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The plot thickens!


Agent R: Please upload the hack into our field agents.


Bradley, Shezmu and now the Director. No Lions are safe. Is there a Leomon Death Curse in your comics, BC?

Bryan Whiteman

The Plot: *actually happening* My brain: Oooh hot moustaches~


This is hot as fuck!! 🤤🤤❤️❤️


Agent frank: Encourage the dinner, while also inviting the guard to eat. Try to force a situation where the guard has no choice but to remove his shirt, perhaps by getting food on his clothes accidentally, or by making him too hot to keep it unbuttoned


Well this sure smacks of overly strict programming, and poor Mister King having to show a lot of evidence. Frank & Allister: For the record, if 'Octave' has a tattoo of a clover on one of his wrists, that's another missing person match. That said, make sure you don't get boxed in. Lots of suspicious and very large men about.


Mad Direct Cortex Command Allister: I know it may feel unprofessional but have Mr King relax, help him de-stress by giving him a sensual body massage. Have fun with it and make sure you spend more time caressing his sensitive areas, that way when u ask him why he was mumbling to himself he'll open up. Frank: While Allisters feeling up Mr King have the guard sit next to you work you and work your magic - we need him to take his shirt off no matter what. He's tough to crack but I know you can get that nut out of him. With all that said stay alert and be careful about eating the food, we have no idea if its been tampered with...


Allister: while you give him a massage. Try and converse quietly with him. He seems like someone is manipulating him and he's nervous. Tell him you'll work to help him if he gives you information you need to what's going on.


You're right, Octave is Matt Casey Hopper. Their eyes are the same.


Agent Allister: You need to covertly read Mr. Kings thoughts to find a way to speak alone, their is something he wants to tell you two in confidence and he can't do it while he is being watched by the guard and chef.


Agents: This meeting is going nowhere. Frank, leave with the bull. Allister, leave with the rabbit. Separate. If Mr. King is alone, the bull should have no issues--and Mr. King can write notes to collect after you're done interrogating the stiffs.


(These expressions are fantastic, I am loving this whole series)


Both: Decline the invite to eat dinner even with King and Octave's insistence. Speaking of Chef Octave, what was Matt Casey Hopper's occupation before he was abducted? Both men share the same eyes and fur color. —————— Agent Allistier: Think before you speak, avoid spilling classified info. If you need to lie use half-truths. Agent Frank: If wine were offered, use that opportunity to "accidentally" spill the drink on Oscar's shirt and radio.


(Dude I thought the director was dead but saw BC Comment he's still kicking but for how long)


(In a cute feline mood BC? First the director and now TWO new cute cat boys, I low key adore Agent R's design ❤️ ) Mad Direct Cortex Command <b>Agent Allister</b> - You're suddenly feeling a little horny and suggestible, but don't pay attention to the tent forming in your trousers; its dinnertime and you're hungry! Graciously thank the cute chef and eat!! Make sure you consume everything that is offered your way. Enjoy yourself, the fuller you get the more aroused you feel.


O_O I'm extremely worried about the direction things are headed in back at HQ, having your brain fried doesn't seem like a pleasant thing... I'll wait until the next update to decide what to say, I think I'm starting to understand what exactly is going on. P.S. Don't kill the Director BC! I loved that calm and cool aura he had about him.


(I hope you had a good break BC. This update is very exciting, is that a fat tiger or a Cheshire cat? Are hybrids possible in this universe?) Agent A - This Mr. 'King' seems awful forgetful, and wasn't it a little strange how he announced himself like that? Maybe he's just eccentric... but consider the possibility this guy is an actor, a substitute. Agent F - You should try to get alone with the bull. Maybe excuse yourself to the bathroom?. Agent R - Can you get a glimpse of the room through the glass before you enter, to make sure you aren't walking into an ambush.


Ok, I think we need to lay off the director now. He didn’t have anything to do with the hack, and knows nothing about any traitor. However, there is something important somewhere in his brain, even if he’s aware of it or not. Agent H - check on the Director, if he’s still coherent help him back to the office. We should monitor him close, both for his health and any info he might give us regarding those cryptic words. As for everyone else, I think we should only use the Cortex Command for emergencies only. We still don’t know the limitations of the chip, so we should use it sparingly. At least until we have more information. (Ps. Glad to see you are feeling better BC :) )

Lee Evergreen

Frank: King seems rather nervous and distraught. He's possibly an unwilling accomplice in this affair. Try not to get separated from King, and keep your eyes open for an opportunity to slip him away from his little keeper if possible. But this is not a priority, don't risk yourselves or the mission for his sake.


OFF: Oh, I know the sugar processing smell, it might happen with sugar cane processing plants as well, it is AWFUL. Wonder if the molasses flood in the UK smelled like that too... Agent H: "Director! Are you alright?" "Our heart bound in darkness by the dream of light. May we lie in the black house, operating the God machine. For the greater good. These black words are forever." "Isn't this the Apex Oath, that we make when we graduate the academy? Is chanting this like an... 'antidote' for the overrides?"


(Oooo, handsom tabby x3) Both Agents : Eat something, or you'll cause a scene, and screw this lead. You're not going to be poisoned, if they wanted you dead you guys would have a bullet in your heads by now. This is probably a test of some sort, we've got your backs, so eat.

Robert Smith

Agent Allister: Mr King is hiding something- do you have any occult tools that would allow him to slip you a message that the guard wouldn't understand? Maybe a tarot reading you can use to subtly guess what he wants to tell you in private. Agent Frank: That bull is almost CERTAINLY a minder designed to keep Mr King in check- work some of your magic to keep him distracted and off the scent.


This isn't a command, half of the fun waiting for Dusk Acres is seeing the solutions the other patrons come up with, I genuinely thought that the clue with the tarot cards was cool. someone even caught the detail of the himbo in the stained glass of the drunken miner pub, something I would've otherwise completely missed. Good job team. :)


it just occurred to me that there's a high chance the rabbits food could contain human flesh actually


Oh nooo poor Himbo Boss 😭 At least he looks like he's having the time of his life. And oh my, who is this super fashionable tom cat with the big dick. This update is blowing my mind.


Agent R - Director... himbo boss... you're such a stud and you don't even know it... You just need someone to help you unwind by pleasuring that big fat juicy cock every night and...?! Oh, we're here already?? Heh, must have spaced out... Ok, you know how to get in; swipe your card, right? Lets make this quick, check if anyone has tampered with the machines or left any incriminating evidence, and then get the heck outta here. Fuck, this room always gives me the heebie-jeebies, why did I even volunteer for this again?...


Agent H - You did a great job with the director. Go back to see the others agents. Don't think about your pants, you don't need them for your daily tasks, everyone has to see that rump.


If our hunch about the victims is correct than the mastermind behind all this is kidnapping people to go through some sort of… Dadification. Allister: Quick question, does the following phrase mean anything to you? “OUR HEART BOUND IN THE DARKNESS BY OUR DREAM OF LIGHT. MAY WE LIE IN THE BLACK HOUSE OPERATING THE GOD MACHINE. FOR THE GREATER GOOD. THESE BLACK WORDS ARE FOREVER” Frank: looks like we’re going to use the M.A.D. chips on Allister. Use that moment to get yourself isolated with Mr. King somehow. I feel like he’ll disappear as soon as we take our eyes off him. Agent CC(Crimson Claw): Hey what kind of orders are those?!


I'm just gonna stare at the phrase(thanks for typing it here) real hard and ramble about it since I'm too late this time... *I have no idea how to patron sorry for the wall tried to comment on myself instead didnt work As another patron said, the phrase(or orders, as the director said) seems meaningful to the Apex. The "dream of light" could be referring to how the animals formed the Alliance, dreaming of a world where they didn't have to eat each other, which they achieved through science(associated with light/enlightenment). How their "heart" is "bound in the darkness" might have to do with the "dark era" the world went through when they were further from the scientific advancements that shaped the world as we see now. So what does the binding of the "heart" mean? The sacrifices made? The sins committed? The guilt? If "birth defects" are a possible cause of cannibalism, one of the "insane" methods used in the dark ages might have been something like eugenics, among other atrocities. It might also mean that these methods have also significantly contributed to the world as we see it and perhaps continue to do so, if in secret. This looks to be the case, as the M.A.D. chips used by the Apex are recognized to be horrifyingly immoral by our agents. Which could mean that the phrase is talking about the atrocities the Apex is committing now "for the greater good." Perhaps we're dealing with the aftermath of an older atrocity with a newer one? Can't wait for the story to unfold.


This is a great allegory, hopefully there are some clues to help resolve the current situation as well.


The Black House is represented by the church of the alliance and the black words could mean some type of permanent curse that would irreversibly change the cannibals, instead of the temporary hunger treatments.


The Church of the Alliance might be the real motivator behind this.