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hey peeps, not much to show this week unfortunately. I took some time to export a bunch of stuff for rick to implement and worked mostly on refining some things i already had that needed some more work.

First off, i completed and polished the centaur strongman trailer by fixing the values and adding some details to it, also made sure some of the items in the room were a bit more clearer to identify (mainly the lava blender and the ah... fuck machine XD)

barbie, the circus resident bum , needed some talking sprites. I managed to save some time by animating just the head and using it in both his normal walking stance and his stocks pose

finally, i worked on gary. The waters of lethe affect everything with a mind, so he also lost his memory. You'll find him in the scrap pile behind the circus , generally not caring about your plight to get out of there. He's convinced he's nothing more than a scrapped car, so you'll need to bring him some parts before you can do anything with him.

and that's all for this week.Again , not much, but hopefully next week i'll be able to work on something more exciting. Until then keep on rocking peeps, see you next time!




I love Gary's pose, heheheheheh


I just now recognized the fuck machine so your edit worked! It's always nice to get to check out barbie.


The Gary scruff is perfection.


really nice works man. Really looking forward for this part of the story when it comes XD


I wants some crazy horse pills please