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edit : there's something wrong with patreon, all the pics are shrunk to about half the size they're supposed to be... i attached a .rar file containing all the jpeg images for now, in case you have trouble reading the update. Sorry for the inconvenience, not sure why it happened... 




Before I fortify the exit, I wanna check on the Director since its on the way, and see if he needs anything.


Agent K(Kage) should go and help agent T in barracading the room. He's a strong panda even if he doesn't look it. Agent R quick! Push Oliver out the car before he attacks!

Robert Smith

I don't want to interrupt the ritual, but when it ends... I really want to check in with Allister based on his remembering the past. Until then, Agent O will remain on the M.A.D. chips, ready to activate commands if it looks like ANYTHING is going to go wrong. We aren't losing Frank and Allister Allister- when Otis showed you the book, what did you look like? I know that sounds stupid but, can you try and recall the scene again when Otis taught you about the spell? Please describe it. (I don't want to tell him that, based on the M.A.D. chip reading, he looked like a gym teacher... at least not until after we get a recollection from him) Frank - I just wanted to say... you aren't alone. We won't abandon you. Please, trust in us, and Allister. There is an answer to this and we are going to find it together. Just stay calm. Field Team A - looking at the way the chips are supposed to work, an electric shock can cause violent tendencies, and hallucinations- I will try and keep an eye on your chips to see if they are malfunctioning causing you to see... this... but please be aware Oliver could become VERY dangerous if he does have a chip in his head. Don't use any further electricity! Agent I - M.A.D. Command - Don't focus on the pain, focus on horny bliss- remain in this state until you have received proper treatment for your wounds.

Robert Smith

On another note, I am so here for at the very least bi Frank - I really like that lil revelation about him. I worry he is using relationships as a way of dealing with his past though... I want to send him hugs agaaaiiinnn. Also, agent O is a bit of a stalker huh 😳 New Vinedo... I feel like I have heard that before, going to have to re read because that sounds important. Maybe a next location. Aannnddd another thing it feels like Otis was giving Allister tools to fight the cult... I really think he might be not working against us as much as we think...


I had a very funny idea, I'm interested in what people think about it. To Agent AW: Anon is not the time to beest fooling 'round Agent AW, thee shouldst knoweth better than yond. Keeping Agent C and Agent RK in a horny stup'r only diminishes our already base manpower. Release those folks from the control of the M.A.D. chip betimes! *I also want to investigate the security breach that took place on June 20th.*


Allister, what do you know of the red laughing man and the black father of the night? Can you or Frank remember anything that Otis has said about these two figures?


Odd, this week's pages are 820 x 615 WEBP instead of being 1600 x 1200 JPEG.


*In Agent I's stupor he says everything the voice is saying to him out loud. fanning himself with his wig. getting hard as the sweat and tent revealing all his naughty bits. his cock and pussy.* (OOC: fuck.. I'm over heating.. bad for chip. also My sona name is Ian Dryce. Noot Ikkuma. but I like that. as iff someone is remotely reprogramming my heated mind.)


(I might be a <i>little</i> biased but this is the <b>best</b> update 💖, huff, Agent RK is quite a hunk. Also maybe of interest, the APEX logo on the computer program, I guess that confirms that <i>some</i> group was calling themselves APEX, and it wasn't purely an invention of memory alteration.) <b>Agent C</b> : Huff... huff... <i>rats!!</i> Why is this taking so long, even with Agent RK's generous help you've haven't been able to hack into Yasir's credentials at all... Agent RK, now <i>that boy</i> is a soldier, brave, loyal, always ready to lend a helping paw, you'll have to reward him when your plan comes to fruition. Too bad this information is useless, you're no closer to unlo... fuck! Don't think about it too hard or you'll get in a shitload of trouble. Wait, maybe there is something that can further the investigation here. "Bo- grrrr, Agent Y... <i>Agent Y... Yasir!!</i> What model cellphone do you use?"


Agent S -thinking - no word back from Frank... maybe he was the wrong person to target. It seems Allister is Franks wall. I gotta break him down, or at least open him up. Maybe I should be trying to relight his fire. After all, he still worships Otis like no other. *Phone Allister on his mobile, to try and get him distracted if possible. Use any opening he gives me to sow doubt.*

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N: *MAD Chip reading: I just wanna get to town dude... C'mon c'mon, where's the damned road?! I'm tired of being lost in the woods!* *contacting Apex* Field team A to ground team. We request coordinates and directions to Dusk Acres. We need to get there ASAP. Wait... Ikkuma? Agent I, is that your name? You're remembering?! Ground team, what is going on in Agent I's head?! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOD I love seeing coach Allister and father Frank. THEY'RE SO HOT! But ya know, also emotionally charged with trauma and stuff, which is a mild turn-off (though i still think they look a lot sexier that way... but I have a huge thing for dads, so). Seeing Frank panic and lose the calm demeaner he's had just makes him so more approachable... I really feel for him, and hope he gets a resolution to his daddy issues. I just wanna hug the dude! In a non sexual way! I'm super happy to see that they're finally getting a grip on reality too! INTERESTING how the red book ritual mentions these farmer, hunter and black father in relation to the sky fire. Its pretty clear that the sky fire is this daddification stuff going on. Is it a person? Is it a natural phenomenon? Is it a curse or some form of magic? Maybe a drug or something? It kind of sounds like it is described as a person or entity, but has the effects of a drug.... interesting. And who are these farmer/hunter/father figures? I guess they're related to death and night, in some way. I think this is the first time we're hearing about them... maybe.... I'll have to go back and check. The more easily digestible breadcrumb though, is what the hell is going on with Oliver! So he's hallucinating, as was written in the MAD Chip manual, but WE'RE seeing what he's hallucinating?! Why??? Does this mean that the chip makes it so that other people see what you think/perceive yourself as??? HMMMMMMMMMMM... I WONDER if we've seen this before. I wonder if we've seen any rapid, unrealistic and weird changes in form people take. I THINK someone TFing into a dad version of themselves is totally normal, and not in any way related to the chips! I'm of course suggesting that when people dad TF its the chips altering their sense of self, and then messing with the senses of other people who are chipped. It would explain why most people in Dusk Acres haven't been complaining about huge sexual daddy freaks running around town, and have only been reporting the disappearances and more mundane problems the cult is causing. So is someone who is chipped gets tazed, everyone else who has a chip will see them glitch out, but people who don't have chips should just see them have regular seizures! AWESOME! Now if we only had a person we could trust that DIDN'T have a chip... IF ONLY we had some way of knowing if someone had a chip without issuing a command to them... Like a device of some sort that could find chips in people's heads. If only there was a character that was a technology nerd and had a bunch of gadgets to interfere with and identify electronic devices... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM So yeah, I just wanna get to town, and stop being in this car, so I can get out some of my gadgets to test this theory with us, the agents, who we know are chipped, then Oliver, who we assume is chipped, and then other people who we don't know are chipped, and then see if we discover that one of the functionalities of the chip is to alter the senses and perceptions of their owners!

Lee Evergreen

"Bits and pieces of my memory have been coming back since we learned we're really SNF, and nothing going on makes any sence. I was in the Magic Technology integration department and I've never seen magic OR technology capable of what we've seen!" ('Internally') 'Whatever this is, it's honestly horrifying. I... can see the practical uses though.' (Imagines the other agents as giant muscle chubs, bodybuilders, and super chubs. A big muscle chub Frank holding L bridal style. )

Robert Smith

Same- I am starting to remember Allister from before... or at least I can only assume I am based on my memories of his 25th birthday...


Agent R - Ohgoodlordwhatthefuck!! This guy looks like a fever dream, fuck... its beginning to feel like you're the one stuck in a dream! You hear a report on your earpiece telling you to chuck this guy out the door... No! Its a smart move but... You can't just throw this guy out to die! You're a sleazebag, sure, even you can admit that, but you joined the FID to protect people! You briefly consider chucking him in the boot of the taxi, but this forest is crawling with those cauterized weirdos, its too risky to stop, even for a second. One option left, you've gotta knock this guy out. Wrap your elbow around Oliver's neck and put him in a choke-hold... fuck, his necks so rubbery its like squeezing silly putty... easy... easy... that's it shortcake, time to go to sleep...


Also sorry to Agent H n Agent I that I can't help them more with their situation.


Wow, the transformations being mental/perceptual is a great breakthrough. Certainly beats my initial theory that Oliver was some sort of *really* well-disguised land-dwelling cuttlefish.. It also accounts for their worn accessories - Allister's glasses and Frank's nose ring - vanishing and reappearing


(BC you draw AW so cute, I love him so much!) Agent AW - Aw yeah, that's the stuff, two fat dumb hunks making out live in front of you, so close to shooting their loads, this is better than any porno. You're suddenly startled by Agent CID standing behind you!! Fuck, he sees your hand down your pants. You listen to him tell you off for fooling around, wow, he's much more understanding that you would've expected... SLURRRRP. MAD DCC : Agent CID, forget about what you just saw and quietly get under the desk between Agent C and Agent RK. Help them jack off and use your mouth to clean them up.

Bryan Whiteman

dispose of the driver immediately


Thou art such a horny perv Agent AW, and I low-key like yond. But anon isn't the time f'r such things!




Agent SK seeing agent O act as the worlds greatest phone operator figures it might be best to try and help him, and check in on the others Agent L and M: boys I hope you know what your doing? Either way I’m gonna do my best to watch over you two while I look for any clues here. And L, pls be careful. Agent U: everything all good U? Your getting some stressful readings from you? *agent sk would try to help calm them down a bit* Agent SK realizing what Agent S is doing: okie dokie your causing enough trouble for now, let’s put you in time out tell the boys complete the ritual MAD Command to Agent S: your extremely horny, you can’t text anyone right now, you need to look up porn!


Agent F5: *Relays the passages from Sir A. Ravenly's Red Journal to Agent H/N/R once they find a secure location to safely perform the ritual on the wounded penguin and a quelled "Oliver"* Al &amp; Frank: *Discreetly warns the pair of a rogue Agent via a secret cipher within explicit sexting/emojis sent to Damien's phone*


Agent BN: You were able to find the Barracks and help the Director into bed. You believe that you should stay with him. To make sure he falls asleep and gets rest.

Rodney Talon

The driving mouses eyes worry me for no reason. I know shouldn't nitpick but how nosering and glassesreapper? before actually stripped, now... they seem to be included with transformation?


Agent U: I know this is a stressful situation but Agent S indeed doesn't seem trustworthy. Do not panic but as soon as you can keep your distance from him.


If possible could Agent CID be an Orca Whale? I really dig them.


The cauterized are somehow breaking a balance between the sun and moon, How are they bring the power of the laughing sun god into darkness? that's the source of their power, stop that and stop them


i honestly have no idea what happened, i tried to look into it with meek , but it seems patreon changed how inline images are shown, like now you can only get the preview and not the full version when you click them... it's bad &gt;_&gt; . I've attached a full res rar archive on the post just in case if you have a hard time reading!


No choice but to play along I guess. I do actually want to help Agent C to get those credentials. I can almost guess what he wants with them. Even if it is dangerous. it has to be done.


OFF: Oof, got a bit late to the party, glad I managed to find everyone from Field Team A's comments. Also: coach Agent A is so hot, I'm lowkey glad he keeps turning into it. But only lowkey, I'm really rooting for them to win. Agent H: I probably notice that Agent I is overheating, as opposed to a fever, because he is sweating a whole lot. And improv treatment for hyperthermia? Ice bath. I place the main ice bag on his head and scoop some of it into one of the smaller bags and apply it onto the wound. "Agent I is burning up, N, we need to stop at either a pharmacy or somewhere we could buy ice [gas station? idk if gas stations selling packed ice is thing outside where I live] to help him cool down ASAP! Fuck the guys chasing us, he might actually die from this!" And if somehow amidst all of this I can lend a hand to Agent R's problem with surrealism, that doesn't compromise me aiding Agent I, I'll definitely try to do that.


Agent U: "Hey, SK, I'm hanging in there, I just had a flashback to.. something unpleasant. "Erm, do you remember how you came to be in the SNF? I don't exactly remember how I ended up in the agency myself, but I recall working on financial crimes, not grisly murders. Not that we know if anyone's been murdered for certain *nervous laugh*. "Hold on, what's that, RPL? "Agent RPL told me to be wary of Agent S. I don't know what he was going on about earlier in the control room, but it sounded like he believed the cultists are the good guys? Now he's just tapping away on his phone, smirking. What in Rulk's name is he up to?" *Internal* How could he possibly say such things - I had him pegged as a true believer! After all, his phone is in an aftermarket green case with the Alliance starburst. The same distinctive green as the cassocks worn by young acolytes in the Church of the Alliance.


Well I guess BC doesn't want us exploring the facility right now, so I won't push for that a 3rd time. Bwah, I don't know if I'm smart enough to follow along with this story :s Create a dossier on the politicians and high ranking bureaucrats that were in charge of defunding the SNF and putting Rahul Mamen in charge. Very clearly something about this case extends all the way to the very top of society. Cross check if any are from / have been to Dusk Acres.


Agent S- I see Agent U looking at me suspiciously, and try to start up a conversation

supportblazingcheeks (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:11:32 hey rex, sorry about that, i wouldn't mind you guys exploring the underground facility .. i'm just having a little trouble in introducing extra agents right now! if you give me some time i'm sure i'll mange to include your suggestions too! sorry again if you felt left out &gt;_&gt;
2021-01-13 22:47:40 hey rex, sorry about that, i wouldn't mind you guys exploring the underground facility .. i'm just having a little trouble in introducing extra agents right now! if you give me some time i'm sure i'll mange to include your suggestions too! sorry again if you felt left out >_>

hey rex, sorry about that, i wouldn't mind you guys exploring the underground facility .. i'm just having a little trouble in introducing extra agents right now! if you give me some time i'm sure i'll mange to include your suggestions too! sorry again if you felt left out >_>


U awkwardly tries to make small talk with the bear: "So, should be nice and sunny topside, huh? N-nice change of pace from this dark cave we've been in for Rulk-knows-how-long." *Internally* Woah, feeling light-headed. What's that musky smell? Is that coming from him?? It's overwhelming - can't think straight..


Oh gosh I hope I didn't sound like I was whining! No no I perfectly understand, I just thought that maybe you've got some secrets there you wanna keep hidden until later or something.


Agent S- Yeah... It'll be great to finally see some light after being cramped up in there for so long. *surreptitiously pulling him closer to my armpit* Worked up quite a sweat being cooped in there for so long.


I do get the itching wonder if the agency in some kind of way are the bad guys without realising it, obviously the cult is certainly not good but sometimes when you have two warring parties neither are doing any good.