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i'm taking the start of this week off to rest up a bit. Sorry for the inconvenience! 



enjoy your break, you deserve it

Robert Smith

No worries, you get some rest :) The mysteries can wait, gives more time for crazy theories hehehe

Lee Evergreen

I know I'm a broken record, but you deserve as many breaks as you need. Dusk Acres is a really intense comic.


No worries BC! Take all the time you need~


K. Rest up and see you another time then.


Your mental and physical well-being should always come first. Take care of yourself.


You take care of yourself.


Rest well and enjoy the break! You should always practice self-care <3 We appreciate all you do!


Take your time, and thank you.


Take as much time as you need.


No worries man. Take all the time you need. I do have a small suggestion though: have you consider maybe making the updates every second week? I just suggest that, cause you have been working extra all this weeks man, with dusk acres being a color project too, and 2 games on the making as well, taking a little break every once in a while, can't be bad for you really. You can always work something small and personal to fill the Tuesday's update if you like too, if it comes to pass. I think most of us would agree to this. Regardless is just a small personal opinion. Please do take care man, and have a good rest.


Alls well my dude! Take a break and take your time. you've nearly tripled the amount of pages you do per posting since your first launch of the series, so i can understand why you need breaks from it. If you need to you can also make this a bi weekly comic.


Have a good rest!


Your health takes paramount importance. :3


Take care and don't worry! Glad to know you know when you need a break!


You take as much time off as you need dude. This has been an awesome series, and it’s best to not make it a burden to get through. Stay safe!


no shame in taking a bit of time for yourself, the story will always be here when you return :D