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i apologize again peeps,  but i have to take another break from the comic this week. Last time was a bit rough on my health ( had something like five days of migraines while i was working) and i think it'd be best if i ease it down for this week, in case it's something stress related. Hopefully this won't be a regular thing and i can keep updating the comic every week. Thanks a lot for your patience peeps and again, apologies!



Hope you feel better soon!!

Lee Evergreen

You really should just make it biweekly at this point. It'd be better than having to make an apology post biweekly.


No worries, you've always been absurdly productive anyway. Your long-term health should take priority!


I agree so much with all the other comments here you make insanely good content and weekly! you're a human being that needs rest, not just a drawing machine.

Shiny Skunk

Bruh take all the time you need on it there’s already so much of it I could use a catch up anyway


Real life comes before net life dude, and as I have noted before you’ve got a prolific amount of work coming out of you in a pretty stressful time of year. Take a break, relax, and get some “you” time in. You deserve it.

Bryan Whiteman

It's quite a lot of work you do. It's ok to ease the work load now and then.


It's a lot to do every week! Your health always comes first


HEY GUYS, JOIN THE DISCORD SERVER We talk about fun things and play video games And occasionally we talk about DA as well! https://discord.gg/6mas58UYdX


You work at so many projects at once, and update each and every one of them each week. I can't imagine how much stress you must be under. Frankly, with all of my love for Dusk Acres, I wouldn't even mind being a bit more patient and having an update once every two weeks regularly instead of once every week if it'll aid your health. Your well being always comes first.


I'll pay extra per month if it means you lay down, rest, and take some time to focus on you. Stubborn bear, get some rest for us please. Maybe go see a massage therapist or something. Take a break please ( - .-)

Robert Smith

Hey no worries at all- I think we all want you safe and well much more than the comic every week. You take care of yourself


Your health is more important dude! You stay well and take care of yourself. Also trust me when i say were all fine if this turns into a bi weekly thing so you dont have too much on your plate.


Please take all the time you need Blaze. Health always comes first. And as many other pointed out, I too will say it again,and suggest to make the comic every second week. It is more than obvious we all agree that we can all wait for it. You have been doing great job man, but do not worry on taking a little break to rest too. If anything its important to take one


And in case you feel like you need to feel the "void" of the weeks post, you can always draw a small personal random piece you want.


It makes me happy when you take breaks =3 You work so hard its insane, so it's good when you relax


Please take as much time to rest as you need – you work so hard all the time, and your health is more important. <3


Honestly I must admit, it's a bit worrying. Not only are you weekly updating a CYOA with a page count that seems to be above 30 every time. Not only that but you're working on two different game projects at the same time. Obviously Dusk Acres is the bigger culprit on being detrimental to your health here, so I hope that you'll end up taking everyone's advice on either making it an update every other week or perhaps even just to reduce the updates in size to something more manageable in the long run.


No worries your health should always come first <3 ! You give us so much every week and we can't thank ya enough for that so take your time and rest we all understand.


No prob. Quality over quantity always man. You should enjoy what you are doing bro💪🏼


Take care of yourself, BC. Get some rest!


Dusk Acres can wait, its not going anywhere. Your health comes first so please rest and have a good time.

Rodney Talon

Hey let's entertain ourselves while he is out seen the Contemporary Family video? Maybe make stories or ideas off the ten dads picture? Join on community post https://www.patreon.com/posts/49959961


Good luck get some nice rest!


Please get a good rest!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:08:42 <3
2021-04-13 09:12:22 <3
