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EDIT: sorry guys, i mixed up p.m. with a.m. ...the time skip is 5 hours, not 18.




Frank and Allister: You two should try to talk to each other. You two are connected by your father so try and get to know each other better. Only then can you work together to get out of this.


Frank: I'm not sure what happened between you two exactly, but it was obvious how much you admired and loved your father. The more you love someone the easier it is for those feelings to turn into feelings of hate of equal weight. I think you should be ready for the worst-case scenario, either something has possessed your father, or something took his place. Things are getting interesting indeed

Lee Evergreen

If none of us know the layout of the building, we're going to need that map. Agent N, please share that map. If it's incomplete I'll leave and help you finish it. Nobody else should leave this room untill Agent N and I completely map out this building.


Geez Allister is hung af


I saw Allister had red hair but I wasn't expecting the mane on his chest.


God Alister is so sexy.. time for some fun. **Allister: talk to frank. Explain your feelings.. and realize how sexy your partner is. You are both thick, sexy men and need to bond over your shared connection with Franks father.**


Agents: It's currently June 21st, 3:00 PM. We lost contact for almost 18 hours. Class 10 emergency. Recall and follow standard procedure for Code 54: Situations involving mind control, brainwashing, or any suspected mental tampering by outside forces.


(Whoa, this update is heavy. I'm not usually one for angst but love seeing all this juicy backstory, its just very stylish, if that makes sense? Also really cool depiction of the demon(?) version of Otis {Also calling Allister "My <i>dearest</i> son" in front of Frank, oof}. Also, Otis' wife is really well drawn; obviously due to the content of your stories they never feature very many women, but I gotta say you draw them very well.)


Apex Director: Director, the agents seemed to have finally woken up. Is there a way for us to look at the chips’ history to see what commands or alterations they went through in the last 5 hours. Maybe we could do the same for us to try and piece together our memory problems.


Ok, before anybody jumps off the deep end and suggests Apex isn't real and we're all kidnap victims in some bizarre experiment or anything crazy like that, take a deep breath and think about this logically. Why would whatever, uh, cult responsible for all this put us in a position to antagonize them? Agent Carver and Bellows are trapped in a basement right now, not some old government building. Why would our main suspect have a vendetta against an organization that doesn't exist? No. Do you remember the security alert from before, it mentioned more functions than just the Cortex Command Override. Uhhh, something about 'Motory'... whatever that means. But it also said something about a 'Memory Surgery Suite', if somebody, somehow, has been messing with that... it would perfectly explain our current predicament.


(Is the time strangeness thing supposed to be plot relevant? Or am I just overthinking a forgivable limitation of the comic format. I thought it was strange how Agent R apparently took like, 5 hours just to walk from one end of the hall to the other side. But how could our team of agents wait 18 hours on their butts before trying anything... (Also Bolt Bunny t-shirt!! I want one!!))


Minor note: Otis eye scar(?) is on his right(original?) with frank, and left(reflection?) with Alistair. also the room appears to be mirrored as well. Does it mean alistair is/becoming a "reflection" of Otis, or does Frank sees the truth while Alistair is being deceived? It could explain why everyone that getting corrupted are becoming daddy-ish like version of Otis.


OFFish: I'm gonna assume my character doesn't remember how they got there as well. I also am not opposed to making surprised expletives and incredulous comments about the situation which would be the natural response of anyone in such a situation, but I don't think they would add much besides work for you, but feel free to add those, if you want to. Agent H: "Ok, so it seems we've all been non-consensually transported to and possibly trapped into a previously unknown Dusk Acres base. Sir, can you contact anyone in HQ and ask for clarification?" OFF: Probably not, right? Agent H: "Ok, Sir so... What now?"


Thank you Agent C, hearing that aloud really calmed my nerves. But it still begs the question; who altered our memories, and why move us to Dusk Achers instead of the safety of headquarters?

Neth Rusiki Azhti

OH OH SHIT OH NO OH YES OH GOD UHMMMMMMMMM UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I GUESS I REALLY AM NOW IN THIS, HUH?!?!?! I AM ECSTATIC, OVERJOYED AND TERRIFIED! Since I am now actually literally in this story, I am definitely in danger! I SURE WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT MY LITTLE COMMENT WOULD HAVE THIS MUCH OF AN EFFECT, DAMN!! So I guess Otis is the cult leader? What is this of the shining ones, and the flesh eaters commune? So uhmm, Agent N is not ME, of course. But he DEFINITELY looks like me, so can I write comments like before? Or do I have to rp as him now, if I want to relay info to Allister and Frank for instance, or use their chips?? --------------------- Agent N - *I want to explore and map out the facility. First I'll look at the notes and maps I made in my little notebook, and see what I have. If anyone else wants to help me, I will explore the place with them. For that I will try and head to the control room to ask if anyone wants to come.* Agent N - "Thank you Agent L, I welcome the help. We have to find out what's going on here and why we don't remember anything... We should start with looking for the exit or the doctor's office." Agent N - *I'm gonna try and look for signs, markings, maps and things like that along the facility halls and walls, with the goal to map out the building.*


((Where's Frank and Allister's navels?)) ————————————————— Agent Allister: You've mentioned before that you can sense lingering energies, are you implying that you're an Empath? Let's test that claim, shall we? Visualize and attune yourself to the room's residual energy to seek out any hidden passages used by your Captors. Agent Frank: Track the scent of your possessions, more than likely be held in a secured room displayed as trophies along with the other victims' mementos. *muttered under breath* Gosh Frank, you're a handsome fuck. ————————————————— Both: Hold still, We'll now be running diagnostics to see what atrocities were committed in the last 5 hours. *Run a diagnostics on both Agents system for any abnormalities and also indications of sexual assault*


(Ah, so it's something of a nervous tick. Poor guy)

Robert Smith

Agent Allister: You mentioned the Red Ritual, what is that? This information could be of vital importance, so please explain. Director: Allister's CORTEX percentage has worryingly increased, and as far as we knew before Frank didn't have one. This indicates the MAD chip has been used multiple times since we last had contact. Is there any way to perform a history check to determine what commands have been given to them? Without this information we could be walking them into a trap. Also, I wish I could give Allister a massive, massive hug. He deserves it.

Robert Smith



Director – I’m glad to hear you’re well, Sir, you gave us quite the scare for a moment. And Agent H, I hope your rump isn’t feeling too sore, heheh. Sir, have you ever heard of anything called Codename Autonomy? A little while ago we discovered a monitor in the chip control room with that title; it was displaying a map of Dusk Acres with a cluster of red dots, many of my fellow agents have assumed represent chip locations, or us basically. Do you think its possible someone has stolen the technology and secretly set up a second chip Control Room in Dusk Acres?? Or… if they do represent Agent locations, wouldn’t that mean Agent Frank and Allister are directly beneath us? Does this facility have a basement?

Shiny Skunk

Does us using the chips mess with peoples memory, then? Frank, Allister, how much do you remember of what happened before your visions? HQ appears to have been compromised and slowly losing memory, too, there’s concern these chips might cause permanent damage. What’s the best way to remove them?


Agent R - Whoa, arrest?! I-it was just a prank sir! It was only supposed to be a harmless quickie, some... stress relief cause you're always so serious all the time and I thought you deserved... In my defense I didn't expect you would last for hours, heh... you must have been so pent up... frankly I'm a little impressed sir, I hope your balls don't ache too much... Besides, I was right about the traitor, or somebody remotely hacking into APEX's systems, if I hadn't alerted you we might not even realize something was wrong yet... if somebody is messing with our memories maybe the traitor doesn't even know he's a traitor anymore... it could be anyone


Not autonomy, autotomy. Like a lizard cutting off its tail. I dread to discover what the tail represents in this case.


(So if I'm reading this right... Allister is in of a bit of Omen/Son of the devil situation, with a cult (and later preist) believing he is the "Cannibal King" of legend, and the "Red One", possibly Allisters father, possessing Otis in that last shot.)


So lets get this straight. (for other readers) -We, the patrons, are "Agents" currently residing in dusk acres with no memories of why we're here, or if we even are Apex. -The chips are inside all of our brains, allowing any of us to control one another one at a time, and also allowing us to communicate with other people that currently have mad chips installed, as long as we're in the comms room or the mad chip control room. This is the basic stuff we learned so far. What we learned this chapter is that the chips can apparently be linked by some force, transferring and or removing memories from people. What this entails: 1. We can freely move our characters around the "Apex" building, and presumably, leave it to enter the setting of dusk acres itself, but lose all control over mad devices -This would cause 1 million percent more work for blazing cheeks so lets try not to do that (assuming he would let us try to begin with 2. -So far, Frank and Allister's minds can be directly altered by the antagonist, making their ability to actually solve this case and confront them seem pretty much 0 at this point?


(For blazingcheeks) I attempt to use their mad chips to track both their location, and how much time has passed from when they've been moved.


Frank and Allister: Look, I gotta come clean with you guys. We’re all stationed in a facility just outside of Dusk Acres and nobody remembers how we got there. In fact we can’t remember anything before first contacting you guys. These M.A.D. chips have the ability to change memories and someone behind the scenes is using them to manipulate us all. I guess whatever we told you about Apex might not be true but we’ll still try to support you both while we do what we can to solve this on our end. Just concentrate on finding Otis Bellows. He has to be connected to this somehow.


Director, do you remember who you are? I've been having some... intrusive thoughts. Have other agents experienced them as well? Allister and Agent Frank. Yes, this is a sensitive issue for you. However, with how you both have ties to Mr. Otis Bellows, keep in mind that you'll have to deal with your pasts and trust each other if we're to move forward. ((I've been piecing the clues together but I'm afraid of being too accurate and robbing the other patrons of surprises or finding stuff out themselves...))


Allister: Don't try to speak for Otis' actions. There's a lot we don't know about him. Frank might be willing to open up to you later, but for now focus on escaping captivity. Frank: You don't have to talk about it with Allister, but this situation now involves your father and the occult deeply. You're going to need to face a lot of emotional baggage soon, so you might want to get some thinking about it done before the critical moment arrives.


(Fuck it, I'm horny x3) MAD Chip Command - Agent R, Agent N : Okay mouse boy, before you do anything else get on your knees, undo his belt n trousers, and give that kitty a world-class blowjob. Make a detailed mental map of his huge cock with your tongue; savor every lick, make sure to get a good sniff of his musk and swallow everything that he gives ya. And Agent R, you're gonna face-fuck this boy greedily, thrust hard, yank on his ears and purr in delight as you quickly unleash load after load down the poor mouse's throat. Your balls clench in an unnatural overdrive of ecstasy until Agent N is good and full. But most importantly, neither of you will think this is unusual at all, this is as ordinary as grabbing a cup of coffee, don't question it, just suck him off and go about your business.


Agent Allister: you seem to be familiar with the church of the alliance, do you believe a radical faction may be involved in some kind of attempt to drum up mass hysteria and support?

Ryn Fox

Agent Allister: You realize this is your first time being naked with Agent Frank. Between that and the thoughts of his father, you can't get the thoughts of either of them railing you out of your head. Act on it. Agent Frank: You haven't seen Frank Allister naked before. You're struck by how cute and sexy he is, and he's obviously into you. You're clearly not going anywhere for a few minutes anyway, why not blow off some steam and clear your heads by showing your typically more prudish partner a good time.