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new week, new update! hope you like it peeps.




AGENT M: *With other agents approaching via the elevator, it would be unwise to let these two see our secret entrance. But seeing as how it would be just as imprudent to end up in a room alone with someone who is self-admittedly still compromised, Agent M addresses both Jane and Omar.* "Do you chaps have an office or a cafeteria with some privacy? If we're going to be discussing sensitive matters its better not to do it out in the hall. Please, lead the way."


Agent K: Let's hurry and find a room to put the director in, one with supplies to help fix up his wound. You need it just as much Agent T. I don't want you bleeding out on us from that wound on your back either, once we find a room I'll patch you back up."

Robert Smith

Inn Field Team - Agent R is in trouble, it looks like the cauterized are moving beyond the woods in town and keeping an eye on Omar. We will send you co-ordinates for Sunshine Park- leave Allister and Agent I to complete the ritual... we can observe that one. Frank, can you relay this to Ricky - Do you know an Ogden? Or a Rodney? Connected to the Motel perhaps. APEX Base- Oh no, it looks like over half of us have subliminal commands... and without the Black Word we can't do anything about it... Someone should check Agent Yasir's personal effects, if Agent E is right and it is a key, maybe he had it on his person... AND CHECK AGENT BN TOO. If his trigger was something to do with that key, perhaps he found it on Agent Yasir in his room and attacked him? Agent D, you might have to do a strip search... And of course, i have something in my head... Agent Allister - M.A.D. COMMAND - your cock is unable to orgasm until you have completed the ritual- you can feel the sensations but are able to focus on the ritual until it is complete. Then, immediately cum. Agent C (edited) - He's a risk as he is now... Maybe we should use the memory suite to make him less dangerous and more of an order follower by deleting his memories of being discharged from the army...


If it's possible, I'll already be out of my suit jacket. The more casual I can look, the better. I'm frisking the Director, stripping him of his badge and weapon. When I'm done, I toss the Director's items, and mine, in the trash pile. The injured boys only get their civilian IDs. "We need to be covert. Going around saying we're federal agents isn't just dangerous for you--it might kill the Director. He can't defend himself if they realize he's associated with us. So the moment these doors open, you'd better have a name and backstory to use. "

Robert Smith

Interesting, it looks like there is a strong divide in the cult, between a newer and an older faction - the newer one using the MAD chips whilst also hating them? Again called parasites, but super powers is interesting, looks like the Sherriff at least can see transformations. And the 'Chosen One' is unlikely to be Allister or Frank, they seem to already be playing an active role in the cult... Otis? That memory of 51 days ago is VERY interesting. Looks like we know when Agent T was sewn up... and the red warning lights indicate a hack was underway at the time... Might be important pieces of information.

Robert Smith

Agent T - If Agent Yasir has any ID info on him that might give us a clue to the Black Words, please let us know. He was the one with access to the M.A.D. Chip's additional features, so maybe he has something...


OFF: Hmm, so I actually stitched Agent T up during some kind of red alert or something..? My character probably does not remember that though, right? Agent H: Hmm, wonder where my character is. Hopefully being either very useful or very sexy. Could also be sitting on a lobby chair playing games on my phone while I wait for the Stun Gun to charge up. If anyone has any suggestions for Agent H, please tell me!


While the director gets tended to I'd much like for someone or a few people to keep an eye on him, don't need him getting more hurt because of our incompetence.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N: We should proceed to the next step of the investigation. Agent F, would you rather investigate the Church or the Manimal Retail Store? But where is the rest of the team? *Agent N will meet up with Agent H and check up on why Allister is taking so long with Agent I.* Agent N: OH MY RULK, ALLISTER, AGENT I!! *Agent N will sport an obvious boner, but will smack Agent I on the back of his head, attempting to interrupt his transformation again, if possible, and then help Agent H hold down Agent I as well.* Agent N: Is the ritual working? Maybe there's something we're missing??

Neth Rusiki Azhti

I think our field team is all done with its first goal, which was to reach Agents A and I and give them the info we had, as well as gather a little bit more information. Our next goal should be investigating either the Church or the Manimal Retail store for more clues regarding Otis. But we should do that as a group, so we're not scattered and things are easier for BC xD Agent R is doing his thing, and Agent I is being transformed, so we should try and help both of them, possibly one at a time.

Robert Smith

Agent K - Just to warn you that you, and Agent AW, may have subliminal commands implanted in you. Try to travel with people, so they can help you if you start behaving oddly... and it might not be ENTIRELY Agent AW's fault he is behaving as he is due to the above.


Agent D: M.A.D Reading -- When he's not trying to murder everyone, Agent BD's kinda cute. Agent D: Roger, Agent O, though he just conked out. Maybe it's for the best that we keep him nice and peaceful and relaxed. Agent D carefully starts to frisk him, searching his jacket for anything, really, and making sure that there's no weapons on him. While searching his paw will check him for injury as well. He will make sure to do a very thorough search, but careful not to wake agent BN. If he finds a weapon or anything suspicious, he will set it aside, out of reach if possible, or call over agent E to take it away. (I'd like to add that if BN is sporting a boner, Agent D may cop an open feel)


*Mister Brennan keeps trying to milk the vote out of the citizen.* (Dear god this version of me is sexy. after I get my ballot box filled we should inspect agents Allister and Frank for wounds. see if a cauterized blade hurt them too. Also sorry Agent O.. I'm stealing your Crush's cock from you.)


(This is a stretch, but you miss every shot you don't take!) Agent S - I managed to escape the Hospital... but Allister isn't responding right now... Perhaps what I need to is get myself some tools to fan the flame.... Like the cigars manufactured by the Manimal Factory. I know a rough layout from Allister and Frank investigating, I can sneak in and grab myself some tools off the cult. Waste not want not.

Lee Evergreen

(L hides behind M, out of Jane's sight. He thoroughly searches his person for any kind of government identification)


Hahaha, that is twice now that someone has commented on the way that Agent W speaks. I did not initially plan to have it be a big deal, but now I am not so sure. I kind of like where this can possibly lead! Maybe the way Agent W speaks is related to the subliminal command that he has? It could be a great idea, I think! *I think to myself after realizing that my M.A.D. chip is at 50%* Didst I at each moment talk like this? I has't nev'r very much bethought about t, but… I cannot quite recall learning to speaketh this way. T just cometh out naturally yond I has't nev'r gaveth t a second bethought. Mine own M.A.D. chip didst showeth yond I am currently at 50%. Haply I am just overthinking things? Coequal if't be true I am, I doth not wanteth to loseth control of myself, but I doth not knoweth what to doth! (Going to start doing translations for the future now.) Translation: Did I always talk like this? I have never really thought about it, but… I cannot quite remember learning to speak this way. It just comes out naturally that I have never gave it a second thought. My M.A.D. chip did show that I am currently at 50%. Maybe I am just overthinking things? Even if I am, I do not want to lose control of myself, but I do not know what to do! (Someone should 100% edit my memory of my speech and see what happens.)


Noting at one point when you were surprised/startled you talked normally.


Agent SK goes up to SK and takes a gulp of his drink, tasting it thoroughly, “you ok AW? I saw BN had attacked you, are you hurt anywhere?” Sk says trying to help him out and give some comfort, he gives a toothy smile and pats their head “I told O I’d look for ya, so prob best not to run off again. If it’s any help I can look out for ya. Best to not be caught alone if cultist appear”


(I think the biggest new info we have is visual proof the entire agency was here on May 1st, a few days before Otis was reported missing. I have to wonder why/how Otis could be reported missing, but the dozens of other Agents didn't trigger some kind of report. Maybe they all told their spouses they were going on a holiday.) <b>Agent C</b> : Well no use moping, time to take the bull by the horns, there are other ways to take control, the old fashioned way, you'll just be the best damn <i>-bwOrOrP-</i> ...leader this organization has ever seen. You brush some doughnut crumbs off of your shirt... aw, its all sticky... Wait, why is Agent 0 looking at you like that? Is he... is he checking you out?! Heh, you've still got it. Finish your doughnut and give him a sexy smirk, walk up behind the tubby gerbil and place your hands on his shoulders, massaging ever so gently. "Well hello, private, I couldn't help noticing it looked like you needed a little <i>help</i>, heh, you're feeling tense."


Maybe even feed him a doughnut if you've got some more :3


Can kidnap me maybe


U recalls the fear and helplessness he felt after that discovery in the barn, and empathizes with Jane's situation. He questions her more, but tries not to give away too much sensitive information. "I'm afraid the information we have in the case file for your grandfather is limited. We know he was last seen walking to work on May 28. Are there any other facts or suspicions you can share with us? Every disappearance has a connection through Dusk Acres somehow. When did Gabriel move out of Dusk Acres, and why? Did he maintain any connections to the town?"


Agent F5: *Watched in horror as Agent R is violently assaulted by the Cauterized Predator then swiftly dragged away from view.* (Found Footage-style) *Aid in Agent 0's search for the "Black Word" to distract himself after what happened with R, scouring the pages of his Journal maybe the photograph might have the hint they needed.* ------------ Damien: *Ask how Ricky and himself are processing all this information about the Cult and being chipped.*


Allister is so fucking hot :o~ I'm going to try my previous command, in case it was submitted too late last time. MMS, Agent F5, 1 Edit Memory - Agent F5, you have always been a six foot tall beefcake. A real gym junkie who loves to flex and ogle yourself in the mirror. For as long as you can remember you'd much rather be playing sports than reading boring old books. You were a jock in high school and you coasted though college on a football scholarship getting easy As from professors who knew to look the other way so long as you were scoring touchdowns. You never go anywhere without your favorite letterman jacket. Also if that doesn't work. Agent RF - Try to find out how the Dynamic Diner is supplying us with so much food. Is someone making deliveries? Or did Otis get a huge shipment. Analyze the food, check if there is anything odd about it.


If we want to solve the corruption in rhino omar, should we go to Agent Allister?


Agent BN enters a dream like state. Basically snoring while surrounded by a fluffy Skunk Tail. What the rest of the Agents are seeing in the Memory Suite, Agent BN is seeing as dreams. Reliving the past in his sleep. Maybe Agent BN mumbles in his sleep, maybe something that might pertain to the Black word or some other clue. If what he's perceiving the memory suite as dreams, perhaps he forces the memory suite to see a reoccurring 'dream' of Agent BN, Agent D and Agent E in a past sexual encounter. Turning to Wet Dream of a certain Panda sandwiched between the two Skunks ( ;3c )


Agent E : (assuming he is looking at what Agent O just read) So the status is in real time eh? does it happen to have a backlog of what people were thinking as well? If we can try to see if there's anything from before we all woke up here. Though I feel we should start with the Director we can also start with whomever is highest. (If O is busy Agent E can bend over and check himself on the computer.) Based off what we can see from BN's memory…photo and everyone's % status it seems we can assume they have all been through something or seen something that had to be overwritten. Agent E : doesn’t look like there are limits to the attempts made so you can always think of another thing we know about the cultists to try RK and W. M.A.D reading: Glad me and D are at 0%! Don’t want to say I cant trust people who are higher up but it would sucks to know they getting manipulated like that. Then again I know what I'd used the chip for… Gehehe… *Agent E will notices the Agent D rubbing/ fondling Agent BN's bulge and smirks from he minor distraction*


(Changing name here since we have a T already; the status screen is a nice means of showing established names) Agent Q: Okay, come on man, hold it together. You’re alone, you’ve heard shouting...aaaand that looks like blood. Could this damned place at least let me find the cafeteria... if we even have one here? (checks makeshift map; it’s not very good) Where even am I on “here”?! (not sure where else to insert myself here, given the other scenes already have a lot of people, opening myself up for something else to be odd about the base, if not following up on N’s previous task of map-making of the facility. Interesting developments all around though)


Ended up Typing up a character listing sheet cause i got confused a few times about whos who and what. Ill share it here and if your missing let me know, I made it so you can add comments. Hope it helps everyone. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nqc4-UbiW2-qPuuG3WJKe4p7XhnfN4FOuqmGraV3qIs/edit?usp=sharing


Agent RC: Agent E, Agent O, I think the "Black House" and "Black Words" here have some connection to the Pitchy Father. If the Apex worshipped, or at least based their beliefs on Him, our password may be hidden in old myths and prayers. Agent Allister, do you need backup? We could use Agent I's chip to sedate him from here.


Oh my goodness, this is incredibly useful. I had completely lost track of all the agents in the system. @.@


Both away teams and Frank: Thanks to Agent R,we can confirm sheriff Wright is in league with the cult. From their conversation. it seems like the cult’s brainwashing process requires an implanted M.A.D. chip. It also sounds like that there are people, like Wright, who are not chipped in the town. Frank: Sorry for the shirt thing. All these revelations are making me jumpy. We’ve just found out that we’ve been down here since May at least and nobody here has any memory of it. Anyway, the ritual isn’t going well. If you want, I’ll use a direct command like last time to change Agent I back (and Allister too if he got TF’d). It’s your call. R needs help and time is of the essence. Make sure nothing happens to the Red Book. I’ll send a text of the Apex oath to Allister’s phone. M.A.D. reading Agent RK: Allfuckingdammit, of course the shirt is just something anyone can have. I can’t let my anxiety get to me, not now. What’s with these feelings of suspicion I have for Frank? I know he’s not involved with the cult, but something about his motivations bother me. Frank seems like someone that values his career as a F.I.D. agent quite a bit. To jeopardize all that with an illegal investigation to find someone he has so much contempt for is strange, even if it is his own father. Unless something happened that made Frank feel like he had to be out here. Something that drove him to drink the night before last Monday... Maybe I am overthinking this… Fuck it, I’ll just take a look at Frank’s dossier. Once I see that everything is in order, I can put this behind me and focus on the case.


Agent D: Hey guys. 11 5 and 13. Could those be hours, not a code for something else? Maybe there's a subliminal command that's set to go off at those times? 13 is usually 1 AM, but it's been happening more frequently than that..


Perhaps there's some connection between the Black Word and the recurring sequence of numbers, 11-5-13? What if Otis is trying to send us a message to help us use the system?

Robert Smith

Agent RC, you are our religious expert, could you give things a search and see what you can find?


(agent RD looking around at Agent SK, T, AW, and K holding pack of cat leaf joints) RD: it may come as a surprise but i noticed something looking at the security cameras, ya'll might wanna smoke this stuff, it might make you giddy like a cursed animatronic but it might help keep that damn tin can voice piercing your nervous system, and dont worry, i got plenty more... (looks at Agent T) Agent RD: i can get his legs, you grab torso, sooner he patched up and hooked to some iv drips, sooner we can start finding the cause and effect to all this damn eldritch horror crud (starting to think he be like an scientist working here XD) (Agent RD to agent AW) Agent RD: word of warning, we need willy wanker over here to calm himself or i'm stripping before im covered in his vanilla factory...


Honestly, I was trying to think of a name for the Black Word out of all the letters for all the agents' codenames. Still don't know what it could be connected to in the story, but just had that thought.


((My concern is it might be some sort of trap, or at the very least a risk. I’m not sure what I want to do with Omar but I still don’t fully trust him.))


Agent AW - Panting and face flushed with embarrassment, you slowly get to your feet, letting out a small groan (your legs still a little shaky from experiencing such a powerful orgasm) and start cleaning yourself up. Man, this elevator sure is crowed all of a sudden, you momentarily consider warning these guys about BN going off the deep end, but by the state of the Director... you put two and two together and figure they already know. Poor guy, he could use some of that cat leaf. Rrrgh, what's this? While fixing up your impeccable wardrobe you've discovered yet another mystery, it seems your shirt has shrunk somehow?? You absentmindedly take a bite out of a BBQ Triple Cheese Supreme Burger. How could this have happened??


(Agent AW on the back looking at his belly) Agent RD: you look like you seen the Jersey Devil there buddy, and i dont mean me after a few rounds of rum, ain't that the new burger they added to the menu?


( I have to say. I love this so much. Poor AW.... ... Eat more burger )


Admittedly agent AW is a mood during quarantine.


Has anyone noticed that Agent AW somehow regained his tail since the Tuesday 6 PM update? In the Tuesday 4-5 PM update he didn't have his fluffy tail. Also is he a Fennec Fox or a Jackal?


I think the tail thing is just an artistic abstraction. Agent R had a viable tail, but in most shots its not there. Probably just easier for BC and lets him show off butts more lol


I tried editing my comment, but Patron deleted it. At least I had it saved. Agent R - You can't figure out why, but looking at this elephant gives you a headache. You feel uncomfortably alarmed, and for some reason the memory of what you told Himbo Boss yesterday keeps running through your head. Traitor... There's a traitor in out midst... weird... You've tried to contact the Director a few times, but all you get is radio static. You guess he's still pissed off at you, but it's a little worrying, you hope he's doing alright. Not much to do besides keeping out of sight and following the Sheriff. //EDIT// looks like I misread the update, I was under the impression Agent R was unaware of the threat and hadn't been warned by F5. I guess the above info could still be true, taking place moments prior. Agent R - Compromised?... Your body tenses up as you quickly scan the park for any sort of threat... but you can't spot what F5 is warning you about? You feel an instant wave of regret over failing to bring some sort of weapon with you as you hastily weigh your options. You hope the Sheriff and Elephant haven't been altered to your presence, but it doesn't matter as long as you get away. In an instant you use your cat reflexes to sprint from your position, you've gotta get out of this park and somewhere public with lots of civilians, somewhere that's open at this time of night, like a gas station or restaurant. You won't go back to the motel, its too far, and it could endanger the whole team. Pant... pant... dammit, smoking has really not helped your running ability...


You've a splitting headache and a mild fever since you came to several minutes ago. Your notebook lies sprawled on your desk, the last few words meandering into an incomprehensible squiggle when you, according to the time on the monitor, passed out for more than twelve hours. The note reads: JUSTICE, HIEROPHANT, DEATH, RED, AUTOTOMY? BLACK, LIGHT, DARKNESS, LONELY, HEART, FLESH, GHOSTS? FIRE, CHARIOT, FUEL, WHERE? HUNGRY. Looks like you were really stressed out trying to make sense of everything. You're not hungry, though. Your guts probably decided to take a break due to all the adrenaline in your system. After looking through the logs and deciding to postpone processing all the fucked up stuff that's happened, you wonder if there is a way to verify the memories on the memory suite. It might provide you with valuable intel about how your current situation came to be. You can't shake off the feeling that your brain was tampered with it, somehow. You only manage to make a shaky note about it, however. You're so very tired. Tired and lonely.


Oh! I was under the impression that Agent AW "regain" a tail due to unintentional cannibalism from all those burgers he's been scarfing down after Agent BN's attack.


(i'm sorry gotta make this comment due to the obvious joke someone gotta make.) (Agent RD hearing this over an intercom) Agent RD: I'm sorry, but it seems we entered some Bizzare Adventure don't ya think?

Yoked Coder

It takin turns and I'm quite lost, but we're movin forward towards this mystery!


I'm going to do a reread of the entire comic for research, after I've gathered more clues my suggestions will come Tuesday. despite my confusion this has been fun.👍


Agent S goes into the bathroom to take care of his boner. A sheep nurse walks in on him and he offers to get serviced. And the sheep accepts.


I believe their was a meteor or other celestial object( part of the sky madness) that fell to earth on the spot of dusk acres, the charred metal from the chameleon is a part of it and left splinters in agent I and should be tested. The F.I.D. refined the effect of the metal in the chips by testing them on agents, like Otis and partnered with the church of the pitchy father to acquire funding to commandeer the manimal factory to mass produce chips to control the entire world and is using the hospital as a cover and place to install them. the SNF rebelled and infiltrated the hospital with plans to uncover the whole operation, but Rahul Mummen was a mole who betrayed us not for the F.I.D. but his own obsession with the "chariot"( original object). Rahul doesn't want control, he wants a hive mind with One Brain. The cauterized and possibly Allister's family are the ones who came into contact with the chariot and were driven mad by it. The chameleon said something to the effect of " give us the fire, burn us, we need it". THEY WANT TO LAUNCH THAT METEOR TO GAIN COMPLETE CONTROL! maybe the dark words are that alliance chant " Holy is the other, for it is you as well, Holy is the Alliance, that keeps us from hell". also ask Oliver and Ogden(Ricky's dad) where the chariot is and who drives it? Sorry for the paragraph, I just really needed to type my way through this. Thank you again Blazing Cheeks for dusk acres. Even if I'm flat ass wrong!


Gosh it's been a whole year since I was first chasing you huh? ;3