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Agent I get a hold of yourself, you and your tarot readings are important! Try and keep the group focused!

Shiny Skunk

So the other people in town have chips, too? Maybe there’s some way we can hijack them... I really just wanna make the elephant and leopard fuck, honestly. Do the cigars have something to do with them, I wonder? Frank, Allister, do you think you can get your hands on one of these clown’s cigars somehow? Allister, a swift kick in one of these guys’ nuts while Frank keeps talking shit ought to give you an opening. You can do it!

Robert Smith

Damn this isn't good, their appearances still haven't reverted to normal... we need to keep a hold of this as quickly as possible. Frank and Allister: Fighting isn't the answer against two foes of this size, duck, dodge, and run! Use the fire extinguisher to cover your escape! I would like to try using the MAD chips to increase their reaction speeds, following command - Remove pain thresholds for the next hour, reduce fatigue and increase muscle mass. If their MAD chips really do have additional effects, now is the time to find out Director: The team outside has already been compromised, additional backup might be needed. Also, ladies? I take that as a compliment


Allister: That cheetah is the hottest man you've ever seen. Tell him that, and how badly you wanna be a construction worker like him--a big, dumb, horny, sweaty worker bear hauling girders and obeying this perfect man's every word.


Whoa... this feels like the lead up to an end of chapter or something. Also how do you keep making new characters so cute I NEED to see the fox and hyena boy making out like, now. Als, how the heck does a whole hospital disappear from a satellite image, could this be implying some sort of conspiracy that leads even bigger than Dusk Acres, up to the top of the Alliance? ALSO you think this guy is Alexander Write? Or like related to him?


Ok but same please make this happen. In fact, appending on to this, I’d wanna make it a chip command for both Frank and Allister to want to become construction workers just like this cheetah dude. Big and buff and rough and sweaty, and totally subordinate to their “taskmaster”, the cheetah.

Robert Smith

Also, possibly unrelated thought. I wonder if we are viewing the MAD chips and the light the wrong way around. Maybe the MAD chips mimic something that the cult is able to do through the use of lights. This would explain why the lights are able to impact civilians, who are unlikely to have MAD chips installed in them, and how their commands seem to work differently. Also, APEX appears to be under the hospital... The perfect place for putting MAD chips into our heads and then altering our memories...

Robert Smith

I can't see a mouth scar, which was one of the distinguishing features of Alexander. However, it isn't impossible they are connected. We et the brother of a victim after all. If so, Dusk Acres' community is becoming suspiciously connected to the case. We should look out for other family members or relatives, especially if the cult is family related


Agent S- Say the following to the Director - "Not to alarm you, but do you think it was a good idea letting Agent R out of your sight? He's been acting strange..no? He seems a bit lakadaisy, rebellious even... I fear he may be compromising the mission, Sir" Also, request a tox screening of Allister and Frank from before they entered Dusk Acres, and compare it with now. See whether we can identify what the invasive chemical influencing them is, so we can purge it from their systems


*speaking as Agent I* "mmm.. sorry sir. Distracted.. thinking of a fling.. I agree with You Agent N.. new clothes and looks.. have ski goggles in bag for myself.. and my tarot. Right. I ment to do a full reading.. not just the major arcana. Sorry sir I didnt do a proper reading first Sir. We should probably head out of here first.. are we.. is this a hospital Sir?"


If people want.. you can go full 100% on me. See what getting there will do to someone. Also.. I want to see the elephant fuck someone now.. hope it ends up being me.


<b>Director </b> : Sir, there is something you need to know, we suspect outside forces hacked into <i>your</i> MAD chip and forced you to unlock the Cortex Command function, along with several unknown commands we haven't figured out yet. We can't control the modified MAD chips, but... I fear that they can control us. Also, 'Our heart bound in darkness by the dream of light... May we lie in the black house, operating the God machine. For the greater good. These black words are forever..." the words you muttered earlier, supposedly the Apex Oath, but... what do they mean if Apex doesn't exist?


bellows and Alistair: agents just as the clothes you were previously wearing were forcing you into a "cosplay", it could be the same with these individuals. If possible try to damage their outfits and/or get them to completely strip somehow, it might shake whatever mind control is gripping them and maybe even make them easier to subdue. But only if your able to deal with the flame/cigar issue


Agent S- Towards the Director "Additionally, you are aware that Agent R is the one who hacked your chip, right? Surely he can't be on our side. His actions are no coincidence. If needs be, I'll confront him myself."


Direct Command: Stimulate agent carver and Bellows into to regurgitating painfully everything in their stomachs in a projectile arc unto their two assailants’ cigars. attack the leopard and elephant in the groin and spray the elephant’s nose with the fire extinguisher. If you can make it to the hotel you might be able to find a way to resist this hex, the clerk at the Inn seemed to show some resistance to transformation.


I wouldn't trust that clerk, they were probably the one who informed that FID agents were snooping around Dusk Acres.


Both: Search for Burdock Root, Coriander, Fresh Peppermint, or the seeds and leaves of Milk Thistles. These herbs are well known by practitioners to detoxify the body. Best to consume on an empty stomach before a meal. ((After obtaining the herbs)) This part won't fun for anyone but now is the best time to induce vomiting. Purge that tainted meat out of your system, Agents! ((Should the Herbs failed)) Dammit! I'm sorry Agents, the only other herb with supernatural properties I could think of is Aglaophotis which is a rare and protected species that thrives in the deserts of Arabia. —————————————— Agent F5: *The Opossum meticulously inspect "his" Journal to verify if it REALLY belongs to him, scoured the pages for any hidden messages with a Black Light.*


For those wondering what is the herb Aglaophotis? The name means “brightly shining” and the plant was mentioned by Greek botanist and physician Dioscorides. He placed aglaophotis as part of the peony family, Paeoniaceae. Unlike most magical plants, Aglaophotis was assumed to be a real medical and protective species. The plant features in the De Materia Medica, the grand medical book of Dioscorides. This work is the prime historical source of pharmacological information used by the Greeks, Romans, and other cultures of antiquity and the precursor to all modern pharmacopoeia. According to Dioscorides, the herb was used for warding off fever, demons, and witchcraft. It's been featured and plays an important role in both Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3.


That Nurse is the second female character in the story so far... I believe she might be related to Gabriel Brooks, one of our oldest Missing Person on file at the age of 73.


Agent RF - "Agent F5 you can pack up your little magic spellbook. Director, everyone, listen up, I think its clear what's going on in this town - the mysterious abductions, unexplained body morphing, civilians turned into mind controlled drones - it can only point to one thing..... ALIENS! As you all well know, for decades aliens have covertly and systematically infiltrated the top echelons of our society and the government has tried to cover it up! Now they’ve set up base in Dusk Acres for some nefarious purpose… don’t give me that look! We have a countless reports of potential alien sightings that have been passed off as 'ghosts' or 'demons' to discredit them, or send investigators on wild goose chases... Our new priority is clear, we have to find the mothership!


(I mean come on, you can't do a X-Files inspired story without at least mentioning aliens.)


Agent Allister: You're already having a hard time sorting this out. You find yourself challenged by the muscularity of this cheetah and want to one up him. You feel like he's one of your gym buds and that you want to out-macho him. Agent Bellows: You need to tuck tail and RUN. Allister is looking compromised, you can get back to him later. One big spray of the fire extinguisher should give you enough cover to effectively use as a smokescreen before you book it outta there.


Both: Agents! Your both pretty clearly in a sticky situation. Considering the options and stake there seems to be one option. Give them a faux surrender, hold your breath, and make a smoke screen using the extinguisher and run like hell! Close your eyes if you can, run, prioritize your own safety above all else. Agent Alister: Agent you may have the best option of getting out of this. Bellows is clearly compromised and his emotional attachment to his father is overriding his decisions when he is lucid. Try to stay together, but if necessary, be ready to leave him. Once we are further organized we preform rescue if necessary.


I have a small question, but that may be because of my ignorance 😅. In the tenth panel from the top agent H's head is completely brown, but his tail is still green. May I ask why his head is that color in that panel?


As others have said the clothes they wear have a link to the personality switch. So its imperative agents you get them to strip. We know the elephant loves a good blow job so Allister offer your services. Act submissive to show you're not a threat and even ask the cheetah to join in on the fun. Frank act in character as a priest so they don't suspect you but if anything goes wrong be prepared to use the extinguisher as a smokescreen.


Would be nice to be trapped between this nice dirty big tigger and this handsome big bearded elephant

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Does that mean we should have all the agents strip, in case any of them are actively being transformed by their suits?

Lee Evergreen

"Director! It's urgent that we're granted access to the memory altering program. The Agents on the field are endangered once more, I believe uploading expert level self-defense techniques will assist them in subduing their captors."


Director, we should look into this elephant. Does anyone still have that photo with all the agents with Otis and Allister?, if he’s in the photo as well we can confirm that Otis isn’t the only member that seems to have been “recruited” into this cult Frank, Allister, let’s be honest here, allister you may of gained some gym muscle but your not strong enough to fight that giant elephant and Frank’s gotten a bit older with this transformation. Your best bet is to create a smoke screen with the extinguisher and rather run as fast as you can, or give a cheap shot to their weak points if you know what I mean, before running


Agent Bellows: Can you use the spray foam these two with the fire extinguisher? The objective would be to ruin their clothing and cigars. Agent Crowley: Have any idea on how to combat 'the fire-touched flesh' in your systems? If not add some form of "digestive system purge" to your to-do list, possibly vomiting or laxatives. Unpleasant, but necessary if this elephant is actually correct.


MAD DIRECT CORTEX COMMAND: Agent H: Do not listen to agent R. You are convinced you and the Director have been a couple for a long time, after you proved your worth to the agency. You'd never betray the Director. MAD DIRECT CORTEX COMMAND: Agent R: Agent H and the Director have been a couple for a long time. You NEED to know what Agent H's ass is like - if it's good enough for the Director, it's gold for you. Director: Think fondly of Agent H. (Doesn't advance the plot at all, I just think that H and the Director are cute together. Apologies if they're actual peoples' characters, I'm very out of date) (Edit: Edited after a few days so it fits the MAD commands as intended, may be too late to mean anything)


AnotherMeekOne’s (Agent AM1?) and WorgenRouge’s (agent WR?) comments could work out. If these cultists are all about expressing their carnal desires, then such a spectacle could be an effective diversion. As long we control the agents they should be OK. Just got to wait for the right moment… Frank: Hope those muscles aren’t just for show Frank. M.A.D. DIRECT COMMAND FRANK BELLOWS: DISABLE PHYSICAL LIMITERS COMMAND CONTENT: YOU ARE FRANK BELLOWS, F.I.D. YOU’RE THE STRONGEST AND THE FASTEST. GRAB ALLISTER AND SPRINT TO THE HOTEL.


(Oh my god BC I could kiss you, Agent AW is gosh dang gorgeous, if I do say so myself &lt;3 ) Agent AW – Record your thoughts into your personal voice recorder as you research all available documents pertaining to Otis Bellows, searching for any connection he has to the town of Dusk Acres. Old friends, family, vacation home. Check his wife’s maiden name and search if she has any relations. -click- “Note to self. I think strangest findings of my research so far is honestly how completely normal Dusk Acres appears to be, at least from the limited resources I could find online. Hrm, you'd think if a town had an underground cult of cannibals roaming about they'd ave left some sorta footprint; an unsolved murder or two, old newspaper clippings about some loopy town founder or eccentric pastor or somethin.. at least some rumors floating about on the internet... but nothin, not a trace of anything unusual. Either these guys are VERY good at keeping a secret or the alternative is this cult really only started with Otis Bellow's disappearance. Gah… I can’t believe that! How could all this just start a little over a month ago?? Why target such a specific group? Why now?... Revenge? Bad blood? All the kidnap victims have ties to Dusk Acres… except for Otis… he must have a connection. Side note. Heh, I’m kind of intrigued how this cult has the ability to shape bodies. Fuck, if I had that power I would do SO many illegal things… mmm, imagine the boss with a big soft gut… give that shortstack F5 a proper booty, fuck I’d reck that little mouse…”


You know what, let’s test a couple of theories at once, shall we? There shouldn’t be any MAD chips in a civilian, but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then let’s see if we can’t put a duck to bed. MAD DIRECT CORTEX COMMAND: ALEXANDER WRIGHT CONTENT *** -FALL ASLEEP; -EXECUTE; (I really like this whole opposites thing going on with all these changes, skeptical Frank turning into a priest, nerdy Allister turning into a dim-witted coach, the art gallery connoisseur turning into an uncultured construction worker etc. It’s a lot of fun and really hot.)


Agent R - "Uhhhhh.... Yes! Very sorry miss. We-Were-Just-Leaving. Right boys?..." Quickly nudge H to begin walking. "Yeah, um, so sorry, we kinda got lost looking for the exit, heheh.. ya know how these, uh... hospital... hallways all look the same, eh?... Just visiting my pal's grandfather, very sick man, its so sad, I'm sure you can relate. Hey, you wouldn't be able to point us to the exit would you?"


Heh, that would probably have a better chance of working if you phrased it as a MAD chip command.


Correction not a mouse, F5 is an Opossum Also you're the first one so far who wants to do lewd things him lol.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N - *i groan and pinch agent I's neck, and if that doesn't work, I'll slap him out of his chip command.* Agent N - *whispering to the group of agents, away from the nurse's hearing* We should look out for each other. If we see any of us with the red eyes of being controlled, knock it out of each other like I just did for Agent I. Agent N - *to the nurse, possibly after Agent R speaks* We're very sorry. I got impatient waiting for my appointment with doctor... argh, I forgot his name. Big fellow, elephant with grey hair and golden tusks? Is he around? And by the way, where does this elevator lead to?


That's what I had intended. I need to remember to be more careful about phrasing. Not sure if I should edit the previous post to fit that. Eh, can't hurt.


Thanks to whatever reason it was I didn't get this in my email and now here at the site all of the work you did is not showing up and now I am behind on enjoying this comic.