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Robert Smith

Ah damn, it looks like the two of them are experiencing some kind of triggers or physical after effects from the MAD chips or the time we don't know about... not that I mind for Allister at all. Worth testing if this has effected their mental states... for science, of course. Allister: Give us a flex in that uniform coach, it will allow us to get important readings on your current physical and mental state after your prolonged absence

Robert Smith

Based on Allister's slightly... less well phrased sentences it might be entirely possible I can already answer on changed mental states. And i wonder if the Priest is Agent Bellows... we should be careful for time related shenanigans

Rodney Talon

Is it just me or is alistair's hair getting shorter? I didn't notice anything different about well I think he's actually chubbier I mean he's been thick but you know now he's just more fattened.

Robert Smith

It looks like he has gained muscle, stubble, and lost hair length - Bellows is looking chunkier with shorter hair too


Frank, Allistar, before you react calm down, you need to see if those bones are actually from people. Frank can you smell any traces? Anything that's familiar to the people you saw before?


Both: Agents something is terribly wrong!! Your appearances change dramatically!! Agent Alister, your body changed into a big coach, and Agent Frank, yours turned into similar as the priest in the picture!! This is what must happened to the other missing victims! Please if you can hear me FOCUS! Whatever this is, you must fight it!! Agent Alister, anything you might now to guard your mind against this change, now is the best time to use it!!


Allister: You look like you had a great work-out. How the pits smell?


Frank:You Aren't looking to Good Something strange is happening ya getting smaller ya Hair is coming out and it's not just you Marshmallow isn't looking that soft anymore.


MAD CHIP COMMAND: Agents Frank and Allister chant this phrase; OUR HEART BOUND IN THE DARKNESS BY OUR DREAM OF LIGHT. MAY WE LIE IN THE BLACK HOUSE OPERATING THE GOD MACHINE. FOR THE GREATER GOOD. THESE BLACK WORDS ARE FOREVER. It seems whatever culprits we're dealing with anticipated agent Franks olfactory capabilities and choose the factory as a place of confrontation. The aroma of the hypnotic was covered up by the overpowering pungent smell of the factory. judging by the state of your sclera yo both are still under the suggestable affect.


Thank you Blazing Cheeks, this comic has me anxious and happy as hell. Dusk Acres has so much lore I want to delve into already and I really care about Frank and especially Allister, there is so much I want to know about him.


No need to be so prude director, join them in their orgasmic pleasures along with the alligator too. Agent frank, Agent Allister: Be alert there it seems like memory tampering is still happening! What you're saying may not be real. Also it seems like both of your appearances have changed!

Neth Rusiki Azhti

OMG THIS WAS A REALLY HOT UPDATE, UHNF! I got so much screentime! Idk how to feel about that, other than happy! It made me really happy, but also conflicted since now I'm being controlled and all that. OH OUR BOYS ARE NOW DADDIFIED!!!!! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping this would happen! They look super hot and sexy! I think its a big upgrade! I do however, do not wish for them to lose themselves completely and have their personalities, memories and lives rewritten, so hopefully we can break them out of this spell they're in. I don't want our boys to DIE. And they are 100% suffering from Identity Death in front of our eyes. Which LEADS ME TO MY MUSINGS about what is going on. Their eyes are still reddened. We've seen this in two different scenarios in the comic so far: after someone's MAD chip is commanded and their brain is shocked; and after someone smokes on those mind altering cigars. In both cases it ends up being a mind altering effect of some form, so they might be connected in some way. Either they affect the same part of the brain, or maybe the chips are using a form of supernatural effect that the cigar smoke was also using. REGARDLESS, I think its of the utmost importance that we STOP them from having their minds altered. So we should shock them to make sure they remember who they are, and to not let them start believing their new memories. ALSO, before I forget. It is possible Otis is a pawn in this scheme as well. That someone else made him the cult leader in Dusk Acres and is pulling the strings. If Frank and Allister's memories are being rewritten, we can assume all the missing people's minds were also messed with, which include Otis himself, who is at this moment the primary suspect for being "the big bad". I just want to mention that it is possible it is not him, and someone else. Maybe a diety or some person who's been tampering with the dark forces for a while, but someone else nonetheless. As a side note, I've been trying to leave the room and explore the facility for a couple of updates now, and I'm having flashbacks to MS when I tried the same thing over many many many weeks and nothing happened, and I've learned from that. I really want to explore the facility and make myself useful, since I got one of the few agents out of the control room, which is a unique oportunity! But if it doesn't work, I'm gonna assume its not possible to walk around and explore, and I'll try something else. I suppose BlazingCheeks wanted to show us something to do with the MAD Chip Control Room for some reason, so might as well explore this path, since nobody really did so. -------------------------------------------------------- Agent N - *I will continue to nonchallantly deepthroat Agent R, as this is an everyday occurrence and its nothing out of the ordinary (I guess). I greedily and expertly suck the cum from his balls like my life depends on it, and get him to orgasm ASAP. I will swallow his load and get up.* Agent N - "Thank you Agent R for the quick snack! You got a juicy, tasty cock there but your facefucking technique needs some work. Also don't go messing around with things you don't understand. You'll do more harm than good. Try to figure things out, understand them, and THEN take action." *I will look around this MAD chip control room, looking it up and down, inspecting every centimetre of this room, taking special attention to the VCSs, checking if they have labels or writings on them. I will also try and check the consoles and screens, including the one Agent R already checked as well* Agent N - "I don't remember being in this room... What is it for? What is this stack of equipment? *points at the screens* Is this really happening?"


What a twist, but what does it mean, hahaha. There are so many mysteries going on its hard to keep track of, and I love it. Are these real flesh and blood transformations? Permanent transformations? Or a convincing illusion, this has to be the same stuff as what happened to Adam Marten, which was caught on camera at least. I''m, gonna be sad if Snowball isn't a cute dough-ball anymore (but he is kind of a hunk now, look at that boy peaking out of his shorts, hehehe)

Lee Evergreen

I'll get up, find agent N, copy what parts of the map he has and finish what needs to be done. I'll leave him his copy, marking the direction I choose to go. We need to know the buildings layout. "Alright N, let's show these guys why rats are famous for solving mazes. Sorry director, but this is beyond orders at this point. We don't even know if you're even in charge, and I don't remember the last time I ate, we need to secure food for all of us. N when you're done with your... business... I marked which direction I went to explore."


I also think Otis might be an unwilling pawn in this, but maybe that's my desire for a happy end for Frank clouding my judgment lol.


Having Allistair bulk up, both daddify with belching and snorting would be hot! Interesting comic so far, woah

Ryn Fox

Agent Frank: Start with that drink. You won't be able to think straight if you're not calm. Director: Teach that agent a lesson and fuck him while the mouse blows him. Agent H: Get behind the director and do the same. Only fair after all. I'm loving the chubbier Frank but really sad to see Allister slimming up. His chest was HOT when he was shirtless. Definitely was hoping for at least a little action between them before they transformed. Frank as a total bottom chub priest would be really damn hot though.


Apex Director: DIRECTOR! Agent Frank’s and Alister’s minds seem to be slipping, as if they are forgetting who they were and becoming other people... literally. If this continues we may loose what little control we have on our current predicament. We need access to the memory altering capabilities of the M.A.D chips to stop the mental changes and ensure they retain their sense of self. Can you give us access Director.... please?


Well this is an interesting turn of events. It's like they're slowly being eased into different roles and even looking the part without realizing! I'm intrigued!


Both: Frank! Allister! You're physically experiencing the creeping erasure of your very Identity. Remember your TRUE memories not these falsehoods of a life that's not your own! *Execute COMMAND: Refresh* *Remotely access the Van's current location via it's hidden Tracker then download the Results of the Manial Cigar and Ozzy's seminal fluids.* -------------- Agent F5: Where'd I put that Kit? Aha! *An Opossum sets out herbs and other spell components from his briefcase to help cleanse the Control Room of any Evil Eyes then prepares an incantation to help retrieve, at least partially, the APEX's memories of events that have transpired while spellbound by The Unknown Entity*


(Dang, Patron keeps deleting my post) Agent Frank : Agent Frank Bellows, can you hear me? Agent Frank?! Listen carefully, you are not a priest, you have never been a priest! Remember your captors - how Mr. Gutierrez and Mr. Hopper were behaving like totally different people; whatever happened to them is happening to you and Snowball, and rapidly! You've got to fight it, or you might forget you're an officer of the law completely. I bet they left you unguarded because they didn't anticipated Apex's M.A.D chips interfering in the process... hold on, let me try something, lets see if I can show you what you really look like. Mad Direct Cortex Command : Burn a vivid image into Frank's mind eye, of his official SNF police card/badge, and burn the image of a false memory of what he looked like in the bathroom mirror this morningmorning (lets not risk the mind alteration being smart enough to change how he remembers himself). Burn into his mind a visual image of him fapping as he checks himself out in the mirror after a steamy shower, his body not just as thin and athletic as he used to be, but even buffer, taller and with a bigger dick.


OFF: Honestly, I feel like I'm in monstersmash's first 2 chapters, like anytime the voices would make me do random sexy stuff. And that's not fair, I only became a Patron on the end of chapter 2. Oh well... Also, I've seen someone trying to command my character to join in the potential orgy in the server rooms, also seems like 10-20% override still lets you talk normally, so: Agent H: -Get into the room after the Director, see them going at it, maybe I'm already overriden at this point- "Our hearts bound in darkness by the dream of light. May we lie in the black house, operating the God machine. For the greater good. These black words are forever." "Agent R, what in the hells is going on, why did you override me and the director and what are you doing here now?"

Warren (Stephen) Rose

Agent N - If you touch your earpiece now you can broadcast what you are seeing and tasting to everyone on the same frequency. Please do so now. Mad Direct Cortex Command: Prepare to broadcast either readings of Agent N's sense of sight and taste to various people, especially Agent R, or personalized hallucinations that approximate what Agent N is seeing and tasting.


Ummm.. question Whenever the override command is used, it always goes up in units of 10 or 20% right? When I checked Frank was at zero when he was knocked out and Alistair was at 20, now it's 40 for frank and 50 for al. Excluding the Wake up call, that means they were given commands at some point. The entity(?) that spoke to them use a override command in order to gleam information about their connection to Otis(those commands were in red by the way), also Is possible to say that the chips could have been used to not only alter memories but their physical bodies in order to help simulate them into their new lives as "Coach Carver" and "Priest Bellows"? Oh and the director was at 50% when we found him in the bathroom. Does that mean that he received at least 2 other commands prior to jack off session? And another thing. Frank and Al could be trapped in a similar simulation facility like APEX. It's purpose maybe to create new identities or condition people to cannibalize I guess?


(I just want to say I'm always shocked and amazed anytime you use one of my comments BC x3 Thank you so much (also this is super hot))


To those wondering what is Refresh? Short for "Refresh (one's) memory" Means to remind someone about something or to help someone to remember something.


( Ok i have a small theory i wish to share. From the last two chapters, we found out the past of the heroes and Otis as well. And now we learned about the cannibalism theory is real but is also related to the red ritual, which have you sacrifice yourself to a god so you find happiness. What if the changes that just happened are actually the results of the ritual. Frank is not happy with the whole supernatural thing, and deep down he might wanted to find some spiritual peace, that is why he might changes into a priest, while Alister might wish to have be physically stronger. While they were out, they might have forced through this ritual that changes them. That can be checked if you smell to see if they have eaten any flesh. Also it might be possible the change to stop if they "expel" the offering, like maybe if possible to puke it....?? Not sure, on that part, but just saying -.-;.... Another part also is that possibly Otis is the source of all this. He tried the ritual before, and from that vision he might still up to it! He might be possessed none stop by that god, and slowly bring others to this as well to get invoke the change and the "happiness" it gives, might be impossible to resist, and maybe, just maybe, in return for those changes, the God becomes stronger. Ofcourse Otis probably might not be the first one He possessed, but he might be the most resent one. Still i think this might give some answers. )


M.A.D Cortex Command: -Director, get on your hands and knees. Otherwise, continue acting normally


How unexpected, I think this might be my favorite update… for obvious reasons Agent R - H-Himb- I MEAN DIRECTOR!! Uh... I can explain! After you left there was a cryptic warning warning on our computer network *huff* that the M.A.D. chip system had been hacked unlocking the, um, extra functions and uh... *groan* you were still kinda preoccupied.... so I volunteered to go check it out in case the traitor was still there *grunt* or left any clues, uh... we didn't touch the system at all Sir, just looked around, right Agent N?... Cmon, back me up man, why are you still mumbling?... *moan* Uhhh, look, I can tell you're still a little mad about the whole prank thing, heh heh... I'm really sorry sir, believe me, but uh, it was such a golden opportunity how could I resist? *pant* D-don't you remember your time at the academy? The boys would have had a field day hazing the newbies if they had access to this... A-anyway sir, we have more pressing issues! The traitor! What's... *groannn...* What's Codename Autotomy? Why does the screen say there is a Mad Control Room in Dusk Acres?


(I just wanted to say that I’ve been really enjoying this, but I’ve had no idea how to interact with it until now. It felt like a lot of people were already covering most of the bases, but now that there are more variables…) @ The Director: Director, a couple of things here. One, we should probably get a group to start investigating any records we have here on site. Agent profiles, card access logs, that sort of thing. Since we were taken here, I doubt much of it is reliable, but it might be good to see if there are any patterns in what we can find. It's boring, but it could be useful. Secondly, we should confirm that we can find an exit to this building considering the mental tornado we’re all caught up in here. For all any of us know right now there may be no way out, and I’d like to make sure that there is. And third, assuming we do have an exit and a way into the town proper, we should probably prep a second field team to act as support for Carver and Bellows. Or in the worst case scenario, as their replacements. (Also wanted to say that this chapter is super hot.)


I think the hypnotic is the wine that frank sample earlier, the mania from the riots where it was made might have been infused into the wine. it has to be in some kind of aerosol form, probably by burning it, my evidence being that the cigar smoke is what had the effect in the incidents before and frank wasn't under any influence until the wine was flambéed. The relationship between the mad chips and the drug the other patrons mentioned is also right on the money, they can both effect memory and they might target the same part of the brain. this also backs up my wine theory seeing smells can stimulate and maybe even simulate familiar memories


Also, small observation: Is Allister developing an underbite? I don't think he's had that before. Edit: Yeah, I went through the previous entries, and I think I'm right here. Up to this point, he's had a slight overbite, and in these panels he's got an underbite. Wild! And subtle.


(So Allister and Frank are in some kind of suburban house somewhere, interesting. The implication is that the strange map with the red dots (presumably) tracking MAD chip locations does not include theirs, since all the red dots were clustered together at an inconspicuous field. If true it means the theory anyone in Dusk Acres could have a MAD chip (official or counterfeit) inserted into them is still possible, like how Mr. King had red eyes, and the 'stoner' at the motel had red eyes. We REALLY need to make interviewing Sheriff Wright a priority. So far all the missing kidnap victims have been found alive, but this meat has to come from somewhere. We haven't had any other missing person reports outside of Dusk Acres, so maybe the Sheriff is covering up some missing bodies.) Agent A - Quickly have a look around the house for any other manufactured mementos; documents, photos, trophys, etc. And also look for a phone. Then leave, the presence of bones probably means your captors will come back to dispose of them properly, and without your weapons you don't want to be around when that happens.




(Ok not exactly a comment for this comic but I just want to say BlazingCheeks you literally influenced me to having a kink to be mind erased and made a hypnotic slave ☕️ I literally want to find someone to do this now lol)




( I'm a few days late, so I'll just share my highly speculative theories. *dump* So we learn more about the nature of the red ritual and the laughing god. I agree with the other patron that the Red Ritual has loads to do with the transformations. The Red Ritual brings loved ones back from the dead to house them in the practitioner's body. If the missing people's and our agents' transformations draw from a similar power, they might be transforming into dead people, so I'm curious who they might be. As for the nature of the ritual and its results, I'm interested in the why. The Laughing God is/was motivated by loneliness, which might be similar to the practitioners' longing for the one they lost and were trying to bring back. However, I imagine the ritual would have a terrible, ironic result. Even if one succeeds in performing the Red Ritual, what happens to the body, the mind? If the minds meld, one or both of them lose their identity. If their minds remain separate and body transform to represent who is at the helm, they are never truly together. Why wouldn't the Laughing God let the practitioners meet their dear departed in a wholesome, sane manner? Maybe his creations failed in dispelling his loneliness, and he never stopped being lonely. Also, here are my thoughts from last week I didn't share if anyone's interested. What Otis said in the flashback to each of the agents seem related to the Apex oath, which - along with the tarot card code he left behind - might give us insight into his possible motivations. Otis seems wary of the idea behind the oath at the very least, warning Frank "The people you trust so much... their words are blacker than you think" when the oath states "May we lie in the black house... these black words are forever", while telling Allister they'll "dispel the darkness that lurks in the heart of our fellow animals..." when the oath goes "Our heart bound in the darkness by our dream of light." Along with Allister's insight about "the Hierophant, reversed. Confidence to challenge the status quo. To brave the opinion and beliefs of others to do what you know deep within you is right.." this seems to suggest that Otis might be/have been working to oppose or change the Alliance. After all, Damien said that "the arthropoda kingdom never had an alliance, and didn't go through a dark age, and they're doing like... just fine", and guess what animal was on the Hierophant card; a praying mantis. Justice could refer to something Otis did, like the rituals he performed. However, I think it might also point toward the Alliance and some grave injustice committed by them. The card art for Justice has a mole in it, so it could also have been hinting at traitors in the Apex? I have a feeling the betrayal might be on a larger scale, though. Autotomy. Perhaps the agents are being betrayed by something larger, being cut off to be consumed by a pursuer, to wither away? Welp, here you go. I decided to share because I thought it wouldn't subtract from the excitement even if some of my speculations cut too close because anticipation is thrilling :D Oh, and the other card, Death. Otis being on the other side would explain a lot of things we've seen. )


Upright 13 can mean a end, possibly of a relationship or interest, or as a change of thinking from an old way into a new way. Or in other words the end of one thing and the beginning of something new. reverse, can be interpreted as stagnation and the inability to move or change. This could refer to Otis maybe refusing to accept his wife's death and as a result it drove him to do....whatever his's hand is in terms of what's happening. Also thank you for the data bomb you provided.


Allister, those pecs are looking a little soft. When was your last chest day, coach? Better do a set of pushups on the double