so naturally the plan was to split up. It had been a stroke of good fortune, then, that the owner of the Cozy Hearth Inns' son, MC Opus Beats, had decided to <i>"borrow"</i> his father's car for a test drive with his lover, Mr. Begosi. By pure chance discovering and picking up the stranded sheriff before he became lunch-meat for the roaming cauterized. So it was decided, <i>by the Sarge</i>, that while the rest of the lords and, hmph, <i>the Commander</i> would go riding around in the limo; he, the rest of his men, the sheriff and civilians would take the sporty cabriolet the sheriff arrived in. Many people might call the flashy convertible <i>"garish"</i> or a <i>"clear sign of a mid-life crisis"</i> but the Sarge had to admit, Opus' dad had great taste! Orlock and Opus had initially been a little <i>hesitant</i> about joining the fight, but with a little reassurance from Bouldercrusher's <i>boulder-crushing</i> arms wrapped around their shoulders he made it clear that dodging the draft was <i>not</i> an option. We were going to need every good men for this fight, no matter how fat or prone to bouts of really bad freestyle rap. Surprisingly, despite being an unkindled heathen, the Sheriff hit it off quite well with the Sarge; perhaps it was a mutual carnivore respect or the fact they were both men in uniform? Who knows. But their friendship paid off fast when, before they left, the tiger took the dingo aside - opening up the boot of the car to reveal a <i>very nice</i> weapon he invited the Sarge to use. The Sheriff couldn't use it properly with his busted eye, so, as long as the dingo promised to protect him, the weapon was his to use. They had six men, and only a four seat car, but the Sarge was happy to make it work. Sheriff Write was the driver, tailing at a distance to the limo. Bouldercrusher sat in the front passenger seat. <i>Orlock Begosi also sat in the front passenger seat,</i> his titanic sweaty ass riding on the Sarge's big thick shaft, bobbing up and down as the dingo directed him to and seeing stars with every rough bump in the road. The hippo's ass was <i>beet red</i> with slaps as Bouldercrusher put him through an impromptu training regime. MC OB was hardly fairing any better, sharing the backseat with Bravo and Breakbulk, the fat rodent was taking it both ways, <i>spit roasted</i> between the beefy bluebird and the fat rabbit. This wasn't just normal fucking, this was fucking with a purpose, his men were <i>ordered</i> to <b>go hard</b> and <b>not stop</b> until these layabouts saw the light and converted to the platoon.


In summary -Sgt. Oakley makes a deal with his good friend the Sheriff for a special weapon -The Sarge and his men, and a few not-so-willing recruits get in a convertible and drive to the factory tailing the limo. -On the way the Sarge hopefully converts Rickie and Damien to the best faction &lt;3


Action: Feeling at a loss for what to do and how to interact with the agents and the other civilians, Adam will help out with any task that needs doing – securing exits, gathering supplies, or going with people to verify the existence and viability of the escape tunnel Mr. Gray mentioned [OOC: I know he doesn’t know about that last one as of yet; just including it here in case it gets brought to the attention of the rest of the group]. Intent: Feeling adrift and unsure what to do, Adam wants to be of any help he can – but he also desperately needs a distraction from the problem that has been pulling at the edge of his mind ever since he, Sven and Lyle came back to the main area of the store. M.A.D. Reading Citizen YM61 – “Getting chased all over town, I didn’t even notice how hungry I was getting... then the scent of that agent’s blood—don’t think about it; don’t lose control—not now. If they find out, they’ll toss you out to those guys in bandages… just focus on the task in front of you.” Summary: Adam will offer to go and help with whatever task needs doing, as long as it can help distract him from the growing problem of his hunger.


Jack: starts to head out towards the group on the main floor, seeing that the tensions are rising. Jack is tired, physically and emotionally. He's been running, fighting, arguing, and he's almost at the end of his rope. But, he has critical information, and his friends, those dear friends he's been fighting for and rooting to protect. Mad Reading Jack: "I can't take a break yet, not yet. My friends, the people of this town... They need help still, guidance, and someone to calm them down. I gotta, I gotta..." As Jack continues to make his way forward, he feels a sudden hit of exhaustion come over himself, and passes out right in the path of Neil and Fitch as they were walking away and finishing up talking, and still within sight of Lyle, Adam, and Sven on the main floor.


OB;AW – This is not epic, this is NOT poggers. The tubby fox might have been groaning and mewling in pleasure on the outside, but he was fuming with rage on the inside. And not just any rage, gamer rage, the most powerful rage there is. The anti-social nerd had foolishly invited everyone into his private lair and now he was getting fucked in the ass for it!! Pillaged like a hoard of orcs against a lvl 1 virgin paladin, it was a disgrace! It was.... fuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkk...... a really good feeling disgrace, but the fat skunk had officially pissed O_B off. The only one ganking people for their booty in this lair should be him!! The lardass fennik could only watch out the corner of his eye as more alerts popped up on his computer screens, oh fuck what now... augh, more guys were coming down the elevator shaft!! Yup, sure! Guess his lair was just open to the public now?! Hey everyone, come on down and form a train behind the fennic!!.... he hated how a part of his kinda liked that idea... O_B heard the skunk grunt, finally it seemed like the detective was spent, which was good, because if it had gone on for a few more minutes the fox SWORE he'd start biting the fuck out of Beal. With a look of irritation the gamer fox cleaned himself up, now he was feeling hungry, grabbing a few candy bars to snarf on. The unkindled noobs were whining about headaches, which would give HIM a headache if he didn't do something about it, so O_B tossed them some painkillers he also got from his desk. Now he was eating he was feeling a LITTLE better but O_B had a dozen messages he now had to catch up on, too many irons in the fire, etcetera etcetera The most pressing appeared to be some little skirmish Don Brastini was leading against the cauterized, didn't that dummy listen to him when he told him to bunker down?!


After a moment, feeling R's flame seems stationary. Unwilling to make an exit. It's time to pursue him myself. Time is of the essence. The Chosen One's thralls are descending on me. I'm breaking in. I have to ensure my flame's safety.


lmao a conflict of interest between mind and body. Gamer nerd tsundere is adorable.


Sounds like I need to take Orpheus under my wing and treat you better ~


Lmao, Sarge, you're a funny dude, for real.


Festus continues to pant heavily, hungering eyes not just focused on fresh blood but the lustrous tool that made the red water flow. Just as the small marsupial widens his maw to collect more of the Red Roo's flavorful blood, a deafening roar erupted throughout the entire building. Eyes widen with fear as a sharp stabbing sensation intensify in his head. The instinctual need to flee from the source of the bellowing roar. The sudden sensation of terror made F5's stomach uneasy which the unhinged opossum involuntarily projectile vomited the blood directly at RF's face and eyes, temporarily blinding the larger marsupial. After expelling his recent meal, F5 suddenly lunges with teeth at RF's exposed left wrist thus disarming the large Roo as he swipes the dropped athamé with a prehensile tail that curled tightly onto the blade's handle. Running on all fours, a panicked F5 tackled the door off it's hinges as he dashes by many horrified Survivors and Manimal employees in his current state. "Hide!" F5 exclaimed in a guttural screech, scurrying past O's station directly to his cousin Jane as he reached out for her hand with his "formerly" injured arm in an attempt to lead her away from the looming danger. Festus' body visibly trembling as his eyes pleads out to her to take his hand.


How dare, I regrouped and rallied folks as I was told to do! UwU


If O_B says anything to/berates Odhran: "You flatter me with having so much concern for someone as lowly as me, my pastry. With your passionate voice guiding me, I will not falter. Control me like the games you love to play."


Action: Lyle goes down to the basement to angst a bit and maybe make a friend.(or find the secret exit!) Intent: Lyles feeling pretty down. He wants to talk too Neil, but he kinda just panics and goes too the immediate place he thinks he can be a lone and have some good ole angst hours. If possible, maybe he can talk too P and shoot the shit, or maybe even find the exit if they’re lucky.. If Lyle finds P: “Oh uh… didn’t expect anyone else to come down here… back when I was working here barely anyone knew we even had a basement. Your one of those secret agent guys right? Like ones who were trying to have sex with us or something?” “Oh donuts? I mean… fuck it why not. I.. i need something too help me not think right now. Gimmie the box”” If Lyle and P manage too start shooting the shit and venting about there sadboy feelings while shoving manimal donuts down their guts. “I.. kinda get ya. The way you talk about this GL guy, it’s kinda how i feel about my friend, I think. Back during senior year, after the whole “incident” that lost me my admission, things got weird. Jack and Sven, there my friends but, I don’t think they really got what was going on? Or at least they didn't really want to talk about it was the awkward part. After all, we were still friends but like it felt weird i guess. And they just kind of grew up? Jack’s going with that fancy job, Sven has that whole milking gig that he’s making bank off of. And I just..I don’t do anything. I live in a car half the year for rulks sake! Neil… he’s the only one who doesn’t make me feel bad about that. He just likes being with me… I don’t feel bad when I’m with him. What if he goes too? Hiding for our lives from whatever freaky gay cannibal shit is happening out there is scary enough, but all of this is just.. It hurts a lot. Heh… I guess I got weird priorities? Lyle sniffles a lot. He’s badly trying too seem relaxed. “A-anyhow. Sorry for getting all, y’know, emotion-y there. We should probbally uh… hey. That uh, the statue your sitting behind. Why is there a hole behind it?"


Thank god someone sad poggers in dusk acres I was worried


Heh, the Sarge could never forget his hamster cock sleeve, Papa has just gotta take care of some business first.


A stocky red and blue Malamute readjust his glasses and ends communications with Oxxford via the black box on Agent 1215-119. "I gotta report this to the higher ups.. this is getting out of control." He proceeds to find whomever is in charge and let them know the status of Agent 1215-119 and request someone be sent into the field to extract him. "I, 3659-885, will volunteer myself for this mission should you allow it."