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alright, it's done! thanks to @yulencat ( who plays lyle in this update)

for helping me assemble the video with the voice of our resident traitorous agent @DatBurrSteve on a text written by @aquilanian_pup!

thank you guys a ton, this has been very fun to work on! <3

also as usual,

dusk acres  has a discord server! come and have a chat!


and the usual a link to a spreadsheet bluedude made to keep track of the many characters of the story:





Ha, I was sure that Mr. King would be back &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3. Oh man, what a stud


Amazing job this week BC so proud of all the hard work youre putting in!

Robert Smith

OH KING IS ALIVE! I did not expect that... but he is looking... less of the cat he was originally. I guess a bit of him was cooked up- I expected him a little more indoctrinated. Nice to see a compromised meter, that really helps add to plans. AND ALLISTER NOOOOOOOOO


Oh no, Agent I! Get outta there!


Oh wow! This is such an event, video and all this. You outdid your self this time, BC. Thanks a bunch for all of your hard work!


This is perfect.


Love your comic, but it might have a before and after page of what the SNF agents looked like before they were corrupted and what their new names are now. It's getting hard to keep track of all them


That video was awesome! I was not expecting it. Great job to everyone on that



Robert Smith

Private Orpheus Bladetongue- It's the Inn. It has to be the Inn. Everything in the Fire is screaming at you that your Coach is at the Inn. But you have to act fast. Something is wrong. If you don't bring him back to the cult now, you might never get the chance. You can see the Sherrif's man at the door, distracted by two cultists. No matter. You were trained for this, infiltration, by him- you can get in around the back. And a good sign- someone important is there. You can feel it. You were told to figure out what Wright was up to, and now you are killing two cattle with one bolt. Room Number 38, you know the ventilation shafts and how to crawl around them. If the Sherrif causes you problems... he won't for long. Coach needs you.


Super cool update this week! I never expected you to do an animation! Amazing work!


thanks so much for the honor of getting to work on the animation this week! Really happy with how it came out!


People already loosing parts left and right. That's probably not good. Hope Y and T can escape before diner. Agent I...might be done for


hoooly hell this was a wild update


*Agent I did the only thing he could think of. he punched the polarbear in the dick. then run the shower at Ice cold.* "Allister! please don't pluck me! we never met before today but we are friends! and.. you.. you.. you were my first.. unless something happened in the forgotten months.. so stop going to crazy town! THE OTHERS NEED US! I.. I.. I need you.." *Agent I would be crying at this point. worried about what happened to allister. and worried he was about to die to a man he cared about.*


<b>Sgt. Bouldercrusher</b> : You look upon your new platoon with strong a fatherly pride as you watch your boys round up and kindle citizen after citizen with the efficiency only a well regimented military could possibly pull off. Conquering Dusk Acres - block by block, street by street, HOLE by HOLE. You don’t play favorites, even the toughest solider ends up on their knees in front of you, but you must admit, you’ve taken a certain chubby hamster under your wing, that boy might be small, but he as an <i>eagerness</i> that all your men should look up to. He takes your <i>discipline</i> and asks for more everytime, no matter how hard you clap those cheeks. Thank the Veracious Sun there are still plenty of unkindled fresh recruits available to enlist, you're going to need every man this town can provide to help spread the gospel, Dusk Acres is just the start, you're building a HOLY ARMY and soon the whole WORLD will know the brilliance of the Laughing God. You were never in this for fame n glory, but... the thought of <i>General</i> Bouldercrusher does tickle your fancy, HOO RAH


If you get stuck in those vents I'm having the whole platoon use you, Private

Robert Smith

SIR YES SIR! Discipline is an important part of being a soldier, and I could always use a better reminder of our mission!


Maybe Y &amp; T can get a backstory from Mr. King (I think that's his name) the CEO of the cigar company. It might shed some light into how this all happened


This update was huge! Thank you for pouring so much effort and quality into your work BC, you are so good to us &lt;3

Yoked Coder

We learn more of the guys! Hope we get some lore dump from em. Cute panda butler though


I MUST save Agent Y. Seriously, he fucking cried for us, I have to be there for him and help him! CDR. Backbreaker: Stationed as the guard for the two captives. The Commander scoffs at the notion of his talents being used for something so beneath him as he goes to get a good look at the prisoners. "Rulkdamnit! I should be out there adding new recruits to our platoon, but I’m stuck being a babysitter!" The Commander catches glimpse of a Lion and a Tanuki, both apparently injured. "Oh? What do we have here? A Tanuki and Lion? Hehehe, if it were up to me, I’d make you both my recruits." As the Commander talks about what he would have them both do as his recruits, he comes a silent halt the more he looks at the Lion. "…You, Lion, tell me your name right now!" I will go to the ends of the earth to rescue my Director!!!


As for my character! After examining his surroundings, Agent T says: "If we try something, I bet they'll send more than just a butler." And I'll grab a cigar. "Protocol says we comply with their demands and wait for help. Mr. King? Have you seen any other hostages?"


A good secondary plan would be to hunt down the remaining agents that are hiding out in the diner. Putting a prioritization on capturing and turning RK into my recruit.

Blade G Shepherd

(Transformed physically not mentally), Agent BK (Whose Shadow Name is Osiris Blackthorn), age 23, is seen walking in town with a confident swagger and a sinister grin on his face. He is a 5'8" German Shepherd with a blue mohawk, fiery green eyes, and black-and-white fur. He's wearing a bright blue tank top with a leather jacket and leather trousers. He has an extremely buff physique and is built like a tank. MAD READING BK(Osiris): Fucking hell where the fuck are my fellow brothers…..I mean agents….I would love to kindle them right now……no stay focused you are an SNF agent, Not some overgrown pachyderms puppet! RK, F5 and Q havenae responded to my calls and the entire toon is crawling with these fuckers. Rulk damnit just my luck. *Hears the message being sent by Agent RK to all civilians. * MAD READING: BK (Osiris) : Naw way!......That voice…….It cannae be can it? RK? It is you isn’t it lad! I…..I need tae let him naw I’m here. Sure……the memory suite did a number on the fucker…. But it’s the only option we have. Gotta get to the dinner and fast. Ughh….wish the physical transformation didnae make me so fucking horny. *OSIRIS (BK) uses the comms to communicate with RK in the dinner, using a separate channel from the mad chip server* To RK: “Hello……RK can you hear me! Look…..I ken you don’t remember who I am but time is of the essence right now. My name is Agent BK, I have infiltrated the cult from within for a long time now. I managed to find a solution to prevent the mental part of the transformation. How long it will last I’m not sure but you are gonna have tae trust me lad. I’m heading to your location as we speak. For the alliance this is Agent BK signing off.


Oh, wow, you really spoiled us this week with a triple update! And that video?? Props to everyone involved! &lt;3


Agent R - You're still fighting... struggling... refusing to give in to this monster that has taken control of your body... you watch with silent horror as the imposter disfigures your already unrecognizable body, your paws... ruined... Part of you can't help but think you deserve this. The guilt you feel inside is almost as suffocating as the heat smothering your body... all because of you, because you ran off by yourself... because you called that damn cab... because you played that stupid horny prank... the Director is dead... Yasir... You didn't even fight when you had the chance... you just sunk into despair and let yourself believe Agent S's obvious lies... Agent S... by Rulk as your witness you are going to drag him to hell... You are not going to fall into despair again, now you are just filled with anger and determination. You don't care how long it takes, you are going to get your body back... you must! A shock of pain suddenly runs through you, you feel the imposter drag his claw, your claw, across your face. He seems to like the pain, but you certainly don't. You wonder if he knows you're in here, resisting. He's changed a lot since he was first "born" back in that parking lot, at first he was so lighthearted and happy, a jolly drunken hobo. But he was treated with scorn by almost everyone... Orlando, the cultists, the Cauterized, used like a condom and then rejected like a worthless piece of trash... even by yourself... you hate to admit it but you almost feel sorry for the guy... or is it self pity?... You think he's going to the Manimal Factory for some reason, it feels like something is calling him there

Bryan Whiteman

This can't be the end Y, you can still make that this right. But first there has to be a way out of here, and King must have the anwser. This looks like the basement of his factory ---- inversely --- Sir Beaumont after chasing down Citizen JRB93 and educating him on the importance of proper decorum among gentlemen, politely suggest to Lord Barker a more direct approach with further conversion. We wouldn't want to fall behind the other groups. It could affect our station within the brotherhood and his influence therein. As uncouth as it may sound.


Amazing new posts! The shakeup here is insane! Screw my old plan, I'm gonna try again! __________ With the main roads blocked off, his truck broken down, and unabashedly horny men prowling the streets, a big, burly cat is making his way around through the back alleyways. The cat, one Rogan Asheton "Ashe" Phoenix, moved into town a few months ago. Something about "Bad Memories at home" and "wanting to get some Peace and Quiet for once" prompted what he thought was a move into the middle of nowhere, would anyone care to take the time to ask. He was just about to leave town to visit someone before everything decided to go sideways, and with the lemon of a truck he came into town with now out of commission, best thing to do in his mind was to make his way back home on foot, taking caution where needed and hunkering down with his supplies until he could come up with another game plan. Ashe: "I've somehow traded one group of crazies for another. At this point the universe just hates me or I'm simply that unlucky. Oh, woe is me." Ashe, despite his issues at the moment, is surprisingly calm, and he isn't unprepared. Not wanting to get up close and personal with anyone normally, but especially not now, he's currently wielding his favorite handgun. Normally holstered for Self-Defense carry, but extraneous circumstances and all. (Should he encounter any normal folk) Ashe: *gun drawn* "Surprising to see folks still around who aren't walking sex machines with their wangs hanging free. Though, why anyone with any sense of decency left is risking navigating the streets like this is an oddity all the same. Who are you?" (Should he encounter any NOT normal folk) Ashe: *gun drawn* "I'll have you know that it's a rarity for me to miss my shot. So we can either amicably go our separate ways and live to see another day, or I get some free target practice. Your choice."


(Oh, right! I'll try to implement my character again) It's a little past 6 A.M. A canine citizen is out for his morning jog. Donning a brown university jacket, the 23-year-old ex-jock graduate found himself heating up a little too fast for his liking. Well, sweating's a good thing, right? Has to be. It means he's burning calories, or something. As a headache sets in, the shorter-than-average Siberian Husky slows his pace, his breathing getting a little more heavy. "Urgh, my head hurts. Hah... alright, I'll run one more block and head back. Man, what a crappy time to get a fever," Weston thinks to himself. At least, that was the original plan, until something caught his attention.


I never thought I'd be into a one-armed, muscled, panda butler but here we are. That ass reveal was wonderful :)


( Woooow! That was a surprise! Great job with the video Blaze 😮😀😗!!)


Originally a reporter for the local news station, the once straight laced and nerdy rooster Marvin Cooper been fully corrupted by the M.A.D. signal, transformed into country singer Oklahoma Blue. His cowboy hat is cocked to the side, exposing his bright blue comb, the bottom of his rhinestone buttton down shirt is tied up under his pecs, and his erect cock and ass are displayed proudly from the hole cut in his blue jeans. He's seen turning into an alley, in pursuit of someone not seen, who he's shouting at from a distance. "Boy! I say, I say where ya goin', boy?! Ya goin' th' wrong way, boy! Audition is over this way! What's the matter wit ya, boy, think yain't good enough ta play in Oklahoma Blue's band? Why, ya'd fit right in like I'd fit muh pecker up a city boy's keister!"

Lee Evergreen

*Birch snaps his fingers and Orestes hands him a lighter, which he clicks to life* "All right little cubs, just look at the pretty lights for me. All that pain is gonna melt away into sweet cherry syrup in just a second." *If he succeeds in hypnotizing them, he signals for Orestes and Otto to go to the other door. Once they get inside, Birch pulls a small lollipop out of his vest and pops it into the drivers mouth.* "There we go champ. Now let's get those legs over here and those pants of. Let's see if we can light those fires just right."


"Will you just FUCK OFF already?!" The Guinea pig from before yells as he sprints down the alley, his black fur even more scraggly than usual as he pants from exertion. Seems like he's been running for quite a while, either that or he's out of shape. This of course is irrelevant, as the young cavy's escape is cut short by the chain link fence further down the alley. "Oh you've got to be fucking *shitting* me right now..." He turns to face his attacker, brandishing the (Limited-Edition collector's) pruning shears in his hands like a knife. "Stay back shithead! I'm warning you, these are *very* sharp and I know how to use them!" Not on people, mind you, but Rooster boy here doesn't need to know that.


Agent RF - You pace around the diner, glowering as you think about the last hour. Trust that backstabbing carnivore Agent S?? Preposterous. And Agent F5... Rrrgh, you just -loath- how everyone is taking orders from that little runt. His plan is to rely on science and technology to fix everything, bah!! That possum is just some common criminal, you graduated at the top of your class from one of the most prestigious universities in this country! There's no guarantee F5's plan will even work, who's to say jamming the signal will revert the converted. You're quite certain, occult problems require occult solutions. Thankfully, you have a lot of experience studying the occult. Its been your passion ever since you were inducted into the Skin n' Flesh fraternity, the notorious (and extremely kinky) secret society of the rich and powerful, who's past members include former presidents, billionaire CEOs and the cultural elite - it even boasts that many of the original signatories of the Alliance were Skin n' Flesh members! At its core the Skin n' Flesh society is a club dedicated to worshiping a pantheon of demons devoted to power and pleasure, to put it bluntly. Debaucherous parties, perverted hazing, decadent feasts and old rituals performed with cloaks and daggars... most of the students didn't take it to seriously, just a place to network and get laid - but not you, you were captivated by the mythos behind all of it, the stories of possession and dark magic. Quickly checking that you're not being spied on, you begin to utter a whisper quiet prayer to three of the most powerful demons your order worships. * chanting about Slave Maker Baroth, daemon lord of domination, the trainer of kings, patron of collars and chains, who's sweet pain brands all who oppose him * * chanting about Vig &amp; Mog, the giant with head of horse and bull, who represents strength, vigor and potency, who's massive cock is said to hold up the underworld * * chanting about Hedonis the Prince, silver tongue lord of pleasure, trapping mortal men in your garden of delight to fatten and feast at your endless party * You ask them for protection, so you may destroy this false god and their disciples. You ask for a sign, guidance on what to do next.


Fitch squinted with a skeptical look across his muzzle as he stared at the so-called Agents. They were insane! They couldn’t think he’d believe this nonsense, would they? But… well… fuck. He grimaced as he rubbed the back of his neck, “As much as I wanna say you’re full of shit… especially since I’ve never heard of that government organization, that honestly would explain a lot. Fuck, have you heard a word that comes out of that striped asshole’s mouth? I’m not really surprised he’s involved in some cannibal cult crap. I’ve been collecting all the predator supremacist shit he’s been saying for ages so I can report him to the police conduct board.” The cult would explain all the disappearances recently. The police had said Dad had just ditched them probably, but Fitch knew better. And with a bit of digging he’d found out lots of other people vanished too. And if the Sheriff was involved in a cult… that’d explain why no one was looking into it… Fucking asshole, he was probably laughing at them whenever they called to ask about the case’s progress. He left his thermos on one of the tables as he grabbed a mop for defense. It wasn’t much, but… it was better than nothing. He bit his lip as he spoke up, “Hey! Hold on, I got more questions! This cult thing, is it involved in all the disappearances around here? Is… did my Dad get caught up in it? I knew he wouldn’t just vanish on us! He’s Zachariah Paine, he went missing a couple months ago! Are… are you saying he got eaten by this cult?” he asked, expression horrified.


There's a Google Spreadsheet with names and descriptions, but no photo comparisons.


Three updates girl I'm gonna S C R E A M


*If we succeed, Otto will hugs the grizzly bear (adam) and give him a sloppy lick on his face* "you're adorable, you're going to be the gang play toy, and we will have a lot of fun, so get undress!" *if we fail, Otto grabs a rock and try to break the back door windows of the van while they run away from the gang* "dammit, we miss them boss"


Olympus Beal P.I. Noir Reading The sewers under the hospital. Few would ever have reason to come here and even fewer probably knew it was connected in such a way, Thus the perfect escape route for this escapee agents. The smell was bad like a moth old toilet that was left unchecked but nothing a skunk hasn’t experienced before. Along with my old partner Orson (D), and our friend Ontarou (BN), we traversed the path down into the depths. The path seemed long and winding but after a short moment of uncertainty that’s when I noticed it, our targets foolishly left a trail, shoe and claw marks that were easily detectable let alone followed. "Hey guys seems the escapees left us a treat!" I say as I gesture to the tracks. The fools would soon join the rest of us in the feast for sure. The thought of rounding up those wanted men was a fire in me that kept burning strong, and the heat was also shared with my hard cock that persisted with it. What felt like a half our trek that my shoes didn’t agree with soon lead to the ladder that popped up right in the middle of town in some back ally. Unfortunately it looked like the trail ended there, and we'd have to search the area for any more clues. As my partner took a puff of his Cigar I took a slow drag myself before sharing a good kiss. Ya gotta love a smoky taste of a stud and this was also a reward for us all as we tailed the escapees so far. My partner seemed to wonder off for a moment, but that only left time for me to slide up and share a smokey kiss with Ontarou. He gestured and seemed to wanted to take a puff of the cigar, but I stopped him short "I got something else for ya to suck on Ontarou" and let my cock flop out hot and steaming. The hunger in his eyes was only matched by the suction he gave as he worked my cock. I took another long drag as I helped feed him, aroused and needing to share my load with not only my brothers but these escapees once we manage to catch them. It didn’t take long for Orson to finish up with what he was doing as he worked his way back to the ally, a fresh cigar in hand along with an accomplished grin. I gestured to the backside of Ontarou as we started to split roast our friend. A short break of pleasure before business is always a good thing!


Other Agents: “Agent S… we can’t ignore the possibility of another betrayal on his part. However, if we reject his offer, I can already tell that he won’t let that slide. One of the reasons we’re in this mess is because we underestimated S. For now it can’t hurt to get in contact and see what his demands are. As long as S is not compromised we should be able to access his chip and see what he is doing. Same goes for Frank now that I think about it. I’ll leave it up to you F5. I’m going to send a message to the people out in town.” Cilvilans outside the diner in town: “If you’re hearing this message you have been implanted with a M.A.D. chip. A cannibalistic cult is using a signal being broadcast all over town to brainwash you into one of their own. Stay away from any older larger males behaving strangely. Shield your eyes from any light or fires they may be carrying. Don’t inhale any smoke they give off and arm yourself with fire fighting equipment. If you start getting headaches, develop a fever, or start hearing voices besides this one. Dealing pain to yourself will delay the effect. Protect yourselves anyway you can. Shocking the cultists with electricity is the most effective way of stopping them. Hide of leave the town if possible.” M.A.D. reading Agent RK: I’m confident that pain works but could there be other factors that affect the rate of corruption? Those two workers over there. I need to make sure they had the same symptoms as the other civilians before they got to the diner. Fitch and Lyle: “Excuse me, your names are Fitch and Lyle right? I know this is a lot to take in but I have some questions for you guys. Before the both of you arrived at the diner, did either of you have any strange symptoms? Stuff like headaches, fever, or hearing strange voices?”


"All I know is that there were a string of kidnappings that occurred in the country around Dusk Acres. We've seen most of the victims here in town being controlled by the cult. If there were more disappearances in town then it's likely that the cult is responsible. We haven't seen any lion cultists, so I can't say for certain what has happened to your Father."


*Agent Q tenses up, his frustration with the chaos of the situation, and the lack of response from Allister boiling over.* Agent Q, to Allister: Rulk help me Allister… You’re really screwing us right now, y’know that? You’ve got the one thing that could help us turn the tides in your possession, and go AWOL. You’re supposed to be among the best of us dammit! Sigh… I hope Bellows wasn’t wrong about you. Agent Q, internally: That goes for me too… I’ve waited too long already to act. *Q rises, and looks toward everyone else in the room* Agent Q, to the other agents: I don’t think we have much choice but to trust S. Hopefully he’ll be of some help in retrieving Allister, Agent I and the book, because I’m going. Any of you can come with me, but don’t try to stop me. *Q walks off in a huff, toward the back rooms of the diner to gather supplies.*


[Uh-oh, the civilians still wandering outside are really in trouble, huh? Also, Allister please you’re scaring me a little. Amazing update as always, BC &lt;3 And great work to everyone involved in the video &lt;3] --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Thinking) Wha- recruits? Did they seriously block the road? What the fuck is going on here-?! And on my first trip here in so long… of course something weird happens – okay, okay… need to think… [The bear lightly slaps the sides of his face to try and regain some focus; his head’s killing him, but if the men in front of them surround the van before they make a move, they’re screwed. He wants to stick with Jack; they have a better chance if they stay together.] [They can’t speed up because the engine’s screwed, and if they try and drive around the blockade slowly, they’ll just get caught… at least one of these guys has a motorcycle – getting off the street seems like the most viable option. Maybe escaping out the back of the van so he can grab his backpack on the way would be a good idea?] (Spoken, to Jack) “W-we need to get out of here! You said the diner was close – maybe if we run behind the houses, we can cut through and get there?”


After hearing agents S’s message and in response to RK: “I cannot trust agent S, how could he betray us...But with his help, we could get to Agent Y quicker... no matter how I feel about him I have to agree to his aid, to save the other agents and to save our Director” (Depending on if he saw or heard The Director) J’s tail wags happily at the the sound/sight of agent Y, “Omg he is fine, he is alright, dont worry, I’ll find a way to help you Director!!” He thinks. (If he saw the Director, this is added) “and he is looking hotter than ever!!” His tail wagging faster. As RK talks to the two diner employees J can’t help but study them, however the only result of this analysis is that J finds them incredibly cute, especially Fitch, to which he looks up and down before looking in another direction before anyone catches him staring. M.A.D reading- Agent J: What should I do, we’ve already lost Agent V and Agent B went after him so he is probably a goner too, we need to rescue our allies, get our numbers up, maybe O? He is smart and he knows everything about Allister and seeing his condition, we might need O’s knowledge. I have my claws, my keen senses, not everyone here does, I’ll look for weapons, this is a diner, it should have some knives or even forks, anything that can give the others a fighting chance and a way to inflict pain on themselves if needed.


this update was amazing btw, the video was amazing and we got to see agent Y and I’m only falling more in love, plus all the new characters are such cuties, I love every single one, great artwork as always BC and can’t wait to see what’s next, ALSO MA BOY WAGGING HIS TAIL WAS SO CUTE AND I CANT, MA HEART


An epiphany struck F5 and with the Employees' permission, the Opossum gathers all the Diner's flat screen TVs and several power strips then heads to the Manager's Office to salvage parts from the restaurant's outdated tech and security system to assemble a multi-monitor Desktop setup connected to The Laptop. Thus allowing the group to watch from the many monitors a separate POV of anyone that's been chipped. F5 later scans the town's network. A civilian's (Neil) laptop using the latest tech made a blip on F5's radar who the Opossum then message via text urging em to head for the Diner immediately. ——————— Agent S's offer: Opens the video call for Agent RF, the group wishes to discuss Agent S's negotiation further. Seeing that Agent S was refusing ALL forms of compromises to his terms by the remaining Agents and within moments was ready to cease negotiation, Agent F5 does the unexpected. The Opossum offered himself as a valuable hostage to S in exchanged for the Bear to divulge information of the Cult's current activities and the safety of the remaining Agents and Civilians.


U looks back and forth between Jane and the new arrivals, and encourages her to share what she knows with Lyle and Fitch. U tries to summarize what he knows (perhaps to the point of oversharing) to try to build trust with them. After explaining, U concludes: "We don't really know how or why these things are happening. What we do know is that we're all in danger, and it's very likely that higher elements in the government are similarly compromised, so we may not be able to expect backup." *U watches Q storm off and turns back to the diner employees* "The one person who we know has a way to reverse this cult's corrupting influence is in danger right now. We need to find a way to get to him, at the Cozy Hearth Inn. Please tell me if you know of ANYTHING here we can use to defend ourselves; we absolutely have to rescue him, for all our sakes."


U at some point also voices support for negotiating with S. But in a low-key way, knowing that the other agent's opinions of him are likely colored by how he handled himself in the elevator


Agent S ponders for a second, turning the offer over in his head. It almost seems too good to be true... especially coming from the possum who seems to be one of the lynchpins of the Agents... and that is what causes him pause. 'The terms seem... interesting. I'll leave it at that for now. Wait for me to contact you again, and I will let you know my decision, and where such a handover would take place... if it will take place. This is something that shouldn't be rushed, nor do I want to rush it. There's still a lot to consider. a safe, quiet place would have to be established to make such handover happen, and means of making the handover as peaceful and swift as possible will also need to be discussed and thought about. However, I'm happy to make a gesture of good faith. until I decide on terms, I will keep safe any civilian or Agent I come across. In exchange, I hope for the same courtesy from you, that you won't interfere with my opening moves.


I don't like it but I'm willing to trust F5's judgement.


Also maybe I should grab a nice sharp carvers knife from the kitchen. As an aside, I think we should be trying to leave the Diner as soon as possible, there's nothing to be gained by hanging around chatting. I vote we head to the Manmal Retail Store, in hopes of picking up supplies and furthing the investigation.


The Rabbit Journalist slowly drives through town looking around at the bizarre scenery "Fuck finally here, but damn this is a fucking drab little town, but hey all I have to do is just find info on one lady in a small town so how hard can that even be? Yet I can't shake this feeling, its like someone is watching me ever since I got into town." As he drives through town he notices an odd sight, it seems that some bear is being harassed by three strange men with cigars and drinks? "what in Rulk's fuckin name? huh guess this town is more of a dump than I thought, but hey a story's a story." the Rabbit slowly drives up close and pulls out his camera over to the scene to get a better look and takes a picture but undenounced to him his flash was still on but luckily the bear noticed him first. (Fuck rulk, well just roll with the punches Char, looks like he needs help anyway.) The rabbit rolls down the window and hesitantly yells to the bear. "ahem. H-Hey there uuhh bear are you ok are those guys messing you? need a ride or something?" (The rabbit quickly unlocks the doors while simultaneously lowering one of his hands to a bottle of pepper spray incase one of those strange men follow the bear.)


As they left the sewers, Orson Broyle (formerly Agent D) wrinkled his nose. He certainly enjoyed musky scents, but that was too much for his sensitive nose, and not the kind of dirty fun he had in mind. Still, the trail remained relatively solid until they met pavement. He was grateful for the ashy scent of his cigar as he puffed it down to the nub. Deftly, he pulled out another, immediately lighting it with a red glow, causing both his cigar and cock to flare. He looked around the city streets, trying to pick up where the escapees left of. There wasn't any evidence they used this entrance, but the trail went cold, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He -needed- to get off, to subjugate. That's when he noticed the townsfolk wandering about. Holding up a finger to Ontarou (BN) and Olympus (E), he strode over to the unsuspecting and semi-glazed townie. With the grin of a predator about to pounce, he slipped in behind him, wrapping his tail up so that his mind-influencing scent would waft over the civilian. He pulled up a long draw on his cigar and suddenly kissed the other, shotgunning the corrupting smoke deep into his lungs. The change didn't take long, leading his quarry by his cock as he comes back to the rest of the group. "These boys are too easy. Hope we find those runaways soo." He turned to light up a cigar for his newfound friend and pointed over to another nearby stranger. "Go on, take care of him and we'll be back, I'm sure. Don't forget! There's a feast tonight. Don't keep us waiting, Daddy's orders." He would turn back to the alley where his Partner face-fucked Ontarou. With a smug look, he naturally positioned himself behind the panda stud. He chuckled to himself as he joins in the spitroast, making sure to take his time and enjoy the sensual fucking that made all the neighbors talk. While working up a proper sweat, leaning an arm up against one of the nearby walls, he expressed openly. "Those escapees won't know what hit 'em. We'll show 'em the light."


Fitch flinches from the mention of a lion cultist. Ah, damn, was it that obvious? Had he forgotten to trim back his mane again? ... Whatever, he had bigger problems to deal with. "Um, yeah. I'm Fitch. And, uh, I don't remember anything like that? But I was barely awake until I walked in here and got a shot of adrenaline from seeing a bunch of people in a diner I expected to be empty." he rattled off, feeling unsettled.


Jack: Stops the van, it's not worth destroying it over a couple of horn ball bikers. He climbs into the back of the van and urges Adam to come with him. "Adam, I know we can get out of this, just gonna need a bit of brute force and some ingenuity here." He rummaged around the back grabbing his laptop bag and filling it with a number of things, namely his laptop and pocket knife and a multi-tool. He was always the type to be prepared with a few things... except his car it seems. Out of the back Jack also grabs a baseball bat. "Funny thing is, I was never really good at sports. But it's much easier to get a bat than it is a gun license." He looks down again and pulls back a tarp revealing some cats leaf plants he was growing under heat lamps. He sighs and grabs those and a few pre rolls. The plan is to distract the cultists in the road block with the weed so they don't chase us, and to book it to the diner near by. Before he leaves he gives Lyle a call on his phone. "Hey Lyle? Oh thank God this went through, listen I need you to open the back door of the diner, those crazed lunatics are near by and we need a safe spot. We'll be there soon please please let us in!" Jack gives Adam a kiss, then kicks open the door. Taunts the cultists and chucks the weed at them, then runs as fast as he can towards the diner. If Adam stumbles or falls he helps him up, if any cultists get too close he whacks them with the bat.

Star Ringer

Agent G sighs heavily and rubs the bridge of his nose. He walks up to the two restaraunt employees and tries to look friendly. "So, uh, sorry about that, training kicked in I guess," he lied, "But, uh, this place has got to have a freezer, right? Could you direct me to it, please?" &gt; If the men give him friendly directions: &gt;= "Thank you!" Go to Point Blue &gt; If the men tell him to fuck off: &gt;= "Ugh! I'll find it myself!" Go to Point Red =Point Red= Agent G storms off to look for the freezer. There HAS to be one in this damned building. How could it function otherwise?! &gt; If Agent G finds the walk-in Freezer, go to Point Blue &gt; If Agent G stumbles around and can't find it yet, go to Point Green =Point Green= "Dammit... where the fuck...?" Agent G grows increasingly frustrated. "Fucking RK...just pushing me aside like that, like I'm useless... ...even though I am... he's not even wearing a-" Agent G looks down at himself at scowls. "Why the fuck am I still WEARING all this?!" He shucks off his suit coat and tugs on his tie until it's untied, but doesn't bother pulling it off completely. He tosses his suit coat aside without another thought. &gt; Did Agent G have his phone in his pants pocket, or in his coat? Who knows! Agent G certainly doesn't! Continuing to huff and puff, bitching under his breath about "damn southerners", Agent G throws open a closet, and what he sees waaaay at the back, barely illuminated, gives him pause. "...Huh. That might be useful." &gt; Did Agent G find a disused Bolt Bunny animatronic? &gt; Or did he find something else heavy, clunky, and of dubious use? With no small effort, Agent G drags his find out of the closet and goes searching for the freezer again while tugging it behind him. =Point Blue= Agent G finds the walk-in freezer. Hooray! He tugs the door open and immediately drags himself inside, fur and hair matted with sweat. The cold is soothing, reminding him he's phyiscally much more suited to stay warm in the cold than to stay cool in the heat. Some part of him that he's not quite connected to at the moment is extremely frustrated. The northern Gods were always ignored by those closer to the equator. (Were they? he thinks to himself, but not quite to himself) Such that even when there's a god of fire and burning and death breathing on their necks, no one else in the building even KNOWS about any of them. (Do they???) Lord in Winter, all these coddled warmlanders were just- ... ... Then he realizes what's also in the freezer with him. "...Huh." &gt; If Agent G found one or more frozen bodies or parts of bodies, go to Point Periwinkle. &gt; If Agent G found living refugees, go to Point Puce. &gt; If Agent G found a cold beverage, go to point...actually y'know what, a CYOA format entry to a CYOA story is pretty ridiculous, so let's just cut to the chase and do the conditionals there. Agent G re-enters the dining area. &gt; If Agent G found a Bolt Bunny animatronic, he vents a little by tearing the hand holding a ray gun of some kind off and tosses the rest of it to the floor. The gun, despite apparently not being connected to an apparent power source, sparks and whirrs. &gt; If Agent G found something else in the closet, he drops that in front of him. &gt; If Agent G found a dead body(s) or part(s) he drops one of them on the floor in front of him. &gt; If Agent G, against all odds, found some sort of paraphenlia of a northern god of cold, winter, and eternal life, he holds it clutched in one fist despite the frost forming on his hand and wrist. "...Whatcha got there, G?" One of the other agents asks with a sardonic tone. &gt; If Agent G found a cold beverage, he takes a sip and says "A smoothie."


[The bear’s face heats up; it takes him off-guard but he is *very* appreciative of the kiss - internally he hopes there'll be an opportunity for it to happen again if they get to safety.]


Neil is already a ways away from where he previously was, thinking to himself. ''I feel bad about not helping that guy out, but I need to remain as hidden as possible for now, and not catch too much of a spotlight just yet. I can resort to more...direct forms of defence after I've met up with anyone that can help.'' as he thinks this he grips harder onto the baseball bat he found while sneaking around some houses earlier in the night. ‘’I never thought I’d actually have to rely on all the stuff my dad taught me before he passed, to think a lot of the weird crap that came out of his mouth was actually real. At least he left behind some of the equipment he used as a PI.’’ After a bit of walking behind buildings and such he finally approaches the back of the dinner, breathing a sight of relief before going up to the backdoor and knocking on it, calling to the inside. ‘’Helloo! Anyone in there?! Lyle, open the door, I know it’s your shift! It’s me, Neil!’’ he says, trying to raise his voice as little as possible. He makes sure to keep vigilant on all sides as he waits for someone to open the backdoor.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Dude the update was insane this week. Like holy heck! We got SO MUCH! NOT ONLY did we get a big update (which is insane on its own) you guys put together a VIDEO FOR THE COMIC?!?! This has never happened before, its so much!! Not to mention its great! There's so much to piece together, so much manly eye candy...! Such mystery, such meat, wow!!! As for what Oxxford Bureau will do this week, I've mentioned it in the previous weeks's comments: I vaguely wanna check out the factory for business reasons, if possible, otherwise I'm fine with anything; and I want my attitude to be that of a guy looking down on everyone else, with an air of superiority, a look of disgust, as if people belong beneath me, and they need to prove themselves to suck my cock or do anything sexual with me, that isn't being stepped on or being the ashtray for my cigars.


If there was one thing to get Fitch out of brooding, it was a chance to snark. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. "Uh huh. Cause federal agent training totally says go right to illegal search and seizure of private property." He lets that hang in the air for a moment before jerking a thumb behind him, "The freezer's that way. Take a left once you're in the kitchen."


Lyle looks around the agents around him, noticing the Hyena beginning to question Fitch. Luckily if Fitch was a chatterbox. As he started to ask more questions too the Hyena who seemed to be running things, Lyle begins to wander off. Before long he found himself slowly, but surely towards the back. No one seemed too notice and honestly, he felt too concerned for his own safety too not beheading towards the back. If the cult was real, grabbing a knife from the kitchen would always be a good start. Not to mention, these so called agents... he wants to learn more about what they're deal was. His tired eyes beginn to shift too his pocket however, as his silence was interrupted by a buzzing. As he walks closer too the back, he realizes the call was from none other then Jackson himself. He holds his head close, trying to keep it quiet. "You want in through the back...? Oh uh... sure yeah lemme just, get over there... bit crowded." IF Jack and Adam make it too the diner: "Holy shit are you guys like okay?! You kinda uh... look like shit, and thats coming from me." If Neil makes it too the diner: "Oh uh Hey there! I haven't seen you in a while... uhhh...here yeah just get on in here. Apparently some bad stuffs going down." If none make it too the diner: "Are they coming... is anyone coming?" Lyle peaked out the door too see nothing but and empty lot in front of him. Adam and Jack... was it too late to help them now? OOC: Hey sorry for the last min response! Don't know if it's too late or anything but thought i should add it just in case. Been spending all week catching up on the assignments I fell behind on while doing the video., this kinda thing def won't be happening again though! Apologies again!


A big burly dragon comes out of the shadows as he has his arms folded looking towards the butler. His name is Bruce. He is seen wearing something similar to the butler but he didn't have a shirt on. Only thing he was in was his pants and shoes. It showed off his biceps and the tattoo he had on his right arm. "Did you feed our guests yet?' He looks to the cage to see Agent T and Y, smirking towards them. "It won't be long before you decide to join your friends. Why don't you make it easier and submit now? He proceeds to take the cigar of the plate, he begins to light it. Taking a few puffs before trying to blow it into Agent Y and T's face. They cover their noses of course. He then proceeds to Hyeronimus King trying to blow the smoke into his face. OOC: Never done one of these before since I'm a new Patreon and all I hope this get chosen and if not, I at least tried. Keep up the good work, mister BC!


OB;AW - You grumble as you march your fat ass to the local broadcast tower, all the other agents are getting to have fun screwing each others brains out and kindling the plebs, but that stupid elephant has given you the inglorious job of expanding the corrupting signal and amplifying its power... or you could refuse and end up as a entrée before the feast... Couldn't they at least send a sexy manservant to carry your tools if this was so important?... oh well, if its for the Red God you guess you gotta do it