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dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


If you wanna join a group chat, but discord isn't your thing or if you just wanna join another mesaging server as well, there's one for Telegram as well!  


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude made to keep track of the many characters of the story:


there's also an airtable page of the cast for a more visuallt accessible version, made by arrin!




Robert Smith

SO MANY COOL SHOTS! SO MUCH GREAT STUFF! Everyone is teaming up at last I am so happy


Such a great update you did a great job


Things are getting REAL interesting over here! I wonder if someone else is gonna be at the ball... Good luck to all the agents, oh my GOD this is great!!!


OKAY but when did SSOB steal a Porsche?!


Octavius Bunsen Redmire: *Grabs Frank in a Full Nelson* I've got you little piggy! And oh my, seems we've got some guests here as well. Would you handsome men care to help me with this hunk of a hog? I'm sure we can make a rather fun spit roast with him.




Ok, so fuck killing people for food but also fuck the alliance for forced abortions. Great story, cannibals have been subjugated at the bases level. makes burning th alliance down seem more justified.


(A WEIRD THING HAPPENED, I generated a new discord link, and sent it to BC, but SOMEHOW discord generated the exact same discord link as 2 weeks ago WHAT ARE THE ODDS RIGHT??? I sent him the -new- new one but it was too late, so here it is:) https://discord.gg/qnPB65nWEP


Ohhhh my goddd! This update is crazy!! CDR Backbreaker IS GOING DOWN!!! And how could anyone resist that hunk of meat Omar holy fuck, it would be a crime if that boy doesn't impale someone on his "horn", preferably Agent G And Bladetongue how dare you sleep on the job! When we get you back daddy Bouldercrushers' gonna have ta wear your ass like a finger-puppet for your laziness. (He's so plump and cute hehehe)

Yoked Coder

Big bear S got BONKED, lets go everyone, I want to see em off running

Ryn Fox

Whew. That was an amazing picture of O.B.! I want to see more of him like that.


Agent RF has a knife! (Don't worry Agent F5, I got your back)


Gosh his update is just amazing, its such a good feeling, thank you SO MUCH Mr. BC Omar has got me swooning, look at that big buff leather daddy, and gawt damn look at Backbreakers pecs!! So many good things this update, it gives me life


It doesn't look like an abortion if the dates on the tombstone are to be believed. I'm not sure what it means, but I don't think Allister would defend a system if they publicly killed children.


"You gotta ask yourself... why?" With everyone vacating the building, with the fires extinguished for now, Orson would want to search the inside for anything (or anyone) who could shed some (flames) light on the situation. If he catches anyone separated from the group, they'll get one hell of a smoky kiss. His primary objective is to find out. Why would all these people be holed up HERE of all places, and how come none of them have seen the light. Edit: (see Agent RK's post below, as I have placed a reply to his post that would be more fitting)


Good luck Frank, I'm still cheering for you to kick ass and free Agent T and Agent Y.




Maybe consider the offer Frank. Might be fun~


nice to see the turn around, the agents definitely needed this win

Star Ringer

G quickly takes the opportunity to bash the fire extinguisher against the back of Omar’s head, and mutters either something badass like “I didn’t trust you for a second,” or a corny one-liner like “No shirt, no shoes, no service” before running like hell.

Robert Smith

Orpheus Bladetongue ACTION - Continue to be asleep and dream DESCRIPTION- Coach (Allister) is nearby... you can feel it... but so is Sarge (Agent C)... your dreams are rocky, comfort so far away in a sea of fire. You cling to the soft pecs and strong muscles of the guy carrying you... maybe that will make you feel better




Oh the many things that could be in that place. Dried up corpses, a bodiless head of some ancient being, a dark wedding? So many things away I am sure.


OOC: God this is a good update! I actually forgot that penguins can hold their breath that long. so bonus for me. and I still got my kick in! Yeah for nut's shot! Action: Agent I look at the other and relax's slightly. not looking as ready to fight but still able to. he looks to SK afterwards. Voice: "Good to have you Back SK. and good to see other agents again.. now as for you big boy. let go of Allister before I kick your cock so hard. You'll only have an udder remaining." *he threatens the Bovine Deputy.*


man down, man down!!!

Lee Evergreen

Favorite frame of the Candy Demons. Love this update.


kitty ran, so be it lol

Blade G Shepherd

The C vs W fight is so hype right now. Awesome update as always BC. :D Ouranos Bricksmasher: Action – Ambush Agent J with your Hypnotic Cigar and fuck him silly. Dialogue: To Agent J: (Ambushing J with cigar and fucking his ass) “Hehe……. going somewhere brother?, Me and my molten rod have better plans for you mutt!” To Oswald Banks: “Oi you, deputy, don't just stand there, you are officially conscripted - get that cigar smoke in the face of some maggots!” Description: With your cock throbbing and pre dripping you chase after the survivors with Orthus with you in pursuit. Using the distraction of the smoke bomb thrown by Othrus, You ambush Agent J from behind with your hypnotic cigar, rip his pants off and fuck his ass with your thick dick. A sinister evil expression on your muzzle the entire time. Time for that golden mutt to learn who is the true Alpha of this rivalry really is.


Orthus BaseRaider: Action: Ambush the survivors with Bricksmasher and separate Lyle from the group. Dialogue: "Survivor brains empty, YEET!" Description: After throwing the smoke bomb and subsequently it detonating I rush in and grab Lyle in the ensuing confusion. Shoving my cigar in his mouth and knocking him to the ground, with him "suppressed" I mount him and hold him hostage.


Action: Put the Sarge in his place CDR Odysseus Backbreaker: The Commander would under normal circumstances knock out his assailant, but this time is different. The Commander finds the Sarge quite attractive and would enjoy making him his. With that in mind the Commander quickly moves to restrain the Sarge after knocking him down. Reference: https://imgur.com/a/8DBemmT Dialogue: “Every mutt needs a good owner and lucky for you I’m willing to adopt you. Time to teach you the basics of obedience, whether you like it or not, heh.” Description: *The Commander proceeds to give the Sarge a big smooch* *The Commander then positions his dick in front of the Sarge’s face and starts to face fuck him mercilessly* *As the Commander face fucks the Sarge he puts a finger in his mouth to make sure he doesn’t bite* Dialogue: “This position suites you better Papa Pup.”


Steve betrays to make his family proud. Wanting to accept the bloody kiss before making his last wish. But is stopped and knocked down. Karma has been dealt with for betraying the agents for his own needs. However, he still remain loyal to the end.


I think its time the survivors learned the one power we have left. The power... of incredible violence.


Absolutely amazing update dude! Cannot wait to see the outcome from the CDR and Sarge fight


<b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : As the Sarge felt himself crashing to the ground a rare smirk crept across his grizzled muzzle. <u>Finally</u>, a worthy battle, the kind of strife that you <u>lived</u> for. At that moment you almost felt proud of the traitorous seapup, most other men would often cower and surrender, begging for mercy when faced with the <b>total destruction</b> that is your wrath and your shaft... <u>but most other men weren't as <b>foolish</b> as Cdr Backbreaker</u> <i>Odysseus had made a fatal mistake. The same mistake people had made about the Sarge all his life, even back when he was just known as Agent C, <u>not that the Sarge remembered that lifetime</u>, they'd underestimated him.</i> <i>Agent C was a braggart, a horndog, and admittedly a <u>tiny bit</u> power mad, but for all his faults the canine really was a master of combat. He had trained all his life to join the Alliance's greatest combat unit, the A.S.F, learning how to fight hard and take down men twice as large as himself, even back in high school Agent C had been the undefeated star of the wrestling club and regional champion, talent scouts had BEGGED his parents to let him pursue a career in the glitzy sport, but they knew better. Agent C was no yipping corgi, he was a ferocious dingo! And those talents, even if Bouldercrusher didn't remember the life attached to them, had transferred over to the Sargent.</i> <i>Agent W, on the other hand, was not a fighter, his biggest combat victories were probably beating up children on the playground. The Sergent was finally going to teach his student the most valuable lesson, how to be humble.</i> Action : Backbreaker suddenly <i>sweeps</i> his leg under the Commander, sending the Orca to the ground like a falling tree. Wasting no time the Sarge rolls and <b>lunges</b> at the Orca, pulling his vest over his head, taking the opportunity to quickly twist one of his large nipples to further disorientate the whale. While he's stunned you leap to your feet and grab his boots, lifting his legs in the air and <i>spreading</i> them. He's doomed now, not just because the sensual oils rubbed all over the orca's skin act as a natural lubricant, allowing your huge rock hard cock to penetrate his gorgeous ass with the ease of slipping on a glove, no, he's doomed because he's <i>so well hung</i>, the head of his meaty manhood bobbing in your face as you press deeper into him. With a toothy grin you put your mouth over his most sensitive area, enjoying the smell and the slightly salty taste of pre-cum, heh, it kinda reminds you of the sea. Your razor sharp teeth caress the tip of the Orca's shaft, not hard enough to draw blood, but letting it pinch <i>just enough</i> to send a message, you've lost. You're going to <i>fuck this pup silly</i>, you're going to <i>fuck him so hard</i> he won't ever think of betraying you or Veracious Sun ever again, you're gonna fill him with so much fucking light they gonna be able to <i>use his ass as a flashlight!!</i> Dialogue: "<i>huff...</i> Say my name... <i>grunt...</i> <b>Daddy</b> Bouldercrusher"


Summary Action - Bouldercrusher sweeps the Commander's legs, picks up him up by his boots and penetrates him, quickly finishing the battle by getting his razor sharp teeth on his cock. And, if this isn't already way too much of an action, the Sarge should probably drag/fuck Backbreaker out of the diner, not because its on fire... but because he doesn't feel comfortable fucking under the godless, freedom hating glare of Bolt Bunny


Hmm, interesting, you've made a lot of assumptions about W. There's a reason why his cultist form is military based. Also, me being covered in oil works to my advantage, not yours, since you cannot even grip me effectively. 🤔

Robert Smith

Smh this is what happens when I am not around to act as the platoon cock sleeve huh


Agent RF - As Agent RF took in the commotion going on around him he clutched his switchblade tightly (admittedly you were far more familiar with -ceremonial- daggers, but that wouldn't stop you from stabbing someone if needed), instincts told him safety worked with numbers, so it was best to keep in close in the group. The red roo kept a particularly close eye on the wounded opossum, shuffling in close so he was always in arms reach (the sick and wounded were often the first targets for preds). It was impressive how Jane had whipped up a sling with his vest so quickly. The opossum was putting on a brave face, but he wasn't made of stone, and Agent RF couldn't help but notice how he trembled slightly. M.A.D. READING - Agent RF : Y'know... he might be a rude and undignified miscreant, but I can't deny he's kind of cute when he's in pain...... OHHHH NO YOU DON'T RF, YOU DO -NOT- THINK THAT RUNT IS ATTRACTIVE A red blush on your face you immediately and deliberately change topic, picking up the collapsed Agent S with some difficulty, you only caught the tail-end of his speech but it sounded like the usual anti-Alliance dribble. "Hmmph, a-ahem, what a bunch of hogwash, I-I can't believe that Agent S really agreed with all that meat eater supremacist nonsense all this time... And yes, being anti-alliance IS inherently meat eater supremacist - what it means is a desire to go back to the days of bloodshed when wolves and tigers and bears were kings and plant eaters were chattel... Ugh, its an ideology that c-conveniently ignores that the Alliance was set up to save -carnivores- from extinction not herbivores. The endless wars didn't just stop for no reason, the... the invention of the gun changed everything! Carnivores relied on their natural strength and power to rule, b-but with a gun any mouse could kill a lion, and herbivores outnumbered carnivores ten to one! Its a war they could never win... and still can't... huff, I suppose we can't leave him though"


As the Sarge charges the Commander a orange and brown wasp wearing an artic colored top and beret over his eyes, swoops in and knocks him aside, planting himself in the air between them. Lt. Col Osirus Bottombomber: Greetings comrades! I do hate to break up the lover's quarrel but I felt we may want to do something about ze group of vulnerable civies that are holding zhe precious Private hostage outside. (Ooc: I'm certainly not expecting my guy to play a major role but figured it would be fun to have a soldier that could provide some aerial threat to the agents and bolster their ranks)


Posting his refs here to not clog up the feed Base ref: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/813780462308032514/862797859639001098/20210705_161353.jpg OB Form: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/730452513177993308/860045015051796480/Lev_Army_Guy.png


*Q gets to his feet, and turns to look at Agent U, gripping his hand tight* "I really owe you for that. Thank you. Now let's finish this and get out of here" *With that, he joins the rest of the small group of agents in pinning Omar to the ground*

Robert Smith

*a voice from the collective unconscious says* kiiiissss the sheeeeepppp


Action: Protect the agents and civilians from any harm that comes their way Description if J encounters P: surprised after his pants were ripped apart by P, J quickly puts himself between Adam and P to protect him as J fights him off using his training as best he can to defend himself against an old rival and protect his fellow survivors. Dialogue: To Adam:”Hey buddy you okay? You took a big hit back there but I m here for ya if ya need me okay! I won’t let that happen to ya again!! To P if he appears: OH OF COURSE IT HAD TO BE YOU P!! Sorry but no cultist is getting these buns!! ESPECIALLY YOU P! The only good boy around here is me!! Mad reading: “I can’t become a cultist, I won’t help another cult hurt others ever again!!”


Action: Agent RK will attempt to barricade the door to the supply tunnel to stop other cultists coming through. Description: Omar couldn't have been the only one traveling in the tunnel. RK will want to make sure more people don't come through. After Omar is knocked out RK will try to quickly drag his body behind the double doors where the supply tunnel is. The idea being that one can block the double doors by putting something through the handles (like G did with the back door). RK is prioritizing G's, U's, and Q's, safety over his own at this point.


Eyes watering, U clasps his old amulet in hand and tries to catch Omar from behind in a bear hug. U brings his fist over the rhino's heart and presses the amulet directly into his exposed skin. "Omar, you have to fight the fire, please! You did it before, you can do it again!" To the other agents: "Don't kill him!! Omar's not our enemy! He knows more about this cult than any of us, if we can just bring him back!! *Internal* rulkdammit nothing I do is working! Why do I keep putting my faith in this stupid charm??

Blade G Shepherd

*Grins Evilly* “P? What kind of wimpy name is that?! Name’s Ouranos Bricksmasher soldier! You stop this Alpha?! Don’t make me laugh!”


God this update was so good!! Your art is always looking on poooint so many good panels in this omg great work as always BC!


OB;AW - OmNiScIeNt_BaStArD69 panted and sighed contently, half exhausted from his earlier "workout" with his favorite joystick, but as much as he'd like to just fall asleep in his gaming rig right now, unfortunately the hacker had work to do. His partner in crime, Super Secret Agent Himbo, had made a very peculiar request of him recently, the kind of favor that would incur quite a large debt... the fennec fox chuckled darkly as he imagined how he might cash it in with the cute gator. The only problem was actually figuring out how to get it done, the big gator wanted an unkindled... for something, you didn't really give a fuck about the details, and unkindled were hard to come by now that the corruptive rays had transformed almost everyone in town. Cracking open another energy drink you scanned the monitors with half-lidded eyes, SO many interesting things were happening at once, it was hard to keep up! Your constantly horny gaze had been drawn with particular attention to a scene going on with the FID agents and that beautiful brawny hunky of a rhino... a scene that had given you a serious case of blue balls when he somehow failed to impale that chunky reindeer on his shaft... But it had given you an idea, while Omar and those military dopes were far too... compulsive to be of use, there were still some actual competent looking shadows lurking in the diner, maybe they could capture a unkindled for you.


"So how is my favorite fat little skunkles doing? You's having fun with your LARP? *snrk* *snrk*" You smirk as you watch the expression of Olympus Beal twist into one of dull irritation as you bother him, you're pretty sure he tells you to fuck off but you don't quite hear him over the chomp of a mouthful of potato chips. "Mhmm, anyyyway, listen sweetcheeks, you guys fancy yourselves real detectives, right, well I've got a job for you, I need a-" They cut you off to inform you they're already on a job, very important job from Dr. Orlando himself. You grunt and clear your throat, "Ahem, how interesting, you see my job is tangentially related to Dr. Orlando. Mmm, turns out he might not have the best interests of the brotherhood at heart, my secret agent pal did a little snooping and found some... incriminating evidence per se... gosh, I wouldn't want to be known to be doing his bidding if it all came out, you'd might end up a main course at the feast... but I'm sure that doesn't bother you guys" You wait for a reply but all you get is stony silence, in truth you really don't know what's going on with Orlando, but he'd shady enough you think this might be convincing. "Well... if you reconsider my proposal, and it really is a simple one, Super Secret Agent... yes, that's what he calls himself, I know... he just wants one little unkindled, unconverted, taken to his secret base to help his investigation, apparently its of critical importance... or maybe he just wants one as a pet, I dunno. But it would be of great service to him, and I'm sure he could find a way to reward you handsomely in return. If you capture one of the FID bozos I'll fill you in on the rest of the details.... maybe try to target that chubby hyena, he would look GOOD in chains *snrk* *snrk*"


Jack: continues to hold the Hamster, its strange, when he's unconscious he looks kind of... normal? He could kind of see in his face a more mild mannered side of the Hamster almost. Agent O he thought he heard them say? He's kind of cute. Action: looking at the large bull in front of the group something clicks in Jack's mind, he calls out to the group then the bull. "H-hey guys... that hair style, isn't that... that's Sven right? He's different but, that's the exact hair! Sven! Sven it's us buddy! You went missing months ago thank Rulk you're still alive! You can beat this! Remember? Me? Ricky and Damien? How we used to hang out? That one time we... wait uh... never mind that part." Jack blushes as he realizes he almost spilt some juicy deets.


Fitch felt his lip curling into a snarl at the sight of whoever the fuck this was in front of him. He didn’t really care about the rest of the scene, but that striped asshole was on the ground and this bull jerk was dressed in a cop uniform. Someone being in league with Wright was enough to get his claws out. Though as Jack stepped up, Fitch froze in place. “… This uniformed prick is Sven? … Rrrrgh… fine. I’ll just go start the cars or something.” He stalked off toward his car, keeping an eye on the cheetah and bear, frowning as people move to secure them. “… I can’t believe you’re even considering bringing along that unrepentant predator supremest asshole. Did you hear a word that came out of his mouth or anything from that stupid video message? I say tie him up and leave him for the cultists to play with. Less hassle for us. … Whatever, bring him if you want, but he’s not getting in my car. Fuck that.” If the survivors get attacked: But his trip to his car was interrupted by cultists charging out of the diner, already on alert, Fitch didn’t hesitate as he charged back toward Lyle, who seemed to be a target. “Get your cannibalistic filthy hands off him you pathetic bootlicking fuckface!” he roared as he recalled what they had send about being smoked out, biting down on his bottom lip hard to cause pain to distract from it… Then he lashed out with his claws, aiming for the cultist’s face. He had been in enough fights to know you needed to escalate and escalate fast if you wanted to ensure a win. He hadn’t been left alone until everyone had learned it was a bad idea to try to start fights with him. Then follow up with a hard knee to the groin and once he’s doubled over, slam an elbow into his back to get him on the ground. tl;dr: Go start his car if we’re not attacked. Defend Lyle with extreme violence if we are, using that bite lip trick if we get smoked.


Neil watches the scene unfurl before him, a large group of people coming out of the diner to stop the fight outside, none of them strike particularly familiar until he notices Lyle (and Jane too?), finally seeing them safe and sound giving him the biggest sense of relief he's had all day. Reinvigorated he wanted to just rush in and hug them, but first things first he made his way to the passed out Sheriff Wright and looks for any useful weapons he's carrying before running up the group. As he approaches the group he tries to present himself with a more proud demeanor, having calmed down after that whole treck through town. Neil: ''Hello there, name's Neil, Neil Pluviam. There's not much time to explain right now it seems but I'm here to help.'' he says, pulling out whatever weapons he has on hand. If they get attacked by the military he won't hesitate to use them, otherwise he'll stick close to the civilians and do his best to keep everyone safe as they all get into the cars, especially Lyle and Jane.


Agent @#à[% - Dashing across rooftops as fast as you can, you race towards the source of that splendid delicious blood. Your heart... it still ached for Blazing Beasts warm embrace... part of you desperately cried to turn around... eyes watering... but the lust for violence... it dominated your mind... revenge was at finally hand... The smell of blood, it had just been a whisper on the wind at first... but with every step it grew stronger, it was only a block away... you had to thank the light of the fire, this had to be a blessing from him... no... what? What does that mean? Bear... focus on the bear... attack the bear!


As The feral cat dashed across the roof tops, in an alley below a muscular black wolf with dyed green hair in a sailors outfit with a dog collar and tag rides a brown boar, blowing smoke in to his face as he converts him to the cult.


Eey! I can be the brown boar. The brown boar with shaggy hair and beard and a white spot on the top of his snout find himself caught by the sailor dressed wolf, already halfway into the conversion into a big lumberjack boar.


Dialogue: (in response to Agent J) “Thank you for the help walking— I think it’s clearing up a bit but… fuck, what was in that smoke?” ACTION: Keep an eye and an ear out for anyone coming after the group. INTENT/REASONING: Adam just narrowly avoided capture by one of the military squad and, as far has he’s concerned, the other 5 are unaccounted for and could be on top of them at any time, so he’s doing his best to remain vigilant (and hopefully be of some use fighting back if cultists come for them). ----------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for all your hard work and the amazing update as always, man – I’m sorry the heat’s so bad there; I hope it lets up soon.


You'll find your way back to me in due time, I'm sure 💖

Neth Rusiki Azhti

ACTION: I will look around the room for the prisoners' belongings, or anything else that would stand out. Should I spot them, I'll collect them. I will try to talk and de-escalate the situation with Orlando and Odion, as I have no qualms with them, by offering to organize the Feast and speed up its preparation. DIALOGUE: *Oxxford will compose himself, shoot BRIEF a venemous glare at Odion, and regain him calm demeanor and composure* TO ODION and ORLANDO: While that was very... unbecoming of you, I understand that the circumstances are very tense at the moment. I came here to make allies, not foes, but understand that I will be no one's servant. I can imagine that while things are progressing steadily for us, you could most likely use someone with my skillset and demeanor in order to speed up the preparation of the Feast. Having so many kindled join our ranks all at once might be seen as an organizational nightmare, but I see it as an oportunity... Let me profess my love for the Burning Truth the best way I know how, to repay His All Consuming Love he's given me. INTENTION: I want to find Agent T's stuff. That is my priority. The APEX HIGHLY peaked my interest, and having his belongings for bartering or personal use is some leverage I sorely need. Now that I know I won't gain anything by provoking my other fellow cultists, its better for me to provide my skills for their use, and try and get on their good side. Although I'm an asshole, I'm a committed, skillful asshole at the least. As for the Feast stuff, I don't know exactly when its happening, but I intend on putting many of the newly kindled working towards advancing the feast, getting them to put their dicks in their pants for most of the time, and giving them "holy communion breaks" for everyone to fuck each other silly, and then get back to work with preparing the banquet in between the breaks. There's a lot more to prepare than just the food, after all. REASONING: I REALLY wanna leave, but idk if leaving so soon after just showing up is a good idea. I should stay around for at least a little while longer (1-2 updates) to see how things shape up and see if there's anything new I can try out. I REALLY REALLY wanna get the black card that Agent T might have. If I eventually get deconverted, having an APEX agent's phone in my possession could be VERY interesting and enlightening. At the moment, I see the APEX as a threat. If our goal is to save Otis, and the APEX is not only the thing that Otis is running from and fighting, but also its actively trying to assassinate him, any people we find out are a part of the APEX are huge threats. I really don't want Agent T to have his phone, for he could potentially do immeasurable damage. But ya know... I also feel really bad about actively denying something another player asks me directly. I originally intended on just crushing his phone, but running off with it is just as good, and it at least leaves him an out in case he really wants to pursue this. When the time comes and I know where T's stuff is, I'll try and sneakily steal it (in a future update probably, depending on what happens until then). UNTIL THEN, I'll wanna try and make myself another powerhouse in this cult. Someone who the Chosen One will approve of, but also someone that the Veracious Sun will be proud of. Someone he loves *eyes emoji*.


Super Secret Agent Otacílio Bond Action: Get out of the car and get to the manor. I wanna check for signs of habitation, see if there is any movement on the windows, any noises. If it seems quiet enough I wanna try getting in through a side/back door, using my grappling hook as a lockpick. Thoughts: "Hmm, this place sure is big for being uncharted... What nefarious things might be going on under our very noses... HQ will love my report on this place... And here I thought being assigned to this shit hole of a town would be boring..." "This place seems to be empty, I wonder if I might be able to get in through here..." "(While lockpicking) Turn it to the left... Turn it to the right and... There! Open sesame!" "Hmm, Burn Notice has been kinda silent these last few minutes... I just hope he is not doing anything stupid..." Dialogue: Nothing. I'd most likely stay dead silent while snooping around... Maybe a "Good, I'm in!" when/if I successfully lockpick the door


posted mine as a response to someone! So who knows what the sleuthy monotone group is up to! Gehehe~ Things are chaotically interesting and im soo looking forward to where it goes on at noon Gehehe! Keep up the good work BC. :3


Lyle Action: Hide the gun and prepare to protect myself. Try and reconnect with old friends. Lyle Stands in confusion as Jack realizes who they’re standing in front of: "W-wait that's Sven? Like Highschool Sven? But he's been gone for like…. shit! Why are you with these creeps man?” Lyles eyes turn downwards for a moment as he sees something during the confusion. As S fell, he dropped something. His gun. He looked around for a moment, everyone else too busy to really notice it. Without even thinking, he quickly takes and hides it. Guns were dangerous and all but this could be helpful. Especially if that big whale dude showed up again. If Neil makes it to the group: Neil… Holy shit it’s good too see your okay. Just stick close alright? Things have gotten… to be alot. If the survivors are attacked:Lyle’s tired eyes look at the man who had appeared behind him. For a moment he froze. But before the cigar can even reach his mouth, Lyle puts his hand on his captors balls. He straddles them for a moment, before holding his breath. He releases his claws and let's them pierce the fabric. (If this is too many actions or events lemme know! I wasnt sure what or wasn't appropriate in this case but don't wanna mess up the system!)


Agent RF grunts with irritation as he covertly pats down Agent S, he didn't choose to carry this fat ursine for the exercise, he wanted the bears' weapon.


Ontarou Bao: “Yo dudes, maybe we shouldn't light the dudes spark. The gamer bro says that spy guy wants a non-sparked survivor. Maybe just knock him out for now, and getting the hell outta here." Action: Ontarou is gonna lift a hopefully knocked out RK up and carry him on his shoulders as he leads The Noir out and back into the hospital in a haste.

Zen Furo (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-27 23:21:09 One-armed Butler Action: Sneak away and send text messages to someone of the development in the prison. Having ordered to find Frank, the butler proceeds to run in search of Frank, but proceeds to hide himself. Sensing no one around, he proceeds to send a series of quick messages on his cellphone to an unknown recipient. Text messages that the One-armed Butler sends: &gt; Situation changed. Doctor Barry unstable. One prisoner has close connection to the doctor's past. Doctor cannot be trusted anymore. &gt; Boar guest escaped into the complex. Whereabouts unknown. May have encountered our brothers on his way out.
2021-07-17 14:38:46 One-armed Butler Action: Sneak away and send text messages to someone of the development in the prison. Having ordered to find Frank, the butler proceeds to run in search of Frank, but proceeds to hide himself. Sensing no one around, he proceeds to send a series of quick messages on his cellphone to an unknown recipient. Text messages that the One-armed Butler sends: > Situation changed. Doctor Barry unstable. One prisoner has close connection to the doctor's past. Doctor cannot be trusted anymore. > Boar guest escaped into the complex. Whereabouts unknown. May have encountered our brothers on his way out.

One-armed Butler Action: Sneak away and send text messages to someone of the development in the prison. Having ordered to find Frank, the butler proceeds to run in search of Frank, but proceeds to hide himself. Sensing no one around, he proceeds to send a series of quick messages on his cellphone to an unknown recipient. Text messages that the One-armed Butler sends: > Situation changed. Doctor Barry unstable. One prisoner has close connection to the doctor's past. Doctor cannot be trusted anymore. > Boar guest escaped into the complex. Whereabouts unknown. May have encountered our brothers on his way out.


Things are heating up aren’t they 👀