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heyo pups! another lil update for you! since i posted about combat last time , me and banana inquiry have been discussing about it ,trying to refine its core features. After we ended up with a document we were both happy with, banana inquiry has finally started building blocks for it. The gif here is super duper early in development, but you can already see some of the things we discussed last time...of course, when it's done, you won't be the one to initiate combat as jones and the others will be chasing you instead!

as for me, the introduction of the lust meter and the sensual actions meant that i get to draw jones getting seduced by the player. You'll notice some changes in his battle sprite as you start fondling and licking him :

10% lust

50% lust:

80% lust:

after you have him reach 100% lust jones will be forced to stop fighting you and he'll have to take care of more... intimate issues, giving you precious time to flee.

still have to draw the climaxing from the other angles, but by the next update i'm confident i'll be done with these animations.

on a side note, me and banana have also been discussing about one member of werewolf jack's pack, the one representing pride (previously called hunky dave, but since there's already a dave in game he'll probably be called something else now XD) . In the end we decided to change his design around a bit

previous version, a mean, bougie dobermann 

new version, a german shepherd bursting with himbo energy

still on the fence about wich one i prefer , what do you guys think? is the new guy an improvement or is he too cartoonish?

 anyways, that's it for this week! more to come next time!   stay wild y'all! awooooo!  




Omg he’s cartoonish in the perfect way I love the new design!! I think he’s the perfect addition to the pack, hes over the top but in the exact way that Pride would entail. Very flashy and big and practically magnetic. Also I like having another less grim-serious one in the lineup too! Also WOW that stuff with jones is so good Really great update man!


Show Dog Doug for the Shepard? Fatso Jones and Show Dog Doug, together their names are an homage to the famous Movie Monster actor Doug Jones.

Ryn Fox

My vote is on the previous design. I love his energy. It seems to radiate "Pride" more effectively.

Lee Evergreen

The new design is really good and I have no qualms with it, but I like the old one more because I get viscerally angry when I see him. You can tell he's a flashy, shallow ass just by looking at him.

Lee Evergreen

Also I see dobermans as a more "glamorous" breed than German shepherds so I think it fits his concept better.


I like both designs but the jockstrap and the dickshape/size feels a bit too over the top.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

all the werewolves are always BURSTING with personality, which makes me love them so much, even if they're gonna be chasing us down and trying to kill us eventually x3


Honestly, I like both designs about equally (would love to see both designs make it into the game as separate characters, but that would probably be redundant), although I kind of agree with the previous comment about dobermans feeling a bit more "showy" than German shepherds. Dobermans are intimidating, but they're also sleek, shiny, and the kind of dogs you might expect to find at a dog show or something. German shepherds are just mostly intimidating without the sleek, shiny, showy part.

ZooFan 123

I love both designs!!! But the old one just got that little bit hint of an edge over the new. I just think pride as sin has really transformed in anime media, in that if a character is prideful or arrogant theirs a reason why. And the old just shows that with his looks alone being so about him that you both hate him but kind of like it for some strange reason. The new design though just gives of the flashy vide a little too much, than someone who really is the sin of pride would need. To them showing up would be more than a treat so all of those other accessories would be unneeded for them. Thanks for the work though!


If you could combine the two some how? I like the doberman house coat. And the purple and gold.. so if you can combine them I think it would be perfect. Be possible to be proud of being a mix of Shepard's and doberman.


oh god i dont know which design i love more!!!! i was a massive fan of the first design but like.....i live for himbo and aspire to be a good one so its such a even split for love!!


I prefer the old design, he seems more of a pretentious douch than the other one (in a good way)


It really depends on what you want the player to feel towards the dog. The first one radiates such asshole energy that I honestly feel a little grossed out at the thought of having sex with him, but he’s such an asshole that the player will really want to beat him. The second is lovely and welcoming and I wouldn’t mind losing to him much, but he’s also unthreatening.

Crimson Claw

Too cartoonish, but keep the crown


I think I like the old one's design more, but I like the himbo idea more... maybe something more aesthetically like the old design but with a himbo body language? IDK, personally I think there's still a sweetspot in between the two designs that I would like more than I like either of them rn


Also the second version could use some aesthetic touch-ups. Maybe swap the thong for a jockstrap to better convey the shape of his legs and ass as I had to stare for a few seconds to tell where one began and the other ended. Making the crown more gaudy could help him seem more like a pride monster, gems or red velvet maybe. Other thoughts on his design may just be preference so I’ll keep them to myself for now.


I like the new design more then the old one. Himbos and German shepherds are #1!


Both designs are great! I really love the more gentlemanly design of the first and want to see a mix of the two tbh. Aesthetically they are both very appealing


I like both versions of Pride, but I think whichever iteration of the character you go with might depend on how similar or different they are to other characters. Aren't there any other himbo-types? If so, what would make this guy stand out? Personally, I and some friends have a thing for bougie, opulent, bling-bling characters, which is what I got from the previous version. But, doesn't that make him very similar to Pimp Harry? Harry more strongly exudes Opulence and such, so in a way, the previous iteration might feel redundant or like a watered down version of Harry. So, perhaps this new version might be the better option?


I like the direction your taking the Pride werewolf, but a note: More Bling! He should be even more showy in how he's dressed. Someone else suggested a gaudier crown and velvet, so go with that. I also miss the nipple chain. Maybe just rings or other piercings to not cover the #1 ribbon.


These dev log is looking promising. I wonder if we'll see gastro or he'll join after the events of Fenris High.


Mmm, idk, I think the robe looks better aesthetically


I'd say that both designs are good, but the new one is an improvement. I think it would look even better with the robe from the old design on top of the new design's harness getup. Nipple acessories would be hot af too. Otherwise, love his toeless socks and his new design overall!


The newer design really is an improvement I really dig his new look!


I think the previous one reads more like a pompous asshole vs this new guy whose costume getup might be a bit too "on the nose' compared to the designs of the other wolves. Like, Jones design is fun, and a good reference to a certain fiery-haired cook, but he doesn't wear something that specifically calls out his love for eating. He isn't wearing a bib that says "Feeder" or something, and we don't need it because the design is strong enough to read without it. I think there's a middle ground between the two pride versions that is still fun but doesn't rely on that particular outfit to come off as overly self-loving.


i'm personally more partial to the first design. he gives off a certain smarmy energy that the himbo design doesn't.


New guy looks really full of himself, shows off pride pretty well. The cartoonish aspect is nice. Any ideas on a new name since Dave is taken?


Battle system looks nice, and looking forward to see the final design of it too ^w^! As for the big guy, Won't lie. I too prefer the first design. It does gives a more mature vibes of "pride". The second one is cool too, but it does leave of a small "goof" vibe. Maybe if he wear the same clothes as the first design? Not sure. At the end though, if you can't decide, you can always just make a poll about it too, right ^^;...??

Rodney Talon

The First by fair, it feels sultry and unique and engaging. besides mentally compromised and hot is kind of covered already. So far most the wolves feel.. threatening as to silly, even fatso. So.. no to #2 though maybe as an alt or for someone else FOR #1?


I enjoy the first design more, it's much more alluring.


Himbo design. Everything looks amazing


The first design screams "unearned Pride". He looks like the yuppie riding off daddy's money and notoriety but acting like it is all his doing. Regardless of which design, Pride should definitely be a 'pedigree' breed. If we want to be funny we could make him a Bichon Frise.


I prefer the previous one. I suppose my preference for the older design is that in some ways it doesn't scream "pride" and communicates it in a much subtler manner. I feel like when it comes to prideful archetypes the truly prideful ones are the ones who present themselves in a more poised manner? Like they wouldn't brag about it too much but maybe a little bit once in a while. While the new himbo design is by no means bad, the over the top cartoonish aesthetic communicates to me almost as if he is attempting to compensate for some sort of insecurity with some pompous facade. Also, I really like that in the older design, his hair is fashioned in a manner that makes it appear like a crown. I suppose how these designs would work depends on how Pride here would be written as a character so, in the end, the best decision would be to pick the design that harmonizes with Dave/PendingName/Pride's character and personality. I think maybe it would be interesting if some characters actually represent a good side to the deadly sins as some sort of subversion. Like pride actually being comfortable and prideful of his self-image and maybe juxtapose this with maybe Envy having insecurities.


I might be a little late to this conversation, but I have to say I like both designs a lot! I do feel the new design is a little too cartoonish imo, but I don't think it would take much adjustment to make up for it. Either design is great and I'll be happy regardless!