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So even the citizens have MAD chips? How did these get implanted? Are they all over town? Agent K(Kageichi): Forget your desk work. You have some handsome big asses to pound. Show off that red daddy bear side of yours. Agent I: Get real close to agent H. Give him a nice deep kiss even.

Robert Smith

Allister and Frank- Don't worry, this was planned with Damien! Well, as far as any of this is planned... could one of you give him a slap? Or a tweak on his nipples? Director- this is concerning, Damien has even said he lives outside of Dusk Acres, and commutes in, that we can affect his behaviour from here... We need to know how long he has had a M.A.D. chip in him- did he get it last night? Or has this been a longer term thing. Also... can we read his surface thoughts? Damien- SNAP OUT OF IT! I think we need to know what you were up to last night... Agent R - Keep probing about that Sun thing- this could be connected to the chariot Dr Orlando Barry was talking about. Ricky- What's your Dad's name? If we can see if he has a MAD chip too we might be able to bring him back to normal I don't know about everyone else, but I think we need to take a visit to the Church of Alliance - something is deeply wrong here


Damien received the command, so he has a MAD Chip! Right?? But there's nothing in our database about Citizen 43-B. Wait, that means there's at least 43 other citizens with MAD chips?! There's nothing about ANY citizens! The MAD chips were only supposed to be for agents. Our database is incomplete... Could this be something else kept from us, just like the mind control function itself? What the hell's going on?


Off: Oh, ok, so everyone in the town has a chip???? BC, what kind of 3d chess are you playing with us? I am -completely- lost as to wtf is going on in this place now. I guess it's intentional, so good job. Agent H: "Oh, wow, death, pain and suffering for me it is then. Gotta love them minor arcana" I say, as I grip my stun-gun tightly and look forward, and probably notice the handjob Agent R is giving the driver, and flashes of the terrible car accidents that I've seen on the news and on the internet and taking into mind the terrible, terrible card I just pulled prompt me to slap Agent R's back of the head and yell "EYES ON THE ROAD" RETCON (based on replies): Maybe Agent N's plan is a better alternative to dealing with this and explanation for the card OFF: Thereby reinforcing that Tarot interpretations are actually very dependent on what you have on your mind/available at the moment of the reading, and that I've been paying too little attention


I really hate raining on Agent R's parade, especially because that is really hot, but driving accidents are probably a leading cause of death even in this occult infested universe


Is the Manmal Factory the same as the Manimal corporation?


*Reading agent I's mind.* Oh.. oh no.. the 10 of swords. why did this hunk have to get that one.. and wait.. where are we.. this doesn't look like the city.. *As agent I* "Uh.. That is the.. 10 of swords.. *Gulp* the.. general meanings are... Painful endings.. deep wounds.. betrayal.. loss.. crisis.. which means something bad is.. wait.. Hey!? Where are we? this doesn't look like the road into the main part of town." ((OOC)) OH MY GOD! Sexy dad and sexy hippo pride! if we get there I know who agent I will be popping boners to. those chubby hunks will make the penguin squirm with slutty bottom need. if any mad controller would be so kind.

Lee Evergreen

I'll go up and pinch the directors cheek. Agent L: Now boss, this may seem like a time for managerial fury, but I see it as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone! When always the last time any of us remember having something to eat? Not very clearly right? Now why don't we direct command Agent M to follow me to the diner so we can smuggle in some food for us? That'll get him out of your hair and technically give him what he wants.


Agent H and I: THIS IS A TRAP! The numbers 5 1 3 have appeared and the cult is centered around sun worship pertaining to his emblem. We now know they have an association with the church of the Pitchy Father, commandeer the vehicle so you can escape and take Oliver Buckby into custody. Be sure not to exchange fluids. Also it seems that people other than FID agents have M.A.D. chips implanted and activated.


Agent H - This is Agent S, and I am telling you that none of the tarot cards have lied so far- and that one is TELLING you you are about to be betrayed. We all know Agent R has been up to some funny business- so in the name of the alliance either apprehend him or keep a VERY close eye on him


Agent M: "ere's the deal, C. If I ave to spend another second in this dark stuffy room things are gonna get right ugly. So 'ow's about you let me stroll on out of 'ere and get me some fresh air, and you go do whatever you lapdogs do. We sorted?"

Robert Smith

So I'm more convinced than before that Otis is playing some kind of possession game. Why and to what end, no ideas. Good to see the Director's M.A.D. chip percentage has dropped again - that seems like a positive sign for the future. More of them floating around? Not such a good thing.


I've been operating under the assumption they are - seems like it's been referred to as Manimal in dialogue and Manmal on maps.

Shiny Skunk

I wonder if there isn't some kind of like... ability to put through a mass command. You know like an "@everyone" situation, do help determine who is and isn't chipped. Could it really be every citizen in the town? Maybe like... MAD DIRECTOR CORTEX COMMAND: ALL CHIPS, 50%; SIT DOWN ON THE FLOOR; DO NOT MOVE AND BE SILENT FOR 5 SECONDS; EXECUTE; Or, I dunno, maybe it's something to do with that code that's been popping up earlier. Maybe try incorporating it into a command? The director seems like our guinea pig for this stuff lately, he won't mind, right? MAD DIRECTOR CORTEX COMMAND: DIRECTOR, 70% RUN DIRECTIVE 11513; EXECUTE;

Lee Evergreen

Perhaps there are two types of chips out there. "Agent" chips that give off GPS signals, and "Citizen" chips that are hidden from at least our view. Maybe that's why we can't see Frank and Alisters location after they were almost converted, their chips were switched from Agent to Citizen.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Oh, so Meek's command went through?! That means we can literally command anyone in town! Or anyone that has a chip, anyways. Maybe someone should go back to the MAD chip control room and mess with the settings there. I wonder if the cultists are immune in some way... someone should try and command Ricky's dad to do something. And also Ricky himself, just to double-check. (I'm saying someone should try this since I specifically can't issue these commands.) We also still don't know what happens when someone reaches 100% on their MAD chip. Agent I specifically asked for people to command him to do dirty things, so someone should try and have him do those too.


Agent c and m: Stop arguing and "kiss and make up". Agent S: Pull out a camera and record it.


BC, is Ricky's father your Mouse fursona Hob but daddified?

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N: *thinking to himself* oh man, oh man! why're we going off the road?! and that card H just pulled. it means this guy is leading us into a trap! we have to get out! Agent N: *I'm going to attempt to help R seduce the cab driver. I will squeeze past agent H and start fondling Oliver's chest and belly, even going so far as to kissing and licking the guy's neck; when I'm close to him I'll speak:* It isn't just my feline friend over here that thinks you're a looker. But things are a little cramped here for more than a couple of guys... Why don't you pull over so we can do this properly? Agent N: *I will keep seducing him until we pull over and we're out of the car*


Agent R - we need to expose more of the taxi driver's secrets- and I think we can use you for that CORTEX COMMAND - Suck the dick of the taxi driver. Don't stop until he spills everything he knows about the town Agent V (A Bison)- Check to see where the taxi is heading. Maybe warn the people in the back of the taxi that they might be getting betrayed.


I mean, I guess we gotta test with Ricky now. And we can snap Damian out of it at the same time, two birds one stone. MAD CHIP COMMAND - Ricky - Give that hippo's fat gut a big lick, start with his treasure trail, over his navel, nice n musky, and then wake Damien up by tugging on his nipple rings with your teeth. The cabby is clearly not taking them to the Inn, but it will be helpful to discover where he is taking them. Just keep up the disguise your dumb gay travelers. MAD CHIP COMMAND - Agent I - Shut up Agent H by getting frisky with him, start undressing him and make out. Squish up against his delicious fat gut, your alibi is this is your polyamorous gay honeymoon! MAD CHIP COMMAND - Agent N - When you get out of the car you are going to make good on your promise of a good time.


ALSO interesting to see the Director has gone down in MAD chip percentage since we last saw him. Very interesting, Agent Allister and Frank's chip haven't gone down in the same time period, so I guess that's strong evidence they received some unknown chip commands in the time they were asleep!


2 things; 1) Agent I is so cute <3 and 2) I love how you draw those nips. I need to put my lips to those ;p


I mean, considering the info we got last chapter I would imagine 100% would either kill or severely damage the person's brain


Hey, have you seen my comment? Agent N replied to it with some very good interpretations to both the card and to what the Taxi driver has said. Also, if you wanna talk directly to me I think it would be faster for you to just reply to my comments so I can change what I'll do for the next chapter, otherwise the delay might be too big


<b>Agent C</b> : <i> The nerve of this traitorous loafer! </i> Keep your itchy trigger finger on that keyboard, ready to issue the command if Agent M makes any sort of move. "<i>Grrrrrr...</i> LISTEN HERE PRINCESS, this is a TOP SECRET government operation, I don't give a FLYING FUCK if you think this room is too stuffy for your sensitive little nose, I'm not letting you jeopardize this mission! If the boss wants us to stay in a fucking crate all day we follow orders 'round here! What'd you think was going to happen?? Assault the boss? Disobey orders and go for a jolly stroll with your traitor pals outside?.. <i>(or maybe go report our location to the cult leaders...)</i> Ya dumb mutt, did you forget about your MAD chip? As soon as you stepped out that door the Boss would've personally commanded your fat ass to march directly to the interrogation room!


Wherever that cab is going, it's not the hotel. And all the agents now have access to each other's M.A.D. chips? This is going to dissolve far too quickly... Agents Bellows &amp; Crowley: On our end, we saw a M.A.D. command applied to Damien, referring to him as "Citizen 43-B". It's possible everyone in this town is chipped.


Now is not the time to claw at each other's throats. Getting riled up is what the enemy wants Agent Alister and Agent Frank. Pacify Damien, and see if you can get information out of them by any means necessary


Agent AW - Lets deescalate this situation - without drawing attention to yourself, secretly issue a MAD chip command. MAD DCC : Agent M, Agent C, without realizing it, get up from your command consoles and get up close together so you can smell each other's breath. Start grinding your big cocks together and swapping spit between arguments and insults. Also got an idea MAD DCC : Hyeronimus King, I am sending you the Director's phone number, you will call him right now.


Well, Manimal was sitting on such a big pile of secret cash, it's not like they will miss a Hippo-sized donation... but still, the numbers don't add up. Once our agents are out of harm's way, we need to investigate the Manimal retail location in town. Frank, you mentioned that your father thinks highly of Manimal. Brand loyalty is one thing, but it sounds like Otis may hold more deeply vested interests. Do you know if he cultivated any professional connections with them at the SNF? ((Yay Agent U is so handsome and floofy, and you know what they say about a guy with long, curly horns))


Allister: Question Ricky if his father was already nude before he was tied up then ask to examine the lighter. Check for any engravings relating to the Occult. Both: Agents, you two are in major need of a hot shower to wash away that rankness from last night. Would be best to shower together to save time and to protect one another. Carefully examine your partner's anatomy for signs of branding or fresh incisions left behind by your assailants. —————— Agent F5: *Request the Director's permission to transfer to the M.A.D. System Control Room to guard the servers from future cyberattacks or compromised Agents. If granted: Connect his laptop via USB cable then initiate a Hack Back to trace the source of the first attack as F5 prepares to counterattack on a moment's notice.*


Agent 13 (monkey) - It seems the boy Damian also has a MAD chip in his head. I have a theory regarding Damian being exposed to the influence of the cigars and what ever has people going crazy- Frank and Allister should inspect his head for any incision marks or fresh wounds. It might have been installed recently. We can use the director's confidential notes to figure out where to look - and can confirm on a more serious matter whether anyone could be compromised, if we have proof that the enemy not only has access to the MAD chip controls, but the chips themselves.


((If Agent M and Agent L wished to tag along as F5's bodyguards/assistants, I wouldn't mind since they'll finally have their freedom from that Room))


hmmm, i wonder... M.A.D. DIRECT COMMAND CITIZEN 43-B: -Remove all clothes; -Run into agent Allister and give a passionate kiss; -push back anyone who try to stop you; EXECUTE;


[continuation] And possibly lead to the far more grim conclusion... That all of us might not be who we think we are. We could all just be puppets in some sick game or experiment. The chances are slim but factoring everything that's happened so far it's a possibility we can't overlook.


Agent C, Agent M: Eyy! Will you 2 calm down! I have a feeling the directors sudden sprout of giggles wasn’t caused by either of you considering it just so happened to spring up during a potentially important conversation, it’s likely the traitor, or someone else, doesn’t want us to find out what the director and I were talking about. So this is what I propose we do, Agent C, Agent M, and another agent maybe Steve, go upstairs in the hospital and see if this is where the mad chips are being implanted and if so the earliest instance of it. Thanks to our fellow agents we know Damian has one and since he moved away from dusk acres a time ago, then that means he VERY recently got it or they have been putting these chips in citizens for a long while now. In the mean time I’ll see if I can snap the director out of it or at-least find those documents I was asking about Damian: hi agent O, excuse me you can simp in a moment, odd question Damian but have you had any surgery’s recently, this info could help our investigation


Side note of no importance: put Steve instead of agent S bc wasn’t sure if he’s Agent D in the comment or if it was a miss print, Srry lol

Robert Smith

I really agree- I am starting to feel like this is a constructed town. Everything is too convenient- especially with a hidden site, all the connections to missing people that are linked to here, why Otis came here in the first place... One thing is a coincidence, more than that is just concerning


My agent investigated the town's origin and found nothing suspicious but the addition of high financial crime to the list brings me to a big theory. APEX exists, be we, the crew of the SNF are NOT the APEX.


Going off of Project Autonomy, perhaps the Alliance isn't as stable as everyone thinks. I see a couple of potential directions. Perhaps we (the SNF) might have been set up as a fake Apex to take the fall for a coming atrocity (outbreak of cannibal orgies?). The Alliance can then crack down and scapegoat us as a rogue faction, while rolling out MAD chips to the general population. Alternatively, perhaps we have been hijacked by Otis. He's known to be skeptical of the benevolent intentions of the Alliance since his attempt to contact the Laughing God. Perhaps he's had enough of the technocrats in charge trying to control the population's behavior and is secretly using the SNF to expose the chips. The sex and violence is just a side bonus.


M.A.D. reading Agent RK: If we assume everybody Dusk Acres has a M.A.D. Chip then the only entity with the resources and skills to implement them discreetly would be the F.I.D. itself. Considering the meaning behind autotomy, the F.I.D. trying to cast off it’s S.N.F. branch would fit the narrative, but I need proof. The only place to look for clues would be the briefing papers. I need find a way to access a log of what commands were received for each M.A.D. chip. I also have some theories surrounding the visual rendering and data sharing capabilities of the M.A.D. chip as well, but seeing a record of the exact commands given would make everything clearer. Even a sign that I’m heading in the right direction would be enough… **If Agent F5 gets access to the M.A.D. System Control Room** Agent F5:” While you’re in there could you see if you can access any kind database? We need a more reliable way to track commands since the percentages seem to go down over time.”


Other agents can see our thoughts? I hope agent M doesn’t find out that I think he’s hot.

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Heh Good idea, but please be careful with the wording of commands when people are driving cars and such ;) make sure there are options/loopholes for them to disobey or postpone an action if doing otherwise would put them in danger. "Sit on the floor" being issued to the otter driving the taxi? Kind of hard to steer when you're scrunched into the footwell and can barely see over the dashboard. XD


Aw jeez this update is incredible. Oliver is such a cutie, I wanna take his shirt off. Way too late to reply, but it looks like Agent R might be too distracted showing this otter a good time to notice anything unusual anyway. If we're alone with Oliver maybe we can even tie him up and interrogate him heh.