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I see a couple cameos I recognize here 👀👀👀


Looks good I see two peeps I know


Ahhh I saw myself! awesome! Now not sure where to go from here, so for now everyone should meet up at the inn and discuss all they know.

Robert Smith

Allister: You're ok! Thank goodness I was so... AHEM we were so worried. I do have a question for you - if you can remember from yesterday, when Frank had been attacked in the Pub, you said that he was behaving like someone else - can you remember who? I'm starting to put together a theory and I could really use that information Frank - Please be careful at the inn, you are currently our one active agent, other than the four who are coming to meet you. And the receptionist had... concerningly red sclera. Could be nothing, but this would be a good time to be cautious. Also, a question for you - the cigar from the Pub that you put in for analysis - are you sure it was the one that Otis was smoking? Damien- Hello! Good to meet you, and thanks again. This... might be a little weird but can you let me know something? You were... uhhhh... decommissioned briefly in the pub car park. Did you see who did that to you? Director - This might sound weird but, if the Agents' answers confirm what I am thinking... I think they haven't met 'Otis' in the flesh yet. It's weird but the cigar from the Apologetic Miner Pub and Bar had Adam Marten's DNA on it... but 'Otis' should have had it last, based on what we saw from Frank. Similarly, 'Otis' appeared in the Manimal Factory, at the same time Frank seemed to lose sight of Octave the rabbit - and he was seen doing the cooking Octave was meant to be doing until that moment. I wonder if 'Otis', or something taking his form, is able to possess members of the cult - Adam Marten in the Pub, and Octave in the Factory. It would explain Franks weird behaviour at the pub... like his father's, unless I'm mistaken. I have other circumstantial evidence but, it's worth bearing it in mind... especially as it means any member of the cult could know a LOT more about us than we want them to.


Frank: we should check the place before we stop to make sure there aren't any more followers around here while we wait for the other agents. Agent E: We should investigate more into why they tend to stay away from light. Maybe there's some sort of clue to lead us to some of the cult's secrets in the elephant's file


Agent M: Nonplussed but seemingly compliant, he wanders away to a nearby console... and fiddles with the Director’s chip. Nothing serious of course, just a really giddy drunk feeling, and make him have a huge laughing fit at a joke he seems to remember out of nowhere. The doubled-over, belly shaking, tear jerking kind of laughter. This should serve as enough of a distraction to slip past and out of the control room. BUT FIRST: if Agent C wants to powertrip and make decisions for everyone else, then I know just who he should start with. If he approaches a console and attempts to go through with his actions, use a chip command to have him handcuff himself away from any consoles, and make him take a short nap. Agent M has clearly missed the boat, so to speak, but this stuffy director is the last person who’s gonna tell him what to do. So instead his goal is to get some fresh air outside of the hospital, smoke a cigar in the nearest alleyway, and relax for a bit. Maybe even find something tasty to eat. What could be the harm in that?


Agent Frank: we may be able to use this temperature info against or enemies, sense they are all about kindling if you douse their "fiery loins" with a fire extinguisher or a super-soaker full of ice water they would shrink away from us. That elephants ears would be a great target for that kind of attack.


OFF: Why does Agent H looks so constipated? Does he need to go to the bathroom? Agent H: When we get to the Inn, I'd like to try and book some rooms. With the money SNF agents probably have access to while they're on the field (?) "UNFORTUNATELY there are ONLY 2 FREE ROOMS OH NO WE'LL HAVE TO SHARE and Agent R will HAVE TO stay in the same room as me, oh golly, so unfortunate" Also if we meet the agents already I'll hope Agent A recognizes me, since we're standing right next to each other on that graduation pic, so I assume we were at least friendly acquaintances over our time in the academy. If they don't then I will secretly show them my secret agent Id in secret. Probably will also help Agent A get to his room if he needs any. If we get as far as discussing strategies before the obligatory sexual overrides take over, I'd like to brief them on what we found out at the hospital, and to ask them about their own discoveries, since I'm assuming we don't know what happened since we got out from the command room, and I've been out for the longest, so I'm probably really missing out on stuff. If we get to our rooms, I'd like to check the charge of my stun gun, and to eat the complimentary chocolate a distinguished establishment such as this would surely leave on the pillows. And if we get some privacy... I'll definitely show Agent R how to -really- stimulate someone's ass. If Agent I offers a card again, I'll definitely pick it up. Agent I is clearly doing his best, and that inspires me to do my best too.


Agent S- Agent R's behaviour is getting increasingly suspicious- I think it is time to get him to start talking. CORTEX COMMAND- Agent R - Lewdly proposition the taxi driver, telling him all your lurid secrets, whilst showing off your cock - EXECUTE Watch what Agent M is doing - if he makes a break for it, go with him - you can do more good keeping an eye on Agent R in person

Lee Evergreen

I , Agent L the chubby white and black corgi, follow the big wolf out, slipping away with him during the distraction. "Hey big guy, why don't the two of us find some food for everyone. I'm suprised there haven't been more complaints about food. I for one am starving."

Lee Evergreen

Probably best we don't go anywhere alone. At least untill we get a reliable way to counter the cult.


I'm curious if this works. MAD COMMAND to Damien: Take off your shirt and show off that belly. It's a hippo's pride.


*In agent I's mind* 'Why can't I get a reading... God I'm so smushed in here.. but at least I'm snug against this sexy gator. as soon as we are at the hotel. I'll do a reading for us all. everyone taking a card.' Agent I- "Guys. why did we put the three big guys in back.. no offense but still.. I can't wait to get to the inn and relax. chat with our friends. play some cards." (OOC) Well.. Cock blocked. and tarot blocked. and come on and chip me! do lewd to me. plus I'll use my tablet to keep a com to the office open in the room if need be. Also. the things hanging from the mirror, dice, triangle/a of wood, and an open rat mouth.


Discretely to the Director: I have some concerns director I’ve been discussing with agent O. It would seem all of the SNF has been relocated to dusk acres, under the guise of being this “Apex”, BUT according to what Agents F and A said the SNF was decommissioned shortly before Otis disappeared, along with this. For some reason Agent A isn’t with us. Why? I believe the cult may have a particular interest in him, because of this I’d like to requisition Agent A’s files and any notes from the orphanage case that Otis rescued Allister from. I’m particularly concerned with how the priest referred to allister as the “Cannibal King”


Damien: (Sent as a phone text from an unknown number) Thank You, Mr. Potamus. *Moments later a notification ping from his account about newly added funds, the amount has the room quake from Damien's unconstrained exuberance* —————————————— Agent F5: *Grins ear to ear from witnessing that event live* This phone will need a few upgrades~ *On his workstation, the Opossum remotely hacks into Damien's smartphone via the enabled Wifi/Bluetooth setting. Browses though the photos, call/search history. social media and text messages for any connections with The Occult. Reroutes the smartphone's IP as a precaution so it can't be traced by outsiders other than APEX. Able to view from the phone's cameras when in use. Makes use of the smartphone's geolocation to aid APEX since the Agents' MAD chips have gone dark.*


Agent V - noticing Agent O is talking to Frank, quickly butts in to say 'ARE YOU OK HAN-iii mean Frank? You have a valuable ass... asset with you!'




Agent U (Shetland ram): We still don't know how the Manimal Corporation corporation fits into this picture. Is the Dusty Acres facility participating in the conspiracy on its own, or does the company as a whole follow a broader covert agenda? Agent F5, can you help me hack into the Manimal servers to identify any undisclosed connections between Manimal, the Church, and Alliance political leadership?


Or maybe this conspiracy is not so bold after all... Thank goodness for that. To the agents in the car, whoever should know or can hear: The wooden symbol hanging from the rear view mirror appears to be the alchemical symbol for 'air'.


All of these agents are coming out of the woodwork and I low-key want to have an agent as well Q-Q. Perhaps an Eagle? 🤔 Director: You know Director, it may be beneficial to have more agents out in the field instead of staying cooped up in HQ like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. It's been made apparently clear that the enemy is able to take control of our mad chips. How they are doing so still remains to be determined, but the more people in the field the better our chances at discovering something of note.


<b> Agent C </b> : "<i>growl</i>.... Insubordination!!" You won't stand idly by as your fellow agents subvert their superior officer like this, its time to shut down this mini rebellion fast. No questions, no hesitations, no time to think! Immediately mass use a MAD CHIP COMMAND on Agent M, Agent S, Agent L, Agent F5 and any other traitorous agent that even looks like they're attempting to subvert the boss or set foot outside of the Control Room!! MAD CHIP COMMAND : STOP! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO RESIST! IMMEDIATELY STRIP DOWN TO YOUR SOCKS AND JOCKS AND THEN HANDCUFF YOURSELF TO EACH OTHER! SEE THAT ROW OF EMPTY DESKS ON THE FAR WALL? LINE UP, SPREAD YOUR LEGS AND BEND OVER. YOU WILL NOT MOVE FROM THESE DESKS UNTIL TOLD. ADMIT YOUR GUILT AND BEG FOR PUNISHMENT, YOU ARE HORNY AS FUCK AND CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING BESIDES THAT NEEDY UNTOUCHED SAUSAGE BETWEEN YOUR LEGS Tough, but fair. A good military style to end a mutiny. IF the Director is still in trouble, "Somebody get this guy an ice pack! Fuck, well get a cold soda from the vending machine or something."


Agents: the cab is a trap, the numbers 5 1 3 have shown themselves in the dice above the dashboard. Capture the perpetrator for questions if you can, though escape is your first priority!!!

Lee Evergreen

((Heyyyyy you’re kind of just taking over 4 or more other people’s characters on a whim. Could you maybe chill? I'm, at the very least, super uncomfortable with getting tied up by a stranger.))


(Ah, curse my lack of a fursona here. If I’m allowed to offer a suggestion for a species here, uh… A snapping turtle. Wearing Elvis Costello-style glasses.) “Hey Director, while you were mapping the halls, did you happen to find a break room or something? We need to cool your chip down too, and that’s the first place I can think of that might have a freezer. Otherwise, you might have to visit the hospital above us.” “Oh and if you do go anywhere, please don’t go alone. I shudder to think of the state you’d be in if we have to find you in a bathroom stall again.”


Haha sorry friend, this is not a RP, so no I'm not "taking over other people's characters" I'm using one of the central story elements BC has set up and is expected to be used on fellow agents (and you def weren't complaining about people using MAD chip commands on anyone else). You should always keep in mind, this is BC's story and even if we're assigned a character, a character that looks like our fursona even, these are all still BC's characters and good or bad, we're just along for the ride.


The Director mentioned an 'assigned doctor', so I assume this facility has a medical clinic. SO, if Agent M's actions cause the Director to go to 90%, Agent RW - Call the Assigned Doctor and check the Director's map to take him to the clinic. If there is no clinic and the Director looks like he will die or suffer brain damage without help, I suggest we have no other option but to take him upstairs to the hospital emergency department. If there is no heath crisis with the Director, Frank - You need to get the hell out of those trashbags, you look like a crazy person. Try to find some inconspicuous clothes that will help hide your face, like a hoody or a brimmed hat.


((We found out just this update that the chip overload is related to temperature because of overuse, so by now his chip has gone down to a reasonable operating temperature and activating it will have little to no risk))


We haven't seen any reduction in chip percentage yet. Allister is still at 70% even though the first commands he got were over half a day ago. It seems that just waiting around is not going to reduce the chip percentage, and therefore The Director is still most likely at a dangerous 80%. This update said that cold temperatures are an effective treatment for agents that are sick from command overloadd, but its unclear if they'll reduce the command percentage - regardless, The Director has not done anything to cool his head down anyway. In any case, I think its very risky. It'd be less dangerous to just knock him over and make a run for it.


Agents, for safety measures, check what Agent R is smoking.


((Guys.. I just realized something. The nurse agents I, R, N, &amp; H talked to. Her name was Jane Brooks. Likely related to the missing opossum Gabriel Brooks. Started rereading the webcomic and saw that possum was on the missing list! We missed the chance!))


Agent F - Agent Frank, I'm becoming increasingly concerned there is nobody you can trust besides your partner, not Damien, not your father, not even us. What if there is more than just the cult at play here, what if there are multiple "factions" in Dusk Acres, or some kind of religious schism, and the former SNF crew is part of that? Our memories are wiped, I can't say for sure, but I don't believe we are members of the cannibal cult... but that doesn't make us good guys. I think... Otis and Rahul helped set up the APEX here in secret, and then they got captured and had their identities destroyed, conveniently including their memories of us, hiding beneath the hospital (which would explain why we haven't been wiped out yet). But if our organization was benevolent, why didn't we tell Allister? If I'm right about there being "factions" in Dusk Acres we have a pretty good idea about one, the fire worshiping cannibals, but we have very little clue about the other. I think the mysterious sheriff who hid evidence about the kidnapping is our best lead about a possible second faction, why would Rahul fear attracting too much attention if the cult didn't have him under their thumb, and should be the next priority of your investigation. And be careful with Damien, he wants to "show you something" and considering we don't know how he escaped from the Manmal Factory, I don't like the sound of that.

Robert Smith

Dang! That is probably his granddaughter looking back - interesting she is almost certainly in direct contact with the elephant who is definitely in the cult...


Frank and Allister: The reason that your percentages are so high is when you two woke up from the basement; our system showed that you both had received M.A.D. commands that we can’t account for. We’ve theorized that the cult is using modified M.A.D chips to control their followers, or at least something similar enough to register with your chips as commands. It’s likely we’ll have to use more commands in order to counter the cult’s hypnosis. Please stand by until we find a way to get the chip to operate at safer levels. Go see what Damien wanted to show you. Agent RK: I want to aid Agent C in looking through those briefing documents. If I understand it right, the chip discharges electrical impulses at greater intensities every time a command is given. Unfinished commands also increase percentages over time, like we saw with Agent N. Maybe finding out why it works that way could show us how to decrease the intensity. Seeing if there is a log of all commands given for Frank, Allister, and the Director would be helpful too.


Ha wow, I hope Agent R and Agent S get to meet up sometime hehehe


Haha, well I did try to test the waters with the line about visiting our sick grandpa, see if that got a reaction. But there is not really much we could have done, at least we found out that either the relatives of the victims are not part of the cult OR the cult doesn't know what's going on in the boiler room.


Strike up a conversation with the otter, he seems like a good dude, maybe it'd come in handy to befriend a local with an automobile, right? Be affectionate, feign interest in whatever he has to say... fuck, small talk is hard... ask him about his little rear view mirror trinkets. Lets test the water, casually flirt a little with the taxi driver, just for fun, be cool, see how he reacts. If he bites, maybe rest a hand on his leg. Purr.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N: *If and when Agent R's eyes start glowing red, I'll pinch him awake, and sigh, annoyed, then go back to shamelessly cuddling H's gut.* Agent N: *When we get to the Inn and we get into the safety of a room, I will first try and find any devices, tapwires and bugs that might be listening in or watching our conversations, especially using the equipment I brought with me.* Agent N: (to Agents A and F) Things got... very complicated. None of us have any recollection of our past. We don't know who we are or how we got working with the Apex. We also found out that the Apex itself, at least here in Dusk Acres, is related to the cult in some way, since it is located under the local hospital, which is run by that elephant doctor you found, whose name is Orlando Barry. Furthermore, the director believes he used to be part of the SNF and was named Rahul Mammen too. Agent N: (still to Agents A and F): There's also CODENAME Autotomy... given the information we have, it means that we, the people in the Apex working here in Dusk Acres, we part of some other organization that changed and erased our memories, separated us from the main body, then put us working literally underground, SPECIFICALLY to instruct you guys on what to do with little to no reason or information... But why? Do either of you have any idea?

supportblazingcheeks (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:12:48 Neth, sorry i couldn't manage to include your comment in this week! i'll make sure to put it in next one! i usually start finishing up the comic on monday, so by now it's already pretty much done &gt;_&lt; sorry again!
2020-12-08 13:37:40 Neth, sorry i couldn't manage to include your comment in this week! i'll make sure to put it in next one! i usually start finishing up the comic on monday, so by now it's already pretty much done >_< sorry again!

Neth, sorry i couldn't manage to include your comment in this week! i'll make sure to put it in next one! i usually start finishing up the comic on monday, so by now it's already pretty much done >_< sorry again!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

No worries dude, you don't really have to apologize! It was really my fault, since I posted my comment really really late last week. I'll make sure to post it earlier this time. I'll probably want to write something different most likely, and in the meantime I'll happily just go with the flow and observe from the sidelines, since things are getting more and more interesting as time goes on!